Lecture notes for "Applied Numerical Linear Algebra", Fall 2023
Lectures will be recorded, and posted
in .mp4 (video) format on bcourses.berkeley.edu,
These lectures will be recordings
of me speaking, writing on a "virtual whiteboard", and occasionally displaying
prepared figures, powerpoint, or doing live Matlab demonstrations.
We will try to post typed course notes before each lecture (in .txt and .pdf),
and a pdf of the "virtual white board" after each on-line class meeting.
One "lecture" covers one topic, which might take more than one 50-minute
class meeting. You can find all the notes and virtual white boards from the
last offering in Spr 22 here.
In addition, a student generously typed up all the class notes from
this last offering in latex. These notes, which may turn into a new
edition of the textbook, have not been proofread, so are only posted
on bcourses, under files as ma221_scribed_notes.pdf.
Suggested comments or corrections are welcome, in any of these materials!
If I notice any minor mistakes in the virtual whiteboard after recording,
I will correct them before posting, using red ink to make changes easier to see.
I will also indicate below the relevant sections of the textbook to read.