UC Berkeley CS267 Home Page:
UC Berkeley CS267 Home Page: Spring 1996
U.C. Berkeley CS267 Home Page
Applications of Parallel Computers
Spring 1996
TuTh 12:30-2, 405 Soda
Jim Demmel
Office hours: T Th 2:15 - 3:00, F 1-2, or by appointment
(send email)
Boris Vaysman
Evening sessions: T 6:00, 405 Soda (at least 4 first weeks)
Office hours: at ICSI by apt.
(send email)
(last updated Mon Apr 29 13:25:36 PDT 1996)
Lecture Notes
Final Projects
On-line Documentation and Information about Machines
Parallel Related Sites at Berkeley
Other Parallel Information Sites
Other offerings of CS267:
Related On-line Courses and Textbooks
Computational Science Education at Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
Using MPI:
Portable Parallel Programming with the Message-Passing Interface
by W. Gropp, E. Lusk, and A. Skjellum
Parallel Computing Works,
by G. Fox, R. Williams, and P. Messina (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers)
CS294-8 / Chem 231A,
Computational Biology and Chemistry, Spring 1996.
18.337, Parallel Scientific Computing, Spring 1996.
Taught by Alan Edelman.
CS258, Parallel Computer Architecture, Spring 1995.
Taught by David Culler.
CS294, Multiprocessor Networks, Fall 1994.
Taught by Eric Brewer.
CS294, Computer Architecture, Fall 1994.
Taught by Dave Patterson.
CSEP - Computational Science Education Project
Designing and Building Parallel Programs.
A dead-tree version of this book is available by
High Performance Fortran (HPF), a course offered by
Manchester and North High Performance Computing Training & Education Centre,
United Kingdom
Parallel Processing Laboratory,
Colorado School of Mines
Tom Anderson
Eric Brewer
Dave Culler
Jim Demmel
Jerry Feldman
W. Kahan
Dave Patterson
Kathy Yelick
Other UCB EECS classes with home pages