During the Fall semester 2007 the Putnam Problems Practice Seminar was
run jointly by Prof. Vera Serganova, 709 Evans Hall, 642-2150
..... whose web page is at math.berkeley.edu/~serganov ,
and by Prof. Wm. Kahan, whose web pages you see here.
Participants were expected to meet at ...
4 - 6 pm. Mondays in 71 Evans Hall, and
8 - 10 am. Fridays in 75 Evans.
That seminar's LAST MEETING on Mon. 3 Dec. 2007 was devoted to such
solutions to Putnam Exam problems as we had found. These problems
and their solutions had been posted promptly but unofficially
For the Fall Semester of 2008 the Problem Solving Practice classes
were conducted by Prof. Olga Holtz; for 2009 by Prof. A. Givental,
and for 2010 by Prof. Olga Holtz again as Math. 191 (1) .
Files available from this web page as of 8 Nov. 2010;
some may have been updated since first posted, so get the latest!
New problems and solutions to old ones used to be posted here on Fridays.
On Sat. 4 Dec. 2010 the 71st Putnam Competition Exam in Berkeley
will take place in Rm. 120 of Latimer Hall (Chemistry Dept.)
just Southwest of the East Gate to the campus from Gayley Rd.