Past Projects
Tactile Sensing
Tele-Taction and
Tactile Sensing (1982-2002)
Tactile sensing of cylinder contact
E. Nicolson PhD (1994)
tactile sensing movie (1987)
construction of capacitive tactile sensor (1993)
Manipulation and Soft Fingers
Dexterous Manipulation, etc. from '80s and
movie e.g.
ICRA 1986
Part rolling (1984)
movie e.g.
IEEE JRA 1986 and ACC 1984.
Part rolling (1984)
Manipulation with soft fingers
Soft finger design by Michael
Cohn (1991). movie
rapid prototyping millirobots (2000-2008)
Dextrous manipulation and microassembly movie
Eiji Shimada's microassembly page
Manipulation of microparts using force controlled pushing (1998)
Folded polysilicon microgripper
movie |
Dynamic modelling of threaded insertion (1991)
Millirobotics for Minimally-Invasive surgery (1994-2004)
Mobile Robots
Micromechanical Flying Insect (1998-2008)
The goal of this project is to develop an autonomous
0.1 gram flying robot using insect-inspired wing
Flight mill lift movie (2002)
MFI suspended on wire
movie (2003)
MilliRobot Prototyping using Composite Fiber
Toolkits (2000-2007)
We developed a low cost (<$1000)) desktop factory
which will allow users to build millirobots from a
kit of components. |
Mechatronics Design Lab (1996)
Completely autonomous race cars, using IR beacons
for tracking other cars, and optical track
following. On-board computation is 8 bit processor
(6811). Start signal is given by camera flash. Car
with most laps in 2 minutes is the winner.
MicroGlider Project (2004-2005)
Credit card robot: squeeze film levitated,
magnetically driven.(1992) |
Credit card
robot (1995)
Maze solving by paramecia (1990)
Paramecia Control (1991)
movie |
Acrobot hopping (1992)
simulation .mp4
Acrobot project 1988-1993. See
e.g. ``Control of a Two-Link Robot to
Achieve Sliding and Hopping Gaits'', IEEE ICRA
open loop
.wmv and
sim .wmv
Acrobot model on air table (circa 1993)