Prof. W. Kahan's Notes and Problems for Math. 185:
- - Analytic Functions of a Complex Variable - -

This Fall semester 2006, lectures for Math. 185 sect. 2 took place ...

Prof. Kahan's usual office hours:
2:20 pm. - 3:00 Mon. & Fri. in 863 Evans Hall, Wed. in 733 Soda Hall

Grad. Student Instructor Matt Harvey was available for help
in 891 Evans Hall on Mon. noon-5 pm. and Tues. 11 am. - 4 pm.
and also by e-mail: (Obfuscated to deter spam)
M a t t h AT m a t h D0T b e r k e l e y D0T edu .

The reader assigned to this section of Math. 185 was Mr. Yi Liu
whose office was 844 Evans Hall. His obfuscated e-mail:
y i l i u AT m a t h D0T b e r k e l e y D0T edu .

The FINAL EXAM for this section #2 of Math. 185 took place
5 - 8 pm. Fri. 15 Dec. 2006 in 2 Evans Hall.
The class had voted for an exam to which each examinee could bring a
Crib-Sheet: An 8.5x11" sheet covered with the examinee's own notes.
No other notes, books, papers, computers nor telephones were allowed.

A Review Session:
An extra class meeting to review course material was held
Noon - 2 pm. Mon. 11 Dec. 2006 in 2 Evans.

Prof. Kahan held extra office hours in or near 863 Evans