Computer Science Logo Style volume 1: Symbolic Computing 2/e Copyright (C) 1997 MIT

Computer Science Logo Style
Volume 1: Symbolic Computing

Brian Harvey
University of California, Berkeley

Volume 2: Advanced Techniques
Volume 3: Beyond Programming
Download Berkeley Logo (UCBLogo)
Brian's home page
     MIT Press web page for Computer Science Logo Style

Below this short table of contents is an expanded table of contents including sections within each chapter. Click on the chapter name to jump down. You can also download the complete text of each chapter in PDF format for elegant printing, or browse the HTML version.

Note: These books are still in copyright, and in print. They are posted here for your personal use, not for resale or redistribution. Thanks!


(frontmatter in PDF) (HTML)



1. Exploration


2. Procedures


3. Variables


4. Predicates


5. Functions of Functions


6. Example: Tic-Tac-Toe


This program plays the game of Tic Tac Toe against the user. It follows a perfect strategy, so it always wins or ties.

7. Introduction to Recursion


8. Practical Recursion: the Leap of Faith


9. How Recursion Works


10. Turtle Geometry


11. Recursive Operations


12. Example: Playfair Cipher


This project demonstrates the use of a slightly complex cipher, in which a given letter in the original text is not always represented by the same letter in the coded version.

13. Planning


14. Example: Pitcher Problem Solver


This program solves the category of problems in which you are given pitchers of certain sizes and asked to use them to measure a specified amount of water from a river.

15. Debugging



(backmatter in PDF)

A. Running Berkeley Logo


B. GNU General Public License


Index of Defined Procedures


General Index


MIT Press web page for Computer Science Logo Style

Brian Harvey,