W1 |
1/19 |
L1 |
Intro, course goals and structure, what is CG? [1.1-1.4]. Graphics display types. Modeling and Rendering. |
x |
1/20 |
DS |
C++ [1.6-1.8]. OpenGL. Libraries; data structures. |
x |
1/25 |
A0: Hand in questionnaire, set-up account, make personal home page. Review some useful math: [2.1-2.4; 5.1-5.2]. |
x |
W2 |
1/24 |
L2 |
graphics, raster graphics, rasterization, Bresenham, DDA [3.1,
3.3, 3.5{8.1.1}]. Polygon representation. Interaction; I/O-devices. |
x |
1/26 |
L3 |
"Inside Story" on polygons. Winding number. Line clipping. Polygon clipping. Interpolation in general Ch 3.6-3.7; Ch 17.1-17.2..Coordinate systems in the classical rendering pipeline. | x |
1/27 |
DS |
A1: Line drawing; rubber-banding. OBJ*-output; reading OBJ* files. Picking points and moving them. Bresenham. | x |
1/28 |
A1: Interactively draw a fancy polygon, and output an OBJ data file. |
x |
W3 |
1/31 |
L4 |
2D Transformations; homogeneous coordinates; compound transformations, viewport
mapping [6.3.1]. Geometry picking. Bounding volumes
[10.9]. |
x |
2/2 |
L5 |
Hierarchical modeling [13.3]; groups and instances. Inheritance of color, LOD. Recursive bounding boxes. Scene description file (SDC). | x |
2/3 |
DS |
A2: linear interpolation, morphing; bounding boxes; transformations, scene hierarchy; | x |
2/4 |
A2: Modify your fancy polygon into a different shape, and morph between the two shapes; add a dynamic bounding box. |
x |
W4 |
2/7 |
L6 |
Rendering paradigms. Basic ray-casting. Lighting models. Surface properties. | x |
2/9 |
L7 |
Lighting models. Surface properties. Shading techniques [9.1-9.2;
10.1-10.4]. {4.1-4.6; 10.1-10.2} |
x |
2/10 |
DS |
A3: time-dependence (animation); nested bounding boxes. [5.1-5.2; 6.1-6.3]. A4: Ray-casting ... |
x |
2/11 |
A3: Create hierarchical 2D scene: compose, time-varying, transformed polygon instances; dynamically show bounding boxes at all levels. | x |
W5 |
2/14 |
L8 | Sweep-scan-line rasterization. Gouraud shading. Z-buffering [8.1-8.2]. Ray-tracing basics
[10.1-10.8]. 3D homogeneous transformations. -- Take-Home Exam: Due Feb.16. Reserve 2-3hrs of quiet time! |
x |
2/16 |
L9 | Reflection and refraction; Lighting calculations [19.1-3]{20.1-3}; arb. 3D rotations; transformation of normals. Hierarchical "Sphere World". | x |
2/17 |
DS |
A4:surface properties; RGB color; diffuse and specular reflection; normal vector transformation [6.2.2]. | x |
2/20 |
A4: Ray-cast 3 spheres with different surface properties and a single light source. |
x |
W6 |
2/21 |
--- |
2/23 |
L10 |
anti-aliasing, distribution ray tracing [10.11]. Ray-tracing: physical,
geometrical, statistical view. |
x |
2/24 |
DS |
A5: Reflected and refracted rays; recursive ray-tracing; shadows; viewing transformations. reflection [19.1-19.3; 20.1-20.8] | x |
2/26 |
Ray-trace a hierarchical scene of transformed and grouped ellipsoids
from varying view-points; shadows; distribution ray-tracing. |
x |
W7 |
2/28 |
L11 |
Accelerate ray-tracing with bounding volumes [10.9]. Triangle-ray intersect.[10.3]. Discuss Take-Home Exam. Various 3D modeling paradigms. | x |
3/2 |
L12 |
B-reps, winged-edge data structure [13.1-13.2]. Introduction to splines [15.1-15.7]. | x |
3/3 |
DS |
A6: Ray intersections with triangles and bounding boxes. |
x |
A6: Ray-tracing large ellipsoid scenes; acceleration through use of bounding volumes; recursive ray-tracing for reflections. |
x |
W8 |
3/7 |
L13 |
Turning number. Bezier curves, B-splines, sweeps | x |
3/9 |
L14 |
Composite Bezier curves. Differential geometry of space curves, Frenet frame; rotation-minimizing sweeps. | x |
3/10 |
DS |
A6: Cubic curves;camera on roller coaster. Introduction to shader languages. |
x |
A7: Make a 3D roller-coaster track based on a sweep generator. -- Move a car along spline track. Dynamic viewing from car. | x |
W9 |
3/14 |
L15 |
Smooth shading; surface decorations: texture-, bump-, displacement-, environment-mapping. [Ch. 11, Ch 17] | x |
3/16 |
L16 |
3/17 |
DS |
A8: Shaders; surface decorations: texture-, bump-, displacement-, environment-mapping | x |
A8: Smooth sweep surfaces with surface decorations. Shader programs. | x |
--- |
3/21 |
--- |
x |
3/23 |
--- |
W10 |
3/28 |
L17 |
-- Discussion of Midterm Exam -- Joints, articulated skeletons, forward and inverse kinematics [16.4]. | x |
3/30 |
L18 |
The classical rendering pipeline [12.1-12.7] General viewing transform; perspective projection, [7.1-7.5]. | x |
3/31 |
DS |
A9: Inverse kinematics |
x |
A9: Forward and inverse kinematics |
x |
W11 |
4/4 |
L19 |
DoFs. The classical rendering pipeline [12.1-12.7] unified camera model; canonical viewing volume; perspective transform | x |
4/6 |
L20 |
Vanishing points, horizon lines; various types of projection; complete perspective viewing transform | x |
4/7 |
DS |
articulated models, kinematics, skinning. |
x |
A9(cont.): Forward and inverse kinematics and skinning of articulated models | x |
W12 |
4/11 |
L21 |
The modern rendering pipeline, graphics hardware development. -- Subdivision curves and surfaces. | x |
4/13 |
L22 |
-- Subdivision curves and surfaces. Texture-mapped subdivision surfaces of arbitrary genus. |
x |
4/14 |
DS |
General viewing transform; perspective projection, homogeneous coordinates [7.1-7.5]. CC Subdivision. |
x |
Final Project starts: A10: Submit Proposal for Final Course Project and Team Composition |
x |
W13 |
4/18 |
L23 |
Global illumination [23.1-23.3]; Overview over advanced
rendering techniques: path tracing, photon tracing, etc... |
x |
4/20 |
L24 |
BRDF [24.1-24.3; 19.1.6]. Rendering Equation. Ambient occlusion, Radiosity rendering, Photon mapping. Participating media. | x |
4/21 |
DS |
BRDF; rendering equation;
global illumination, realism in rendering. |
x |
Final Project continues: A11: Revised Project Proposal | x |
W14 |
4/25 |
L25 |
Color spaces, human visual system; [19.1-19.3; 20.1-20.8] -- [25.1-25.2]. HKN-survey | x |
4/27 |
L26 |
LAST LECTURE ! Transparency, translucency. Aliasing; problems with image and texture sampling | x |
4/28 |
DS |
Spring-mass systems and simulations [16.5]. | x |
Project: A12: Submit a Progress Report Showing an Image of Some Geometry Created for the Project | x |
W15 |
Project Completion + RECITATION -- Study for final exam |
x |
5/4 |
L27 |
Discussion of final exam questions |
x |
W16 |
5/10 |
L28 |
PROJECT DEMOS: by appointment schedule; 330 SODA HALL A13: Submit Final Project Report on-line. | x |
5/11 |
L29 | PROJECT DEMOS: by appointment schedule; 330 SODA HALL A13: Submit Final Project Report on-line. | x |
5/13 |
L30 |
FINAL EXAM -- Group 6: FRIDAY, MAY 13, 2011, 8-11 AM, Bechtel Auditorium | x |