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Lecture #23 -- Mon 4/18/2011.

Question of the Day:

Why are the rendering paradigms discussed so far not good enough to render these scenes ?
What are the effects that we have not yet taken care of ?   -- What might be a conceptual way to deal with them ?

A more detailed discussion of these effects

Advanced Rendering Techniques, Global Illumination

Characterizing the Types of Rendering Paths with Regular Expressions:

L  =  Path starts at or hits a light source

D  =  Path makes a diffuse bounce

S  =  Path makes a specular / refractive bounce

E  =  Path hits (or starts at) the eye

Ray Casting (review)

Rays are cast from the eye through all pixels and report their  first  intersection in Scene. From these points of intersections, rays may be cast towards all light sources to determine whether they are illuminated by those sources or are shadowed by some obstacle.
Symbolically, these are the paths that are being investigated:  E (S|D) L

Ray Tracing (review)

Rays are cast from the eye through all pixels. At intersections with reflective or with transparent surfaces, secondary rays are initiated in the reflected and refracted directions; these new rays are generated in a recursive manner.
Symbolically, these are the paths that are being investigated:  E S* (S|D) L

Cone Tracing

This was a (mostly unsuccessful) attempt to make ray-tracing more efficient by exploiting  coherence  of near-by rays. Cone-shaped bundles of rays are pursued jointly, with the expectation that they would experience (for the most part) the same kind of surface intersections, reflections, and shadowing. But for interesting scenes, this is typically not true, and the book-keeping becomes prohibitive.

Beam Tracing

This was another (not so successful) attempt to make ray-tracing more efficient by exploiting coherence of near-by rays. In this case, the rays that are traced together form pyramids with polygonal cross sections corresponding to the shape of individual faces or the spaces left between them. Again, the various rays in a bundle will typically encounter different situations and thus become dissimilar very quickly.

Classical Rendering Pipeline (review)

In a loose analogy, this can be understood as a one-step "beam-casting" procedure. The pyramids corresponding to individual faces in the scene, with the eye as the pyramid tip are cast into the z-buffer and enhanced with some lighting effects such as Gouraud shading or Phong shading.

Path Tracing

This is an exhaustive (inefficient), un-biased, statistical approach to ray-casting that also generates  secondary rays on diffuse surfaces.  These secondary rays are emitted in a statistical manner based on the BRDF (Bidirectional reflectance distribution function) at the intersection point with a surface. (More likely directions of reflection are sampled more frequently.)
Symbolically, these are the paths that are being investigated:  E (S|D)* L

Photon Tracing

This is also an exhaustive (inefficient), statistical approach to deal with all forms of illumination in an unbiased way. It simulates realistic photon behavior by using an adapted ray tracing method that  sends rays from all light sources.  Each ray keeps bouncing around until one of three things occurs:  (a) it leaves the rendering scene;  (b) it hits the eye or camera;  (c) it has been absorbed by one of the surface intersections or reduced in its radiance value (probability of existence of the photon) below some appropriate threshold.
Symbolically, these are the paths that are being investigated:  L (S|D)* E

Metropolis Light Transport

The procedure constructs paths from the eye to a light source using bidirectional path tracing, then constructs slight modifications to the path. Some careful statistical calculation (the Metropolis algorithm) is used to compute the appropriate distribution of brightness over the image. Once a path has been found from a light to the eye, the algorithm can then explore nearby paths; thus difficult-to-find light paths can be explored more thoroughly for a given number of simulated photons. Metropolis Light Transport is an unbiased method that converges to a solution of the rendering equation quicker than other unbiased algorithms such as Path Tracing or Photon Tracing.

Ambient Occlusion

Deals with the ambient lighting coming from the "sky."  Assumes a hemispherical sky-dome of uniform brightness.  Calculates for each surface point in the scene a quick approximation of what fraction of this sky-dome can be seen, and assigns a corresponding brightness.


Tries to answer the question "How do the photons from the light source(s) travel around the scene?" in a more efficient manner than Photon Tracing by exploiting coherence and relying on conservation of energy.  In the simplest case we assume all the surfaces are perfectly diffuse reflectors. Thus the apparent brightness of a surface is independent of viewer position.  However, large (flat) polygons can still have non-uniform brightness because of non-uniform illumination. We now consider indirect illumination by other illuminated and diffusely reflecting surfaces.  For this, we break up large surfaces into small flat polygons (patches) over which we can assume the brightness to be constant.  Once all the patches have been assigned their brightness (color) values, we can render the scene from any viewpoint.

To calculate the amount of diffuse illumination that gets passed from one patch to another, we need to know the  form factor  between them.  This form factor describes how well the two patches can see one another (depends on distance, relative orientation, occluders between them).  Once we have determined all these purely geometrical form factors, we can set up a system of  p  linear equations in the radiosity of the  p  patches.  Solving this system with a direct method (e.g. Gaussian elimination) is not practical, if there are thousands or millions of patches.  But we can exploit the fact that most of the form factors are typically zero, since many pairs of patches cannot send much light to each other.
Thus we can apply an iterative approach:
-- First consider only the light directly emitted by the active light sources.
-- Then add the light that results from only a  single reflection  on any surface from the source lights.
-- Next add the light that has seen  two reflections,  and so on ...
-- The process is stopped locally whenever the additional contributions fall below some desired level of accuracy.
Symbolically, these are the paths that are being investigated:  L D* E

Two-Pass Method

One way to combine the best capabilities of  radiosity-based rendering (indirect lighting by diffuse-diffuse interreflections)
and of  ray-tracing (specular reflections, translucency), is to use a  two-pass  method.
The first pass is a radiosity-like algorithm that creates an approximate global illumination solution.
In the second pass this approximation is rendered using an optimized Monte Carlo ray tracer (statistical sampling).
This scheme works very well for modest scenes.
But for models with millions of polygons, procedural objects, and many glossy reflections, the rendering costs rise steeply,
mainly because storing illumination within a tessellated representation of the geometry uses too much memory.

Photon Mapping

This gives the best results for the amount of computational effort spent.
Symbolically, these are the paths that are being investigated:  L (S|D)* E;   E S* D.

Feedback on Course Projects

Keep it manageable!  Focus on the key technical challenges.
Don't try to re-enact in only 3 weeks what took the computer graphics research community
or the video-game industry 10 years to develop!!

Revise and clarify your proposal by this Friday,
and show something on your project page that convinces us that you have started serious programming:
e.g., a rough geometry model of your main character, the overal test scene set-up for your fancy renderer,
       a first track geometry for your racing game, or a control polygon for your high-genus subdivision surface...

Make sure that in two weeks you will have your basic scene set up and functional in a limited manner,
so that you have something worthwhile to write about in your  progress report.

Reading Assignments:

Shirley:  2nd Ed: Ch.19.1 - 19.2; Ch.23
               3rd Ed: Ch.20.1 - 20.2; Ch.24

CS 184 Course Project:   Consult Project Page!
AS#11: Revise your project proposal; clarify technical challenges.
Show some evidence (a picture)  that serious programming has started.
Every participant must have a link to a (shared) proposal on their web page.

Due Saturday April 23, 11pm  (worth another 10% of project grade).

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