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Modular Integration of Circuits and Structure (MICS)
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The year 1994 yielded publications on the details of the Modular Integration of Circuits and microStructures (MICS) process. Historically, this process was developed by Weijie Yun and Clark Nguyen in the Berkeley Microlab during the Summer and Fall of 1992. Later, Jim Bustillo and Gary Fedder redid the process, introducing some improvements. (That Weijie does not show up as an author of the Microsystem Technologies paper is somewhat of a crime, but this is ancient history.)
J. M. Bustillo, G. K. Fedder, C. T.-C. Nguyen, and R. T. Howe, “Process technology for the modular integration of CMOS and polysilicon microstructures,” Microsystem Technologies, 1 (1994), pp. 30-41.
C. T.-C. Nguyen and R. T. Howe, “Design and performance of monolithic CMOS micromechanical resonator oscillators,” Proceedings, 1994 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, Boston, MA, May 31-June 3, 1994, pp. 127-134.
C. T.-C. Nguyen and R. T. Howe, “Polysilicon microresonators for signal processing,” Digest of Papers, Government Microcircuit and Applications Conference, San Diego, CA, Aug. 15, 1994, pp. 195-198.
C. T.-C. Nguyen, “Micromechanical Signal Processors,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California at Berkeley, December 1994.