Year | Topic | Title |
2023 | Alg | High-Performance Filters For GPUs, Hunter McCoy, Steven Hofmeyr, Katherine Yelick, Prashant Pandey, Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2023), February/March 2023 Montreal, Canada, (arXiv preprint PDF) |
2022 | RTS | Scalable irregular parallelism with GPUs: getting CPUs out of the way, Yuxin Chen, Benjamin Brock, Serban Porumbescu, Aydın Buluç, John D. Owens, SC22: The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis, November 13–18, 2022, Dallas, Texas, IEEE Computer Society, pages 708-723. (PDF) |
2022 | App | Distributed-Memory Parallel Contig Generation for De Novo Long-Read Genome Assembly, Giulia Guidi, Gabriel Raulet, Daniel Rokhsar, Leonid Oliker, Katherine Yelick, Aydın Buluç, 51st International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP ’22), August/September 2022. (arXiv preprint PDF) |
2022 | PGAS | Atos: A task-parallel GPU dynamic scheduling framework for dynamic irregular computations, Yuxin Chen, Benjamin Brock, Serban Porumbescu, Aydın Buluç, John D. Owens, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2022), August/September 2022. (arXiv preprint PDF) |
2022 | App | Critical Assessment of Metagenome Interpretation: the second round of challenges, Fernando Meyer, Adrian Fritz, Zhi-Luo Deng, David Koslicki, Till Robin Lesker, Alexey Gurevich, Gary Robertson, Mohammed Alser, Dmitry Antipov, Francesco Beghini, Denis Bertrand, Jaqueline J. Brito, C. Titus Brown, Jan Buchmann, Aydin Buluç, Bo Chen, Rayan Chikhi, Philip T. L. C. Clausen, Alexandru Cristian, Piotr Wojciech Dabrowski, Aaron E. Darling, Rob Egan, Eleazar Eskin, Evangelos Georganas, Eugene Goltsman, Melissa A. Gray, Lars Hestbjerg Hansen, Steven Hofmeyr, Pingqin Huang, Luiz Irber, Huijue Jia, Tue Sparholt Jørgensen, Silas D. Kieser, Terje Klemetsen, Axel Kola, Mikhail Kolmogorov, Anton Korobeynikov, Jason Kwan, Nathan LaPierre, Claire Lemaitre, Chenhao Li, Antoine Limasset, Fabio Malcher-Miranda, Serghei Mangul, Vanessa R. Marcelino, Camille Marchet, Pierre Marijon, Dmitry Meleshko, Daniel R. Mende, Alessio Milanese, Niranjan Nagarajan, Jakob Nissen, Sergey Nurk, Leonid Oliker, Lucas Paoli, Pierre Peterlongo, Vitor C. Piro, Jacob S. Porter, Simon Rasmussen, Evan R. Rees, Knut Reinert, Bernhard Renard, Espen Mikal Robertsen, Gail L. Rosen, Hans-Joachim Ruscheweyh, Varuni Sarwal, Nicola Segata, Enrico Seiler, Lizhen Shi, Fengzhu Sun, Shinichi Sunagawa, Søren Johannes Sørensen, Ashleigh Thomas, Chengxuan Tong, Mirko Trajkovski, Julien Tremblay, Gherman Uritskiy, Riccardo Vicedomini, Zhengyang Wang, Ziye Wang, Zhong Wang, Andrew Warren, Nils Peder Willassen, Katherine Yelick, Ronghui You, Georg Zeller, Zhengqiao Zhao, Shanfeng Zhu, Jie Zhu, Ruben Garrido-Oter, Petra Gastmeier, Stephane Hacquard, Susanne Häußler, Ariane Khaledi, Friederike Maechler, Fantin Mesny, Simona Radutoiu, Paul Schulze-Lefert, Nathiana Smit, Till Strowig, Andreas Bremges, Alexander Sczyrba & Alice Carolyn McHardy, Nature methods 19 (4), 429-440, April 8, 2022. (PDF) |
2021 | App | Accelerating Large-Scale Genome Assembly with GPUs, Muaaz Awan, Jack Deslippe, Steven Hofmeyr, Rob Egan, Aydın Buluç, Leonid Oliker, Katherine Yelick, ACM/IEEE International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC21), November, 2021. Best paper finalist. |
2021 | Alg | QFAST: Conflating Search and Numerical Optimization for Scalable Quantum Circuit Synthesis,, Ed Younis, Koushik Sen, Katherine Yelick, Costin Iancu, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), October 17-22, 2021. Best paper award. DOI: 10.1109/QCE52317.2021.00041 (arXiv Preprint PDF) |
2021 | Rep | CloudBank: Managed Services to Simplify Cloud Access for Computer Science Research and Education, Michael Norman, Vince Kellen, Shava Smallen, Brian DeMeulle, Shawn Strande, Ed Lazowska, Naomi Alterman, Rob Fatland, Sarah Stone, Amanda Tan, Katherine Yelick, Eric Van Dusen, James Mitchell, Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing, 2021/7/17, Pages 1-4. (PDF) |
2021 | Rep | 10 years later: Cloud computing is closing the performance gap Giulia Guidi, Marquita Ellis, Aydin Buluç, Katherine Yelick, David Culler, HotCloudPerf 2021 Workshop, Companion of the ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering, 2021/4/19, Pages 41-48. (PDF) |
2021 | PGAS | Scaling Generalized N-Body Problems, A Case Study from Genomics, Marquita Ellis, Aydin Buluc, Katherine Yelick, ICPP 2021: 50th International Conference on Parallel Processing, August 2021, Article No.: 64, pp. 1–9. (PDF) |
2021 | PGAS | Asynchrony versus bulk-synchrony for a generalized N-body problem from genomics, Marquita Ellis, Aydın Buluç, Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on the Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, 2021/2/17, Pages 465-466. Virtual format. Poster presentation. DOI: 10.1145/3437801.3441580. (PDF) |
2020 | App | The Parallelism Motifs of Genomic Data Analysis, Katherine Yelick, Aydın Buluç, Muaaz Awan, Ariful Azad, Benjamin Brock, Rob Egan, Saliya Ekanayake, Marquita Ellis, Evangelos Georganas, Giulia Guidi, Steven Hofmeyr, Oguz Selvitopi, Cristina Teodoropol, and Leonid Oliker, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2020, 378:20190394. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2019.0394. (PDF) |
2020 | App | Exascale Applications: Skin in the Game, Francis Alexander, Ann Almgren, John Bell, Amitava Bhattacharjee, Jacqueline Chen, Phil Colella, David Daniel, Jack DeSlippe, Lori Diachin, Erik Draeger, Anshu Dubey, Thom Dunning, Thomas Evans, Ian Foster, Marianne Francois, Tim Germann, Mark Gordon, Salman Habib, Mahantesh Halappanavar, Steven Hamilton, William Hart, Zhenyu (Henry) Huang, Aimee Hungerford, Daniel Kasen, Paul R. C. Kent, Tzanio Kolev, Douglas B. Kothe, Andreas Kronfeld, Ye Luo, Paul Mackenzie, David McCallen, Bronson Messer, Sue Mniszewski, Chris Oehmen, Amedeo Perazzo, Danny Perez, David Richards,William J. Rider, Rob Rieben, Kenneth Roche, Andrew Siege, Michael Sprague, Carl Steefel, Rick Stevens, Madhava Syamlal, Mark Taylor, John Turner, Jean-Luc Vay, Artur F. Voter, Theresa L.Windus, and Katherine Yelick, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 2020, 378:20190056. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2019.0056. (PDF) |
2020 | Rep | Future Directions of Parallel and Distributed Computing: SPX 2019 Workshop Report, Scott Stoller, Scott, Michael Carbin (co-chairs), Sarita Adve, Kunal Agrawal, Guy Blelloch, Dan Stanzione, Katherine Yelick, Matei Zaharia, NSF Workshop Reports, October 2019. (PDF, Official NSF release to appear, October 2020.) |
2019 | PGAS | RDMA vs. RPC for Implementing Distributed Data Structures, Benjamin Brock, Yuxin Chen, Jiakun Yan, John Owens, Aydın Buluç, and Katherine Yelick, Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms (IA3), November, 2019. (Preprint) |
2019 | App | diBELLA: Distributed Long Read to Long Read Alignment, Marquita Ellis, Giulia Guidi, Aydin Buluc, Leonid Oliker, and Katherine Yelick, International Conference on Parallel Processing, Kyoto, Japan, August 5-8, 2019. (Paper, Preprint) |
2019 | PGAS | BCL: A Cross-Platform Distributed Data Structures Library, Benjamin Brock, Aydin Buluc, and Katherine Yelick, International Conference on Parallel Processing, Kyoto, Japan, August 5-8, 2019. (Paper, Preprint) |
2019 | Rep | 2019 Computing Sciences Strategic Plan, Kathy Yelick, Deb Agarwal, Debbie Bard, John Shalf, Ann Almgren, Wahid Bhimji, Ben Brown, Jonathan Carter, Bert De Jong, Doug Doerfler, David Donofrio, Chin Guok, Costin Iancu, Mariam Kiran, Sherry Li, Peter Nugent, Prabhat, Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Dilip Vasudevan, Nick Wright, Helen Cademartori, Katie Antypas, Kathy Kincade. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, November 2019. (PDF) |
2018 | App | Extreme Scale de Novo Metagenome Assembly, Evangelos Georganas, Steven Hofmeyr, Leonid Oliker, Rob Egan, Daniel Rokhsar, Aydin Buluc, Katherine Yelick, International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (“Supercomputing”, SC’18), Dallas, Texas, November 2018. Best Paper Finalist. (Paper, Preprint) |
2018 | Auto | Indigo: A Domain-Specific Language for Fast, Portable Image Reconstruction, Michael Driscoll, Benjamin Brock, Frank Ong, Jonathan Tamir, Hsiou-Yuan Liu, Michael Lustig, Armando Fox, Katherine Yelick. International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 2018. (PDF) |
2018 | App | Communication-Avoiding Optimization Methods for Massive-Scale Graphical Model Structure Learning, Penporn Koanantakool, Alnur Ali, Ariful Azad, Aydın Buluç, Dmitriy Morozov, Leonid Oliker, Katherine Yelick, and Sang-Yun Oh, 21st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2018). |
2017 | App | MerBench: PGAS Benchmarks for High Performance Genome Assembly, Evangelos Georganas, Marquita Ellis, Rob Egan, Steven Hofmeyr, Aydin Buluç, Brandon Cook, Leonid Oliker, Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the Second Annual PGAS Applications Workshop, November 12, 2017. (PDF) |
2017 | App | Performance Characterization of De Novo Genome Assembly on Leading Parallel Systems, Marquita Ellis, Evangelos Georganas, Rob Egan, Steven Hofmeyr, Aydın Buluç, Brandon Cook, Leonid Oliker and Katherine Yelick, Euro-Par'17, August 2017. (PDF) |
2017 | App | Communication-Avoiding Optimization Methods for Massive-Scale Graphical Model Structure Learning, Penporn Koanantakool, Alnur Ali, Ariful Azad, Aydın Buluç, Dmitriy Morozov, Sang-Yun Oh, Leonid Oliker, and Katherine Yelick, ArXiv e-prints arXiv:1710.10769, October 2017. (PDF) |
2016 | Rep | 21st Century Computer Architecture, Mark D Hill, Sarita Adve, Luis Ceze, Mary Jane Irwin, David Kaeli, Margaret Martonosi, Josep Torrellas, Thomas F. Wenisch, David Wood, Katherine Yelick, A Community White Paper organized by the Computing Community Consortium, arXiv:1609.06756, September 2016. (PDF) |
2016 | PGAS | A Hartree-Fock Application using UPC++ and the New DArray Library, David Ozog, Amir Kamil, Yili Zheng, Paul Hargrove, Jeff R. Hammond, Allen Malony, Wibe de Jong, Katherine Yelick, International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Chicago, IL, June 2016. (PDF) |
2016 | Alg | Communication-Avoiding Parallel Sparse-Dense Matrix-Matrix Multiplication, Penporn Koanantakool, Ariful Azad, Aydın Buluç, Dmitriy Morozovy, Sang-Yun Oh, Leonid Oliker, Katherine Yelick, International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Chicago, IL, June 2016. (PDF) |
2016 | Rep | Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure to Support U.S. Science and Engineering in 2017-2020, Committee on Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure to Support U.S. Science and Engineering in 2017-2020, Computer Science and Telecommunication Board Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies. The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2016. Committee members: William D. Gropp and Robert Harrison, Co-Chairs; Mark R. Abbott; David Arnett; Robert L. Grossman; Peter M. Kogge; Padma Raghavan; Daniel A. Reed; Valerie Taylor; Katherine A. Yelick; Jon Eisenberg; Shenae Bradley. (PDF) |
2015 | App | HiPMer: An extreme-scale de novo genome assembler, Evangelos Georganas, Aydın Buluç, Jarrod Chapman, Steven Hofmeyr, Chaitanya Aluru, Rob Egan, Leonid Oliker, Daniel Rokhsar, Katherine Yelick, International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (“Supercomputing”, SC’15), Austin, Texas, November 2015. (PDF) |
2015 | PGAS | Implementing High-Performance Geometric Multigrid Solver with Naturally Grained Messages, Hongzhang Shan, Samuel Williams, Yili Zheng, Amir Kamil, Katherine Yelick, 9th International Conference on Partitioned Global Address Space Programming Models (PGAS), IEEE, Washington, DC, September 2015, pages 38-46. |
2015 | App | MerAligner: A Fully Parallel Sequence Aligner, Evangelos Georganas, Aydın Buluç, Jarrod Chapman, Leonid Oliker, Daniel Rokhsar, Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Hyderabad, India, May 25, 2015. (PDF) |
2015 | PGAS | Parallel Hessian Assembly for Seismic Waveform Inversion Using Global Updates, Scott French, Yili Zheng, Barbara Romanowicz, Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Hyderabad, India, May 25, 2015, pages 753-762. |
2015 | PGAS | A whole-genome shotgun approach for assembling and anchoring the hexaploid bread wheat genome, Jarrod A Chapman, Martin Mascher, Aydın Buluç, Kerrie Barry, Evangelos Georganas, Adam Session, Veronika Strnadova, Jerry Jenkins, Sunish Sehgal, Leonid Oliker, Jeremy Schmutz, Katherine Yelick, Uwe Scholz, Robbie Waugh, Jesse A Poland, Gary J Muehlbauer, Nils Stein and Daniel S. Rokhsar, Genome Biology, January 31, 2015. |
2014 | App | Parallel De Bruijn Graph Construction and Traversal for De Novo Genome Assembly, Evangelos Georganas, Aydın Buluç, Jarrod Chapman, Leonid Oliker, Daniel Rokhsar and Katherine Yelick, 26th ACM/IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (“Supercomputing”, SC 2014), New Orleans, LA, USA, November 2014. (PDF) |
2014 | Alg | A Computation- And Communication-Optimal Parallel Direct 3-Body Algorithm, Penporn Koanantakool and Katherine Yelick, 26th ACM/IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (“Supercomputing”, SC 2014), New Orleans, LA, USA, November 2014. (PDF) |
2014 | PGAS | Evaluation of PGAS Communication Paradigms with Geometric Multigrid, Hongzhang Shan, Amir Kamil, Samuel Williams, Yili Zheng, Katherine Yelick, 8th International Conference on Partitioned Global Address Space Programming Models (PGAS), October 2014. |
2014 | PGAS | An Evaluation of One-Sided and Two-Sided Communication Paradigms on Relaxed-Ordering Interconnect, Khaled Z. Ibrahim, Paul H. Hargrove, Costin Iancu, Katherine Yelick, IEEE 28th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2014. |
2014 | PGAS | On the conditions for efficient interoperability with threads: an experience with PGAS languages using Cray communication domains, Ibrahim Khaled and Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on Supercomputing, 2014. |
2014 | PGAS | A Local-View Array Library for Partitioned Global Address Space C++ Programs, Amir Kamil, Yili Zheng, and Katherine Yelick, ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages, and Compilers for Array Programming, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, June 2014. |
2014 | PGAS | UPC++: A PGAS Extension for C++, Yili Zheng, Amir Kamil, Michael B. Driscoll, Hongzhang Shan, Katherine Yelick, International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 2014. |
2014 | Rep | Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure to Support U.S. Science and Engineering in 2017-2020, Interim Report, Committee on Future Directions for NSF Advanced Computing Infrastructure to Support U.S. Science and Engineering in 2017-2020, Computer Science and Telecommunication Board Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies. The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C., 2014. Committee members: William D. Gropp and Robert Harrison, Co-Chairs; Mark R. Abbott; David Arnett; Robert L. Grossman; Peter M. Kogge; Padma Raghavan; Daniel A. Reed; Valerie Taylor; Katherine A. Yelick; Jon Eisenberg; Shenae Bradley. (Available here.) |
2013 | Rep | The Quality of Science and Engineering at the NNSA National Security Laboratories, National Research Council, Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2013. Committee members: Charles Shank and C. Kumar N. Patel, Co-Chairs, John F. Ahearne, Christina Back, Phillip Colella, Jill Dahlberg, Roger Falcone, Yogendra Gupta, Wick Haxton, Michael D. Hopkins, Raymond Jeanloz, John Kammerdiener, William Martin, Margaret Murnane, Robert E. Nickell, Kenneth Peddicord, Paul S. Peercy, Anthony Rollett, Robert Rosner, Rober Seldon, Kenneth Shea, Francis Sullivan, Gary Was, Katherine Yelick. (Available here.) |
2013 | PGAS | Hierarchical Computation in the SPMD Programming Model, Amir Kamil and Katherine Yelick, The 26th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, San Jose, California, September 2013. |
2013 | Alg | A Communication-Optimal N-Body Algorithm for Direct Interactions, Michael Driscoll, Evangelos Georganas, Penporn Koanantakool, Edgar Solomonik and Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of 27th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Boston, Massachusetts, May 2013. |
2013 | Auto | Automatic Performance Tuning (Autotuning) in The Berkeley Par Lab: Progress in the Parallel Computing Landscape, James Demmel, Sam Williams, and Katherine Yelick, Microsoft, ISBN 978-0-9825442-3-5, 2013. |
2013 | Alg | Communication Avoiding (CA) and Other Innovative Algorithms, in The Berkeley Par Lab: Progress in the Parallel Computing Landscape”, James Demmel and Katherine Yelick, Microsoft, ISBN 978-0-9825442-3-5, 2013. |
2012 | Alg | Communication Avoiding and Overlapping for Numerical Linear Algebra, Evangelos Georganas, Jorge González-Domínguez, Edgar Solomonik, Yili Zheng, Juan Touriño, Katherine A. Yelick, Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (SC12), Salt Lake City, UT, November 2012. |
2012 | PGAS | Accelerating Massively Parallel Applications Using One-Sided Communication, Hongzhang Shan, Brian Austin, Nicholas J. Wright, Erich Strohmaier, John Shalf and Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the Partitioned Global Address Space Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, October 2012. |
2012 | App | Optimization of Parallel Particle-to-Grid Interpolation on Leading Multicore Platforms, Kamesh Madduri, Jimmy Su, Samuel Williams, Leonid Oliker, Stephane Ethier, Katherine A. Yelick, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 99, ISSN 1045-9219, 2012., IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA, USA. |
2011 | Rep | The International Exascale Software Project Roadmap, Jack Dongarra, Pete Beckman, Terry Moore, Patrick Aerts, Giovanni Aloisio, Jean-Claude Andre, David Barkai, Jean-Yves Berthou, Taisuke Boku, Bertrand Braunschweig, Franck Cappello, Barbara Chapman, Xuebin Chi, Alok Choudhary, Sudip Dosanjh, Thom Dunning, Sandro Fiore, Al Geist, Bill Gropp, Robert Harrison, Mark Hereld, Michael Heroux, Adolfy Hoisie, Koh Hotta, Yutaka Ishikawa, Zhong Jin, Fred Johnson, Sanjay Kale, Richard Kenway, David Keyes, Bill Kramer, Jesus Labarta, Alain Lichnewsky, Thomas Lippert, Bob Lucas, Barney Maccabe, Satoshi Matsuoka, Paul Messina, Peter Michielse, Bernd Mohr, Matthias Mueller, Wolfgang Nagel, Hiroshi Nakashima, Michael E. Papka, Dan Reed, Mitsuhisa Sato, Ed Seidel, John Shalf, David Skinner, Marc Snir, Thomas Sterling, Rick Stevens, Fred Streitz, Bob Sugar, Shinji Sumimoto, William Tang, John Taylor, Rajeev Thakur, Anne Trefethen, Mateo Valero, Aad van der Steen, Jeffrey Vetter, Peg Williams, Robert Wisniewski, and Kathy Yelick, Volume 25, Number 1, 2011, International Journal of High Performance Computer Applications, ISSN 1094-3420. |
2011 | PGAS | Tuning collective communication for Partitioned Global Address Space programming models, Rajesh Nishtala, Yili Zheng, Paul Hargrove, Katherine A. Yelick, Parallel Computing 37(9): 576-591 (2011). |
2011 | Rep | Sustaining the Growth in Computing Performance: Game Over or Next Level? Committee on Sustaining Growth in Computing Performance, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council, 2011. Committee members: Samuel H. Fuller and Lynette I. Millett, Editors; Shenae Bradley, Senior Program Assistant; Luiz Andre Barrosa, Robert P. Colwell, William J. Dally, Dan Dobberpuhl, Pradeep Dubey, Mark D. Hill, Mark Horowitz, David Kirk, Monia Lam, Kathryn S. McKinley, Charles Moore, Katherine Yelick. (Avaialble here.) |
2011 | Rep | The Magellan Report on Cloud Computing for Science, Katherine Yelick, Susan Coghlan, Brent Draney, Richard Shane Canon, Lavanya Ramakrishnan, Adam Scovel, Iwona Sakrejda, Anping Liu, Scott Campbell, Piotr T. Zbiegiel, Tina Declerck, Paul Rich, U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR), December 2011. (PDF) |
2011 | PGAS | Titanium, Katherine Yelick, Susan Graham, Paul Hilfinger, Dan Bonachea, Jimmy Su, Amir Kamil, Kaushik Datta, Phillip Colella, and Tong Wen, Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing, Springer US, 2011, pp 2049—2055. |
2010 | Auto | Auto-tuning Stencil Computations on Diverse Multicore Architectures, K. Datta, S. Williams, V. Volkov, J. Carter, L. Oliker, J. Shalf, K. Yelick, Chapter in Scientific Computing with Multicore and Accelerators; Editors Jack Dongarra, David A. Bader, Jakub Kurzak, CRC Press 2010. |
2010 | Auto | Auto-Tuning Memory-Intensive Kernels for Multicore, Samuel Williams, Kaushik Datta, Leonid Oliker, Jonathan Carter, John Shalf, Katherine Yelick, Chapter in Performance Tuning of Scientific Applications, Editors D. H. Bailey, R. F. Lucas, S. W. Williams, CRC Press, November 2010. |
2010 | PGAS | Hybrid PGAS Runtime Support for Multicore Nodes, Filip Blagojevic , Paul Hargrove, Costin Iancu, Katherine Yelick, Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) conference, New York, NY, October 12, 2010. |
2010 | Comp | Enforcing Textual Alignment of Collectives Using Dynamic Checks, Amir Kamil and Katherine Yelick, 22nd International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC), October 2009. Appeared in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010, Volume 5898/2010, 368-382, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-13374-9_25. |
2009 | App | Memory-Efficient Optimization of Gyrokinetic Particle-to-Grid Interpolation for Multicore Processors, Kamesh Madduri, Samuel Williams, Stephane Ethier, Leonid Oliker, John Shalf, Erich Strohmaier, Katherine A. Yelick, Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (SC09), Portland, Oregon, November 2009 (PDF) |
2009 | Alg | Minimizing Communication in Sparse Matrix Solvers, Marghoob Mohiyuddin, Mark Hoemmen, James Demmel, Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (SC09), Portland, OR, November 2009. |
2009 | Rep | A View of the Parallel Computing Landscape, Krste Asanovic, Rastislav Bodik, James Demmel, Tony Keaveny, Kurt Keutzer, John Kubiatowicz, Nelson Morgan, David Patterson, Koushik Sen, John Wawrzynek, David Wessel, and Katherine Yelick, Communications of the ACM, November 2009. |
2009 | Auto | SEJITS: Getting Productivity And Performance With Selective, Just-In-Time Specialization, Bryan Catanzaro, Shoaib Kamil, Yunsup Lee, Krste Asanovic, James Demmel, Kurt Keutzer, John Shalf, Kathy Yelick, Armando Fox, Proc. 1st Workshop on Programming Models for Emerging Architectures (PMEA’09), Raleigh, NC, September 2009. |
2009 | App | Optimization of a Lattice Boltzmann Computation on State-of-the-Art Multicore Platforms, Samuel Williams, Jonathan Carter, Leonid Oliker, John Shalf, Katherine Yelick, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), September 2009. doi: 10.1016/j.jpdc.2009.04.002. |
2009 | Auto | Auto-tuning the 27-point Stencil for Multicore, Kaushik Datta, Samuel Williams, Vassily Volkov, Jonathan Carter, Leonid Oliker, John Shalf, Katherine Yelick, 4th International Workshop on Automatic Performance Tuning (iWAPT), September 2009. |
2009 | PGAS | Porting GASNet to Portals: Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) Language Support for the Cray XT, Dan Bonachea, Paul Hargrove, Michael Welcome, Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the Cray User Group (CUG), Atlanta, GA, May 2009. |
2009 | App | Hierarchical Auto-Tuning of a Hybrid Lattice-Boltzmann Computation on the XT4 and XT5, Samuel Williams, Jonathan Carter, Leonid Oliker, John Shalf, and Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the Cray User Group (CUG), Atlanta, GA, May 2009. |
2009 | Alg | Avoiding Communication in Sparse Matrix Computations on Multicore Platforms, Marghoob Mohiyuddin, Mark Hoemmen, James Demmel, Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (SC09), Portland, OR, November 2009. (PDF) |
2009 | RTS | A View of the Parallel Computing Landscape, Krste Asanovic, Rastislav Bodik, James Demmel, Tony Keaveny, Kurt Keutzer, John Kubiatowicz, Nelson Morgan, David Patterson, Koushik Sen, John Wawrzynek, David Wessel, and Katherine Yelick, Communications of the ACM, November 2009. |
2009 | Comp | Enforcing Textual Alignment of Collectives Using Dynamic Checks, Amir Kamil and Katherine Yelick, 22nd International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC), October 2009. Also appeared in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (PDF) |
2009 | PGAS | Porting GASNet to Portals: Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) Language Support for the Cray XT, Dan Bonachea, Paul Hargrove, Michael Welcome, Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the Cray User Group (CUG), Atlanta, GA, May 2009. (PDF) |
2009 | App | Hierarchical Auto-Tuning of a Hybrid Lattice-Boltzmann Computation on the XT4 and XT5, Samuel Williams, Jonathan Carter, Leonid Oliker, John Shalf, and Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the Cray User Group (CUG), Atlanta, GA, May 2009. |
2009 | PGAS | Scaling Communication-Intensive Applications on BlueGene/P Using One-Sided Communication and Overlap, Rajesh Nishtala, Paul Hargrove, Dan Bonachea, Katherine Yelick, 23rd International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Rome, Italy, May 2009. |
2009 | PGAS | Optimizing Collective Communication on Multicores, Rajesh Nishtala, Katherine Yelick, HotPar 2009, Berkeley, CA, March 2009. |
2009 | Auto | Improving Memory Subsystem Performance Using ViVA: Virtual Vector Architecture, Joseph Gebis, Leonid Oliker, John Shalf, Samuel Williams, Katherine Yelick, Architecture of Computing Systems - ACS 2009, 22nd International Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, March 10-13, 2009. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5455 Springer 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-00453-7146-158. |
2009 | Auto | Optimization and Performance Modeling of Stencil Computations on Modern Microprocessors, Kaushik Datta, Shoaib Kamil, Samuel Williams, Leonid Oliker, John Shalf, and Katherine Yelick, SIAM Review, vol. 51, issue 1, 2009, pp. 129-159. Also appeared as LBNL Technical Report number LBNL-63192. (PDF) |
2008 | Auto | PERI - Auto-tuning Memory Intensive Kernels for Multicore, Sam Williams, Kaushik Datta, Jonathan Carter, Leonid Oliker, John Shalf, Katherine Yelick, David Bailey, SciDAC: Scientific Discovery Through Advanced Computing, Seattle Washington, July, 2008. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. |
2008 | Auto | Stencil Computation Optimization and Autotuning on State-of-the-Art Multicore Architectures, Kaushik Datta, Mark Murphy, Vasily Volkov, Samuel Williams, Jonathan Carter, Leonid Oliker, David Patterson, John Shalf, and Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Conference on Supercomputing (SC08), November 2008. |
2008 | Auto | The Roofline Model: A pedagogical tool for auto-tuning kernels on multicore architectures, Samuel Williams, David A. Patterson, Leonid Oliker, John Shalf, Katherine Yelick, HOT Chips, A Symposium on High Performance Chips, Stanford, CA, Aug 2008. |
2008 | PGAS | Performance portable optimizations for loops containing communication operations, Costin Iancu, Wei Chen, Katherine A. Yelick, International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), Island of Kos, Greece, June 7-12, 2008, pages 266-276. |
2008 | Alg |
Avoiding Communication in Sparse Matrix Computations,
James Demmel, Mark Hoemmen, Marghoob Mohiyuddin, and Katherine Yelick IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, April 2008. (PDF) |
2008 | App | Lattice Boltzmann Simulation Optimization on Leading Multicore Platforms, Samuel Williams, Jonathan Carter, Leonid Oliker, John Shalf, and Katherine Yelick, IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, April 2008. [Winner, Best Paper for Applications track] (PDF) |
2007 | RTS | Automatic Performance Debugging in Partitioned Global Address Space Programs, Jimmy Su and Katherine Yelick, 20th International Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing (LCPC), Urbana, Illinois, October 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5234 Springer 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-85260-5. |
2007 | PGAS | Multithreading and One-Sided Communication in Parallel LU Factorization, Parry Husbands and Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of Supercomputing (SC07), Reno, NV, November, 2007. |
2007 | App | An Adaptive Mesh Refinement Benchmark for Modern Parallel Programming Languages, Tong Wen, Jimmy Su, Phillip Colella, Katherine Yelick and Noel Keen, Proceedings of Supercomputing (SC07), Reno, NV, November 2007. |
2007 | Auto | Optimization of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on Emerging Multicore Platforms, Samuel Williams, Leonid Oliker, Richard Vuduc, John Shalf, Katherine Yelick, and James Demmel, Supercomputing 2007, November 2007. (PDF) |
2007 | Alg | Avoiding Communication in Computing Krylov Subspaces, James Demmel, Mark Hoemmen, Marghoob Mohiyuddin, and Katherine Yelick, UCB/EECS-2007-123, October 2007. (PDF) |
2007 | PGAS | Hierarchical Pointer Analysis for Distributed Programs, Amir Kamil and Katherine Yelick, Static Analysis Symposium (SAS), Kongens Lyngby, Denmark, August 22-24, 2007. |
2007 | PGAS | Parallel Languages and Compilers: Perspective from the Titanium Experience, Katherine Yelick, Paul Hilfinger, Susan Graham, Dan Bonachea, Jimmy Su, Amir Kamil, Kaushik Datta, Phillip Colella, and Tong Wen, Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, August 2007, vol. 21, pp. 266-290. |
2007 | PGAS | Productivity and Performance Using Partitioned Global Address Space Languages, K. Yelick, D. Bonachea, W.-Y. Chen, P. Colella, K. Datta, J. Duell, S. Graham, P. Hargrove, P. Hilfinger, P. Husbands, C. Iancu, A. Kamil, R. Nishtala, J. Su, M. Welcome, T. Wen, Proceedings of Parallel Symbolic Computation (PASCO), London, Ontario, July 27-28, 2007. |
2007 | Alg | Multithreading for synchronization tolerance in matrix factorization, Alfredo Buttari, Jack Dongarra, Parry Husbands, Jakub Kurzak and Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the SciDAC 2007 Conference, Boston, Massachusetts, July 24-28, 2007. Published in the Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Volume 78, 2007, June, 2007. |
2007 | PGAS | Automatic Nonblocking Communication for Partitioned Global Address Space Programs, Wei Chen, Dan Bonachea, Costin Iancu, and Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), Seattle, Washington, June 16-17, 2007. |
2007 | PGAS | Deadlock-Free Scheduling of X10 Computations with Bounded Resources, Shivali Agarwal, Rajkishore Barik, Dan Bonachea, Vivek Sarkar, Rudrapatna Shyamasundar, Katherine Yelick, Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architecture (SPAA), San Diego California, June 9-11, 2007. |
2007 | Auto | Scientific Computing Kernels on the Cell Processor, Samuel Williams, John Shalf, Leonid Oliker, Shoaib Kamil, Parry Husbands, and Katherine Yelick, International Journal of Parallel Programming, April 2007. (PDF) |
2007 | PGAS | Languages for High-Productivity Computing: The DARPA HPCS Language Project, Ewing Lusk and Katherine Yelick, Parallel Processing Letters, Vol. 17, No. 1, March 2007, pp. 89-102. |
2007 | Auto | When Cache Blocking Sparse Matrix Vector Multiply Works and Why, Rajesh Nishtala, Richard W. Vuduc, James W. Demmel, and Katherine Yelick, Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, March 2007. (PDF) |
2007 | Auto | Benchmarking Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply in Five Minutes, Hormozd Gahvari, Mark Hoemmen, James Demmel, Katherine Yelick, SPEC Benchmark Workshop 2007, Austin, TX, January 2007. (PDF) |
2006 | Auto | Implicit and Explict Optimizations for Stencil Computations, Shoaib Kamil, Kaushik Datta, Samuel Williams, Leonid Oliker, John Shalf, and Katherine Yelick, Memory Systems Performance and Correctness, San Jose, California, USA, October 2006. (PDF (604k) |
2006 | App | Distributed Immersed Boundary Simulation in Titanium, Edward Givelberg and Katherine Yelick, SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 28(4), pages 1361–1378. |
2006 | Auto | The Potential of the Cell Processor for Scientific Computing, eSamuel Williams, John Shalf, Leonid Oliker, Shoaib Kamil, Parry Husbands, and Katherine Yelick, Computing Frontiers 2006, Ischia, Italy, May 2006. (PDF) |
2005 | Rep | ExaScale Computing Study: Technology Challenges in Achieving Exascale Systems, Peter Kogge (Editor & Study Lead), Keren Bergman, Shekhar Borkar, Dan Campbell, William Carlson, William Dally, Monty Denneau, Paul Franzon, William Harrod, Kerry Hill, Jon Hiller, Sherman Karp, Stephen Keckler, Dean Klein, Robert Lucas, Mark Richards, Al Scarpelli, Steven Scott, Allan Snavely, Thomas Sterling, R. Stanley Williams, Katherine Yelick, Published by the Air Force Research Laboratory, September 28, 2008. Available in PDF. |
2005 | PGAS | UPC: Distributed Shared-Memory Programming, Tarek El-Ghazawi, William Carlson, Thomas Sterling, and Katherine Yelick, Wiley-Interscience, May 2005. |
2005 | Auto | OSKI: A library of automatically tuned sparse matrix kernels, Richard Vuduc, James Demmel, and Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of SciDAC 2005, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, June 2005. (PDF (190k)) |
2005 | Auto | Self-Adapting Linear Algebra Algorithms and Software, James Demmel, Jack Dongarra, Victor Eijkhout, Erika Fuentes, Antoine Petitet, Richard Vuduc, R. Clint Whaley, and Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Program Generation, Optimization, and Adaptation, 93(2), February 2005. (PDF (600k)) |
2004 | Rep | Assessment of High-End Computing Research and Development in Japan, Al Trivelpiece, Rupak Biswas, Jack Dongarra, Peter Paul, Katherine Yelick, World Technology Evaluation Center, Inc., 2004. Available from (PDF) |
2004 | Auto | Performance Models for Evaluation and Automatic Tuning of Symmetric Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply, Benjamin C. Lee, Richard Vuduc, James Demmel, and Katherine Yelick, International Conference on Parallel Processing, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August 2004) Winner, Best Paper Award, (PDF (178k)) |
2004 | Auto | Toward automatic performance tuning of matrix triple products based on matrix structure, Eun-Jin Im, Ismail Bustany, Cleve Ashcraft, James Demmel, and Katherine Yelick, PARA'04 Workshop on State-of-the-art in Scientific Computing, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 2004. |
2004 | Auto | Performance Modeling and Analysis of Cache Blocking in Sparse Matrix Vector Multiply, Rajesh Nishtala, Richard W. Vuduc, James W. Demmel, and Katherine A. Yelick, UCB/CSD-04-1335, June 2004. (PDF (~8MB)) |
2004 | Auto | SPARSITY: An Optimization Framework for Sparse Matrix Kernels, Eun-Jin Im, Katherine A. Yelick, and Richard Vuduc, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 18 (1), pp. 135-158, February 2004. (PDF (1.1M)) |
2003 | RTS | An Evaluation of Current High Performance Networks, C. Bell, D. Bonachea, Y. Cote, J. Duell, P. Hargrove, P. Husbands, C. Iancu, M. Welcome, K. Yelick, International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Nice, France, April 22-26, 2003. (PDF) |
2003 | Auto | Performance Optimizations and Bounds for Sparse Symmetric Matrix-Multiple Vector Multiply, Benjamin C. Lee, Richard W. Vuduc, James W. Demmel, Katherine A. Yelick, Michael de Lorimier, and Lijue Zhong, UC Berkeley Technical Report, UCB/CSD-03-1297, November 2003. (PDF (867k)) |
2003 | Auto | Memory Hierarchy Optimizations and Performance Bounds for Sparse ATA*x, Richard Vuduc, Attila Gyulassy, James W. Demmel, and Katherine A. Yelick, ICCS 2003: Workshop on Parallel Linear Algebra, Melbourne, Australia, June 2003. (PDF (328k)). Extended version: U.C. Berkeley Technical Report UCB/CS-03-1232. |
2002 | Auto | Performance Optimizations and Bounds for Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiply, Richard Vuduc, James W. Demmel, Katherine A. Yelick, Shoaib Kamil, Rajesh Nishtala, Benjamin Lee, SC 2002 (High Performance Networking and Computing, commonly called "Supercomputing," Baltimore, November 2002. (pdf (834k)) |
2002 | Auto | Automatic Performance Tuning and Analysis of Sparse Triangular Solve, Richard Vuduc, Shoaib Kamil, Jen Hsu, Rajesh Nishtala, James W. Demmel, Katherine A. Yelick, ICS 2002: Workshop on Performance Optimization via High-Level Languages and Libraries. New York, June 22-26, 2002. (pdf) |
2002 | IRAM | Memory-Intensive Benchmarks: IRAM vs. Cache-Based Machines,, Brian R. Gaeke, Parry Husbands, Xiaoye S. Li, Leonid Oliker, Katherine A. Yelick, and Rupak Biswas, Proceedings of the International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Ft. Lauderdale, FL, April, 2002. (PDF) |
2001 | Auto | Optimizing Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication for Register Reuse, Eun-Jin Im and Katherine Yelick, International Conference on Computational Science, San Francisco, California, May 2001. (PDF) |
2001 | Auto | Optimizing Sparse Matrix Kernels for Data Mining, Eun-Jin Im and Katherine A. Yelick, Proceedings of the Text Mine Workshop, Chicago, IL, April 2001. (PDF) |
2001 | IRAM | Hardware/Compiler Co-development for an Embedded Media Processor, Christoforos Kozyrakis, David Judd, Joe Gebis, Sam Williams, David Patterson, Kathering Yelick, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 89, no. 11, November 2001 (p. 1694-709). (PDF) |
2001 | IRAM | ROC-1: Hardware Support for Recovery-Oriented Computing, Oppenheimer, D., A. Brown, J. Beck, D. Hettena, J. Kuroda, N. Treuhaft, D.A. Patterson, and K. Yelick, IEEE Transactions on Computers Special Issue on Embedded Fault-Tolerant Computer Systems, Jul.-Aug., 2001. (PDF) |
2000 | IRAM | Exploiting On-Chip Memory Bandwidth in the VIRAM Compiler, David Judd, Katherine Yelick, Christoforos Kozyraki, David Martin, and David Patterson, Second Workshop on Intelligent Memory Systems, Cambridge, MA, November 2000. (PDF) |
2000 | IRAM | Performance Analysis of an H.263 Video Encoder on VIRAM,, Thinh PQ Nguyen, Avideh Zakhor and Katherine Yelick, International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Vancouver, B.C., Canada, September 2000. (PDF) |
1999 | Auto | Optimizing Sparse Matrix Vector Multiplication on SMPs, Eun-Jin Im and Katherine Yelick, SIAM Conf. Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, San Antonio, TX, March 1999. (PDF) |
1999 | IRAM | Efficient FFTs on IRAM, Randi Thomas and Katherine Yelick, First Workshop on Media Processors and DSPs, November 15, 1999. (PDF) |
1999 | IRAM | Cluster I/O with River: Making the Fast Case Common, R. H. Arpaci-Dusseau, E. Anderson, N. Treuhaft, D. E. Culler, J. M. Hellerstein, D. A. Patterson, and K. A. Yelick, Workshop on I/O in Parallel and Distributed Systems, Atlanta, GA, May 1999. (PDF) |
1999 | PGAS | Introduction to UPC and Language Specification, W. Carlson, J. Draper, D. Culler, K. Yelick, E. Brooks, and K. Warren, CCS-TR-99-157, IDA Center for Computing Sciences, 1999. (PDF) |
1998 | Auto | Model-based Memory Hierarchy Optimizations for Sparse Matrices, Eun-Jin Im and Katherine Yelick, Workshop on Profile and Feedback-Directed Compilation, Paris, France, October 1998. (PDF) |
1998 | PGAS | Titanium: A High-Performance Java Dialect, K. A. Yelick, L. Semenzato, G. Pike, C. Miyamoto, B. Liblit, A. Krishnamurthy, P. N. Hilfinger, S. L. Graham, D. Gay, P. Colella, and A. Aiken, Concurrency: Practice and Experience, Vol. 10, No. 11-13, September-November 1998. An earlier version was presented at the Workshop on Java for High-Performance Network Computing, Palo Alto, CA, Feb. 1998. (PDF) |
1998 | PGAS | Empirical Evaluation of Global Memory Support on the Cray-T3D and Cray-T3E, A. Krishnamurthy, D. Culler, and K. Yelick, UCB//CSD-98-991, 1998. (PDF) |
1997 | IRAM | Scalable processors in the billion-transistor era: IRAM, Kozyrakis, C.E., Perissakis, S., Patterson, D., Anderson, T., Asanovic, K., Cardwell, N., Fromm, R., Golbus, J., Gribstad, B., Keeton, K., Thomas, R., Treuhaft, N., Yelick, K., Computer, vol.30, (no.9), IEEE Comput. Soc, Sept. 1997. p.75-8. (PDF) |
1997 | IRAM | The Energy Efficiency of IRAM Architectures, R. Fromm, S. Perissakis, N. Cardwell, D. Patterson, T. Anderson, and K. Yelick, Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Conference on Computer Architecture, June 1997. (PDF) |
1997 | IRAM | A Case for Intelligent DRAM: IRAM, D. Patterson, T. Anderson, N. Cardwell, R. Fromm, K. Keeton, C. Kozyrakis, R. Thomas, and K. Yelick, IEEE Micro, April 1997, pp. 34-44. Also appeared as an Award Paper, Hot Chips VIII , August 1996. (PDF) |
1997 | IRAM | Intelligent RAM (IRAM): Chips that remember and compute, D. Patterson, T. Anderson, N. Cardwell, R. Fromm, K. Keeton, C. Kozyrakis, R. Thomas, and K. Yelick, Proceedings of the 1997 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, February 1997, pp. 224-225. (PDF) |
1997 | Alg | Models and Scheduling Algorithms for Mixed Data and Task Parallel Programs, S. Chakrabarti, J. Demmel, and K. Yelick, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 47, pp. 168--184, 1997. (PDF) |
1996 | App | Performance Modeling and Composition: A Case Study in Cell Simulation, Steve G. Steinberg, Jun Yang, and Katherine Yelick, Internation Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS) '96, April 1996. (PDF) |
1996 | Comp | Analyses and Optimizations for Shared Address Space Programs, A. Krishnamurthy and K. Yelick Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computation, 1996. (PDF) |
1996 | PGAS | Evaluation of Architectural Support for Global Address-Based Communication in Large-Scale Parallel Machines, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Klaus E. Schauser, Chris Scheiman, Randy Wang, David Culler, and Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of Architecture Support on Programming Languages and Operating Systems, Cambridge, MA, November 1996. (PDF) |
1995 | App | Parallelizing the Phylogeny Problem, J. Jones and K. Yelick, Supercomputing '95. December 1995. (PDF) |
1995 | Comp | Optimizing Parallel Programs with Explicit Synchronization, Arvind Krishnamurthy and Katherine Yelick, Programming Language Design and Implementation, La Jolla, California, June 1995. (PDF) |
1995 | Alg | Modeling the Benefits of Mixed Data and Task Parallelism, Soumen Chakrabarti, James Demmel, and Katherine Yelick, Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, Santa Barbara, California, July 1995. (PDF) |
1995 | RTS | Portable Parallel Irregular Applications, K. Yelick, C.-P. Wen, S. Chakrabarti, E. Deprit, J. Jones, A. Krishnamurthy, Workshop on Parallel Symbolic Languages and Systems, Beaune, France, October 1995. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (PDF) |
1995 | RTS | Multipol: A Distributed Data Structure Library, S. Chakrabarti, E. Deprit, J. Jones, A. Krishnamurthy, E.-J. Im, C.-P. Wen, and K. Yelick, University of California at Berkeley Technical Report, UCB//CSD-95-879, July 1995. (PDF) |
1995 | RTS | Portable Runtime Support for Asynchronous Simulation, Chih-Po Wen and Katherine Yelick, International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), August 1995. (PDF) |
1995 | RTS | Runtime Support for Portable Distributed Data Structures, C.-P. Wen, S. Chakrabarti, E. Deprit, A. Krishnamurthy and K. Yelick, Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Runtime Systems for Scalable Computers, May 1995. (PDF) |
1995 | Sym | Compiling Verilog into Finite State Machines, S.-T. Cheng, R. Brayton, G. York, K. Yelick, A. Saldanha. International Verilog Conference, 1995. (PDF) |
1995 | PGAS | Empirical Evaluation of the CRAY-T3D: A Compiler Perspective, Remzi H. Arpaci, David E. Culler, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Steve G. Steinberg, and Katherine Yelick, International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, June 1995. (PDF) |
1994 | App | Connected Components on Distributed Memory Machines, A. Krishnamurthy, S. Lumetta, D. Culler, and K. Yelick, June 1994. Parallel Algorithms: 3rd DIMACS Implementation Challenge, October 17-19, 1994, volume 30 of DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science. (PDF) |
1994 | Comp | Optimizing Parallel SPMD Programs, Arvind Krishnamurthy and Katherine Yelick, Seventh Annual Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, Ithaca, New York, August 1994. (PDF) |
1994 | RTS | Randomized Load Balancing for Tree Structured Computation, Soumen Chakrabarti, Abhiram Ranade, and Katherine Yelick, IEEE Scalable High Performance Computing Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, May 1994. (PDF) |
1994 | RTS | Distributed Data Structures and Algorithms for Gröbner Basis Computation, Soumen Chakrabarti and Katherine Yelick, Lisp and Symbolic Computation, Vol. 7, 1994. (PDF) |
1993 | App | Parallel Timing Simulation on a Distributed Memory Multiprocessor, Chih-Po Wen and Katherine Yelick, International Conference on Computer Aided Design, Santa Clara, California, November 1993. (PDF) |
1993 | App | Implementing an Irregular Application on a Distributed Memory Multiprocessor, Soumen Chakrabarti and Katherine Yelick, ACM Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), San Diego, California, June 1993. (PDF) |
1993 | Comp | Compiling Sequential Programs for Speculative Parallelism, Chih-Po Wen and Katherine Yelick, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, December 1993. PDF) |
1993 | RTS | Data Structures for Irregular Applications, K. Yelick, S. Chakrabarti, E. Deprit, J. Jones, A. Krishnamurthy, and C.-P. Wen, DIMACS Workshop on Parallel Algorithms for Unstructured and Dynamic Problems, Piscataway, New Jersey, June 1993. (PDF) |
1993 | PGAS | Parallel Programming in Split-C, D. Culler, A. Dusseau, S. Goldstein, A. Krishnamurthy, S. Lumetta, T. von Eicken, and K. Yelick, Supercomputing, Portland, Oregon, November 1993. (PDF) |
1993 | Sym | On the Correctness of a Distributed Memory Gröbner Basis Algorithm, Soumen Chakrabarti and Katherine Yelick, International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, Montreal, Canada, June 1993. (PDF) |
1992 | RTS | Programming Models for Irregular Applications Katherine Yelick, Workshop on Languages and Compilers and Run-Time Environments for Distributed Memory Multiprocessors, October 1992. Also appeared in SIGPLAN Notices, January 1993. (PDF) |
1992 | RTS | A Survey of Portable Message Passing Libraries, Chih-Po Wen and Katherine Yelick, unpublished manuscript, October 15, 1992. (PDF) |
1992 | App | A Parallel Completion Procedure for Term Rewriting Systems, Katherine Yelick and Stephen J. Garland, Conference on Automated Deduction , June 1992. (PDF) |
1991 | Sym | Using Abstraction in Explicitly Parallel Programs Katherine A. Yelick, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, July 1991, TR-507. Revised from PhD Thesis, December 1990. (PDF) |
1990 | Sym | Parallel Completion, Katherine Yelick, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Parallelization in Inference Systems, p. 348, Springer-Verlag, 1990. (PDF) |
1989 | Sym | Moded type systems for logic programming, Yelick, Katherine A., and Joseph L. Zachary, Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages, ACM, 1989. |
1987 | Sym | Unification in combinations of collapse-free regular theories, Yelick, Katherine A., Journal of Symbolic Computation 3.1 (1987): 153-181. |
1985 | Sym | Combining unification algorithms for confined regular equational theories Kathy Yelick, Rewriting Techniques and Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1985. |
1985 | Sym | A Generalized Approach to Equational Unification, Katherine A. Yelick, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, August 1985, TR-344. (Master's Thesis, PDF) |