CS 285: SOLID MODELING, Fall 2011

Assignment #4

Pick your  FIVE  favorite papers  (#1 to #5 in descending preference)  from the list below,
which you would like to see discussed in this course, and one of which you will have to present yourself.

Paper Selection List:

FM07:  FiberMesh: “Designing Free-form Surfaces with 3D Curves”
SD01:  Dorman and Rockwood: "Surface design using hand motion with smnoothing"
MB11:  Leblanc et al: "Modeling with blocks"
BS11: Zhao et al: "Parallel and efficient Boolean on polygonal solids"
FD86:  Sederberg and Parry: "Free-Form Deformation of Solid Geometry Models"

SD06:  Yoon and Kim: "Sweep-based Freeform Deformations"
LS98:  "An Introduction to Lindemayer Systems" (+ Work by P. Prusinkiewicz)
SP06:  Hart: "Sculpture Puzzles" (online version)
MC07:  Xu and Kaplan: “Image-Guided Maze Construction”
VC94:  Karl Sims: "Evolving Virtual Creatures"
UT96:  Huang et al: "Untangling Knots by Stochastic Energy Optimization"
MC01:  Parish and Mueller: "Procedural Modeling of Cities"
RS96:  Curless and Levoy: "A Volumetric Method for Building Complex Models"
MC87:  Lorensen and Klein: "Marching Cubes: A High-Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm"
PS94:  Hoppe et al: "Piecewise Smooth Surface Reconstruction"
BM95:  Shimada and Gossard: “Bubble Mesh: Automatic Triangular Meshing of Non-Manifold Geometry by Sphere Packing.”
EB96:  Shimada: “Anisotropic Triangular Meshing of Parametric Surfaces via Close Packing of Ellipsoidal Bubbles.”
SA09:  Mehra at al: "Abstraction of Man-made Shapes"
MS10:  Kim et al: "Moebius Transformations For Global Intrinisc Symmetry Analysis"
IS07:  Labelle and Shewchuck: "Isosurface Stuffing..."
DF00:  Frisken et.al.: "Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields"
IS95:  Desbrun and Gascuel: "Animating Soft Substances with Implicit Surfaces"
ED10:  Chao et al: "A Simple Geometric Model for Elastic Deformations"
BR07:  Weyrich et al.: “Digital Bas-Relief from 3D Scenes”
BR97:  Murali and Funkhouser: "Consistent Solid and Boundary Representations from Arbitrary Data"
LM00:  McMains, Smith, Wang, and Séquin, "Layered Manufacturing of Thin-Walled Parts."
ZG11:  Delp and Thurston: "Playing with Surfaces: Spheres, Monkey Pants, and Zippergons"

Fill in the corresponding alpha-numeric codes on the Preference Form and hand it back to me in class,
or e-mail me your preferences electronically beforehand.

(This is your opportunity to influence the contents and focus of this course offering.)

Due Wednesday 9/21/2011:  at   3pm   electronically,   or on paper at 4pm in class.

Some New Contenders Submitted by Students:

Toby Mitchell suggested:

FA07:  Pottmann et al: "Geometry of Multi-layer Freeform Structures for Architecture"

Brandon Wang suggested:

DT11:  Ma et al: "Discrete Element Textures"
This paper synthesizes large scale domains with repetitive small scale elements.

SK08:  Kaldor et al: "Simulating Knitted Cloth at the Yarn Level"
This paper presents a procedural generation of knitted cloth, with a realistic simulation that arises from the patterned behavior.

If one or more of these papers are comparable to your top five choices, please add them onto your form.
If you have already filled in the form, just insert these new papers with an arrow in between the five papers that you have already listed.

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin