Gamesman - The "Shall We Play a Game?" Project
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Assignment > Quick Guide

Quick Guide

Courtesy of Michael Yang

Getting Started

  • The student, henceforth referred to as "you", should read through entire Gamesman project handout (given out the first week of the project and available in lab).
  • Read through the entire Gamesman website (go to ucwise and look in the left column).
  • All the Gamesman code is in the My files section of ucwise in the gamesman directory. If you want to reach this directory from the unix prompt, look in your ucwise/gamesman/ directory.
  • Remember, if you implement Northcott's Game, the highest grade in the class you can get is a B (i.e. if your final grade in the class is greater than a B, then you will get a B. If you grade is lower than a B, you will receive that grade). You may want to consider implementing Northcott's Game if you are taking the class pass/not pass. You can still implement extra credit for the project if you are doing Northcott's Game.
  • If you want to implement Northcott's Game and do not have a partner, email Alex.


  • Look at m1210.scm and mtttt.scm in the games/modules/ directory - these files contain the code for the games 1,2,...,10 and Tomorrow's Tic-Tac-Toe respectively. Feel free to use any of the code you see in these files when you are writing your project.
  • Rename the template.scm to something that begins with the letter "m" (e.g. msurround.scm). Put your code that you are writing in this file.
  • Use testloop.scm to test your project before your project is completely written (it can be found in the gamesman/ directory).
  • Make sure you use good style and document your code, this is part of your project grade. For more details, refer to the website section on Style Tips.

What to Turn in and When

  • For a list of checkoffs and final submission deadlines read Timeline section.


  • Style, documentation, and testing are worth 50% of you project grade. The other 50% of your grade come from correctness of your program.
  • Your final grade is scaled to your checoff scores. For example, if you get 40/40 on your project, but miss the first checkoff so that you have 8/10 on your checoff points, you will receive 40 * 8/10 = 36 points on your project. Also, if you get extra credit on checkoff 1, you can potentially get 10.5 checkoff points (assuming you also got checkoff 0).


[Dan Garcia icon] [Department of Computer Science] [Official Website for the University of California, Berkeley]

Gamesman ©2003 Dan Garcia. All rights reserved.
Site design by Steven Chan. Site maintained by Hesam Samimi.