Since May 2020, we try to post some of our new talks to the PASSION Lab YouTube channel. Some older videos can also be found from the links here.
Selected Talks
[1] | Supercomputing-Scale Graph Neural Network Training. Georgia Tech, CSE Department , October 2024, Atlanta, GA [Slides] |
[2] | Computational Journeys in a Sparse Universe (2024 European Edition). EPFL, Applied Math Department, June 2024, Lausanne, Switzerland [Slides] |
[3] | Full-batch and Mini-batch Distributed Graph Neural Network Training. The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference, June 2024, Zurich, Switzerland [Slides] |
[4] | Fast Multiplication of Random Dense Sketch Matrix with Sparse Data Matrices. SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, May 2024, Paris, France [Slides] |
[5] | ExaGraph: Graph & Combinatorial Methods for Enabling Exascale Applications. SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, March 2024, Baltimore, MD [Slides] |
[6] | Sparsitute: A mathematical Institute for Sparse Computations in Science and Engineering. Plenary at the DOE ASCR Applied Math and MMICCs PI meeting, Jan 2024, Albuquerque, NM [Slides] |
[7] | Computational Journeys in a Sparse Universe. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (also at University of Utah), Nov 2023 [Slides] |
[8] | Sparse BLAS is not just for Numerical Linear Algebra. Keynote at the Sparse BLAS Workshop, UTK, Nov 2023, Knoxville, TN [Slides] |
[9] | 3S in Distributed Graph Neural Networks: Sparse communication, Sampling, Scalability GraphEx Symposium, August 2023, Boston, MA [Slides] |
[10] | The Ubiquitous Sparse Matrix Products JRG70 Workshop, June 2023, Santa Barbara, CA [Slides] |
[11] | Distributed sparse matrices in graph algorithms and graph learning. Keynote at GTA3 Workshop, IEEE BigData, December 2022 [Slides] |
[12] | Sparse matrices powering three pillars of science: simulation, data, and learning. ACM ISSAC, Invited Tutorial, July 2022, Lille, France [All slides] [Video Part 1] [Video Part 2] |
[13] | Parallel Sparse Matrix Algorithms for Data Analysis and Machine Learning. ETH Zurich (SPCL_BCast seminar series), March 2022 [Slides] [Video] |
[14] | Large-scale graph representation learning and computational biology through sparse matrices. NJIT Institute for Data Science, April 2021 [Slides] [Video] |
[15] | Sparse Matrices Beyond Solvers - Graphs, Biology, and Machine Learning. MIT (Fast Code Seminar series), June 2020 [Slides] [Video] |
[16] | GraphBLAST: A High-Performance Linear Algebra-based Graph Framework on the GPU. ACS HPC and Data Analytics Workshop, Baltimore, MD, 2019 [Slides] |
[17] | GraphBLAS and parallelism in machine learning & computational genomics. LBNL CS Area Review, Berkeley, CA, 2019 [Slides] |
[18] | GraphBLAS in Data Analytics and Machine Learning. ACS Reverse Site Visit, Berkeley, CA, 2019 [Slides] |
[19] | Communication-Avoiding Sparse Matrix Algorithms for Large Graph and Machine Learning Problems. SIAM CSE, Spokane, WA, 2019 [Slides] |
[20] | Large-scale parallel computing for computational genomics. H.Bioinfo-11, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2018 [Slides] |
[21] | Communication-Avoiding Sparse Matrix Primitives for Parallel Machine Learning. Sparse Days, Toulouse, France, 2018 [Slides] |
[22] | Scaling Parallel Graph Analysis & Machine Learning using Sparse Matrix Operations. Seminar at Michigan State University and NERSC, 2018 [Slides] |
[23] | Graph algorithms, computational motifs, and GraphBLAS. Exascale Computing Project 2nd Annual Meeting, Exagraph Tutorial Session, Knoxville, TN, 2018 [Slides] |
[24] | Parallel Algorithms across the GraphBLAS Stack. ACS HPC and Data Analytics Workshop, Baltimore, MD, 2017 [Slides] |
[25] | Faster parallel Graph BLAS kernels and new graph algorithms in matrix algebra. EECS, UC Berkeley, 2016 [2016 Slides] and HP Labs, Palo Alto, CA, 2015 [2015 Slides] |
[26] | Parallel de novo Assembly of Complex (Meta) Genomes via HipMer. Invited Talk at HiCOMB, IPDPS, Chicago, IL, 2016 [Slides] |
[27] | Scalable algorithms for genome assembly, alignment, and genetic mapping. Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Computational Science and Engineering, Atlanta, GA, 2015 [Slides] |
[28] | Distributed-Memory Parallel Algorithms for Graph Traversal and Genome Assembly. SUNY Stony Brook, SUNY Albany, SUNY Buffalo , NY, 2014 [Slides] |
[29] | The Graph BLAS effort and its implications for Exascale. SIAM Workshop on Exascale Applied Mathematics Challenges and Opportunities (EX14) , Chicago, IL, 2014 [Slides] |
[30] | Reducing Communication in Parallel Graph Computations. Workshop on Algorithms for Modern Massive Data Sets (MMDS) , Berkeley, CA, 2014 [Slides | Video] |
[31] | High-Productivity and High- Performance Analysis of Filtered Semantic Graphs. SIAM Conference on Parallel Computing , Portland, OR, 2014 [Slides] |
[32] | Three Goals in Parallel Graph Computations: High Performance, High Productivity, and Reduced Communication. Seminar at the Simons Institute , Berkeley, CA, 2013. [Video and Slides] |
[33] | A sustainable software stack for parallel graph analysis. Discovery 2015: HPC and Cloud Computing Workshop, Berkeley, CA, 2012 [slides] |
[34] | Parallel algorithms for sparse matrix product, indexing, and assignment. In Scientific Computing and Matrix Computations Seminar, UC Berkeley 2012. [slides] |
[35] | Parallel Breadth-First Search on Distributed Memory Systems. In Supercomputing, Seattle 2011. [slides] |
[36] | An Overview of the Combinatorial BLAS and Knowledge Discovery Toolbox. IBM Exascale Analytics Discussion, 2011. [slides] |
[37] | Scalable Parallel Primitives for Massive Graph Computation. Invited talk at Sandia National Labs, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and Argonne National Lab, 2010. [slides] |
[38] | Parallel Sparse Matrix-Vector and Matrix-Transpose-Vector Multiplication Using Compressed Sparse Blocks. In ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA) , Calgary, Canada, 2009. [slides] |
[39] | Challenges and advances in parallel sparse matrix-matrix multiplication. In International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Portland, 2008. [slides] |
[40] | Gaussian Elimination Based Algorithms on the GPU. In International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA), Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 2008. [slides] |