BFSFriends.h File Reference
#include "mpi.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "SpParMat.h"
#include "SpParHelper.h"
#include "MPIType.h"
#include "Friends.h"
#include "OptBuf.h"
#include "ParFriends.h"
#include "BitMap.h"
#include "BitMapCarousel.h"
#include "BitMapFringe.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >




template<typename IT , typename VT >
void combblas::dcsc_gespmv_threaded_setbuffers (const SpDCCols< IT, bool > &A, const int32_t *indx, const VT *numx, int32_t nnzx, int32_t *sendindbuf, VT *sendnumbuf, int *cnts, int *dspls, int p_c)
template<typename VT , typename IT , typename UDER >
void combblas::LocalSpMV (const SpParMat< IT, bool, UDER > &A, int rowneighs, OptBuf< int32_t, VT > &optbuf, int32_t *&indacc, VT *&numacc, int *sendcnt, int accnz)
template<typename IU , typename VT >
void combblas::MergeContributions (FullyDistSpVec< IU, VT > &y, int *&recvcnt, int *&rdispls, int32_t *&recvindbuf, VT *&recvnumbuf, int rowneighs)
template<typename VT , typename IT , typename UDER >
FullyDistSpVec< IT, VT > combblas::SpMV (const SpParMat< IT, bool, UDER > &A, const FullyDistSpVec< IT, VT > &x, OptBuf< int32_t, VT > &optbuf)
template<typename VT , typename IT , typename UDER >
SpDCCols< int, bool >::SpColIter * combblas::CalcSubStarts (SpParMat< IT, bool, UDER > &A, FullyDistSpVec< IT, VT > &x, BitMapCarousel< IT, VT > &done)
template<typename VT , typename IT >
void combblas::UpdateParents (MPI_Comm &RowWorld, std::pair< IT, IT > *updates, int num_updates, FullyDistVec< IT, VT > &parents, int source, int dest, BitMapFringe< int64_t, int64_t > &bm_fringe)
template<typename VT , typename IT , typename UDER >
void combblas::BottomUpStep (SpParMat< IT, bool, UDER > &A, FullyDistSpVec< IT, VT > &x, BitMapFringe< int64_t, int64_t > &bm_fringe, FullyDistVec< IT, VT > &parents, BitMapCarousel< IT, VT > &done, SpDCCols< int, bool >::SpColIter *starts)