combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > Class Template Reference

#include <BFSFriends.h>


class  ScalarReadSaveHandler

Public Types

typedef DER::LocalIT LocalIT
typedef DER::LocalNT LocalNT
typedef IT GlobalIT
typedef NT GlobalNT

Public Member Functions

 SpParMat ()
 Deprecated. Don't call the default constructor. More...
 SpParMat (MPI_Comm world)
 SpParMat (std::shared_ptr< CommGrid > grid)
 SpParMat (DER *myseq, std::shared_ptr< CommGrid > grid)
 SpParMat (std::ifstream &input, MPI_Comm &world)
 SpParMat (DER *myseq, MPI_Comm &world)
template<class DELIT >
 SpParMat (const DistEdgeList< DELIT > &rhs, bool removeloops=true)
 SpParMat (const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &rhs)
 SpParMat (IT total_m, IT total_n, const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &, const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &, const FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &, bool SumDuplicates=false)
 All vectors are zero-based indexed (as usual) More...
 SpParMat (IT total_m, IT total_n, const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &, const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &, const NT &, bool SumDuplicates=false)
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > & operator= (const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &rhs)
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > & operator+= (const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &rhs)
 ~SpParMat ()
template<typename SR >
void Square ()
float LoadImbalance () const
void Transpose ()
void FreeMemory ()
void EWiseMult (const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &rhs, bool exclude)
void EWiseScale (const DenseParMat< IT, NT > &rhs)
void Find (FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &, FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &) const
void Find (FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &) const
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
void DimApply (Dim dim, const FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &v, _BinaryOperation __binary_op)
template<typename _BinaryOperation , typename _UnaryOperation >
FullyDistVec< IT, NT > Reduce (Dim dim, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, NT id, _UnaryOperation __unary_op) const
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
FullyDistVec< IT, NT > Reduce (Dim dim, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, NT id) const
template<typename VT , typename GIT , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _UnaryOperation >
void Reduce (FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &rvec, Dim dim, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, VT id, _UnaryOperation __unary_op) const
template<typename VT , typename GIT , typename _BinaryOperation >
void Reduce (FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &rvec, Dim dim, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, VT id) const
template<typename VT , typename GIT >
bool Kselect (FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &rvec, IT k_limit, int kselectVersion) const
template<typename VT , typename GIT >
bool Kselect (FullyDistSpVec< GIT, VT > &kth, IT k_limit, int kselectVersion) const
template<typename VT , typename GIT , typename _UnaryOperation >
bool Kselect1 (FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &rvec, IT k_limit, _UnaryOperation __unary_op) const
template<typename VT , typename GIT , typename _UnaryOperation >
bool Kselect1 (FullyDistSpVec< GIT, VT > &rvec, IT k_limit, _UnaryOperation __unary_op) const
template<typename VT , typename GIT >
bool Kselect1 (FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &rvec, IT k_limit) const
template<typename VT , typename GIT >
bool Kselect2 (FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &rvec, IT k_limit) const
IT Bandwidth () const
IT Profile () const
template<typename VT , typename GIT , typename _BinaryOperation >
void MaskedReduce (FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &rvec, FullyDistSpVec< GIT, VT > &mask, Dim dim, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, VT id, bool exclude=false) const
template<typename VT , typename GIT , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _UnaryOperation >
void MaskedReduce (FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &rvec, FullyDistSpVec< GIT, VT > &mask, Dim dim, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, VT id, _UnaryOperation __unary_op, bool exclude=false) const
template<typename _UnaryOperation >
void Apply (_UnaryOperation __unary_op)
IT RemoveLoops ()
void AddLoops (NT loopval, bool replaceExisting=false)
void AddLoops (FullyDistVec< IT, NT > loopvals, bool replaceExisting=false)
template<typename LIT , typename OT >
void OptimizeForGraph500 (OptBuf< LIT, OT > &optbuf)
void ActivateThreading (int numsplits)
template<typename _UnaryOperation >
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > PruneI (_UnaryOperation __unary_op, bool inPlace=true)
template<typename _UnaryOperation >
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > Prune (_UnaryOperation __unary_op, bool inPlace=true)
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > PruneColumn (const FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &pvals, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, bool inPlace=true)
 Prune every column of a sparse matrix based on pvals. More...
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > PruneColumn (const FullyDistSpVec< IT, NT > &pvals, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, bool inPlace=true)
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
void UpdateDense (DenseParMat< IT, NT > &rhs, _BinaryOperation __binary_op) const
void Dump (std::string filename) const
void PrintInfo () const
template<typename NNT , typename NDER >
 operator SpParMat< IT, NNT, NDER > () const
 Type conversion operator. More...
template<typename NIT , typename NNT , typename NDER >
 operator SpParMat< NIT, NNT, NDER > () const
 Type conversion operator (for indices as well) More...
IT getnrow () const
IT getncol () const
IT getnnz () const
template<typename LIT >
int Owner (IT total_m, IT total_n, IT grow, IT gcol, LIT &lrow, LIT &lcol) const
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > SubsRefCol (const std::vector< IT > &ci) const
 Column indexing with special parallel semantics. More...
template<typename SelectFirstSR , typename SelectSecondSR >
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > SubsRef_SR (const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &ri, const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &ci, bool inplace=false)
 General indexing with serial semantics. More...
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > operator() (const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &ri, const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &ci, bool inplace=false)
void Prune (const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &ri, const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &ci)
 prune all entries whose row indices are in ri and column indices are in ci More...
void SpAsgn (const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &ri, const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &ci, SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &B)
bool operator== (const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &rhs) const
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
void ParallelReadMM (const std::string &filename, bool onebased, _BinaryOperation BinOp)
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
FullyDistVec< IT, std::array< char, MAXVERTNAME > > ReadGeneralizedTuples (const std::string &, _BinaryOperation)
template<class HANDLER >
void ReadDistribute (const std::string &filename, int master, bool nonum, HANDLER handler, bool transpose=false, bool pario=false)
void ReadDistribute (const std::string &filename, int master, bool nonum=false, bool pario=false)
template<class HANDLER >
void SaveGathered (std::string filename, HANDLER handler, bool transpose=false) const
void SaveGathered (std::string filename) const
std::ofstream & put (std::ofstream &outfile) const
std::shared_ptr< CommGridgetcommgrid () const
DER::LocalIT getlocalrows () const
DER::LocalIT getlocalcols () const
DER::LocalIT getlocalnnz () const
DER & seq ()
DER * seqptr ()
template<typename _BinaryOperation , typename LIT >
void SparseCommon (std::vector< std::vector< std::tuple< LIT, LIT, NT > > > &data, LIT locsize, IT total_m, IT total_n, _BinaryOperation BinOp)


template<class IU , class NU >
class DenseParMat
template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat< IU, NUO, UDERO > Mult_AnXBn_DoubleBuff (SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &A, SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &B, bool clearA, bool clearB)
 Friend declarations. More...
template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat< IU, NUO, UDERO > Mult_AnXBn_Synch (SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &A, SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &B, bool clearA, bool clearB)
template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
int64_t EstPerProcessNnzSUMMA (SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote, typename promote_trait< UDER1, UDER2 >::T_promote > Mult_AnXBn_ActiveTarget (const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &A, const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &B)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote, typename promote_trait< UDER1, UDER2 >::T_promote > Mult_AnXBn_PassiveTarget (const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &A, const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &B)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote, typename promote_trait< UDER1, UDER2 >::T_promote > Mult_AnXBn_Fence (const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &A, const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &B)
template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat< IU, NUO, UDERO > MemEfficientSpGEMM (SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B, int phases, NUO hardThreshold, IU selectNum, IU recoverNum, NUO recoverPct, int kselectVersion, int64_t perProcessMem)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename NUV , typename UDER >
FullyDistSpVec< IU, typename promote_trait< NUM, NUV >::T_promote > SpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NUV > &x)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename NUV , typename UDER >
FullyDistVec< IU, typename promote_trait< NUM, NUV >::T_promote > SpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, const FullyDistVec< IU, NUV > &x)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
FullyDistSpVec< IU, typename promote_trait< NUM, IU >::T_promote > SpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IU > &x, bool indexisvalue)
template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void SpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IVT > &x, FullyDistSpVec< IU, OVT > &y, bool indexisvalue)
template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void SpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IVT > &x, FullyDistSpVec< IU, OVT > &y, bool indexisvalue, OptBuf< int32_t, OVT > &optbuf)
template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote, typename promote_trait< UDER1, UDER2 >::T_promote > EWiseMult (const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &A, const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &B, bool exclude)
template<typename RETT , typename RETDER , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB , typename _BinaryOperation >
SpParMat< IU, RETT, RETDER > EWiseApply (const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, bool notB, const NU2 &defaultBVal)
template<typename RETT , typename RETDER , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
SpParMat< IU, RETT, RETDER > EWiseApply (const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _BinaryPredicate do_op, bool allowANulls, bool allowBNulls, const NU1 &ANullVal, const NU2 &BNullVal, const bool allowIntersect, const bool useExtendedBinOp)
template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void LocalSpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, int rowneighs, OptBuf< int32_t, OVT > &optbuf, int32_t *&indacc, IVT *&numacc, int32_t *&sendindbuf, OVT *&sendnumbuf, int *&sdispls, int *sendcnt, int accnz, bool indexisvalue, PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &SPA)
template<typename VT , typename IU , typename UDER >
void LocalSpMV (const SpParMat< IU, bool, UDER > &A, int rowneighs, OptBuf< int32_t, VT > &optbuf, int32_t *&indacc, VT *&numacc, int *sendcnt, int accnz)
template<typename IU , typename NU , typename UDER >
std::ofstream & operator<< (std::ofstream &outfile, const SpParMat< IU, NU, UDER > &s)

Detailed Description

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
class combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >

Fundamental 2D distributed sparse matrix class The index type IT is encapsulated by the class in a way that it is only guarantee that the implementation will ensure the requested semantics. For instance, if IT=int64 then the implementation can still use 32 bit local indices but it should return correct 64-bit numbers in its functions. In other words, DER can be SpDCCols<int32_t, double> while IT=int64_t

Definition at line 47 of file BFSFriends.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ GlobalIT

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
typedef IT combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::GlobalIT

Definition at line 73 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ GlobalNT

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
typedef NT combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::GlobalNT

Definition at line 74 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ LocalIT

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
typedef DER::LocalIT combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::LocalIT

Definition at line 71 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ LocalNT

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
typedef DER::LocalNT combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::LocalNT

Definition at line 72 of file SpParMat.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SpParMat() [1/10]

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SpParMat ( )

Deprecated. Don't call the default constructor.

Definition at line 89 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SpParMat() [2/10]

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SpParMat ( MPI_Comm  world)

If there is a single file read by the master process only, use this and then call ReadDistribute()

Definition at line 101 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SpParMat() [3/10]

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SpParMat ( std::shared_ptr< CommGrid grid)

Definition at line 80 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SpParMat() [4/10]

template<class IT , class NT , class DER>
combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SpParMat ( DER *  myseq,
std::shared_ptr< CommGrid grid 

Definition at line 73 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SpParMat() [5/10]

template<class IT , class NT , class DER>
combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SpParMat ( std::ifstream &  input,
MPI_Comm &  world 

If every processor has a distinct triples file such as {A_0, A_1, A_2,... A_p} for p processors

Definition at line 53 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SpParMat() [6/10]

template<class IT , class NT , class DER>
combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SpParMat ( DER *  myseq,
MPI_Comm &  world 

Definition at line 66 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SpParMat() [7/10]

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
template<class DELIT >
combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SpParMat ( const DistEdgeList< DELIT > &  rhs,
bool  removeloops = true 

Definition at line 2578 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SpParMat() [8/10]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SpParMat ( const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  rhs)

Definition at line 619 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SpParMat() [9/10]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SpParMat ( IT  total_m,
IT  total_n,
const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  distrows,
const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  distcols,
const FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &  distvals,
bool  SumDuplicates = false 

All vectors are zero-based indexed (as usual)

Definition at line 2504 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SpParMat() [10/10]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SpParMat ( IT  total_m,
IT  total_n,
const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  distrows,
const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  distcols,
const NT &  val,
bool  SumDuplicates = false 

Definition at line 2542 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ ~SpParMat()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::~SpParMat ( )

Definition at line 110 of file SpParMat.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ActivateThreading()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::ActivateThreading ( int  numsplits)

Definition at line 2881 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ AddLoops() [1/2]

template<class IT , class NT, class DER >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::AddLoops ( NT  loopval,
bool  replaceExisting = false 

Definition at line 2714 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ AddLoops() [2/2]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::AddLoops ( FullyDistVec< IT, NT >  loopvals,
bool  replaceExisting = false 

Definition at line 2731 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Apply()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename _UnaryOperation >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Apply ( _UnaryOperation  __unary_op)

Definition at line 145 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ Bandwidth()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
IT combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Bandwidth ( ) const

Definition at line 1598 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ DimApply()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER >
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::DimApply ( Dim  dim,
const FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &  v,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op 

Definition at line 704 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Dump()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Dump ( std::string  filename) const

Definition at line 562 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ EWiseMult()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::EWiseMult ( const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  rhs,
bool  exclude 

Definition at line 2335 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ EWiseScale()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::EWiseScale ( const DenseParMat< IT, NT > &  rhs)

Definition at line 2350 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Find() [1/2]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Find ( FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  distrows,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  distcols,
FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &  distvals 
) const

The input parameters' identity (zero) elements as well as their communication grid is preserved while outputting

Definition at line 4100 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Find() [2/2]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Find ( FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  distrows,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  distcols 
) const

The input parameters' identity (zero) elements as well as their communication grid is preserved while outputting

Definition at line 4178 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ FreeMemory()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::FreeMemory ( )

Definition at line 116 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ getcommgrid()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
std::shared_ptr<CommGrid> combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::getcommgrid ( ) const

Definition at line 275 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ getlocalcols()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
DER::LocalIT combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::getlocalcols ( ) const

Definition at line 277 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ getlocalnnz()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
DER::LocalIT combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::getlocalnnz ( ) const

Definition at line 278 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ getlocalrows()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
DER::LocalIT combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::getlocalrows ( ) const

Definition at line 276 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ getncol()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
IT combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::getncol ( ) const

Definition at line 694 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ getnnz()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
IT combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::getnnz ( ) const

Definition at line 676 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ getnrow()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
IT combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::getnrow ( ) const

Definition at line 685 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Kselect() [1/2]

template<class IT, class NT , class DER >
template<typename VT , typename GIT >
bool combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Kselect ( FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &  rvec,
IT  k_limit,
int  kselectVersion 
) const

Returns true if Kselect algorithm is invoked for at least one column Otherwise, returns false if false, rvec contains either the minimum entry in each column or zero

Definition at line 1063 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Kselect() [2/2]

template<class IT, class NT , class DER >
template<typename VT , typename GIT >
bool combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Kselect ( FullyDistSpVec< GIT, VT > &  kth,
IT  k_limit,
int  kselectVersion 
) const

Kselect wrapper for a select columns of the matrix Indices of the input sparse vectors kth denote the queried columns of the matrix Upon return, values of kth stores the kth entries of the queried columns Returns true if Kselect algorithm is invoked for at least one column Otherwise, returns false

Definition at line 1023 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Kselect1() [1/3]

template<class IT, class NT , class DER >
template<typename VT , typename GIT , typename _UnaryOperation >
bool combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Kselect1 ( FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &  rvec,
IT  k_limit,
_UnaryOperation  __unary_op 
) const

Definition at line 1094 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Kselect1() [2/3]

template<class IT, class NT , class DER >
template<typename VT , typename GIT , typename _UnaryOperation >
bool combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Kselect1 ( FullyDistSpVec< GIT, VT > &  rvec,
IT  k_limit,
_UnaryOperation  __unary_op 
) const

Definition at line 1315 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Kselect1() [3/3]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename VT , typename GIT >
bool combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Kselect1 ( FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &  rvec,
IT  k_limit 
) const

◆ Kselect2()

template<class IT, class NT , class DER >
template<typename VT , typename GIT >
bool combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Kselect2 ( FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &  rvec,
IT  k_limit 
) const

identify the k-th maximum element in each column of a matrix if the number of nonzeros in a column is less than k, return the numeric_limits<NT>::min() This is an efficient implementation of the Saukas/Song algorithm Preferred for large k values

Definition at line 309 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ LoadImbalance()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
float combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::LoadImbalance ( ) const

Definition at line 665 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ MaskedReduce() [1/2]

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
template<typename VT , typename GIT , typename _BinaryOperation >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::MaskedReduce ( FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &  rvec,
FullyDistSpVec< GIT, VT > &  mask,
Dim  dim,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
VT  id,
bool  exclude = false 
) const

Definition at line 1704 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ MaskedReduce() [2/2]

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
template<typename VT , typename GIT , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _UnaryOperation >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::MaskedReduce ( FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &  rvec,
FullyDistSpVec< GIT, VT > &  mask,
Dim  dim,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
VT  id,
_UnaryOperation  __unary_op,
bool  exclude = false 
) const

Reduce along the column into a vector

[in]mask{A sparse vector indicating row indices included/excluded (based on exclude argument) in the reduction }
[in]__binary_op{the operation used for reduction; examples: max, min, plus, multiply, and, or. Its parameters and return type are all VT}
[in]id{scalar that is used as the identity for __binary_op; examples: zero, infinity}
[in]__unary_op{optional unary operation applied to nonzeros before the __binary_op; examples: 1/x, x^2}
[in]exclude{if true, masked row indices are included in the reduction}
[out]rvec{the return vector, specified as an output parameter to allow arbitrary return types via VT}

Definition at line 1725 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ operator SpParMat< IT, NNT, NDER >()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
template<typename NNT , typename NDER >
combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::operator SpParMat< IT, NNT, NDER > ( ) const

Type conversion operator.

Definition at line 1847 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ operator SpParMat< NIT, NNT, NDER >()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
template<typename NIT , typename NNT , typename NDER >
combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::operator SpParMat< NIT, NNT, NDER > ( ) const

Type conversion operator (for indices as well)

Change index type as well.

Definition at line 1856 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ operator()()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
SpParMat<IT,NT,DER> combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::operator() ( const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  ri,
const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  ci,
bool  inplace = false 

Definition at line 216 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ operator+=()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > & combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::operator+= ( const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  rhs)

Definition at line 644 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ operator=()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > & combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::operator= ( const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  rhs)

Check agains NULL is probably unneccessary, delete won't fail on NULL But useful in the presence of a user defined "operator delete" which fails to check NULL

Definition at line 628 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ operator==()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
bool combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::operator== ( const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  rhs) const

Definition at line 2411 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ OptimizeForGraph500()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
template<typename LIT , typename OT >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::OptimizeForGraph500 ( OptBuf< LIT, OT > &  optbuf)

Pre-allocates buffers for row communication additionally (if GATHERVOPT is defined, incomplete as of March 2016):

  • Splits the local column indices to sparse & dense pieces to avoid redundant AllGather (sparse pieces get p2p)

Definition at line 2780 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Owner()

template<class IT, class NT , class DER >
template<typename LIT >
int combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Owner ( IT  total_m,
IT  total_n,
IT  grow,
IT  gcol,
LIT &  lrow,
LIT &  lcol 
) const
[in]grow{global row index}
[in]gcol{global column index}
[out]lrow{row index local to the owner}
[out]lcol{col index local to the owner}
{owner processor id}

Definition at line 4270 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ ParallelReadMM()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::ParallelReadMM ( const std::string &  filename,
bool  onebased,
_BinaryOperation  BinOp 

Handles all sorts of orderings, even duplicates (what happens to them is determined by BinOp) Requires proper matrix market banner at the moment Replaces ReadDistribute for properly load balanced input in matrix market format

Definition at line 3417 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ PrintInfo()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::PrintInfo ( ) const

Definition at line 2387 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Profile()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
IT combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Profile ( ) const

Definition at line 1641 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Prune() [1/2]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename _UnaryOperation >
SpParMat<IT,NT,DER> combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Prune ( _UnaryOperation  __unary_op,
bool  inPlace = true 

Definition at line 175 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ Prune() [2/2]

template<class IT, class NT , class DER >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Prune ( const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  ri,
const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  ci 

prune all entries whose row indices are in ri and column indices are in ci

Definition at line 2149 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ PruneColumn() [1/2]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER >
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::PruneColumn ( const FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &  pvals,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
bool  inPlace = true 

Prune every column of a sparse matrix based on pvals.

Definition at line 2185 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ PruneColumn() [2/2]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER >
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::PruneColumn ( const FullyDistSpVec< IT, NT > &  pvals,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
bool  inPlace = true 

Prune columns of a sparse matrix selected by nonzero indices of pvals Each selected column is pruned by corresponding values in pvals

Definition at line 2264 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ PruneI()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename _UnaryOperation >
SpParMat<IT,NT,DER> combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::PruneI ( _UnaryOperation  __unary_op,
bool  inPlace = true 

Definition at line 159 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ put()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
std::ofstream & combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::put ( std::ofstream &  outfile) const

Definition at line 4248 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ ReadDistribute() [1/2]

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
template<class HANDLER >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::ReadDistribute ( const std::string &  filename,
int  master,
bool  nonum,
HANDLER  handler,
bool  transpose = false,
bool  pario = false 

Handles all sorts of orderings as long as there are no duplicates May perform better when the data is already reverse column-sorted (i.e. in decreasing order) if nonum is true, then numerics are not supplied and they are assumed to be all 1's

Definition at line 3560 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ ReadDistribute() [2/2]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::ReadDistribute ( const std::string &  filename,
int  master,
bool  nonum = false,
bool  pario = false 

Definition at line 264 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ ReadGeneralizedTuples()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
FullyDistVec< IT, std::array< char, MAXVERTNAME > > combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::ReadGeneralizedTuples ( const std::string &  filename,
_BinaryOperation  BinOp 

Handles all sorts of orderings as long as there are no duplicates Does not take matrix market banner (only tuples) Data can be load imbalanced and the vertex labels can be arbitrary strings Replaces ReadDistribute for imbalanced arbitrary input in tuples format

Definition at line 3319 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Reduce() [1/4]

template<class IT , class NT, class DER >
template<typename _BinaryOperation , typename _UnaryOperation >
FullyDistVec< IT, NT > combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Reduce ( Dim  dim,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
NT  id,
_UnaryOperation  __unary_op 
) const

Definition at line 791 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Reduce() [2/4]

template<class IT , class NT, class DER >
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
FullyDistVec< IT, NT > combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Reduce ( Dim  dim,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
NT  id 
) const

Definition at line 819 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Reduce() [3/4]

template<class IT , class NT, class DER >
template<typename VT , typename GIT , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _UnaryOperation >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Reduce ( FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &  rvec,
Dim  dim,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
VT  id,
_UnaryOperation  __unary_op 
) const

Definition at line 856 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Reduce() [4/4]

template<class IT , class NT, class DER >
template<typename VT , typename GIT , typename _BinaryOperation >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Reduce ( FullyDistVec< GIT, VT > &  rvec,
Dim  dim,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
VT  id 
) const

Definition at line 848 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ RemoveLoops()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
IT combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::RemoveLoops ( )

Definition at line 2695 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SaveGathered() [1/2]

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
template<class HANDLER >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SaveGathered ( std::string  filename,
HANDLER  handler,
bool  transpose = false 
) const

Definition at line 3027 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SaveGathered() [2/2]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SaveGathered ( std::string  filename) const

Definition at line 271 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ seq()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
DER& combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::seq ( )

Definition at line 279 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ seqptr()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
DER* combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::seqptr ( )

Definition at line 280 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ SparseCommon()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER >
template<typename _BinaryOperation , typename LIT >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SparseCommon ( std::vector< std::vector< std::tuple< LIT, LIT, NT > > > &  data,
LIT  locsize,
IT  total_m,
IT  total_n,
_BinaryOperation  BinOp 

Private function that carries code common to different sparse() constructors Before this call, commGrid is already set

Definition at line 2426 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SpAsgn()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SpAsgn ( const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  ri,
const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  ci,
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  B 

Definition at line 2106 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Square()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
template<typename SR >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Square ( )

Parallel routine that returns A*A on the semiring SR Uses only MPI-1 features (relies on simple blocking broadcast)

Definition at line 2893 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SubsRef_SR()

template<class IT, class NT , class DER >
template<typename PTNTBOOL , typename PTBOOLNT >
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SubsRef_SR ( const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  ri,
const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  ci,
bool  inplace = false 

General indexing with serial semantics.

Generalized sparse matrix indexing (ri/ci are 0-based indexed) Both the storage and the actual values in FullyDistVec should be IT The index vectors are dense and FULLY distributed on all processors We can use this function to apply a permutation like A(p,q) Sequential indexing subroutine (via multiplication) is general enough.

Definition at line 1883 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SubsRefCol()

template<class IT, class NT , class DER >
SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::SubsRefCol ( const std::vector< IT > &  ci) const

Column indexing with special parallel semantics.

Create a submatrix of size m x (size(ci) * s) on a r x s processor grid Essentially fetches the columns ci[0], ci[1],... ci[size(ci)] from every submatrix

Definition at line 1867 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ Transpose()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::Transpose ( )

Definition at line 2965 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ UpdateDense()

template<class IT, class NT, class DER >
template<typename _BinaryOperation >
void combblas::SpParMat< IT, NT, DER >::UpdateDense ( DenseParMat< IT, NT > &  rhs,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op 
) const

Definition at line 2365 of file SpParMat.cpp.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ DenseParMat

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<class IU , class NU >
friend class DenseParMat

Definition at line 399 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ EstPerProcessNnzSUMMA

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
int64_t EstPerProcessNnzSUMMA ( SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B 

Estimate the maximum nnz needed to store in a process from all stages of SUMMA before reduction

{ Input matrices, A and B, should not alias }

Definition at line 916 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ EWiseApply [1/2]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename RETT , typename RETDER , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB , typename _BinaryOperation >
SpParMat<IU,RETT,RETDER> EWiseApply ( const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
bool  notB,
const NU2 &  defaultBVal 

Definition at line 1842 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ EWiseApply [2/2]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename RETT , typename RETDER , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
SpParMat<IU,RETT,RETDER> EWiseApply ( const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
_BinaryPredicate  do_op,
bool  allowANulls,
bool  allowBNulls,
const NU1 &  ANullVal,
const NU2 &  BNullVal,
const bool  allowIntersect,
const bool  useExtendedBinOp 

Definition at line 1859 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ EWiseMult

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat<IU,typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote,typename promote_trait<UDER1,UDER2>::T_promote> EWiseMult ( const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &  A,
const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &  B,
bool  exclude 

◆ LocalSpMV [1/2]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void LocalSpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
int  rowneighs,
OptBuf< int32_t, OVT > &  optbuf,
int32_t *&  indacc,
IVT *&  numacc,
int32_t *&  sendindbuf,
OVT *&  sendnumbuf,
int *&  sdispls,
int *  sendcnt,
int  accnz,
bool  indexisvalue,
PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &  SPA 

Step 3 of the sparse SpMV algorithm, with the semiring

[in,out]optbuf{scratch space for all-to-all (fold) communication}
[in,out]indacc,numacc{index and values of the input vector, deleted upon exit}
[in,out]sendindbuf,sendnumbuf{index and values of the output vector, created}

Definition at line 1158 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ LocalSpMV [2/2]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename VT , typename IU , typename UDER >
void LocalSpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, bool, UDER > &  A,
int  rowneighs,
OptBuf< int32_t, VT > &  optbuf,
int32_t *&  indacc,
VT *&  numacc,
int *  sendcnt,
int  accnz 

◆ MemEfficientSpGEMM

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat<IU,NUO,UDERO> MemEfficientSpGEMM ( SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B,
int  phases,
NUO  hardThreshold,
IU  selectNum,
IU  recoverNum,
NUO  recoverPct,
int  kselectVersion,
int64_t  perProcessMem 

Broadcasts A multiple times (#phases) in order to save storage in the output Only uses 1/phases of C memory if the threshold/max limits are proper

Definition at line 349 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ Mult_AnXBn_ActiveTarget

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat<IU,typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote,typename promote_trait<UDER1,UDER2>::T_promote> Mult_AnXBn_ActiveTarget ( const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &  A,
const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &  B 

◆ Mult_AnXBn_DoubleBuff

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat<IU, NUO, UDERO> Mult_AnXBn_DoubleBuff ( SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &  A,
SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &  B,
bool  clearA,
bool  clearB 

Friend declarations.

◆ Mult_AnXBn_Fence

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat<IU,typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote,typename promote_trait<UDER1,UDER2>::T_promote> Mult_AnXBn_Fence ( const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &  A,
const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &  B 

◆ Mult_AnXBn_PassiveTarget

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat<IU,typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote,typename promote_trait<UDER1,UDER2>::T_promote> Mult_AnXBn_PassiveTarget ( const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &  A,
const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &  B 

◆ Mult_AnXBn_Synch

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat<IU,NUO,UDERO> Mult_AnXBn_Synch ( SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &  A,
SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &  B,
bool  clearA,
bool  clearB 

◆ operator<<

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename IU , typename NU , typename UDER >
std::ofstream& operator<< ( std::ofstream &  outfile,
const SpParMat< IU, NU, UDER > &  s 

Definition at line 4255 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ SpMV [1/5]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename NUV , typename UDER >
FullyDistSpVec<IU,typename promote_trait<NUM,NUV>::T_promote> SpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NUV > &  x 

: Old version that is no longer considered optimal Kept for legacy purposes To be removed when other functionals are fully tested.

Definition at line 1675 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ SpMV [2/5]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename NUV , typename UDER >
FullyDistVec<IU,typename promote_trait<NUM,NUV>::T_promote> SpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistVec< IU, NUV > &  x 

Parallel dense SpMV

Definition at line 1595 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ SpMV [3/5]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
FullyDistSpVec<IU,typename promote_trait<NUM,IU>::T_promote> SpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IU > &  x,
bool  indexisvalue 

Definition at line 1044 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ SpMV [4/5]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void SpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IVT > &  x,
FullyDistSpVec< IU, OVT > &  y,
bool  indexisvalue 

Definition at line 1561 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ SpMV [5/5]

template<class IT, class NT, class DER>
template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void SpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IVT > &  x,
FullyDistSpVec< IU, OVT > &  y,
bool  indexisvalue,
OptBuf< int32_t, OVT > &  optbuf 

Definition at line 1569 of file ParFriends.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: