combblas Namespace Reference


struct  absdiff
struct  Arr
struct  AWPM_param
struct  bintotality
class  BitMap
class  BitMapCarousel
class  BitMapFringe
struct  bitwise_and
 Compute the bitwise AND of two integral values. More...
struct  bitwise_or
 Compute the bitwise OR of two integral values. More...
struct  bitwise_xor
 Compute the bitwise exclusive OR of two integral values. More...
struct  BoolCopy1stSRing
struct  BoolCopy2ndSRing
class  CCGrid
struct  ColCompare
struct  ColLexiCompare
struct  ColLexiCompareWithID
class  CommGrid
struct  create_trait
struct  create_trait< SpCCols< OIT, ONT >, NIT, NNT >
struct  create_trait< SpDCCols< OIT, ONT >, NIT, NNT >
class  Csc
class  Dcsc
struct  DeletePtrIf
class  DenseParMat
class  DenseVectorLocalIterator
struct  disable_if
struct  disable_if< true, T >
class  DistEdgeList
struct  enable_if
struct  enable_if< true, T >
struct  equal_first
struct  ErrorTolerantEqual
struct  exponentiate
class  FullyDist
class  FullyDist< IT, NT, typename combblas::disable_if< combblas::is_boolean< NT >::value, NT >::type >
class  FullyDistSpVec
class  FullyDistVec
struct  HeaderInfo
class  HeapEntry
class  HipMCLClusterSaveHandler
struct  identity
struct  inf_plus
struct  is_boolean
struct  is_boolean< bool >
class  Isect
struct  LocArr
struct  logical_xor
 Compute the logical exclusive OR of two integral values. More...
struct  maximum
 Compute the maximum of two values. More...
class  Memory
class  MemoryPool
struct  minimum
 Compute the minimum of two values. More...
struct  MinPlusSRing
struct  MIS2verifySR
struct  MMmul
class  MPIDataTypeCache
struct  MPIOp
struct  MPIOp< bitwise_and< T >, T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type >
struct  MPIOp< bitwise_or< T >, T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type >
struct  MPIOp< bitwise_xor< T >, T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type >
struct  MPIOp< logical_xor< T >, T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type >
struct  MPIOp< maximum< T >, T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type >
struct  MPIOp< minimum< T >, T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type >
struct  MPIOp< std::logical_and< T >, T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type >
struct  MPIOp< std::logical_or< T >, T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type >
struct  MPIOp< std::multiplies< T >, T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type >
struct  MPIOp< std::plus< T >, T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_pod< T >::value, void >::type >
class  MPIOpCache
struct  myidentity
struct  myset
class  OptBuf
class  outofrangeexception
struct  packed_edge
struct  PlusTimesSRing
class  PreAllocatedSPA
struct  promote_trait
struct  promote_trait< bool, NT, typename combblas::disable_if< combblas::is_boolean< NT >::value >::type >
struct  promote_trait< NT, bool, typename combblas::disable_if< combblas::is_boolean< NT >::value >::type >
struct  promote_trait< SpCCols< IT, bool >, SpCCols< IT, NT >, typename combblas::disable_if< combblas::is_boolean< NT >::value >::type >
struct  promote_trait< SpCCols< IT, double >, SpCCols< IT, int > >
struct  promote_trait< SpCCols< IT, float >, SpCCols< IT, int > >
struct  promote_trait< SpCCols< IT, int >, SpCCols< IT, double > >
struct  promote_trait< SpCCols< IT, int >, SpCCols< IT, float > >
struct  promote_trait< SpCCols< IT, NT >, SpCCols< IT, bool >, typename combblas::disable_if< combblas::is_boolean< NT >::value >::type >
struct  promote_trait< SpCCols< IT, NT >, SpCCols< IT, NT > >
struct  promote_trait< SpDCCols< IT, bool >, SpDCCols< IT, NT >, typename combblas::disable_if< combblas::is_boolean< NT >::value >::type >
struct  promote_trait< SpDCCols< IT, double >, SpDCCols< IT, int > >
struct  promote_trait< SpDCCols< IT, float >, SpDCCols< IT, int > >
struct  promote_trait< SpDCCols< IT, int >, SpDCCols< IT, double > >
struct  promote_trait< SpDCCols< IT, int >, SpDCCols< IT, float > >
struct  promote_trait< SpDCCols< IT, NT >, SpDCCols< IT, bool >, typename combblas::disable_if< combblas::is_boolean< NT >::value >::type >
struct  promote_trait< SpDCCols< IT, NT >, SpDCCols< IT, NT > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, bool >, SpTuples< int, double > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, bool >, SpTuples< int, float > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, bool >, SpTuples< int, int > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, bool >, SpTuples< int, unsigned > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, double >, SpTuples< int, bool > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, double >, SpTuples< int, double > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, double >, SpTuples< int, int > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, float >, SpTuples< int, bool > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, float >, SpTuples< int, float > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, float >, SpTuples< int, int > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, int >, SpTuples< int, bool > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, int >, SpTuples< int, double > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, int >, SpTuples< int, float > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, int >, SpTuples< int, int > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int, unsigned >, SpTuples< int, bool > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, bool >, SpTuples< int64_t, double > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, bool >, SpTuples< int64_t, float > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, bool >, SpTuples< int64_t, int > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, bool >, SpTuples< int64_t, unsigned > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, double >, SpTuples< int64_t, bool > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, double >, SpTuples< int64_t, double > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, double >, SpTuples< int64_t, int > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, float >, SpTuples< int64_t, bool > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, float >, SpTuples< int64_t, float > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, float >, SpTuples< int64_t, int > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, int >, SpTuples< int64_t, bool > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, int >, SpTuples< int64_t, double > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, int >, SpTuples< int64_t, float > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, int >, SpTuples< int64_t, int > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, int64_t >, SpTuples< int64_t, int64_t > >
struct  promote_trait< SpTuples< int64_t, unsigned >, SpTuples< int64_t, bool > >
struct  RandReduce
 With 50/50 chances, return a one of the operants. More...
class  RefGen21
struct  RowCompare
struct  RowLexiCompare
struct  safemultinv
struct  sel2nd
struct  Select2ndMinSR
struct  Select2ndRandSR
struct  Select2ndSRing
struct  SelectMaxSRing
struct  SelectMaxSRing< bool, T2 >
struct  SelectPlusSR
class  SemanticGraph
struct  SetIfNotEqual
 Returns a special value (passed to the constructor of the functor) when both operants disagree. More...
class  SparseVectorLocalIterator
class  SpCCols
class  SpDCCols
class  SpHelper
struct  SpImpl
struct  SpImpl< SR, IT, bool, IVT, OVT >
class  SpMat
class  SpParHelper
class  SpParMat
class  SpTuples
class  StackEntry
struct  totality
struct  TupleEqual
struct  type_info_compare
 comparison function object for two std::type_info pointers is implemented using the before() member function of the std::type_info class More...
class  VectorLocalIterator
struct  VertexType
struct  VertexTypeML
struct  VertexTypeMM
struct  WeightMaxMLSR
struct  WeightMaxMMSR


typedef struct combblas::packed_edge packed_edge


enum  Dim { Column, Row }


template<typename IT , typename NT >
SpDCCols< IT, NT > * GenRMat (unsigned scale, unsigned EDGEFACTOR, double initiator[4], MPI_Comm &layerworld, bool scramble)
template<typename IT , typename NT >
void Generator (unsigned scale, unsigned EDGEFACTOR, double initiator[4], CCGrid &CMG, SpDCCols< IT, NT > &splitmat, bool trans, bool scramble)
template<typename IT , typename NT >
SpDCCols< IT, NT > * multiply (SpDCCols< IT, NT > &splitA, SpDCCols< IT, NT > &splitB, CCGrid &CMG, bool isBT, bool threaded)
template<typename PARMAT >
void Symmetricize (PARMAT &A)
template<typename IT , typename NT >
void Reader (string filename, CCGrid &CMG, SpDCCols< IT, NT > &splitmat, bool trans, bool permute, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &p)
template<typename SR , typename IT , typename NT >
SpTuples< IT, NT > * ParallelReduce_Alltoall_threaded (MPI_Comm &fibWorld, SpTuples< IT, NT > *&localmerged)
template<typename NT , typename IT >
SpDCCols< IT, NT > * ReduceAll_threaded (std::vector< SpTuples< IT, NT > * > &unreducedC, CCGrid &CMG)
template<typename ONT , typename IT , typename INT , typename DER >
FullyDistSpVec< IT, ONT > MIS2 (SpParMat< IT, INT, DER > A)
template<typename IT , typename NT >
void RestrictionOp (CCGrid &CMG, SpDCCols< IT, NT > *localmat, SpDCCols< IT, NT > *&R, SpDCCols< IT, NT > *&RT)
template<typename NT , typename IT >
SpDCCols< IT, NT > * ReadMat (std::string filename, CCGrid &CMG, bool permute, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &p)
template<typename IT , typename NT >
SpDCCols< IT, NT > * GenMat (CCGrid &CMG, unsigned scale, unsigned EDGEFACTOR, double initiator[4], bool permute)
template<typename IT , typename NT >
void SplitMat (CCGrid &CMG, SpDCCols< IT, NT > *localmat, SpDCCols< IT, NT > &splitmat, bool rowsplit=false)
template<typename IT , typename NT >
void SUMMALayer (SpDCCols< IT, NT > &SplitA, SpDCCols< IT, NT > &SplitB, std::vector< SpTuples< IT, NT > * > &C, CCGrid &CMG, bool isBT, bool threaded)
template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
FullyDistVec< IT, short > StarCheck (const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &A, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &father)
template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
void ConditionalHook (const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &A, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &father)
template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
void UnconditionalHook (const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &A, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &father)
template<typename IT >
void Shortcut (FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &father)
template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
bool neigborsInSameCC (const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &A, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &cclabel)
template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
void Correctness (const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &A, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &cclabel, IT nCC, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > father)
template<typename IT >
IT LabelCC (FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &father, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &cclabel)
template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > CC (SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &A, IT &nCC)
template<typename IT >
void PrintCC (FullyDistVec< IT, IT > CC, IT nCC)
template<typename IT >
void First4Clust (FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &cc)
template<typename IT >
void HistCC (FullyDistVec< IT, IT > CC, IT nCC)
template<class IT >
void WriteMCLClusters (std::string ofName, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > clustIdForVtx, FullyDistVec< IT, std::array< char, MAXVERTNAME > > vtxLabels)
template<class IT >
void WriteMCLClusters (std::string ofName, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > clustIdForVtx, int base)
template<class IT , class NT >
std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT, NT > > ExchangeData (std::vector< std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT, NT >>> &tempTuples, MPI_Comm World)
template<class IT , class NT >
std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT, IT, NT > > ExchangeData1 (std::vector< std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT, IT, NT >>> &tempTuples, MPI_Comm World)
template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
int OwnerProcs (SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &A, IT grow, IT gcol, IT nrows, IT ncols)
template<class IT >
std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT > > MateBcast (std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT >> sendTuples, MPI_Comm World)
template<class IT , class NT >
void ReplicateMateWeights (const AWPM_param< IT > &param, Dcsc< IT, NT > *dcsc, const std::vector< IT > &colptr, std::vector< IT > &RepMateC2R, std::vector< NT > &RepMateWR2C, std::vector< NT > &RepMateWC2R)
template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
NT Trace (SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &A, IT &rettrnnz=0)
template<class NT >
NT MatchingWeight (std::vector< NT > &RepMateWC2R, MPI_Comm RowWorld, NT &minw)
template<class IT >
void UpdateMatching (FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateRow2Col, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateCol2Row, std::vector< IT > &RepMateR2C, std::vector< IT > &RepMateC2R)
int ThreadBuffLenForBinning (int itemsize, int nbins)
template<class IT , class NT >
std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT, NT > > Phase1 (const AWPM_param< IT > &param, Dcsc< IT, NT > *dcsc, const std::vector< IT > &colptr, const std::vector< IT > &RepMateR2C, const std::vector< IT > &RepMateC2R, const std::vector< NT > &RepMateWR2C, const std::vector< NT > &RepMateWC2R)
template<class IT , class NT >
std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT, IT, NT > > Phase2 (const AWPM_param< IT > &param, std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT, NT >> &recvTuples, Dcsc< IT, NT > *dcsc, const std::vector< IT > &colptr, const std::vector< IT > &RepMateR2C, const std::vector< IT > &RepMateC2R, const std::vector< NT > &RepMateWR2C, const std::vector< NT > &RepMateWC2R)
template<class IT , class NT >
std::vector< std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT, IT, NT > > > Phase2_old (const AWPM_param< IT > &param, std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT, NT >> &recvTuples, Dcsc< IT, NT > *dcsc, const std::vector< IT > &colptr, const std::vector< IT > &RepMateR2C, const std::vector< IT > &RepMateC2R, const std::vector< NT > &RepMateWR2C, const std::vector< NT > &RepMateWC2R)
template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
void TwoThirdApprox (SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &A, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateRow2Col, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateCol2Row)
template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
void TransformWeight (SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &A, bool applylog)
template<class IT , class NT >
void AWPM (SpParMat< IT, NT, SpDCCols< IT, NT > > &A1, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateRow2Col, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateCol2Row, bool optimizeProd=true)
template<typename Par_DCSC_Bool , typename IT >
void MaximalMatching (Par_DCSC_Bool &A, Par_DCSC_Bool &AT, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateRow2Col, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateCol2Row, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &degColRecv, int type, bool rand=true)
template<typename Par_MAT_Double , typename IT >
void WeightedGreedy (Par_MAT_Double &A, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateRow2Col, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateCol2Row, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &degCol)
template<class Par_DCSC_Bool , class IT , class NT >
bool isMaximalmatching (Par_DCSC_Bool &A, FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &mateRow2Col, FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &mateCol2Row)
template<class IT , class DER >
SpParMat< IT, bool, DER > PermMat (const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &ri, const IT ncol)
template<typename IT >
void AugmentLevel (FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateRow2Col, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateCol2Row, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &parentsRow, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &leaves)
template<typename IT >
void AugmentPath (FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateRow2Col, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateCol2Row, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &parentsRow, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &leaves)
template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
void maximumMatching (SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &A, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateRow2Col, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateCol2Row, bool prune=true, bool randMM=false, bool maximizeWeight=false)
template<typename PARMAT >
void removeIsolated (PARMAT &A)
template<class IT , class NT >
bool isMatching (FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &mateCol2Row, FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &mateRow2Col)
template<class IT >
bool CheckMatching (FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateRow2Col, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateCol2Row)
template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
NT MatchingWeight (SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &A, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > mateRow2Col, FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &mateCol2Row)
template<typename IT , typename VT >
void dcsc_gespmv_threaded_setbuffers (const SpDCCols< IT, bool > &A, const int32_t *indx, const VT *numx, int32_t nnzx, int32_t *sendindbuf, VT *sendnumbuf, int *cnts, int *dspls, int p_c)
template<typename VT , typename IT , typename UDER >
void LocalSpMV (const SpParMat< IT, bool, UDER > &A, int rowneighs, OptBuf< int32_t, VT > &optbuf, int32_t *&indacc, VT *&numacc, int *sendcnt, int accnz)
template<typename IU , typename VT >
void MergeContributions (FullyDistSpVec< IU, VT > &y, int *&recvcnt, int *&rdispls, int32_t *&recvindbuf, VT *&recvnumbuf, int rowneighs)
template<typename VT , typename IT , typename UDER >
FullyDistSpVec< IT, VT > SpMV (const SpParMat< IT, bool, UDER > &A, const FullyDistSpVec< IT, VT > &x, OptBuf< int32_t, VT > &optbuf)
template<typename VT , typename IT , typename UDER >
SpDCCols< int, bool >::SpColIter * CalcSubStarts (SpParMat< IT, bool, UDER > &A, FullyDistSpVec< IT, VT > &x, BitMapCarousel< IT, VT > &done)
template<typename VT , typename IT >
void UpdateParents (MPI_Comm &RowWorld, std::pair< IT, IT > *updates, int num_updates, FullyDistVec< IT, VT > &parents, int source, int dest, BitMapFringe< int64_t, int64_t > &bm_fringe)
template<typename VT , typename IT , typename UDER >
void BottomUpStep (SpParMat< IT, bool, UDER > &A, FullyDistSpVec< IT, VT > &x, BitMapFringe< int64_t, int64_t > &bm_fringe, FullyDistVec< IT, VT > &parents, BitMapCarousel< IT, VT > &done, SpDCCols< int, bool >::SpColIter *starts)
template<class T >
bool compare (const T &a, const T &b, std::false_type)
template<class T >
bool compare (const T &a, const T &b, std::true_type)
template<typename A >
void DeleteAll (A arr1)
template<typename A , typename B >
void DeleteAll (A arr1, B arr2)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
void DeleteAll (A arr1, B arr2, C arr3)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
void DeleteAll (A arr1, B arr2, C arr3, D arr4)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D , typename E >
void DeleteAll (A arr1, B arr2, C arr3, D arr4, E arr5)
template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D , typename E , typename F >
void DeleteAll (A arr1, B arr2, C arr3, D arr4, E arr5, F arr6)
template<typename IT >
void PermEdges (DistEdgeList< IT > &DEL)
template<typename IU >
void RenameVertices (DistEdgeList< IU > &DEL)
template<typename IU >
void PermEdges (DistEdgeList< IU > &DEL)
HeaderInfo ParseHeader (const std::string &inputname, FILE *&f, int &seeklength)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU , typename RHS , typename LHS >
void dcsc_gespmv (const SpDCCols< IU, NU > &A, const RHS *x, LHS *y)
 SpMV with dense vector. More...
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU , typename RHS , typename LHS >
void dcsc_gespmv_threaded (const SpDCCols< IU, NU > &A, const RHS *x, LHS *y)
 SpMV with dense vector (multithreaded version) More...
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename DER , typename IVT , typename OVT >
int generic_gespmv_threaded (const SpMat< IU, NUM, DER > &A, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t nnzx, int32_t *&sendindbuf, OVT *&sendnumbuf, int *&sdispls, int p_c, PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &SPA)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename DER , typename IVT , typename OVT >
void generic_gespmv_threaded_setbuffers (const SpMat< IU, NUM, DER > &A, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t nnzx, int32_t *sendindbuf, OVT *sendnumbuf, int *cnts, int *dspls, int p_c)
template<typename SR , typename MIND , typename VIND , typename DER , typename NUM , typename IVT , typename OVT >
void generic_gespmv (const SpMat< MIND, NUM, DER > &A, const VIND *indx, const IVT *numx, VIND nnzx, std::vector< VIND > &indy, std::vector< OVT > &numy, PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &SPA)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename DER , typename NUM , typename IVT , typename OVT >
void generic_gespmv (const SpMat< IU, NUM, DER > &A, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t nnzx, int32_t *indy, OVT *numy, int *cnts, int *dspls, int p_c, bool indexisvalue)
template<typename IU >
void BooleanRowSplit (SpDCCols< IU, bool > &A, int numsplits)
template<class SR , class NUO , class IU , class NU1 , class NU2 >
SpTuples< IU, NUO > * Tuples_AnXBt (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, bool clearA=false, bool clearB=false)
template<class SR , class NUO , class IU , class NU1 , class NU2 >
SpTuples< IU, NUO > * Tuples_AnXBn (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, bool clearA=false, bool clearB=false)
template<class SR , class NUO , class IU , class NU1 , class NU2 >
SpTuples< IU, NUO > * Tuples_AtXBt (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, bool clearA=false, bool clearB=false)
template<class SR , class NUO , class IU , class NU1 , class NU2 >
SpTuples< IU, NUO > * Tuples_AtXBn (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, bool clearA=false, bool clearB=false)
template<class SR , class IU , class NU >
SpTuples< IU, NU > MergeAll (const std::vector< SpTuples< IU, NU > *> &ArrSpTups, IU mstar=0, IU nstar=0, bool delarrs=false)
template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 >
Dcsc< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote > EWiseMult (const Dcsc< IU, NU1 > &A, const Dcsc< IU, NU2 > *B, bool exclude)
template<typename N_promote , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation >
Dcsc< IU, N_promote > EWiseApply (const Dcsc< IU, NU1 > &A, const Dcsc< IU, NU2 > *B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, bool notB, const NU2 &defaultBVal)
template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 >
SpDCCols< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote > EWiseMult (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, bool exclude)
template<typename N_promote , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation >
SpDCCols< IU, N_promote > EWiseApply (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, bool notB, const NU2 &defaultBVal)
template<typename RETT , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
Dcsc< IU, RETT > EWiseApply (const Dcsc< IU, NU1 > *Ap, const Dcsc< IU, NU2 > *Bp, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _BinaryPredicate do_op, bool allowANulls, bool allowBNulls, const NU1 &ANullVal, const NU2 &BNullVal, const bool allowIntersect)
template<typename RETT , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
SpDCCols< IU, RETT > EWiseApply (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _BinaryPredicate do_op, bool allowANulls, bool allowBNulls, const NU1 &ANullVal, const NU2 &BNullVal, const bool allowIntersect)
template<typename BT >
MMmul< BT > operator* (const BT &smm1, const BT &smm2)
template<typename T >
MPI_Datatype MPIType (void)
MPI_Datatype MPIType< signed char > (void)
MPI_Datatype MPIType< signed short int > (void)
MPI_Datatype MPIType< unsigned char > (void)
MPI_Datatype MPIType< unsigned short int > (void)
MPI_Datatype MPIType< int32_t > (void)
MPI_Datatype MPIType< uint32_t > (void)
MPI_Datatype MPIType< int64_t > (void)
MPI_Datatype MPIType< uint64_t > (void)
MPI_Datatype MPIType< float > (void)
MPI_Datatype MPIType< double > (void)
MPI_Datatype MPIType< long double > (void)
MPI_Datatype MPIType< bool > (void)
template<typename T >
T * prefixsum (T *in, int size, int nthreads)
template<typename SR , typename NTO , typename IT , typename NT1 , typename NT2 >
SpTuples< IT, NTO > * LocalSpGEMM (const SpDCCols< IT, NT1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IT, NT2 > &B, bool clearA, bool clearB)
template<typename IT , typename NT1 , typename NT2 >
IT * estimateNNZ (const SpDCCols< IT, NT1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IT, NT2 > &B)
template<typename RT , typename IT , typename NT >
std::vector< RT > findColSplitters (SpTuples< IT, NT > *&spTuples, int nsplits)
template<class IT , class NT >
IT SerialMergeNNZ (const std::vector< SpTuples< IT, NT > *> &ArrSpTups)
template<class SR , class IT , class NT >
void SerialMerge (const std::vector< SpTuples< IT, NT > *> &ArrSpTups, std::tuple< IT, IT, NT > *ntuples)
template<class SR , class IT , class NT >
SpTuples< IT, NT > * MultiwayMerge (std::vector< SpTuples< IT, NT > *> &ArrSpTups, IT mdim=0, IT ndim=0, bool delarrs=false)
template<typename IT , typename NT >
FullyDistVec< IT, NT > Concatenate (std::vector< FullyDistVec< IT, NT > > &vecs)
template<typename MATRIXA , typename MATRIXB >
bool CheckSpGEMMCompliance (const MATRIXA &A, const MATRIXB &B)
template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
void MCLPruneRecoverySelect (SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &A, NT hardThreshold, IT selectNum, IT recoverNum, NT recoverPct, int kselectVersion)
template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat< IU, NUO, UDERO > MemEfficientSpGEMM (SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B, int phases, NUO hardThreshold, IU selectNum, IU recoverNum, NUO recoverPct, int kselectVersion, int64_t perProcessMemory)
template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat< IU, NUO, UDERO > Mult_AnXBn_DoubleBuff (SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B, bool clearA=false, bool clearB=false)
template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat< IU, NUO, UDERO > Mult_AnXBn_Synch (SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B, bool clearA=false, bool clearB=false)
template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
int64_t EstPerProcessNnzSUMMA (SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B)
template<typename MATRIX , typename VECTOR >
void CheckSpMVCompliance (const MATRIX &A, const VECTOR &x)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
FullyDistSpVec< IU, typename promote_trait< NUM, IU >::T_promote > SpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IU > &x, bool indexisvalue, OptBuf< int32_t, typename promote_trait< NUM, IU >::T_promote > &optbuf)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
FullyDistSpVec< IU, typename promote_trait< NUM, IU >::T_promote > SpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IU > &x, bool indexisvalue)
template<typename IU , typename NV >
void TransposeVector (MPI_Comm &World, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NV > &x, int32_t &trxlocnz, IU &lenuntil, int32_t *&trxinds, NV *&trxnums, bool indexisvalue)
template<typename IU , typename NV >
void AllGatherVector (MPI_Comm &ColWorld, int trxlocnz, IU lenuntil, int32_t *&trxinds, NV *&trxnums, int32_t *&indacc, NV *&numacc, int &accnz, bool indexisvalue)
template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void LocalSpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, int rowneighs, OptBuf< int32_t, OVT > &optbuf, int32_t *&indacc, IVT *&numacc, int32_t *&sendindbuf, OVT *&sendnumbuf, int *&sdispls, int *sendcnt, int accnz, bool indexisvalue, PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &SPA)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename OVT >
void MergeContributions (int *listSizes, std::vector< int32_t *> &indsvec, std::vector< OVT *> &numsvec, std::vector< IU > &mergedind, std::vector< OVT > &mergednum)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename OVT >
void MergeContributions_threaded (int *&listSizes, std::vector< int32_t *> &indsvec, std::vector< OVT *> &numsvec, std::vector< IU > &mergedind, std::vector< OVT > &mergednum, IU maxindex)
template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void SpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IVT > &x, FullyDistSpVec< IU, OVT > &y, bool indexisvalue, OptBuf< int32_t, OVT > &optbuf, PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &SPA)
template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void SpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IVT > &x, FullyDistSpVec< IU, OVT > &y, bool indexisvalue, PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &SPA)
template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void SpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IVT > &x, FullyDistSpVec< IU, OVT > &y, bool indexisvalue)
template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void SpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IVT > &x, FullyDistSpVec< IU, OVT > &y, bool indexisvalue, OptBuf< int32_t, OVT > &optbuf)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename NUV , typename UDER >
FullyDistVec< IU, typename promote_trait< NUM, NUV >::T_promote > SpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, const FullyDistVec< IU, NUV > &x)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename NUV , typename UDER >
FullyDistSpVec< IU, typename promote_trait< NUM, NUV >::T_promote > SpMV (const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &A, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NUV > &x)
template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote, typename promote_trait< UDERA, UDERB >::T_promote > EWiseMult (const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B, bool exclude)
template<typename RETT , typename RETDER , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB , typename _BinaryOperation >
SpParMat< IU, RETT, RETDER > EWiseApply (const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, bool notB, const NU2 &defaultBVal)
template<typename RETT , typename RETDER , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
SpParMat< IU, RETT, RETDER > EWiseApply (const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _BinaryPredicate do_op, bool allowANulls, bool allowBNulls, const NU1 &ANullVal, const NU2 &BNullVal, const bool allowIntersect, const bool useExtendedBinOp)
template<typename RETT , typename RETDER , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
SpParMat< IU, RETT, RETDER > EWiseApply (const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _BinaryPredicate do_op, bool allowANulls, bool allowBNulls, const NU1 &ANullVal, const NU2 &BNullVal, const bool allowIntersect=true)
template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 >
FullyDistSpVec< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote > EWiseMult (const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU1 > &V, const FullyDistVec< IU, NU2 > &W, bool exclude, NU2 zero)
template<typename RET , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
FullyDistSpVec< IU, RET > EWiseApply_threaded (const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU1 > &V, const FullyDistVec< IU, NU2 > &W, _BinaryOperation _binary_op, _BinaryPredicate _doOp, bool allowVNulls, NU1 Vzero, const bool useExtendedBinOp)
template<typename RET , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
FullyDistSpVec< IU, RET > EWiseApply (const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU1 > &V, const FullyDistVec< IU, NU2 > &W, _BinaryOperation _binary_op, _BinaryPredicate _doOp, bool allowVNulls, NU1 Vzero, const bool useExtendedBinOp)
template<typename RET , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
FullyDistSpVec< IU, RET > EWiseApply (const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU1 > &V, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU2 > &W, _BinaryOperation _binary_op, _BinaryPredicate _doOp, bool allowVNulls, bool allowWNulls, NU1 Vzero, NU2 Wzero, const bool allowIntersect, const bool useExtendedBinOp)
template<typename RET , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
FullyDistSpVec< IU, RET > EWiseApply (const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU1 > &V, const FullyDistVec< IU, NU2 > &W, _BinaryOperation _binary_op, _BinaryPredicate _doOp, bool allowVNulls, NU1 Vzero)
template<typename RET , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
FullyDistSpVec< IU, RET > EWiseApply (const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU1 > &V, const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU2 > &W, _BinaryOperation _binary_op, _BinaryPredicate _doOp, bool allowVNulls, bool allowWNulls, NU1 Vzero, NU2 Wzero, const bool allowIntersect=true)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote, typename promote_trait< UDERA, UDERB >::T_promote > Mult_AnXBn_ActiveTarget (const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote, typename promote_trait< UDERA, UDERB >::T_promote > Mult_AnXBn_PassiveTarget (const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote, typename promote_trait< UDERA, UDERB >::T_promote > Mult_AnXBn_Fence (const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &A, const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &B)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (int64_t, bool, int64_t)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (int64_t, int, int64_t)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (bool, int64_t, int64_t)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (int, int64_t, int64_t)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (int64_t, int64_t, int64_t)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (int, bool, int)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (short, bool, short)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (unsigned, bool, unsigned)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (float, bool, float)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (double, bool, double)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (unsigned long long, bool, unsigned long long)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (bool, int, int)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (bool, short, short)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (bool, unsigned, unsigned)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (bool, float, float)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (bool, double, double)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (bool, unsigned long long, unsigned long long)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (bool, bool, bool)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (float, int, float)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (double, int, double)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (int, float, float)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (int, double, double)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (double, int64_t, double)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (int64_t, double, double)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (double, uint64_t, double)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (uint64_t, double, double)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (float, float, float)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (double, double, double)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (int, int, int)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (unsigned, unsigned, unsigned)
 DECLARE_PROMOTE (unsigned long long, unsigned long long, unsigned long long)
template<typename SR , typename IT , typename NT , typename IVT , typename OVT >
void SpMXSpV_HeapSort (const Csc< IT, NT > &Acsc, int32_t mA, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t veclen, std::vector< int32_t > &indy, std::vector< OVT > &numy, int32_t offset)
template<typename SR , typename IT , typename NT , typename IVT , typename OVT >
void SpMXSpV_Bucket (const Csc< IT, NT > &Acsc, int32_t mA, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t veclen, std::vector< int32_t > &indy, std::vector< OVT > &numy, PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &SPA)
template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void SpMXSpV (const Dcsc< IT, NUM > &Adcsc, int32_t mA, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t veclen, std::vector< int32_t > &indy, std::vector< OVT > &numy, PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &SPA)
 Overload #1: DCSC. More...
template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void SpMXSpV (const Dcsc< IT, NUM > &Adcsc, int32_t mA, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t veclen, int32_t *indy, OVT *numy, int *cnts, int *dspls, int p_c)
 Overload #2: DCSC. More...
template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void SpMXSpV_ForThreading (const Dcsc< IT, NUM > &Adcsc, int32_t mA, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t veclen, std::vector< int32_t > &indy, std::vector< OVT > &numy, int32_t offset)
 Overload #3: DCSC. More...
template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void SpMXSpV_ForThreading (const Dcsc< IT, NUM > &Adcsc, int32_t mA, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t veclen, std::vector< int32_t > &indy, std::vector< OVT > &numy, int32_t offset, std::vector< OVT > &localy, BitMap &isthere, std::vector< uint32_t > &nzinds)
 Overload #4: DCSC w/ preallocated SPA. More...
template<typename SR , typename IT , typename NUM , typename IVT , typename OVT >
void SpMXSpV_HeapSort (const Csc< IT, NUM > &Acsc, int32_t mA, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t veclen, std::vector< int32_t > &indy, std::vector< OVT > &numy, int32_t offset)
template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void SpMXSpV_Bucket (const Csc< IT, NUM > &Acsc, int32_t mA, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t veclen, std::vector< int32_t > &indy, std::vector< OVT > &numy, PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &SPA)
template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void SpMXSpV (const Csc< IT, NUM > &Acsc, int32_t mA, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t veclen, int32_t *indy, OVT *numy, int *cnts, int *dspls, int p_c)
 Overload #1: CSC. More...
template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void SpMXSpV (const Csc< IT, NUM > &Acsc, int32_t mA, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t veclen, std::vector< int32_t > &indy, std::vector< OVT > &numy, PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &SPA)
 Overload #2: CSC. More...
template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void SpMXSpV_ForThreading (const Csc< IT, NUM > &Acsc, int32_t mA, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t veclen, std::vector< int32_t > &indy, std::vector< OVT > &numy, int32_t offset)
 Overload #3: CSC. More...
template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void SpMXSpV_ForThreading (const Csc< IT, NUM > &Acsc, int32_t mA, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t veclen, std::vector< int32_t > &indy, std::vector< OVT > &numy, int32_t offset, std::vector< OVT > &localy, BitMap &isthere, std::vector< uint32_t > &nzinds)
 Overload #4: CSC w/ preallocated SPA. More...
template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename DER1 , typename DER2 >
SpTuples< IU, NUO > * MultiplyReturnTuples (const SpMat< IU, NU1, DER1 > &A, const SpMat< IU, NU2, DER2 > &B, bool isAT, bool isBT, bool clearA=false, bool clearB=false)
template<typename UIT , typename UNT , typename UDER >
std::ofstream & operator<< (std::ofstream &outfile, const SpMat< UIT, UNT, UDER > &s)
template<typename UIT , typename UNT , typename UDER >
std::ifstream & operator>> (std::ifstream &infile, SpMat< UIT, UNT, UDER > &s)
template<class IU , class NU , class UDER >
std::ofstream & operator<< (std::ofstream &outfile, const SpParMat< IU, NU, UDER > &s)
template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
void PSpGEMM (SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &A, SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &B, SpParMat< IU, NUO, UDERO > &out, bool clearA=false, bool clearB=false)
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote, typename promote_trait< UDER2, UDER2 >::T_promote > PSpGEMM (SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &A, SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &B, bool clearA=false, bool clearB=false)
shared_ptr< CommGridProductGrid (CommGrid *gridA, CommGrid *gridB, int &innerdim, int &Aoffset, int &Boffset)
uint64_t _rotl64 (uint64_t value, int8_t amount)
uint32_t SuperFastHash (const char *data, int len)
uint64_t getblock (const uint64_t *p, int i)
void bmix64 (uint64_t &h1, uint64_t &h2, uint64_t &k1, uint64_t &k2, uint64_t &c1, uint64_t &c2)
uint64_t fmix64 (uint64_t k)
void MurmurHash3_x64_128 (const void *key, const int len, const uint32_t seed, void *out)
void MurmurHash3_x64_32 (const void *key, int len, uint32_t seed, void *out)
void MurmurHash3_x64_64 (const void *key, int len, uint32_t seed, void *out)
ofstream & operator<< (ofstream &outfile, const MemoryPool &mpool)
 Dump the contents of the pinned memory. More...


double t1Comp
double t1Comm
double t2Comp
double t2Comm
double t3Comp
double t3Comm
double t4Comp
double t4Comm
double t5Comp
double t5Comm
double tUpdateMateComp
MPIOpCache mpioc
MPIDataTypeCache mpidtc

Detailed Description

Connected components based on Awerbuch-Shiloach algorithm

Operations used in parallel reductions and scans

Functions that are used by multiple parallel matrix classes, but don't need the "this" pointer

Typedef Documentation

◆ packed_edge

From Graph 500 reference implementation v2.1.1

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ Dim


Definition at line 112 of file SpDefs.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _rotl64()

uint64_t combblas::_rotl64 ( uint64_t  value,
int8_t  amount 

Definition at line 7 of file hash.cpp.

◆ AllGatherVector()

template<typename IU , typename NV >
void combblas::AllGatherVector ( MPI_Comm &  ColWorld,
int  trxlocnz,
IU  lenuntil,
int32_t *&  trxinds,
NV *&  trxnums,
int32_t *&  indacc,
NV *&  numacc,
int &  accnz,
bool  indexisvalue 

Step 2 of the sparse SpMV algorithm

[in,out]trxinds,trxnums{ deallocated }
[in,out]indacc,numacc{ allocated }
[in,out]accnz{ set }

Definition at line 1099 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ AugmentLevel()

template<typename IT >
void combblas::AugmentLevel ( FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateRow2Col,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateCol2Row,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  parentsRow,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  leaves 

Definition at line 130 of file BPMaximumMatching.h.

◆ AugmentPath()

template<typename IT >
void combblas::AugmentPath ( FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateRow2Col,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateCol2Row,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  parentsRow,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  leaves 

Definition at line 169 of file BPMaximumMatching.h.

◆ AWPM()

template<class IT , class NT >
void combblas::AWPM ( SpParMat< IT, NT, SpDCCols< IT, NT > > &  A1,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateRow2Col,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateCol2Row,
bool  optimizeProd = true 

Definition at line 1171 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ bmix64()

void combblas::bmix64 ( uint64_t &  h1,
uint64_t &  h2,
uint64_t &  k1,
uint64_t &  k2,
uint64_t &  c1,
uint64_t &  c2 

Definition at line 71 of file hash.cpp.

◆ BooleanRowSplit()

template<typename IU >
void combblas::BooleanRowSplit ( SpDCCols< IU, bool > &  A,
int  numsplits 

Definition at line 439 of file Friends.h.

◆ BottomUpStep()

template<typename VT , typename IT , typename UDER >
void combblas::BottomUpStep ( SpParMat< IT, bool, UDER > &  A,
FullyDistSpVec< IT, VT > &  x,
BitMapFringe< int64_t, int64_t > &  bm_fringe,
FullyDistVec< IT, VT > &  parents,
BitMapCarousel< IT, VT > &  done,
SpDCCols< int, bool >::SpColIter *  starts 

Definition at line 458 of file BFSFriends.h.

◆ CalcSubStarts()

template<typename VT , typename IT , typename UDER >
SpDCCols<int,bool>::SpColIter* combblas::CalcSubStarts ( SpParMat< IT, bool, UDER > &  A,
FullyDistSpVec< IT, VT > &  x,
BitMapCarousel< IT, VT > &  done 

Definition at line 397 of file BFSFriends.h.

◆ CC()

template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
FullyDistVec<IT, IT> combblas::CC ( SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  A,
IT &  nCC 

Definition at line 276 of file CC.h.

◆ CheckMatching()

template<class IT >
bool combblas::CheckMatching ( FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateRow2Col,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateCol2Row 

Definition at line 113 of file Utility.h.

◆ CheckSpGEMMCompliance()

template<typename MATRIXA , typename MATRIXB >
bool combblas::CheckSpGEMMCompliance ( const MATRIXA &  A,
const MATRIXB &  B 

Definition at line 159 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ CheckSpMVCompliance()

template<typename MATRIX , typename VECTOR >
void combblas::CheckSpMVCompliance ( const MATRIX &  A,
const VECTOR &  x 

Definition at line 1020 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ compare() [1/2]

template<class T >
bool combblas::compare ( const T &  a,
const T &  b,

Definition at line 41 of file Compare.h.

◆ compare() [2/2]

template<class T >
bool combblas::compare ( const T &  a,
const T &  b,

Definition at line 47 of file Compare.h.

◆ Concatenate()

template<typename IT , typename NT >
FullyDistVec<IT,NT> combblas::Concatenate ( std::vector< FullyDistVec< IT, NT > > &  vecs)

Concatenate all the FullyDistVec<IT,NT> objects into a single one

Definition at line 59 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ ConditionalHook()

template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
void combblas::ConditionalHook ( const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  A,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  father 

Definition at line 131 of file CC.h.

◆ Correctness()

template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
void combblas::Correctness ( const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  A,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  cclabel,
IT  nCC,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT >  father 

Definition at line 235 of file CC.h.

◆ dcsc_gespmv()

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU , typename RHS , typename LHS >
void combblas::dcsc_gespmv ( const SpDCCols< IU, NU > &  A,
const RHS *  x,
LHS *  y 

SpMV with dense vector.

Definition at line 64 of file Friends.h.

◆ dcsc_gespmv_threaded()

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU , typename RHS , typename LHS >
void combblas::dcsc_gespmv_threaded ( const SpDCCols< IU, NU > &  A,
const RHS *  x,
LHS *  y 

SpMV with dense vector (multithreaded version)

Definition at line 82 of file Friends.h.

◆ dcsc_gespmv_threaded_setbuffers()

template<typename IT , typename VT >
void combblas::dcsc_gespmv_threaded_setbuffers ( const SpDCCols< IT, bool > &  A,
const int32_t *  indx,
const VT *  numx,
int32_t  nnzx,
int32_t *  sendindbuf,
VT *  sendnumbuf,
int *  cnts,
int *  dspls,
int  p_c 

Multithreaded SpMV with sparse vector and preset buffers the assembly of outgoing buffers sendindbuf/sendnumbuf are done here

Definition at line 59 of file BFSFriends.h.


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( int64_t  ,
bool  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( int64_t  ,
int  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( bool  ,
int64_t  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( int  ,
int64_t  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( int64_t  ,
int64_t  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( int  ,
bool  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( short  ,
bool  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( unsigned  ,
bool  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( float  ,
bool  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( double  ,
bool  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( unsigned long  long,
bool  ,
unsigned long  long 


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( bool  ,
int  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( bool  ,
short  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( bool  ,
unsigned  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( bool  ,
float  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( bool  ,
double  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( bool  ,
unsigned long  long,
unsigned long  long 


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( bool  ,
bool  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( float  ,
int  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( double  ,
int  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( int  ,
float  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( int  ,
double  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( double  ,
int64_t  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( int64_t  ,
double  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( double  ,
uint64_t  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( uint64_t  ,
double  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( float  ,
float  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( double  ,
double  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( int  ,
int  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( unsigned  ,
unsigned  ,


combblas::DECLARE_PROMOTE ( unsigned long  long,
unsigned long  long,
unsigned long  long 

◆ DeleteAll() [1/6]

template<typename A >
void combblas::DeleteAll ( A  arr1)

Definition at line 48 of file Deleter.h.

◆ DeleteAll() [2/6]

template<typename A , typename B >
void combblas::DeleteAll ( A  arr1,
B  arr2 

Definition at line 54 of file Deleter.h.

◆ DeleteAll() [3/6]

template<typename A , typename B , typename C >
void combblas::DeleteAll ( A  arr1,
B  arr2,
C  arr3 

Definition at line 61 of file Deleter.h.

◆ DeleteAll() [4/6]

template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D >
void combblas::DeleteAll ( A  arr1,
B  arr2,
C  arr3,
D  arr4 

Definition at line 68 of file Deleter.h.

◆ DeleteAll() [5/6]

template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D , typename E >
void combblas::DeleteAll ( A  arr1,
B  arr2,
C  arr3,
D  arr4,

Definition at line 76 of file Deleter.h.

◆ DeleteAll() [6/6]

template<typename A , typename B , typename C , typename D , typename E , typename F >
void combblas::DeleteAll ( A  arr1,
B  arr2,
C  arr3,
D  arr4,

Definition at line 83 of file Deleter.h.

◆ estimateNNZ()

template<typename IT , typename NT1 , typename NT2 >
IT* combblas::estimateNNZ ( const SpDCCols< IT, NT1 > &  A,
const SpDCCols< IT, NT2 > &  B 

Definition at line 211 of file mtSpGEMM.h.

◆ EstPerProcessNnzSUMMA()

template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
int64_t combblas::EstPerProcessNnzSUMMA ( SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B 

Estimate the maximum nnz needed to store in a process from all stages of SUMMA before reduction

{ Input matrices, A and B, should not alias }

Definition at line 916 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ EWiseApply() [1/11]

template<typename N_promote , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation >
Dcsc<IU, N_promote> combblas::EWiseApply ( const Dcsc< IU, NU1 > &  A,
const Dcsc< IU, NU2 > *  B,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
bool  notB,
const NU2 &  defaultBVal 

Definition at line 814 of file Friends.h.

◆ EWiseApply() [2/11]

template<typename N_promote , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation >
SpDCCols<IU, N_promote> combblas::EWiseApply ( const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &  A,
const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &  B,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
bool  notB,
const NU2 &  defaultBVal 

Definition at line 960 of file Friends.h.

◆ EWiseApply() [3/11]

template<typename RETT , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
Dcsc<IU, RETT> combblas::EWiseApply ( const Dcsc< IU, NU1 > *  Ap,
const Dcsc< IU, NU2 > *  Bp,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
_BinaryPredicate  do_op,
bool  allowANulls,
bool  allowBNulls,
const NU1 &  ANullVal,
const NU2 &  BNullVal,
const bool  allowIntersect 

Implementation based on operator += Element wise apply with the following constraints The operation to be performed is __binary_op The operation c = __binary_op(a, b) is only performed if do_op(a, b) returns true If allowANulls is true, then if A is missing an element that B has, then ANullVal is used In that case the operation becomes c[i,j] = __binary_op(ANullVal, b[i,j]) If both allowANulls and allowBNulls is false then the function degenerates into intersection

Definition at line 993 of file Friends.h.

◆ EWiseApply() [4/11]

template<typename RETT , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
SpDCCols<IU,RETT> combblas::EWiseApply ( const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &  A,
const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &  B,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
_BinaryPredicate  do_op,
bool  allowANulls,
bool  allowBNulls,
const NU1 &  ANullVal,
const NU2 &  BNullVal,
const bool  allowIntersect 

Definition at line 1224 of file Friends.h.

◆ EWiseApply() [5/11]

template<typename RETT , typename RETDER , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB , typename _BinaryOperation >
SpParMat<IU,RETT,RETDER> combblas::EWiseApply ( const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
bool  notB,
const NU2 &  defaultBVal 

Definition at line 1842 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ EWiseApply() [6/11]

template<typename RETT , typename RETDER , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
SpParMat<IU,RETT,RETDER> combblas::EWiseApply ( const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
_BinaryPredicate  do_op,
bool  allowANulls,
bool  allowBNulls,
const NU1 &  ANullVal,
const NU2 &  BNullVal,
const bool  allowIntersect,
const bool  useExtendedBinOp 

Definition at line 1859 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ EWiseApply() [7/11]

template<typename RETT , typename RETDER , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
SpParMat<IU,RETT,RETDER> combblas::EWiseApply ( const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B,
_BinaryOperation  __binary_op,
_BinaryPredicate  do_op,
bool  allowANulls,
bool  allowBNulls,
const NU1 &  ANullVal,
const NU2 &  BNullVal,
const bool  allowIntersect = true 

Definition at line 1877 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ EWiseApply() [8/11]

template<typename RET , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
FullyDistSpVec<IU,RET> combblas::EWiseApply ( const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU1 > &  V,
const FullyDistVec< IU, NU2 > &  W,
_BinaryOperation  _binary_op,
_BinaryPredicate  _doOp,
bool  allowVNulls,
NU1  Vzero,
const bool  useExtendedBinOp 

Performs an arbitrary binary operation _binary_op on the corresponding elements of two vectors with the result stored in a return vector ret. The binary operatiation is only performed if the binary predicate _doOp returns true for those elements. Otherwise the binary operation is not performed and ret does not contain an element at that position. More formally the operation is defined as: if (_doOp(V[i], W[i])) ret[i] = _binary_op(V[i], W[i]) else // ret[i] is not set Hence _doOp can be used to implement a filter on either of the vectors.

The above is only defined if both V[i] and W[i] exist (i.e. an intersection). To allow a union operation (ex. when V[i] doesn't exist but W[i] does) the allowVNulls flag is set to true and the Vzero argument is used as the missing V[i] value.

The type of each element of ret must not necessarily be related to the types of V or W, so the return type must be explicitly specified as a template parameter: FullyDistSpVec<int, double> r = EWiseApply<double>(V, W, plus, retTrue, false, 0)

Definition at line 2127 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ EWiseApply() [9/11]

template<typename RET , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
FullyDistSpVec<IU,RET> combblas::EWiseApply ( const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU1 > &  V,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU2 > &  W,
_BinaryOperation  _binary_op,
_BinaryPredicate  _doOp,
bool  allowVNulls,
bool  allowWNulls,
NU1  Vzero,
NU2  Wzero,
const bool  allowIntersect,
const bool  useExtendedBinOp 

Performs an arbitrary binary operation _binary_op on the corresponding elements of two vectors with the result stored in a return vector ret. The binary operatiation is only performed if the binary predicate _doOp returns true for those elements. Otherwise the binary operation is not performed and ret does not contain an element at that position. More formally the operation is defined as: if (_doOp(V[i], W[i])) ret[i] = _binary_op(V[i], W[i]) else // ret[i] is not set Hence _doOp can be used to implement a filter on either of the vectors.

The above is only defined if both V[i] and W[i] exist (i.e. an intersection). To allow a union operation (ex. when V[i] doesn't exist but W[i] does) the allowVNulls flag is set to true and the Vzero argument is used as the missing V[i] value. !allowVNulls && !allowWNulls => intersection !allowVNulls && allowWNulls => operate on all elements of V allowVNulls && !allowWNulls => operate on all elements of W allowVNulls && allowWNulls => union

The type of each element of ret must not necessarily be related to the types of V or W, so the return type must be explicitly specified as a template parameter: FullyDistSpVec<int, double> r = EWiseApply<double>(V, W, plus, ...) For intersection, Vzero and Wzero are irrelevant ABAB:

: Should allowIntersect be "false" for all SetDifference uses?

Definition at line 2228 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ EWiseApply() [10/11]

template<typename RET , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
FullyDistSpVec<IU,RET> combblas::EWiseApply ( const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU1 > &  V,
const FullyDistVec< IU, NU2 > &  W,
_BinaryOperation  _binary_op,
_BinaryPredicate  _doOp,
bool  allowVNulls,
NU1  Vzero 

Definition at line 2326 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ EWiseApply() [11/11]

template<typename RET , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
FullyDistSpVec<IU,RET> combblas::EWiseApply ( const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU1 > &  V,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU2 > &  W,
_BinaryOperation  _binary_op,
_BinaryPredicate  _doOp,
bool  allowVNulls,
bool  allowWNulls,
NU1  Vzero,
NU2  Wzero,
const bool  allowIntersect = true 

Definition at line 2340 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ EWiseApply_threaded()

template<typename RET , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate >
FullyDistSpVec<IU,RET> combblas::EWiseApply_threaded ( const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU1 > &  V,
const FullyDistVec< IU, NU2 > &  W,
_BinaryOperation  _binary_op,
_BinaryPredicate  _doOp,
bool  allowVNulls,
NU1  Vzero,
const bool  useExtendedBinOp 

Threaded EWiseApply. Only called internally from EWiseApply.

Definition at line 1981 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ EWiseMult() [1/4]

template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 >
Dcsc<IU, typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote> combblas::EWiseMult ( const Dcsc< IU, NU1 > &  A,
const Dcsc< IU, NU2 > *  B,
bool  exclude 
[in]excludeif false,
then operation is A = A .* B
else operation is A = A .* not(B)

Definition at line 694 of file Friends.h.

◆ EWiseMult() [2/4]

template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 >
SpDCCols<IU, typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote > combblas::EWiseMult ( const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &  A,
const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &  B,
bool  exclude 

Definition at line 935 of file Friends.h.

◆ EWiseMult() [3/4]

template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat<IU,typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote,typename promote_trait<UDERA,UDERB>::T_promote> combblas::EWiseMult ( const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B,
bool  exclude 

Definition at line 1822 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ EWiseMult() [4/4]

template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 >
FullyDistSpVec<IU,typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote> combblas::EWiseMult ( const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NU1 > &  V,
const FullyDistVec< IU, NU2 > &  W,
bool  exclude,
NU2  zero 

if exclude is true, then we prune all entries W[i] != zero from V if exclude is false, then we perform a proper elementwise multiplication

Definition at line 1892 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ ExchangeData()

template<class IT , class NT >
std::vector<std::tuple<IT,IT,NT> > combblas::ExchangeData ( std::vector< std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT, NT >>> &  tempTuples,
MPI_Comm  World 

Definition at line 46 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ ExchangeData1()

template<class IT , class NT >
std::vector<std::tuple<IT,IT,IT,NT> > combblas::ExchangeData1 ( std::vector< std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT, IT, NT >>> &  tempTuples,
MPI_Comm  World 

Definition at line 94 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ findColSplitters()

template<typename RT , typename IT , typename NT >
std::vector<RT> combblas::findColSplitters ( SpTuples< IT, NT > *&  spTuples,
int  nsplits 

Definition at line 17 of file MultiwayMerge.h.

◆ First4Clust()

template<typename IT >
void combblas::First4Clust ( FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  cc)

Definition at line 334 of file CC.h.

◆ fmix64()

uint64_t combblas::fmix64 ( uint64_t  k)

Definition at line 97 of file hash.cpp.

◆ Generator()

template<typename IT , typename NT >
void combblas::Generator ( unsigned  scale,
unsigned  EDGEFACTOR,
double  initiator[4],
SpDCCols< IT, NT > &  splitmat,
bool  trans,
bool  scramble 
[out]splitmat{generated RMAT matrix, split into CMG.GridLayers pieces}

Definition at line 68 of file GenRmatDist.h.

◆ generic_gespmv() [1/2]

template<typename SR , typename MIND , typename VIND , typename DER , typename NUM , typename IVT , typename OVT >
void combblas::generic_gespmv ( const SpMat< MIND, NUM, DER > &  A,
const VIND *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
VIND  nnzx,
std::vector< VIND > &  indy,
std::vector< OVT > &  numy,
PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &  SPA 

SpMV with sparse vector MIND: Matrix index type VIND: Vector index type (optimized: int32_t, general: int64_t)

Definition at line 402 of file Friends.h.

◆ generic_gespmv() [2/2]

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename DER , typename NUM , typename IVT , typename OVT >
void combblas::generic_gespmv ( const SpMat< IU, NUM, DER > &  A,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  nnzx,
int32_t *  indy,
OVT *  numy,
int *  cnts,
int *  dspls,
int  p_c,
bool  indexisvalue 

SpMV with sparse vector

[in]indexisvalueis only used for BFS-like computations, if true then we can call the optimized version that skips SPA

Definition at line 421 of file Friends.h.

◆ generic_gespmv_threaded()

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename DER , typename IVT , typename OVT >
int combblas::generic_gespmv_threaded ( const SpMat< IU, NUM, DER > &  A,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  nnzx,
int32_t *&  sendindbuf,
OVT *&  sendnumbuf,
int *&  sdispls,
int  p_c,
PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &  SPA 

Multithreaded SpMV with sparse vector the assembly of outgoing buffers sendindbuf/sendnumbuf are done here

Definition at line 139 of file Friends.h.

◆ generic_gespmv_threaded_setbuffers()

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename DER , typename IVT , typename OVT >
void combblas::generic_gespmv_threaded_setbuffers ( const SpMat< IU, NUM, DER > &  A,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  nnzx,
int32_t *  sendindbuf,
OVT *  sendnumbuf,
int *  cnts,
int *  dspls,
int  p_c 

Multithreaded SpMV with sparse vector and preset buffers the assembly of outgoing buffers sendindbuf/sendnumbuf are done here IVT: input vector numerical type OVT: output vector numerical type

Definition at line 280 of file Friends.h.

◆ GenMat()

template<typename IT , typename NT >
SpDCCols<IT,NT>* combblas::GenMat ( CCGrid CMG,
unsigned  scale,
unsigned  EDGEFACTOR,
double  initiator[4],
bool  permute 

Definition at line 83 of file SplitMatDist.h.

◆ GenRMat()

template<typename IT , typename NT >
SpDCCols<IT,NT>* combblas::GenRMat ( unsigned  scale,
unsigned  EDGEFACTOR,
double  initiator[4],
MPI_Comm &  layerworld,
bool  scramble 

Definition at line 29 of file GenRmatDist.h.

◆ getblock()

uint64_t combblas::getblock ( const uint64_t *  p,
int  i 

Definition at line 63 of file hash.cpp.

◆ HistCC()

template<typename IT >
void combblas::HistCC ( FullyDistVec< IT, IT >  CC,
IT  nCC 

Definition at line 352 of file CC.h.

◆ isMatching()

template<class IT , class NT >
bool combblas::isMatching ( FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &  mateCol2Row,
FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &  mateRow2Col 

Definition at line 80 of file Utility.h.

◆ isMaximalmatching()

template<class Par_DCSC_Bool , class IT , class NT >
bool combblas::isMaximalmatching ( Par_DCSC_Bool A,
FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &  mateRow2Col,
FullyDistVec< IT, NT > &  mateCol2Row 

Definition at line 403 of file BPMaximalMatching.h.

◆ LabelCC()

template<typename IT >
IT combblas::LabelCC ( FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  father,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  cclabel 

Definition at line 262 of file CC.h.

◆ LocalSpGEMM()

template<typename SR , typename NTO , typename IT , typename NT1 , typename NT2 >
SpTuples< IT, NTO > * combblas::LocalSpGEMM ( const SpDCCols< IT, NT1 > &  A,
const SpDCCols< IT, NT2 > &  B,
bool  clearA,
bool  clearB 

Definition at line 78 of file mtSpGEMM.h.

◆ LocalSpMV() [1/2]

template<typename VT , typename IT , typename UDER >
void combblas::LocalSpMV ( const SpParMat< IT, bool, UDER > &  A,
int  rowneighs,
OptBuf< int32_t, VT > &  optbuf,
int32_t *&  indacc,
VT *&  numacc,
int *  sendcnt,
int  accnz 

Step 3 of the sparse SpMV algorithm, without the semiring (BFS only)

[in,out]optbuf{scratch space for all-to-all (fold) communication}
[in,out]indacc,numacc{index and values of the input vector, deleted upon exit}
[in,out]sendindbuf,sendnumbuf{index and values of the output vector, created}

Definition at line 184 of file BFSFriends.h.

◆ LocalSpMV() [2/2]

template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void combblas::LocalSpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
int  rowneighs,
OptBuf< int32_t, OVT > &  optbuf,
int32_t *&  indacc,
IVT *&  numacc,
int32_t *&  sendindbuf,
OVT *&  sendnumbuf,
int *&  sdispls,
int *  sendcnt,
int  accnz,
bool  indexisvalue,
PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &  SPA 

Step 3 of the sparse SpMV algorithm, with the semiring

[in,out]optbuf{scratch space for all-to-all (fold) communication}
[in,out]indacc,numacc{index and values of the input vector, deleted upon exit}
[in,out]sendindbuf,sendnumbuf{index and values of the output vector, created}

Definition at line 1158 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ MatchingWeight() [1/2]

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
NT combblas::MatchingWeight ( SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  A,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT >  mateRow2Col,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateCol2Row 

Definition at line 160 of file Utility.h.

◆ MatchingWeight() [2/2]

template<class NT >
NT combblas::MatchingWeight ( std::vector< NT > &  RepMateWC2R,
MPI_Comm  RowWorld,
NT &  minw 

Definition at line 333 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ MateBcast()

template<class IT >
std::vector<std::tuple<IT,IT> > combblas::MateBcast ( std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT >>  sendTuples,
MPI_Comm  World 

Definition at line 187 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ MaximalMatching()

template<typename Par_DCSC_Bool , typename IT >
void combblas::MaximalMatching ( Par_DCSC_Bool A,
Par_DCSC_Bool AT,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateRow2Col,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateCol2Row,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  degColRecv,
int  type,
bool  rand = true 

Definition at line 25 of file BPMaximalMatching.h.

◆ maximumMatching()

template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
void combblas::maximumMatching ( SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  A,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateRow2Col,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateCol2Row,
bool  prune = true,
bool  randMM = false,
bool  maximizeWeight = false 

Definition at line 231 of file BPMaximumMatching.h.

◆ MCLPruneRecoverySelect()

template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
void combblas::MCLPruneRecoverySelect ( SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  A,
NT  hardThreshold,
IT  selectNum,
IT  recoverNum,
NT  recoverPct,
int  kselectVersion 

Definition at line 184 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ MemEfficientSpGEMM()

template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat<IU,NUO,UDERO> combblas::MemEfficientSpGEMM ( SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B,
int  phases,
NUO  hardThreshold,
IU  selectNum,
IU  recoverNum,
NUO  recoverPct,
int  kselectVersion,
int64_t  perProcessMemory 

Broadcasts A multiple times (#phases) in order to save storage in the output Only uses 1/phases of C memory if the threshold/max limits are proper

Definition at line 349 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ MergeAll()

template<class SR , class IU , class NU >
SpTuples<IU,NU> combblas::MergeAll ( const std::vector< SpTuples< IU, NU > *> &  ArrSpTups,
IU  mstar = 0,
IU  nstar = 0,
bool  delarrs = false 

Definition at line 605 of file Friends.h.

◆ MergeContributions() [1/2]

template<typename IU , typename VT >
void combblas::MergeContributions ( FullyDistSpVec< IU, VT > &  y,
int *&  recvcnt,
int *&  rdispls,
int32_t *&  recvindbuf,
VT *&  recvnumbuf,
int  rowneighs 

Definition at line 224 of file BFSFriends.h.

◆ MergeContributions() [2/2]

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename OVT >
void combblas::MergeContributions ( int *  listSizes,
std::vector< int32_t *> &  indsvec,
std::vector< OVT *> &  numsvec,
std::vector< IU > &  mergedind,
std::vector< OVT > &  mergednum 

Definition at line 1226 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ MergeContributions_threaded()

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename OVT >
void combblas::MergeContributions_threaded ( int *&  listSizes,
std::vector< int32_t *> &  indsvec,
std::vector< OVT *> &  numsvec,
std::vector< IU > &  mergedind,
std::vector< OVT > &  mergednum,
IU  maxindex 

Definition at line 1298 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ MIS2()

template<typename ONT , typename IT , typename INT , typename DER >
FullyDistSpVec<IT, ONT> combblas::MIS2 ( SpParMat< IT, INT, DER >  A)

Definition at line 118 of file RestrictionOp.h.

◆ MPIType()

template<typename T >
MPI_Datatype combblas::MPIType ( void  )

Definition at line 106 of file MPIType.h.

◆ MPIType< bool >()

MPI_Datatype combblas::MPIType< bool > ( void  )

Definition at line 84 of file MPIType.cpp.

◆ MPIType< double >()

MPI_Datatype combblas::MPIType< double > ( void  )

Definition at line 76 of file MPIType.cpp.

◆ MPIType< float >()

MPI_Datatype combblas::MPIType< float > ( void  )

Definition at line 72 of file MPIType.cpp.

◆ MPIType< int32_t >()

MPI_Datatype combblas::MPIType< int32_t > ( void  )

Definition at line 56 of file MPIType.cpp.

◆ MPIType< int64_t >()

MPI_Datatype combblas::MPIType< int64_t > ( void  )

Definition at line 64 of file MPIType.cpp.

◆ MPIType< long double >()

MPI_Datatype combblas::MPIType< long double > ( void  )

Definition at line 80 of file MPIType.cpp.

◆ MPIType< signed char >()

MPI_Datatype combblas::MPIType< signed char > ( void  )

Definition at line 40 of file MPIType.cpp.

◆ MPIType< signed short int >()

MPI_Datatype combblas::MPIType< signed short int > ( void  )

Definition at line 48 of file MPIType.cpp.

◆ MPIType< uint32_t >()

MPI_Datatype combblas::MPIType< uint32_t > ( void  )

Definition at line 60 of file MPIType.cpp.

◆ MPIType< uint64_t >()

MPI_Datatype combblas::MPIType< uint64_t > ( void  )

Definition at line 68 of file MPIType.cpp.

◆ MPIType< unsigned char >()

MPI_Datatype combblas::MPIType< unsigned char > ( void  )

Definition at line 44 of file MPIType.cpp.

◆ MPIType< unsigned short int >()

MPI_Datatype combblas::MPIType< unsigned short int > ( void  )

Definition at line 52 of file MPIType.cpp.

◆ Mult_AnXBn_ActiveTarget()

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat<IU,typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote,typename promote_trait<UDERA,UDERB>::T_promote> combblas::Mult_AnXBn_ActiveTarget ( const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B 

Parallel A = B*C routine that uses one-sided MPI-2 features General active target syncronization via MPI_Win_Post, MPI_Win_Start, MPI_Win_Complete, MPI_Win_Wait Tested on my dual core Macbook with 1,4,9,16,25 MPI processes No memory hog: splits the matrix into two along the column, prefetches the next half matrix while computing on the current one

Definition at line 59 of file ParFriendsExt.h.

◆ Mult_AnXBn_DoubleBuff()

template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat<IU,NUO,UDERO> combblas::Mult_AnXBn_DoubleBuff ( SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B,
bool  clearA = false,
bool  clearB = false 

Parallel C = A*B routine that uses a double buffered broadcasting scheme

{ Input matrices, A and B, should not alias } Most memory efficient version available. Total stages: 2*sqrt(p) Memory requirement during first sqrt(p) stages: <= (3/2)*(nnz(A)+nnz(B))+(1/2)*nnz(C) Memory requirement during second sqrt(p) stages: <= nnz(A)+nnz(B)+nnz(C) Final memory requirement: nnz(C) if clearA and clearB are true

Definition at line 618 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ Mult_AnXBn_Fence()

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat<IU,typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote,typename promote_trait<UDERA,UDERB>::T_promote> combblas::Mult_AnXBn_Fence ( const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B 

Parallel A = B*C routine that uses one-sided MPI-2 features Syncronization is through MPI_Win_Fence Buggy as of September, 2009

Definition at line 449 of file ParFriendsExt.h.

◆ Mult_AnXBn_PassiveTarget()

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat<IU,typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote,typename promote_trait<UDERA,UDERB>::T_promote> combblas::Mult_AnXBn_PassiveTarget ( const SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
const SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B 

Parallel A = B*C routine that uses one-sided MPI-2 features This function implements an asynchronous 2D algorithm, in the sense that there is no notion of stages.
The process that completes its submatrix update, requests subsequent matrices from their owners w/out waiting to sychronize with other processors
This partially remedies the severe load balancing problem in sparse matrices.
The class uses MPI-2 to achieve one-sided asynchronous communication
The algorithm treats each submatrix as a single block
Local data structure can be any SpMat that has a constructor with array sizes and getarrs() member Passive target syncronization via MPI_Win_Lock, MPI_Win_Unlock No memory hog: splits the matrix into two along the column, prefetches the next half matrix while computing on the current one

Definition at line 292 of file ParFriendsExt.h.

◆ Mult_AnXBn_Synch()

template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDERA , typename UDERB >
SpParMat<IU, NUO, UDERO> combblas::Mult_AnXBn_Synch ( SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDERA > &  A,
SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDERB > &  B,
bool  clearA = false,
bool  clearB = false 

Parallel A = B*C routine that uses only MPI-1 features Relies on simple blocking broadcast

{ Input matrices, A and B, should not alias }

Definition at line 793 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ multiply()

template<typename IT , typename NT >
SpDCCols<IT, NT>* combblas::multiply ( SpDCCols< IT, NT > &  splitA,
SpDCCols< IT, NT > &  splitB,
bool  isBT,
bool  threaded 

Definition at line 11 of file Multiplier.h.

◆ MultiplyReturnTuples()

template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename DER1 , typename DER2 >
SpTuples<IU, NUO>* combblas::MultiplyReturnTuples ( const SpMat< IU, NU1, DER1 > &  A,
const SpMat< IU, NU2, DER2 > &  B,
bool  isAT,
bool  isBT,
bool  clearA = false,
bool  clearB = false 

Returns a pointer to SpTuples, in order to avoid temporaries It is the caller's responsibility to delete the returned pointer afterwards

Definition at line 135 of file SpMat.cpp.

◆ MultiwayMerge()

template<class SR , class IT , class NT >
SpTuples<IT, NT>* combblas::MultiwayMerge ( std::vector< SpTuples< IT, NT > *> &  ArrSpTups,
IT  mdim = 0,
IT  ndim = 0,
bool  delarrs = false 

Definition at line 147 of file MultiwayMerge.h.

◆ MurmurHash3_x64_128()

void combblas::MurmurHash3_x64_128 ( const void *  key,
const int  len,
const uint32_t  seed,
void *  out 

Definition at line 108 of file hash.cpp.

◆ MurmurHash3_x64_32()

void combblas::MurmurHash3_x64_32 ( const void *  key,
int  len,
uint32_t  seed,
void *  out 

Definition at line 183 of file hash.cpp.

◆ MurmurHash3_x64_64()

void combblas::MurmurHash3_x64_64 ( const void *  key,
int  len,
uint32_t  seed,
void *  out 

Definition at line 194 of file hash.cpp.

◆ neigborsInSameCC()

template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
bool combblas::neigborsInSameCC ( const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  A,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  cclabel 

Definition at line 225 of file CC.h.

◆ operator*()

template<typename BT >
MMmul< BT > combblas::operator* ( const BT &  smm1,
const BT &  smm2 

Just defer the multiplication

Definition at line 51 of file MMmul.h.

◆ operator<<() [1/3]

ofstream& combblas::operator<< ( ofstream &  outfile,
const MemoryPool mpool 

Dump the contents of the pinned memory.

Definition at line 140 of file MemoryPool.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/3]

template<typename UIT , typename UNT , typename UDER >
std::ofstream& combblas::operator<< ( std::ofstream &  outfile,
const SpMat< UIT, UNT, UDER > &  s 

Definition at line 201 of file SpMat.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [3/3]

template<class IU , class NU , class UDER >
std::ofstream& combblas::operator<< ( std::ofstream &  outfile,
const SpParMat< IU, NU, UDER > &  s 

Definition at line 4255 of file SpParMat.cpp.

◆ operator>>()

template<typename UIT , typename UNT , typename UDER >
std::ifstream& combblas::operator>> ( std::ifstream &  infile,
SpMat< UIT, UNT, UDER > &  s 

Definition at line 207 of file SpMat.cpp.

◆ OwnerProcs()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
int combblas::OwnerProcs ( SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  A,
IT  grow,
IT  gcol,
IT  nrows,
IT  ncols 

Definition at line 143 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ ParallelReduce_Alltoall_threaded()

template<typename SR , typename IT , typename NT >
SpTuples<IT,NT>* combblas::ParallelReduce_Alltoall_threaded ( MPI_Comm &  fibWorld,
SpTuples< IT, NT > *&  localmerged 

Definition at line 37 of file Reductions.h.

◆ ParseHeader()

HeaderInfo combblas::ParseHeader ( const std::string &  inputname,
FILE *&  f,
int &  seeklength 

Definition at line 52 of file FileHeader.h.

◆ PermEdges() [1/2]

template<typename IU >
void combblas::PermEdges ( DistEdgeList< IU > &  DEL)

◆ PermEdges() [2/2]

template<typename IT >
void combblas::PermEdges ( DistEdgeList< IT > &  DEL)

Randomly permutes the distributed edge list. Once we call Viral's psort on this vector, everything will go to the right place [tuples are sorted lexicographically] and you can reconstruct the int64_t * edges in an embarrassingly parallel way. As I understood, the entire purpose of this function is to destroy any locality. It does not rename any vertices and edges are not named anyway. For an example, think about the edge (0,1). It will eventually (at the end of kernel 1) be owned by processor P(0,0). However, assume that processor P(r1,c1) has a copy of it before the call to PermEdges. After this call, some other irrelevant processor P(r2,c2) will own it. So we gained nothing, it is just a scrambled egg.

Definition at line 294 of file DistEdgeList.cpp.

◆ PermMat()

template<class IT , class DER >
SpParMat<IT, bool, DER> combblas::PermMat ( const FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  ri,
const IT  ncol 

Create a boolean matrix A (not necessarily a permutation matrix) Input: ri: a dense vector (actual values in FullyDistVec should be IT) ncol: number of columns in the output matrix A Output: a boolean matrix A with m=size(ri) and n=ncol (input) and A[k,ri[k]]=1 This can be done by Matlab like constructor, no?

Definition at line 27 of file BPMaximumMatching.h.

◆ Phase1()

template<class IT , class NT >
std::vector< std::tuple<IT,IT,NT> > combblas::Phase1 ( const AWPM_param< IT > &  param,
Dcsc< IT, NT > *  dcsc,
const std::vector< IT > &  colptr,
const std::vector< IT > &  RepMateR2C,
const std::vector< IT > &  RepMateC2R,
const std::vector< NT > &  RepMateWR2C,
const std::vector< NT > &  RepMateWC2R 

Definition at line 415 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ Phase2()

template<class IT , class NT >
std::vector< std::tuple<IT,IT,IT,NT> > combblas::Phase2 ( const AWPM_param< IT > &  param,
std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT, NT >> &  recvTuples,
Dcsc< IT, NT > *  dcsc,
const std::vector< IT > &  colptr,
const std::vector< IT > &  RepMateR2C,
const std::vector< IT > &  RepMateC2R,
const std::vector< NT > &  RepMateWR2C,
const std::vector< NT > &  RepMateWC2R 

Definition at line 560 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ Phase2_old()

template<class IT , class NT >
std::vector<std::vector<std::tuple<IT,IT, IT, NT> > > combblas::Phase2_old ( const AWPM_param< IT > &  param,
std::vector< std::tuple< IT, IT, NT >> &  recvTuples,
Dcsc< IT, NT > *  dcsc,
const std::vector< IT > &  colptr,
const std::vector< IT > &  RepMateR2C,
const std::vector< IT > &  RepMateC2R,
const std::vector< NT > &  RepMateWR2C,
const std::vector< NT > &  RepMateWC2R 

Definition at line 759 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ prefixsum()

template<typename T >
T* combblas::prefixsum ( T *  in,
int  size,
int  nthreads 

Definition at line 24 of file mtSpGEMM.h.

◆ PrintCC()

template<typename IT >
void combblas::PrintCC ( FullyDistVec< IT, IT >  CC,
IT  nCC 

Definition at line 323 of file CC.h.

◆ ProductGrid()

shared_ptr<CommGrid> combblas::ProductGrid ( CommGrid gridA,
CommGrid gridB,
int &  innerdim,
int &  Aoffset,
int &  Boffset 

Definition at line 164 of file CommGrid.cpp.

◆ PSpGEMM() [1/2]

template<typename SR , typename NUO , typename UDERO , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
void combblas::PSpGEMM ( SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &  A,
SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &  B,
SpParMat< IU, NUO, UDERO > &  out,
bool  clearA = false,
bool  clearB = false 

Definition at line 406 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ PSpGEMM() [2/2]

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename UDER1 , typename UDER2 >
SpParMat<IU,typename promote_trait<NU1,NU2>::T_promote,typename promote_trait<UDER2,UDER2>::T_promote> combblas::PSpGEMM ( SpParMat< IU, NU1, UDER1 > &  A,
SpParMat< IU, NU2, UDER2 > &  B,
bool  clearA = false,
bool  clearB = false 

Definition at line 413 of file SpParMat.h.

◆ Reader()

template<typename IT , typename NT >
void combblas::Reader ( string  filename,
SpDCCols< IT, NT > &  splitmat,
bool  trans,
bool  permute,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  p 
[out]splitmat{read matrix market file into layer 0, and split into CMG.GridLayers pieces}

Definition at line 41 of file ReadMatDist.h.

◆ ReadMat()

template<typename NT , typename IT >
SpDCCols<IT,NT>* combblas::ReadMat ( std::string  filename,
bool  permute,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  p 

Definition at line 30 of file SplitMatDist.h.

◆ ReduceAll_threaded()

template<typename NT , typename IT >
SpDCCols<IT,NT>* combblas::ReduceAll_threaded ( std::vector< SpTuples< IT, NT > * > &  unreducedC,

Definition at line 134 of file Reductions.h.

◆ removeIsolated()

template<typename PARMAT >
void combblas::removeIsolated ( PARMAT &  A)

Definition at line 12 of file Utility.h.

◆ RenameVertices()

template<typename IU >
void combblas::RenameVertices ( DistEdgeList< IU > &  DEL)

Rename vertices globally. You first need to do create a random permutation distributed on all processors. Then the p round robin algorithm will do the renaming: For all processors P(i,i) Broadcast local_p to all p processors For j= i*N/p to min((i+1)*N/p, N) Rename the all j's with local_p(j) inside the edgelist (and mark them "renamed" so that yeach vertex id is renamed only once)

Definition at line 364 of file DistEdgeList.cpp.

◆ ReplicateMateWeights()

template<class IT , class NT >
void combblas::ReplicateMateWeights ( const AWPM_param< IT > &  param,
Dcsc< IT, NT > *  dcsc,
const std::vector< IT > &  colptr,
std::vector< IT > &  RepMateC2R,
std::vector< NT > &  RepMateWR2C,
std::vector< NT > &  RepMateWC2R 

Definition at line 228 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ RestrictionOp()

template<typename IT , typename NT >
void combblas::RestrictionOp ( CCGrid CMG,
SpDCCols< IT, NT > *  localmat,
SpDCCols< IT, NT > *&  R,
SpDCCols< IT, NT > *&  RT 

Definition at line 197 of file RestrictionOp.h.

◆ SerialMerge()

template<class SR , class IT , class NT >
void combblas::SerialMerge ( const std::vector< SpTuples< IT, NT > *> &  ArrSpTups,
std::tuple< IT, IT, NT > *  ntuples 

Definition at line 94 of file MultiwayMerge.h.

◆ SerialMergeNNZ()

template<class IT , class NT >
IT combblas::SerialMergeNNZ ( const std::vector< SpTuples< IT, NT > *> &  ArrSpTups)

Definition at line 40 of file MultiwayMerge.h.

◆ Shortcut()

template<typename IT >
void combblas::Shortcut ( FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  father)

Definition at line 218 of file CC.h.

◆ SplitMat()

template<typename IT , typename NT >
void combblas::SplitMat ( CCGrid CMG,
SpDCCols< IT, NT > *  localmat,
SpDCCols< IT, NT > &  splitmat,
bool  rowsplit = false 
[in]rowsplit{split along the row? true for B matrix}
[out]splitmat{split a matrix from layer 0 into CMG.GridLayers pieces}

Definition at line 144 of file SplitMatDist.h.

◆ SpMV() [1/9]

template<typename VT , typename IT , typename UDER >
FullyDistSpVec<IT,VT> combblas::SpMV ( const SpParMat< IT, bool, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistSpVec< IT, VT > &  x,
OptBuf< int32_t, VT > &  optbuf 

This is essentially a SpMV for BFS because it lacks the semiring. It naturally justs selects columns of A (adjacencies of frontier) and merges with the minimum entry succeeding. SpParMat has to be boolean input and output vectors are of type VT but their indices are IT

Definition at line 328 of file BFSFriends.h.

◆ SpMV() [2/9]

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
FullyDistSpVec< IU, typename promote_trait< NUM, IU >::T_promote > combblas::SpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IU > &  x,
bool  indexisvalue,
OptBuf< int32_t, typename promote_trait< NUM, IU >::T_promote > &  optbuf 

Automatic type promotion is ONLY done here, all the callee functions (in Friends.h and below) are initialized with the promoted type If indexisvalues = true, then we do not need to transfer values for x (happens for BFS iterations with boolean matrices and integer rhs vectors)

Definition at line 1582 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ SpMV() [3/9]

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
FullyDistSpVec<IU,typename promote_trait<NUM,IU>::T_promote> combblas::SpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IU > &  x,
bool  indexisvalue 

Definition at line 1044 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ SpMV() [4/9]

template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void combblas::SpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IVT > &  x,
FullyDistSpVec< IU, OVT > &  y,
bool  indexisvalue,
OptBuf< int32_t, OVT > &  optbuf,
PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &  SPA 

This version is the most flexible sparse matrix X sparse vector [Used in KDT] It accepts different types for the matrix (NUM), the input vector (IVT) and the output vector (OVT) without relying on automatic type promotion Input (x) and output (y) vectors can be ALIASED because y is not written until the algorithm is done with x.

Definition at line 1394 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ SpMV() [5/9]

template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void combblas::SpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IVT > &  x,
FullyDistSpVec< IU, OVT > &  y,
bool  indexisvalue,
PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &  SPA 

Definition at line 1554 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ SpMV() [6/9]

template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void combblas::SpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IVT > &  x,
FullyDistSpVec< IU, OVT > &  y,
bool  indexisvalue 

Definition at line 1561 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ SpMV() [7/9]

template<typename SR , typename IVT , typename OVT , typename IU , typename NUM , typename UDER >
void combblas::SpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, IVT > &  x,
FullyDistSpVec< IU, OVT > &  y,
bool  indexisvalue,
OptBuf< int32_t, OVT > &  optbuf 

Definition at line 1569 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ SpMV() [8/9]

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename NUV , typename UDER >
FullyDistVec<IU,typename promote_trait<NUM,NUV>::T_promote> combblas::SpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistVec< IU, NUV > &  x 

Parallel dense SpMV

Definition at line 1595 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ SpMV() [9/9]

template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename NUV , typename UDER >
FullyDistSpVec<IU,typename promote_trait<NUM,NUV>::T_promote> combblas::SpMV ( const SpParMat< IU, NUM, UDER > &  A,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NUV > &  x 

: Old version that is no longer considered optimal Kept for legacy purposes To be removed when other functionals are fully tested.

Definition at line 1675 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ SpMXSpV() [1/4]

template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void combblas::SpMXSpV ( const Dcsc< IT, NUM > &  Adcsc,
int32_t  mA,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  veclen,
std::vector< int32_t > &  indy,
std::vector< OVT > &  numy,
PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &  SPA 

Overload #1: DCSC.

Definition at line 51 of file SpImpl.h.

◆ SpMXSpV() [2/4]

template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void combblas::SpMXSpV ( const Dcsc< IT, NUM > &  Adcsc,
int32_t  mA,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  veclen,
int32_t *  indy,
OVT *  numy,
int *  cnts,
int *  dspls,
int  p_c 

Overload #2: DCSC.

Definition at line 61 of file SpImpl.h.

◆ SpMXSpV() [3/4]

template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void combblas::SpMXSpV ( const Csc< IT, NUM > &  Acsc,
int32_t  mA,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  veclen,
int32_t *  indy,
OVT *  numy,
int *  cnts,
int *  dspls,
int  p_c 

Overload #1: CSC.

Definition at line 107 of file SpImpl.h.

◆ SpMXSpV() [4/4]

template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void combblas::SpMXSpV ( const Csc< IT, NUM > &  Acsc,
int32_t  mA,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  veclen,
std::vector< int32_t > &  indy,
std::vector< OVT > &  numy,
PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &  SPA 

Overload #2: CSC.

Definition at line 116 of file SpImpl.h.

◆ SpMXSpV_Bucket() [1/2]

template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void combblas::SpMXSpV_Bucket ( const Csc< IT, NUM > &  Acsc,
int32_t  mA,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  veclen,
std::vector< int32_t > &  indy,
std::vector< OVT > &  numy,
PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &  SPA 

◆ SpMXSpV_Bucket() [2/2]

template<typename SR , typename IT , typename NT , typename IVT , typename OVT >
void combblas::SpMXSpV_Bucket ( const Csc< IT, NT > &  Acsc,
int32_t  mA,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  veclen,
std::vector< int32_t > &  indy,
std::vector< OVT > &  numy,
PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &  SPA 

Definition at line 390 of file SpImpl.cpp.

◆ SpMXSpV_ForThreading() [1/4]

template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void combblas::SpMXSpV_ForThreading ( const Dcsc< IT, NUM > &  Adcsc,
int32_t  mA,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  veclen,
std::vector< int32_t > &  indy,
std::vector< OVT > &  numy,
int32_t  offset 

Overload #3: DCSC.

Definition at line 70 of file SpImpl.h.

◆ SpMXSpV_ForThreading() [2/4]

template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void combblas::SpMXSpV_ForThreading ( const Dcsc< IT, NUM > &  Adcsc,
int32_t  mA,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  veclen,
std::vector< int32_t > &  indy,
std::vector< OVT > &  numy,
int32_t  offset,
std::vector< OVT > &  localy,
BitMap isthere,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  nzinds 

Overload #4: DCSC w/ preallocated SPA.

Definition at line 78 of file SpImpl.h.

◆ SpMXSpV_ForThreading() [3/4]

template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void combblas::SpMXSpV_ForThreading ( const Csc< IT, NUM > &  Acsc,
int32_t  mA,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  veclen,
std::vector< int32_t > &  indy,
std::vector< OVT > &  numy,
int32_t  offset 

Overload #3: CSC.

Definition at line 128 of file SpImpl.h.

◆ SpMXSpV_ForThreading() [4/4]

template<class SR , class IT , class NUM , class IVT , class OVT >
void combblas::SpMXSpV_ForThreading ( const Csc< IT, NUM > &  Acsc,
int32_t  mA,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  veclen,
std::vector< int32_t > &  indy,
std::vector< OVT > &  numy,
int32_t  offset,
std::vector< OVT > &  localy,
BitMap isthere,
std::vector< uint32_t > &  nzinds 

Overload #4: CSC w/ preallocated SPA.

Definition at line 136 of file SpImpl.h.

◆ SpMXSpV_HeapSort() [1/2]

template<typename SR , typename IT , typename NUM , typename IVT , typename OVT >
void combblas::SpMXSpV_HeapSort ( const Csc< IT, NUM > &  Acsc,
int32_t  mA,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  veclen,
std::vector< int32_t > &  indy,
std::vector< OVT > &  numy,
int32_t  offset 

◆ SpMXSpV_HeapSort() [2/2]

template<typename SR , typename IT , typename NT , typename IVT , typename OVT >
void combblas::SpMXSpV_HeapSort ( const Csc< IT, NT > &  Acsc,
int32_t  mA,
const int32_t *  indx,
const IVT *  numx,
int32_t  veclen,
std::vector< int32_t > &  indy,
std::vector< OVT > &  numy,
int32_t  offset 

SpMXSpV with HeapSort Simply insert entries from columns corresponsing to nonzeros of the input vector into a minHeap Then extract entries from the minHeap Complexity: O(flops*log(flops)) offset is the offset of indices in the matrix in case the matrix is split This version is likely to be more memory efficient than the other one (the one that uses preallocated memory buffers) Because here we don't use a dense accumulation vector but a heap. It will probably be slower though.

Definition at line 345 of file SpImpl.cpp.

◆ StarCheck()

template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
FullyDistVec<IT,short> combblas::StarCheck ( const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  A,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  father 

Definition at line 83 of file CC.h.

◆ SUMMALayer()

template<typename IT , typename NT >
void combblas::SUMMALayer ( SpDCCols< IT, NT > &  SplitA,
SpDCCols< IT, NT > &  SplitB,
std::vector< SpTuples< IT, NT > * > &  C,
bool  isBT,
bool  threaded 

Definition at line 25 of file SUMMALayer.h.

◆ SuperFastHash()

uint32_t combblas::SuperFastHash ( const char *  data,
int  len 

Definition at line 11 of file hash.cpp.

◆ Symmetricize()

template<typename PARMAT >
void combblas::Symmetricize ( PARMAT &  A)

Definition at line 29 of file ReadMatDist.h.

◆ ThreadBuffLenForBinning()

int combblas::ThreadBuffLenForBinning ( int  itemsize,
int  nbins 

Definition at line 394 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ Trace()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
NT combblas::Trace ( SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  A,
IT &  rettrnnz = 0 

Definition at line 275 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ TransformWeight()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
void combblas::TransformWeight ( SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  A,
bool  applylog 

Definition at line 1149 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ TransposeVector()

template<typename IU , typename NV >
void combblas::TransposeVector ( MPI_Comm &  World,
const FullyDistSpVec< IU, NV > &  x,
int32_t &  trxlocnz,
IU &  lenuntil,
int32_t *&  trxinds,
NV *&  trxnums,
bool  indexisvalue 

Step 1 of the sparse SpMV algorithm

[in,out]trxlocnz,lenuntil,trxinds,trxnums{ set or allocated }

Definition at line 1057 of file ParFriends.h.

◆ Tuples_AnXBn()

template<class SR , class NUO , class IU , class NU1 , class NU2 >
SpTuples<IU, NUO>* combblas::Tuples_AnXBn ( const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &  A,
const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &  B,
bool  clearA = false,
bool  clearB = false 

SpTuples(A*B) (Using ColByCol Algorithm) Returns the tuples for efficient merging later Support mixed precision multiplication The multiplication is on the specified semiring (passed as parameter)

Definition at line 554 of file Friends.h.

◆ Tuples_AnXBt()

template<class SR , class NUO , class IU , class NU1 , class NU2 >
SpTuples<IU, NUO>* combblas::Tuples_AnXBt ( const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &  A,
const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &  B,
bool  clearA = false,
bool  clearB = false 

SpTuples(A*B') (Using OuterProduct Algorithm) Returns the tuples for efficient merging later Support mixed precision multiplication The multiplication is on the specified semiring (passed as parameter)

Definition at line 511 of file Friends.h.

◆ Tuples_AtXBn()

template<class SR , class NUO , class IU , class NU1 , class NU2 >
SpTuples<IU, NUO>* combblas::Tuples_AtXBn ( const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &  A,
const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &  B,
bool  clearA = false,
bool  clearB = false 

Definition at line 591 of file Friends.h.

◆ Tuples_AtXBt()

template<class SR , class NUO , class IU , class NU1 , class NU2 >
SpTuples<IU, NUO>* combblas::Tuples_AtXBt ( const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &  A,
const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &  B,
bool  clearA = false,
bool  clearB = false 

Definition at line 578 of file Friends.h.

◆ TwoThirdApprox()

template<class IT , class NT , class DER >
void combblas::TwoThirdApprox ( SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  A,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateRow2Col,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateCol2Row 

be very careful here

Definition at line 794 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ UnconditionalHook()

template<typename IT , typename NT , typename DER >
void combblas::UnconditionalHook ( const SpParMat< IT, NT, DER > &  A,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  father 

Definition at line 175 of file CC.h.

◆ UpdateMatching()

template<class IT >
void combblas::UpdateMatching ( FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateRow2Col,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateCol2Row,
std::vector< IT > &  RepMateR2C,
std::vector< IT > &  RepMateC2R 

Definition at line 358 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ UpdateParents()

template<typename VT , typename IT >
void combblas::UpdateParents ( MPI_Comm &  RowWorld,
std::pair< IT, IT > *  updates,
int  num_updates,
FullyDistVec< IT, VT > &  parents,
int  source,
int  dest,
BitMapFringe< int64_t, int64_t > &  bm_fringe 

Definition at line 436 of file BFSFriends.h.

◆ WeightedGreedy()

template<typename Par_MAT_Double , typename IT >
void combblas::WeightedGreedy ( Par_MAT_Double &  A,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateRow2Col,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  mateCol2Row,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT > &  degCol 

Definition at line 240 of file BPMaximalMatching.h.

◆ WriteMCLClusters() [1/2]

template<class IT >
void combblas::WriteMCLClusters ( std::string  ofName,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT >  clustIdForVtx,
FullyDistVec< IT, std::array< char, MAXVERTNAME > >  vtxLabels 

Write clusters to file: vertices belonging to a cluster are written in a single line separated by space. TODO: sort clusters by their sizes

[in]ofName{output file name}
[in]clustIdForVtx{the ith entry stores the cluster id of the ith vertex}
[in]vtxLabels{labels of vertices}

Definition at line 45 of file WriteMCLClusters.h.

◆ WriteMCLClusters() [2/2]

template<class IT >
void combblas::WriteMCLClusters ( std::string  ofName,
FullyDistVec< IT, IT >  clustIdForVtx,
int  base 

Write clusters to file: vertices belonging to a cluster are written in a single line separated by space. Ids of vertices are used as labels TODO: sort clusters by their sizes

[in]ofName{output file name}
[in]clustIdForVtx{the ith entry stores the cluster id of the ith vertex}

Definition at line 149 of file WriteMCLClusters.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ mpidtc

MPIDataTypeCache combblas::mpidtc

C++ type to MPIType conversion is done through functions returning the mpi types The templated function is explicitly instantiated for every C++ type that has a correspoinding MPI type. For all others, a data type is created assuming it's some sort of struct. Each created data type is committed only once

Definition at line 38 of file MPIType.cpp.

◆ mpioc

MPIOpCache combblas::mpioc

Definition at line 7 of file MPIOp.cpp.

◆ t1Comm

double combblas::t1Comm

Definition at line 42 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ t1Comp

double combblas::t1Comp

Definition at line 42 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ t2Comm

double combblas::t2Comm

Definition at line 42 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ t2Comp

double combblas::t2Comp

Definition at line 42 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ t3Comm

double combblas::t3Comm

Definition at line 42 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ t3Comp

double combblas::t3Comp

Definition at line 42 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ t4Comm

double combblas::t4Comm

Definition at line 42 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ t4Comp

double combblas::t4Comp

Definition at line 42 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ t5Comm

double combblas::t5Comm

Definition at line 42 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ t5Comp

double combblas::t5Comp

Definition at line 42 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.

◆ tUpdateMateComp

double combblas::tUpdateMateComp

Definition at line 42 of file ApproxWeightPerfectMatching.h.