Lecture #9 -- Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2011

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Key question concerning Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields:

Why does it make sense to represent a 2D structure (a 2-manifold B-rep.)
with a 3D data structure (annotated sample points sprinkled through 3D ?

Now assume that you are a robotics probe that flies towards an irregular asteroid and where you are supposed to make a smooth landing.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of various representations of the asteroid shape in your computer memory ? -- In particular:
Voxels;  Triangulated B-rep;  Implicit function;  . . .

Paper Presentation by C. H. Séquin:

DF00:  Frisken et.al.: "Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields"

Future Paper Presentations

How to efficiently and effectively read a paper to prepare for in-class discussions:

New Assignment#6 : Prepare your bell design for Layered Manufacturing:

Our  Fused-Deposition Modeling (FDM) machine.

Introduction to QuickSlice

Due: Monday, 10/3/2011:  4pm

Bring your problems to class for discussion.

Submitted Solutions to Homework Assignment #5

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin