Lecture #10 -- Monday, Oct. 3, 2011

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Some questions concerning today's papers:

Marching Cubes:

What could be done to enhance the efficiency of the algorithm ? 
What could be done to enhance the functionality of the algorithm ? 
What do you think of the shown results ?

Modeling with Blocks:

How would you construct a nice smooth donut?
What are some advantages of the Block-representation?
How could the representation be extended for doing simulations?

Paper Presentation by: Kawaldeep Grewal

MC87:  Lorensen and Klein: "Marching Cubes: A High-Resolution 3D Surface Construction Algorithm"

Paper Presentation by: Eric Lu

MB11:  Leblanc et al: "Modeling with blocks"

Prepare for a presentation lasting about 20 minutes -- if there were no interruptions or questions.

Future Paper Presentations . . .

Rest of Class:  How to efficiently and effectively read a paper to prepare for in-class discussions:

Continuing Assignment#6 : Finalize your bell design for FDM:

Make sure you have a valid design that can be built on the FDM without problems.

Due: Friday, 10/3/2011:  4 pm

NO CLASS ON WEDNESDAY   (C. H. Séquin is that the EECS Graphics/HCI retreat)

It is suggested that students gather in 349 Soda and do a self-help workshop on QuickSlice and on modeling for the FDM.

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Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin