U.C. Berkeley CS267/EngC233
Applications of Parallel Computers
Spring 2009
Posters for Class Projects
All students are from UC Berkeley unless otherwise marked
High-Throughput, Accurate Image Contour Detection (pdf)
, by Yunsup Lee and Andrew Waterman
CUDA-based rendering of 3D Minkowski Sums (pdf)
, by Wei Li
Parallel Particle Filters (gif)
, by Timothy Wheeler
Scaling Content Based Image Retrieval Systems (ppt)
, by Sushant Shankar, Christine Lo, and Arun Vijayvergiya
Towards a parallel implementation of the Growing String Method (pdf)
, by Stephen Elkind
Optimization of the Poisson Operator in CHOMBO (ppt)
, by Razvan Carbunescu, Meriem Ben Salah and Andrew Gearhart
Sparse-Matrix-Vector-Multiplication on GPUs (pdf)
, by Ozan Demirlioglu
Parallel RI-MP2 (pdf)
, by Matthew Goldey
Parallel FFTs in 3D: Testing different implementation schemes (ppt)
, by Luis Acevedo-Arreguin, Benjamin Byington, Erinna Chen and Adrienne Traxler (UC Santa Cruz)
Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics (REMD) for Amber's Particle-Mesh Ewald MD (PMEMD) (pdf)
, by Lia Ball
Creating a Scalable HMM based Inference Engine for Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition (pdf)
, by Ekaterina Gonina and Henry Cook
Using exponential integrators to solve large stiff problem (pdf)
, by John Loffeld, Paul Tranquilli and David Hambley (UC Merced)
Clustering overlapping reads without using a reference genome (jpg)
, by Aileen Chen, Jerry Hong and Nanheng Wu
An AggreGATE Network Abstraction for Mobile Devices (pdf)
, by Ganesh Ananthanarayanan and David Zats
Parallel implementation of multipole-baswd Poisson-Boltzmann solver (pdf)
, by Eng Hui Yap
Finite Element Simulation of Nonlinear Elastic Dynamics using CUDA (pdf)
, by Christopher Cameron
Parallel Groebner Basis Computation using GASNet (pdf)
, by Christopher Wilkens
Accelerating Mesoscale Molecular Simulation using CUDA and MPI (pdf)
, by Christopher Ryan
Modeling and simulation of red blood cell light scattering (pdf)
, by Andrew Gearhart, Tarek Zohdi and Frans Kuypers
NURBS Evaluation and Rendering (pdf)
, by Adarsh Krishnamurthy and Sushrut Pavanaskar
Performance Variability in Hadoop's Map Reduce (pdf)
, by Charles Reiss
Utilizing Multiple Virtual Machines in Legacy Desktop Applications (pdf)
, by Matt Piotrowski
How Useful are Performance Counters, Really? Profiling Chombo Finite Methods Solver and Parsec Fluids Codes on Nehalem and SiCortex (pdf)
, by Kevin Klues and Sarah Bird
Energy Efficiency of MapReduce (pdf)
, by Laura Keys, Yanpei Chen and Randy Katz
Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem: Reduction to Tridiagonal (pdf)
, by Grey Ballard and Mehrzad Tartibi
Parallel POPCycle Implementation (pdf)
, by Ben Steffen