template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU , typename RHS , typename LHS > |
void | combblas::dcsc_gespmv (const SpDCCols< IU, NU > &A, const RHS *x, LHS *y) |
| SpMV with dense vector. More...
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NU , typename RHS , typename LHS > |
void | combblas::dcsc_gespmv_threaded (const SpDCCols< IU, NU > &A, const RHS *x, LHS *y) |
| SpMV with dense vector (multithreaded version) More...
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename DER , typename IVT , typename OVT > |
int | combblas::generic_gespmv_threaded (const SpMat< IU, NUM, DER > &A, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t nnzx, int32_t *&sendindbuf, OVT *&sendnumbuf, int *&sdispls, int p_c, PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &SPA) |
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename NUM , typename DER , typename IVT , typename OVT > |
void | combblas::generic_gespmv_threaded_setbuffers (const SpMat< IU, NUM, DER > &A, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t nnzx, int32_t *sendindbuf, OVT *sendnumbuf, int *cnts, int *dspls, int p_c) |
template<typename SR , typename MIND , typename VIND , typename DER , typename NUM , typename IVT , typename OVT > |
void | combblas::generic_gespmv (const SpMat< MIND, NUM, DER > &A, const VIND *indx, const IVT *numx, VIND nnzx, std::vector< VIND > &indy, std::vector< OVT > &numy, PreAllocatedSPA< OVT > &SPA) |
template<typename SR , typename IU , typename DER , typename NUM , typename IVT , typename OVT > |
void | combblas::generic_gespmv (const SpMat< IU, NUM, DER > &A, const int32_t *indx, const IVT *numx, int32_t nnzx, int32_t *indy, OVT *numy, int *cnts, int *dspls, int p_c, bool indexisvalue) |
template<typename IU > |
void | combblas::BooleanRowSplit (SpDCCols< IU, bool > &A, int numsplits) |
template<class SR , class NUO , class IU , class NU1 , class NU2 > |
SpTuples< IU, NUO > * | combblas::Tuples_AnXBt (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, bool clearA=false, bool clearB=false) |
template<class SR , class NUO , class IU , class NU1 , class NU2 > |
SpTuples< IU, NUO > * | combblas::Tuples_AnXBn (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, bool clearA=false, bool clearB=false) |
template<class SR , class NUO , class IU , class NU1 , class NU2 > |
SpTuples< IU, NUO > * | combblas::Tuples_AtXBt (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, bool clearA=false, bool clearB=false) |
template<class SR , class NUO , class IU , class NU1 , class NU2 > |
SpTuples< IU, NUO > * | combblas::Tuples_AtXBn (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, bool clearA=false, bool clearB=false) |
template<class SR , class IU , class NU > |
SpTuples< IU, NU > | combblas::MergeAll (const std::vector< SpTuples< IU, NU > *> &ArrSpTups, IU mstar=0, IU nstar=0, bool delarrs=false) |
template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 > |
Dcsc< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote > | combblas::EWiseMult (const Dcsc< IU, NU1 > &A, const Dcsc< IU, NU2 > *B, bool exclude) |
template<typename N_promote , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation > |
Dcsc< IU, N_promote > | combblas::EWiseApply (const Dcsc< IU, NU1 > &A, const Dcsc< IU, NU2 > *B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, bool notB, const NU2 &defaultBVal) |
template<typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 > |
SpDCCols< IU, typename promote_trait< NU1, NU2 >::T_promote > | combblas::EWiseMult (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, bool exclude) |
template<typename N_promote , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation > |
SpDCCols< IU, N_promote > | combblas::EWiseApply (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, bool notB, const NU2 &defaultBVal) |
template<typename RETT , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate > |
Dcsc< IU, RETT > | combblas::EWiseApply (const Dcsc< IU, NU1 > *Ap, const Dcsc< IU, NU2 > *Bp, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _BinaryPredicate do_op, bool allowANulls, bool allowBNulls, const NU1 &ANullVal, const NU2 &BNullVal, const bool allowIntersect) |
template<typename RETT , typename IU , typename NU1 , typename NU2 , typename _BinaryOperation , typename _BinaryPredicate > |
SpDCCols< IU, RETT > | combblas::EWiseApply (const SpDCCols< IU, NU1 > &A, const SpDCCols< IU, NU2 > &B, _BinaryOperation __binary_op, _BinaryPredicate do_op, bool allowANulls, bool allowBNulls, const NU1 &ANullVal, const NU2 &BNullVal, const bool allowIntersect) |