Package seda.sandStorm.lib.aDisk

Class Summary
AFile This class represents an asynchronous file I/O interface.
AFileCloseRequest A request to close the given file.
AFileCompletion Abstract base class of AFile I/O completion events.
AFileEOFReached A completion event indicating that EOF was reached on the given file during an attempted I/O operation.
AFileFlushRequest A request to flush all pending I/O events on the given file.
AFileImpl Package-access only abstract class representing an implementation of the AFile interface.
AFileIOCompleted Completion event indicating that a previous I/O request on the file completed.
AFileIOExceptionOccurred A completion event indicating that an IOException occurred during the corresponding I/O request.
AFileMgr The AFileMgr is an internal class used to provide an interface between the Sandstorm runtime and the aDisk library.
AFileReadRequest A request to read data from a file.
AFileRequest Abstract base class of I/O requests which can be posted to the AFile enqueue() methods.
AFileSeekRequest A request to seek to the given offset of the given file.
AFileStat This class provides information about a file.
AFileTM Internal abstract class used to represent an AFile thread manager.
AFileTPEventHandler The event handler used by the AFileTPImpl stage.
AFileTPImpl This is an implementation of AFile which uses a pool of threads which perform blocking I/O (through the class) on files.
AFileTPStageWrapper Internal stage wrapper implementation for AFileTPImpl.
AFileTPTM This is the ThreadManager implementation for AFileTPImpl.
AFileWriteRequest A request to write to a file.

Exception Summary
FileIsDirectoryException This exception is thrown when attempting to open a file that is a directory.