Package seda.sandStorm.internal

Interface Summary
sandStormConst A set of constants used by the Sandstorm implementation.

Class Summary
AggThrottle AggThrottle is used by thread managers to adjust their aggregation level based on observations of stage throughput.
AggTPSThreadManager AggTPSThreadManager is a refinement of the TPSTM; it attempts to schedule stages to improve aggregation.
ConfigData ConfigData is used to pass configuration arguments into various components.
ResponseTimeController The ResponseTimeController attempts to keep the response time of a given stage below a given target by adjusting admission control parameters for a stage.
ResponseTimeControllerDirect An implementation of ResponseTimeController that uses a direct adjustment of queue thresholds based on the error in the 90th percentile response time.
ResponseTimeControllerMM1 An implementation of ResponseTimeController that models the stage as an M/M/1 queue.
ResponseTimeControllerMulticlass An implementation of ResponseTimeController that uses a direct adjustment of queue thresholds based on the error in the 90th percentile response time.
ResponseTimeControllerPID An implementation of ResponseTimeController that uses a PID control.
sandStormMgr This class provides management functionality for the Sandstorm runtime system.
sandStormProfiler sandStormProfiler is an implementation of the ProfilerIF interface for Sandstorm.
SignalMgr The SignalMgr is an implementation of SignalMgrIF.
SinkProxy Used as a proxy to observe and measure communication behavior between stages.
Stage A Stage is a basic implementation of StageIF for application-level stages.
StageGraph This class provides an interface allowing operations to be performed on the graph of stages within the application.
StageGraphEdge This class represents an edge in the stage-connectivity graph.
StageStats This class provides controllers with a view of statistics gathered by the stage internally during execution.
StageWrapper A StageWrapper is a basic implementation of StageWrapperIF for application-level stages.
ThreadPool ThreadPool is a generic class which provides a thread pool.
ThreadPoolController The ThreadPoolController is responsible for dynamically adusting the size of a given ThreadPool.
TPPThreadManager TPPThreadManager is a thread manager implementation which provides one thread per CPU.
TPSThreadManager TPSThreadManager provides a threadpool-per-source-per-stage thread manager implementation.