Package seda.sandStorm.lib.aSocket

Interface Summary
aSocketConst Internal constants used by the aSocket implementation.
SelectSourceIF A SelectSource is an implementation of SourceIF which pulls events from the operating system via the NBIO SelectSet interface.

Class Summary
aSocketErrorEvent This is the base class for all error events passed up by the aSocket library.
aSocketEventHandler Abstract superclass of the event handlers used by aSocket.
aSocketImplFactory aSocketImplFactory is an internal abstract class used to represent the interface between the aSocket library and a provider implementation.
aSocketInputStream This is a utility class that allows you to push multiple ATcpInPackets in, and read bytes out as a stream.
aSocketMgr The aSocketMgr is an internal class used to provide an interface between the Sandstorm runtime and the aSocket library.
aSocketRCTMSleep aSocketRCTMSleep is a version of aSocketThreadManager that incorporates a rate controller: given a target packet-processing rate, it adjusts its schedule to attempt to match that rate.
aSocketRequest This is the superclass for the various requests that can be issued to the aSocketMgr.
aSocketStageWrapper Internal stage wrapper implementation for aSocket.
aSocketThreadManager aSocketThreadManager provides a thread manager for the aSocket layer: one thread for each of the read, write, and listen stages.
ATcpClientSocket An ATcpClientSocket implements an asynchronous outgoing socket connection.
ATcpCloseRequest Request to close a connection.
ATcpCloseServerRequest Request to close a server socket.
ATcpConnectFailedEvent ATcpConnectFailedEvent objects will be passed to the SinkIF associated with an ATcpClientSocket when a connection attempt fails.
ATcpConnection An ATcpConnection represents an established connection on an asynchronous socket.
ATcpConnectRequest Request to establish a connection.
ATcpFlushRequest Request to flush a connection.
ATcpInPacket An ATcpInPacket represents a packet which was received from an asynchronous socket.
ATcpListenFailedEvent ATcpListenFailedEvent objects will be passed to the SinkIF associated with an ATcpServerSocket when an attempt to create that server socket fails.
ATcpListenRequest Request to listen on a TCP port.
ATcpListenSuccessEvent ATcpListenSuccessEvent objects will be passed to the SinkIF associated with an ATcpServerSocket when the socket successfully listens on the requested port.
ATcpResumeAcceptRequest Request to resume accepting new connections on a server socket.
ATcpServerSocket This class represents an asynchronous server socket.
ATcpServerSocketClosedEvent ATcpServerSocketClosedEvent objects will be passed up to the SinkIF associated with an ATcpServerSocket when a server socket dies.
ATcpStartReadRequest Request to initiate read events on a connection.
ATcpSuspendAcceptRequest Request to suspend accepting new connections on a server socket.
ATcpWriteRequest Request to write data to a connection.
AUdpCloseRequest Request to close a UDP socket.
AUdpConnectEvent AUdpConnectEvent objects will be passed to the SinkIF associated with an AUdpSocket when the socket successfully connects.
AUdpConnectRequest Request to connect a UDP socket.
AUdpDisconnectEvent AUdpDisconnectEvent objects will be passed to the SinkIF associated with an AUdpSocket when the socket successfully disconnects.
AUdpDisconnectRequest Request to disconnect a UDP socket.
AUdpFlushRequest Request to flush a connection.
AUdpInPacket An AUdpInPacket represents a packet which was received from a datagram socket.
AUdpPacket An AUdpPacket is an extension to BufferElement that supports specifying the destination address and port for a given packet.
AUdpSocket An AUdpSocket implements an asynchronous datagram socket.
AUdpStartReadRequest Request to initiate read events on a UDP socket.
AUdpWriteRequest Request to write data to a connection.
ConnectSockState Internal class used to represent state of a socket while an outgoing connection is pending.
DatagramSockState Internal class used to represent state of an active datagram socket.
ListenEventHandler Internal event handler for socket listen events.
ListenSockState Internal class used to represent a server socket listening on a given port.
ReadEventHandler Internal event handler used to process socket read events.
SelectQueueElement A SelectQueueElement is a wrapper for SelectItem which makes it a QueueElementIF.
SockState Internal class used to represent state of an active socket connection.
WriteEventHandler Internal event handler used to handle socket write events.