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Journal Papers

Conference Papers


  • T. A. Courtade. “Two Problems in Multiterminal Information Theory”.
    University of California, Los Angeles, May 2012.
    Distinguished Ph.D. Dissertation Award, Signals & Systems Track.


  • T. R. Halford, T. A. Courtade, and K. M. Chugg, “Secure group key agreement for wireless networks," Pat. 9084112 (US). July, 2015

  • T. A. Courtade and D. J. Jensen. “Digital Beamforming Method and Apparatus for Pointing and Null Steering Without Calibration or Calculation of Covariance Matrix”. Pat. 7570211 (US). Aug. 2009.

  • T. A. Courtade and D. J. Jensen. “Method for Efficiently Computing the Beamforming Weights for a Large Antenna Array”. Pat. 7414578 (US). Aug. 2008.