This website introduces a new mathematical framework for two related classical problems in statistical learning:
data clustering and
data classification.
The basic idea is to cast data clustering or classification as a
(lossy) data compression problem. By minimizing the coding length of
the data, the resulting clustering and classification solutions are
provably optimal and the proposed algorithms are extremely simple,
efficient, and robust. They can achieve the state of the art clustering
and classification results, especially for high-dimensional data such
as images or gene expression data. This page gives a visual
introduction to some representative problems that can be solved by this
new method. Please click the links at left for a basic
introduction to the new approach, or complete technical details in the
reference papers, or
sample code for all the algorithms, or implementation details on some
real-world applications.
Given noisy data with multiple structures, group the data into simpler components:
Input: Multivariate mixed data
Output: Subspace-like clusters |
Clustering Mixed Data
(.avi, click to view)
Real data such as images and videos often have such complicated, mixed
structure. Segmentation breaks the image or video into smaller, simpler
pieces making it easier to represent, understand or process:
Original image
Segmentations at three different scales
To read more about the theoretical aspects of this problem and its general solution, please visit our introduction page, or refer to our paper, Segmentation of Multivariate Mixed Data via Lossy Coding and Compression, in the references page.
You can find more details about our solution derived from this framework for image segmentation at our Natural Image Segmentation page or our paper, Segmentation of Natural Images by Texture and Boundary Compression, in the references page.
Supervised Learning: Data Classification
Given a set or training examples whose identity is known, determine the identity of a new sample:
Training examples ( o and o ) and a
Test example ( x ) whose identity is unknown |
Decision boundary between two classes
Test sample is classified as ( o ) |
One of the most prominent applications of this fundamental problem is
in automatic face recognition, where the training examples images
of human faces, taken under varying expression, pose, or lighting
conditions. The test example is an image of a face, possibly taken
under different pose, expression or lighting condition. The task is to
identify which of the individuals in the training database is pictured
in the test image:
Training examples |
Test image
Classification Result
To read more about the classification problem and its solution, please refer to our introduction page, or to our paper, Classification via Minimum Incremental Coding Length (MICL) on the references page.
This website is developed and maintained by
the research group of professor Yi Ma
at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
This material is
based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under
Award No. IIS-0347456, CRS-EHS-0509151, and CCF-TF-0514955, and by the
Office of Naval Research, under Award No. N0001405-1-0633. Any
opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in
this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or Office of Naval
Please direct all questions and comments
about this website to the webmaster: John Wright (jnwright@uiuc.edu).