Katherine (Kathy) Yelick is the Robert S. Pepper Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences and the Vice Chancellor for Research at UC Berkeley. She is also a Senior Faculty Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Her research is in high performance computing, programming languages, compilers, parallel algorithms, and automatic performance tuning. She currently leads the ExaBiome project on scalable tools for analyzing microbial data and co-leads the Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization (Bebop) group. She was the Associate Dean for Research in the Division of Computing, Data Science and Society at UC Berkeley from 2020 through 2021; the Associate Laboratory Director for Computing Sciences at LBNL from 2010 through 2019; and prior to that she led the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC). Yelick is a member of National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and she is a Fellow of both the Association for Computing Machinery and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
A longer bio, CV and high-resolution photo be found at here.
Research Topics
- High Performance Computing
- Partitioned Global Address Space programming
- Communication-Avoiding Algorithms
- Automatic Performanc Tuning
- High Performance Data Analytics
- Computational Biology
Contact Information
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences:
771 Soda Hall #1776
Berkeley, CA 94720
Office Hours: by appointment
Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research:
119 California Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-1500
Email: vcr@berkeley.edu
Phone: (510) 642-7540
Executive Admin: Joel Moldenhauer
Email: joelmold@berkeley.edu
Research Projects
- HipMer: High performance genome assembler (source code)
- diBella: A distributed memory long-read assembler
- Bebop: Berkeley Benchmarking and Optimization Project
- Berkeley UPC: Unified Parallel C at Berkeley
- DEGAS: Dynamic Exascale Global Address Space
- Par Lab: The Parallel Computing Laboratory
- Titanium: A Java-based PGAS language
- BIPS: Berkeley Institute for Performance Studies
IRAM: Intelligent RAM
- ISTORE: Intelligent Storage
- OSKI: Optimized Sparse Matrix Kernel Interface
- Sparsity: Autotuning sparse matrix kernels
- Split-C: An early PGAS language.
- Multipol: Data structures for distributed memory
- Coordination
- The Castle Project: Integrated parallel computing software