Quantum Computation
Fall 2019
Umesh Vazirani
- vazirani@cs
Office: 671 Soda, 642-0572
Lectures: TuTh11-12:130 310 Soda Hall
Office Hours: M 1:30-2, Tu 1-2
Chinmay Nirkhe
- nirkhe@cs
Office: 615 Soda
Office Hours: W 9-11 615 Soda Hall
Discussion Section: W 6-7 405 Soda
Problem Set 1
Problem Set 1 Solutions
Problem Set 2: Due date extended to Oct 10
Problem Set 3
Project ideas
Please fill out this Google form if you are an undergrad who wishes to register for this course: Form
Reference Materials
EdX course: Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation
Lecture notes for EdX course: Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Computation
Intro lecture notes for Vidick-Weiner quantum cryptography course
John Preskill Lecture Notes
Scott Aaronson Lecture Notes
John Watrous Lecture Notes