SLIDE Language Reference
SLIDE is a simple ASCII text file language for describing 3D
interactive and dynamic environments. SLIDE files normally use the
extension .slf
for SLIDE format. The SLIDE language
employs many of the same conventions as the C programming language.
The SLIDE language also uses embedded Tcl code to control the dynamics
of scenes.
The following is a reference guide to the SLIDE language. It is
useful for getting a quick understanding of the language and for
looking up the parameters of SLIDE primitives. For more detail about
language constructs consult the SLIDE
Language Spec. This document also contains links to the spec on a
primitive by primitive basis.
SLIDE Basic Syntax
White Space
Spaces, tabs, and new lines are all considered white space in a
SLIDE file. One or more white space characters are used to separate
tokens in a SLIDE file.
# This is a line comment
(* This is
a region
comment *)
(* These (* are (* nested *) *) (* region *) comments *)
(* This will (* cause a nesting ERROR *)
Data Types
Type |
Examples |
Integers |
[0-9]+ |
Floats |
[-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)? |
Tcl Macro Values |
%{ expr sin($SLF_PI/6) }% |
%{ <Tcl expr> }% |
Tcl Dynamic Values |
{ expr sin($SLF_TIME) } |
{ <Tcl expr> } |
Pairs |
1.0 { expr 2.0 } |
float float |
Triples |
{ expr 1.0 } 2.0 %{ expr 3.0 }% |
float float float |
Strings |
"This is sphere: \"s29\"" |
["]([\]["]|.)*["] |
Identifiers |
gLeft_Arm_3 |
[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9]* |
Id Lists |
p0 p1 p2 |
id* |
Paths |
cam |
(node_id[.](inst_id[.])+)?node_id |
Tcl Init Block |
tclinit { <Tcl exprs> } |
Tcl Macro Value |
%{ <Tcl expr> }% |
Tcl Update Block |
tclupdate { <Tcl exprs> } |
Tcl Dynamic Value |
{ <Tcl expr> } |
Tcl Variables Exported by SLIDE
The value of PI (3.14...) |
The run time seconds of the simulation |
The number of the current frame counted from the last dynamics
restart. This is useful for creating batch processed animations. |
SLF_tcltag__SCALE |
The scale factor exported by a render statement's crystal ball
interface |
SLF_tcltag__AXIS_Z |
The axis of rotation exported by a render statement's crystal ball
interface |
SLF_tcltag__ANGLE |
The rotation angle in degrees exported by a render statement's
crystal ball interface |
SLF_GOURAUD , etc. |
All the enumerated values from the SLIDE flag types are exported as Tcl variables of the same name. |
SLIDE Enumerated Types
On/Off Type
The On/Off type is the boolean type for SLIDE. This useful for
being able to turn on and off different types rendering options and
structures. For example, every light path in the render statement can
have an On/Off flag which acts as a light switch for that instance of
the light. The possible values of the On/Off type are:
Off or false |
On or true |
The default value for an On/Off flag is normally
LOD Type
The LOD type defines the quality of the rendering for a subtree.
As LOD flags are passed down the scene hierarchy, a node computes the
rendering LOD by taking the minimum of its locally defined LOD and the
value being passed down by its parent. If a node of the scene
hierarchy has an LOD that is less than SLF_FULL
then all
of its descendants will not be rendered at their full rendering
quality. And in the extreme, if a node has LOD SLF_OFF
then that entire subtree will not be rendered at all (and the renderer
does not need to compute any bounding box information for its descendants). The
possible values for the LOD type are:
For rendering purposes, this subtree does not exist |
Render only the bounding box of this subtree |
Render this subtree in wireframe mode |
Fully render this subtree |
The default value for a LOD flag is SLF_FULL
Camera UI Type
The CUI type defines the style of mouse interaction with a render
window. Clicking and dragging in windows with different CUI types
set performs different modifications to the view. Each style responds
differently to clicking and dragging with one of the three mouse
buttons; (R)ight, (M)iddle, and (L)eft. The possible values for the CUI
type are:
Bring the camera to the original position.
R, M, L: No action. |
Keep the camera at the current position.
R, M, L: No action. |
Modify the world as if it were encased in a crystal ball.
R: Rotate world around view reference point.
M: Scale world exponentially.
L: Rotate world around line of sight (Z-axis) |
Move the camera as if flying.
R: Rotate the camera.
M: Translate the camera (One screen height translates
cuiSpeed distance)
L: Pan the camera along the projection plane. |
Move the camera as if flying in first person perspective.
R, M, L: Rotate the camera.
While mouse button is depressed, the camera translates. R
causes forward translation, L causes reverse translation |
The default value for a CUI flag is SLF_CRYSTAL_BALL
Shading Type
The Shading type defines how the polygons of a node will be
shaded. A node in the scene hierarchy will pass down its local
shading value unless that is SLF_INHERIT
in which case it
will pass along its parent's shading value. The possible values for
the Shading type are:
Shade this node in the same style as its parent |
Render a wireframe |
Render with flat shading (one color per polygon) |
Render with Gouraud shading (interpolate vertex colors across each polygon) |
Render with Phong shading (interpolate vertex normals across each polygon and recompute lighting at each pixel) |
The default value for a Shading flag is SLF_INHERIT
NOTE: Renders may not support all the shading types in
which case they will do the best job possible. The OpenGL SLIDE
render does not support Phong shading, so SLF_PHONG
reduced to SLF_GOURAUD
Solid Type
The Solid type defines whether to apply back face culling to an
atomic node of the scene hierarchy. SLF_SOLID
should be
used for objects which are closed for rendering efficiency.
should be used for objects which consist of
infinitely thin surface pieces which should be visible from both
sides. The possible values for the Solid type are:
Backface culling is ok |
Disable backface culling |
The default value for a Solid flag is SLF_SOLID
Delaunay Type
The Delaunay type defines the algorithm which will be used to
compute the Delaunay triangulation. The possible values for the
Delaunay type are:
Incremental algorithm which creates a bounding box and builds an external tree search structure |
Incremental algorithm which creates a bounding box and uses the current triangulation only as a search structure |
Incremental algorithm which does not need to build a bounding box and uses the current triangulation only as a search structure |
Divide and conquer algorithm which always splits in the vertical direction |
Divide and conquer algorithm which alternatively splits in the vertical and horizontal directions |
Algorithm which lifts the 2D sites into 3D on a parabolic lifting map, computes the 3D convex hull, removes upward facing facets, and reprojects the remaining facets back into the 2D plane |
Voronoi Type
The Voronoi type defines the algorithm which will be used to
compute the Voronoi diagram. The possible values for the
Voronoi type are:
The Voronoi diagram is not computed |
The Voronoi diagram is computed by taking the dual of the Delaunay triangulation |
Divide and conquer algorithm which always splits in the vertical direction |
Divide and conquer algorithm which alternatively splits in the vertical and horizontal directions |
Raster based algorithm which renders the distance functions of the input sites and lets the Z-buffer resolve the booleans |
Raster based algorithm which renders the tangent planes to the
lifting map for each input site and lets the Z-buffer resolve the
booleans |
The default value for a Voronoi flag is SLF_VORONOI_OFF
Accuracy Type
The accuracy type defines which technique to use to try to keep
numerical accuracy. The possible values for the accuracy type are:
Do all floating point operations naively |
Translate floating point calculations to the origin |
Use an exact algebra library |
The default value for an accuracy flag is SLF_FLOAT
Subdivision Type
The subdivision type defines the subdivision algorithm. The
possible values for the Subdivision type are:
NURSS scheme which reduces to quadratic B-splines. The control mesh does not have to be a closed polyhedron. |
NURSS scheme which reduces to cubic B-splines. The control mesh does not have to be a closed polyhedron. |
DeRose scheme with sharp edge tags. The control mesh does not have to be a closed polyhedron. |
Catmull-Clark scheme with simply increases the polygon density by subdividing the control polygons into sub-quadrilaterals |
Kobbelt interpolatory scheme based on the four point rule |
TRIANGLES ONLY: Subdivide each triangle into 4 subtriangles
without changing the geometry |
TRIANGLES ONLY: First subdivision splits any non-triangles into triangles by creating the centroid and fanning triangles out from it. Subdivide each triangle into 4 subtriangles
approximating scheme |
TRIANGLES ONLY: First subdivision splits any non-triangles into triangles by creating the centroid and fanning triangles out from it. New Loop scheme that bounds curvature changes |
TRIANGLES ONLY: First subdivision splits any non-triangles into triangles by creating the centroid and fanning triangles out from it. Subdivide each triangle into 4 subtriangles
simple interpolating scheme |
TRIANGLES ONLY: First subdivision splits any non-triangles into triangles by creating the centroid and fanning triangles out from it. Subdivide each triangle into 4 subtriangles
more complicated interpolating scheme |
Simple corner cutting scheme (usually needs twice as many iterations as the other techniques) |
Similar to the triangle scheme, but it will work with all types of polygons. The number of non-triangles will remain constant throughout the subdivision. |
Approximating scheme |
Approximating scheme with sharp edge tags (DeRose, Hoppe) |
Butterfly interpolating scheme |
Zorin's interpolating scheme |
Kobbelt's Sqrt(3) scheme |
Experimental quad scheme that is similar to Sqrt(3) |
Simplistic progressive mesh implementation |
Experimental schemes attempting to average interpolating spheres |
Experiment at mixing Loop with Catmull-Clark |
Experimental biarc scheme |
Experimental scheme based on pentagons |
The default value for a Subdivision flag is SLF_SUBDIVISION_CATMULL_CLARK
Projection Type
The Projection type defines whether a camera performs a parallel
or perspective projection. The possible values for the Projection
type are:
Parallel projection (the viewer is infinitely far away) |
Perspective projection (the viewer is local to the scene) |
The default value for a Projection flag is SLF_PARALLEL
Light Type
The Light type defines way a SLIDE light works. The possible
values for the Light type are:
Ambient light which has been scatter to the point where it illuminates all surfaces equally regardless of geometry |
A directional light is located infinitely far away from a scene, so all its rays arrive parallel to a given direction and its energy does not attenuate with distance (e.g. the sun) |
A point light is located at a single finite point and radiates light equally in all directions. Its energy is attenuated with distance. |
A spot light is located at a single finite point, but it radiates its light along a principle direction. Its energy is attenuated with distance and falls off with angle away from its priciple direction. |
The default value for a Light flag is SLF_AMBIENT
Fog Type
The Fog type defines how the fog effect is computed. The possible
values for the Fog type are:
Fog is compute based on a linear function of z (this is also known as depth cuing) |
Fog is compute based on an exponential linear function of the form e-az |
Fog is compute based on an exponential linear function of the form e-(az)2 |
The default value for a Fog flag is SLF_LINEAR
Stencil Type
The Stencil type defines a stencil pattern to be used in the
stencil buffer. This is useful for rendering stereo images by
interlacing the left and right eye views in the even and odd
horizontal scan lines. Some Head Mounted Displays (HMD's) take this
format as stereo input. Also red and green images can be rendered
interlaced and viewed with 1950's style 3D glasses to create a low cost
stereo display. The possible values for the Stencil type are:
The stencil buffer is empty and disabled for performance |
The even horizontal lines of the stencil buffer are filled, so that the rendering will appear in the odd lines |
The odd horizontal lines of the stencil buffer are filled, so that the rendering will appear in the even lines |
The default value for a Stencil flag is SLF_BOTH
Ratio Type
The Ratio type defines whether the aspect ratio of a window will be preserved under resizing. The aspect ratio of a window is derived from its size field. The possible values of the Ratio type are:
The original aspect ratio will be preserved |
The original aspect ratio will not be preserved |
The window should be opened up full screen ignoring the size field. This is the only way to initialize a window to be the full screen dimensions of a non-square display. After the window is opened, it then acts the same as SLF_ANY . |
The default value for a Ratio flag is normally
RIB String
ribbegin "string" |
Renderman specific ASCII data which will be written just before the primitive when outputting a RIB file |
ribend "string" |
Renderman specific ASCII data which will be written just after the primitive when outputting a RIB file |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
surface id |
color ( color_triple )
reflectivity ( reflectivity_triple )
exponent exponent_float
metallic metallic_float
bitmap "texture_filename" SLF_TEXMAP
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
endsurface |
slide create surface id \
-color { color_triple } \
-reflectivity { reflectivity_triple } \
-exponent exponent_float \
-metallic metallic_float \
-bitmap "texture_filename" SLF_TEXMAP \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
sphere id
radius radius_float
zmin zmin_float
zmax zmax_float
thetamax thetamax_float
zslices zslices_int
thetaslices thetaslices_int
texture ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )] ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )]
solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
endsphere |
slide create sphere id \
-radius radius_float \
-zmin zmin_float \
-zmax zmax_float \
-thetamax thetamax_float \
-zslices zslices_int \
-thetaslices thetaslices_int \
-texture { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] \
-solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
cylinder id
radius radius_float
zmin zmin_float
zmax zmax_float
thetamax thetamax_float
zslices zslices_int
thetaslices thetaslices_int
begincap begincap_bool
endcap endcap_bool
texture ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )] ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )]
solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
endcylinder |
slide create cylinder id \
-radius radius_float \
-zmin zmin_float \
-zmax zmax_float \
-thetamax thetamax_float \
-zslices zslices_int \
-thetaslices thetaslices_int \
-begincap begincap_bool
-endcap endcap_bool
-texture { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] \
-solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
cone id
radius radius_float
height height_float
zmin zmin_float
zmax zmax_float
thetamax thetamax_float
zslices zslices_int
thetaslices thetaslices_int
begincap begincap_bool
texture ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )] ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )]
solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
endcone |
slide create cone id \
-radius radius_float \
-height height_float \
-zmin zmin_float \
-zmax zmax_float \
-thetamax thetamax_float \
-zslices zslices_int \
-thetaslices thetaslices_int \
-begincap begincap_bool
-texture { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] \
-solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
torus id
majorradius majorradius_float
minorradius minorradius_float
thetamax thetamax_float
phimin phimin_float
phimax phimax_float
phislices phislices_int
thetaslices thetaslices_int
texture ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )] ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )]
solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
endtorus |
slide create torus id \
-majorradius majorradius_float \
-minorradius minorradius_float \
-thetamax thetamax_float \
-phimin phimin_float \
-phimax phimax_float \
-phislices phislices_int \
-thetaslices thetaslices_int \
-texture { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] \
-solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
cyclide id
drawellipse drawellipse_bool
drawhyperbola drawhyperbola_bool
majorradius majorradius_float
minorradius minorradius_float
stringlength stringlength_float
thetamin thetamin_float
thetamax thetamax_float
phimin phimin_float
phimax phimax_float
phislices phislices_int
thetaslices thetaslices_int
texture ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )] ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )]
solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
endcyclide |
slide create cyclide id \
-drawellipse drawellipse_bool \
-drawhyperbola drawhyperbola_bool \
-majorradius majorradius_float \
-minorradius minorradius_float \
-stringlength stringlength_float \
-thetamin thetamin_float \
-thetamax thetamax_float \
-phimin phimin_float \
-phimax phimax_float \
-phislices phislices_int \
-thetaslices thetaslices_int \
-texture { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] \
-solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
bsplinepatch id
drawcontrols drawcontrols_bool
uorder uorder_float
uknots uknots_float
uknotlist float
vorder vorder_float
vknots vknots_float
vknotlist float_list
controlpointlist controlpoint_idlist
uslices uslices_int
vslices vslices_int
offset distance_float connected_bool
texture ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )] ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )]
solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
endbsplinepatch |
slide create bsplinepatch id \
-drawcontrols drawcontrols_bool \
-uorder uorder_float \
-uknots uknots_float \
-uknotlist float \
-vorder vorder_float \
-vknots vknots_float \
-vknotlist float_list \
-controlpointlist controlpoint_idlist \
-uslices uslices_int \
-vslices vslices_int \
-offset distance_float connected_bool \
-texture { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] \
-solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
bezierpatch id
drawcontrols drawcontrols_bool
uorder uorder_float
vorder vorder_float
controlpointlist controlpoint_idlist
uslices uslices_int
vslices vslices_int
offset distance_float connected_bool
texture ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )] ( texture_triple ) [( texture_triple )]
solid solid_flag
surface surface_id
shading shading_flag
lod lod_flag
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
endbezierpatch |
slide create bezierpatch id \
-drawcontrols drawcontrols_bool \
-uorder uorder_float \
-vorder vorder_float \
-controlpointlist controlpoint_idlist \
-uslices uslices_int \
-vslices vslices_int \
-offset distance_float connected_bool \
-texture { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] { texture_triple } [{ texture_triple }] \
-solid solid_flag \
-surface surface_id \
-shading shading_flag \
-lod lod_flag \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
light id
type lighttype_flag
color ( color_triple )
deaddistance deaddistance_float
falloff falloff_float
angularfalloff angularfalloff_float
ribbegin "rib_string"
ribend "rib_string"
endlight |
slide create light id \
-type lighttype_flag \
-color { color_triple } \
-deaddistance deaddistance_float \
-falloff falloff_float \
-angularfalloff angularfalloff_float \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
translate ( translate_triple )
{ translate translate_triple }
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
rotate ( axis_triple ) ( angle_float )
{ rotate axis_triple angle_float }
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
lookat |
eye ( eye_triple )
target ( target_triple )
up ( up_triple )
endlookat |
lookat |
-eye { eye_triple } \
-target { target_triple } \
-up { up_triple } \
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
window id
background ( background_triple )
origin ( origin_pair )
size ( size_pair )
resize onoff_flag
ratio ratio_flag
endwindow |
slide create window id \
-background { background_triple } \
-origin { origin_pair } \
-size { size_pair } \
-resize onoff_flag \
-ratio ratio_flag \
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
slide create viewport id
window_id \
-origin { origin_pair } \
-size { size_pair } \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
This page was originally built by Jordan Smith.
Last modified: Sunday, 30-Jan-2000 23:44:20 PST