Rendering Nodes
The image produced by a
is rendered into a
which is a rectangular region on a display screen
Multiple windows can exist simultaneously on the screen and a
window can have multiple non-overlapping viewports.
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
window id
background ( background_triple )
origin ( origin_pair )
size ( size_pair )
resize onoff_flag
ratio ratio_flag
endwindow |
slide create window id \
-background { background_triple } \
-origin { origin_pair } \
-size { size_pair } \
-resize onoff_flag \
-ratio ratio_flag \
SLIDE Defaults |
tclinit Defaults |
window id
background ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 )
origin ( 0.25 0.25 )
size ( 0.5 0.5 )
resize SLF_ON
ratio SLF_ON
endwindow |
slide create window id \
-background { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } \
-origin { 0.25 0.25 } \
-size { 0.5 0.5 } \
-resize $SLF_ON \
-ratio $SLF_ON \
The window statement defines a window on the display screen.
The dimensions and location of the window are defined in
Normalized Device Coordinates (NDC) of the screen between 0 and 1.
The origin is defined in NDC by the origin
statement. The origin_double is interpreted as (xmin ymin)
and defines the upper left corner of the window
where both xmin and ymin are in NDC.
Similarly, the dimensions of the window are defined by the
size statement. The size_double is interpreted as
(xsize ysize) where xsize and ysize are the
horizontal and vertical sizes of the window respectively. As before,
xsize and ysize are also in NDC.
These values, xmin, ymin, xsize,
and ysize, are not dynamic values.
They are used only as a suggestion to the windowing system to specify
the initial size of the window.
The window may later be reshaped by the user or by the windowing
system and no longer correspond to the input values.
The color_triple defines the background color that the window is
cleared to. It is an RGB triple and it can have dynamic values.
For example,
window app_win
origin (0.5 0.5)
size (0.5 0.5)
background (0 0 1)
defines a window with identifier app_win
that occupies
the upper right quarter of the display screen.
The origin of the window is at the center of the screen and the upper
right corner of the window is at the upper right corner of the
The background color is blue.
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
slide create viewport id
window_id \
-origin { origin_pair } \
-size { size_pair } \
-ribbegin "rib_string" \
-ribend "rib_string" \
SLIDE Defaults |
tclinit Defaults |
viewport id window_id
origin ( 0.0 0.0 )
size ( 1.0 1.0 )
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
endviewport |
slide create viewport id window_id \
-origin { 0.0 0.0 } \
-size { 1.0 1.0 } \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL
A viewport is the region of a window into
which the image on a camera's view plane is mapped.
The window_id defines the window into which the image is mapped.
The extent of the viewport on the window is defined by
the rectangle which is defined by the origin_double and
size_double parameters, which are interpreted in the same
way as in the window statement above. However the units of
these parameters are not Normalized Device Coordinates, but rather
normalized window coordinates between 0 and 1, where 1 represents the
full extent of the corresponding window.
For example:
viewport view10 app_win
origin (0.5 0)
size (0.5 1)
defines a viewport on the window app_win
, defined above,
that fills the right half of the window.
The default values are:
viewport | id window_id
origin (0 0)
size (1 1)
endviewport |
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Defaults |
tclinit Defaults |
fog id
color ( 0.0 0.0 0.0 )
start 0.02
end 100.0
density 0.0025
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
endfog |
| slide create fog id \
-type $SLF_LINEAR \
-color { 0.0 0.0 0.0 } \
-start 0.02 \
-end 100.0 \
-density 0.0025 \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL
SLIDE Definition |
tclinit Definition |
SLIDE Defaults |
tclinit Defaults |
viewport_id camera_path node_id
mergeepsilon 0.4
tcltag SLF_NULL
ribbegin SLF_NULL
ribend SLF_NULL
fog fog_id [onoff_flag]
light light_path [onoff_flag]
light light_path [onoff_flag]
arealight arealight_path [onoff_flag]
arealight arealight_path [onoff_flag]
endviewport |
slide viewport
viewport_id camera_path node_id \
-mergeepsilon 0.4 \
-tcltag $SLF_NULL \
-lod $SLF_FULL \
-ribbegin $SLF_NULL \
-ribend $SLF_NULL
-fog fog_id [onoff_flag] \
-light light_path [onoff_flag] \
-light light_path [onoff_flag] \
-arealight arealight_path [onoff_flag] \
-arealight arealight_path [onoff_flag] \
Any light that will be used to illuminate the scene must be
specified in the render statement by its full path.
The optional onoff_flag for each light can be used to turn that light on
or off from the render statement.
If a node in the path for a light has an lod of
, that light will still be used to illuminate the scene.
Any number of render statements can be specified in
a single file, but there must be at least one for anything to be displayed.
This flexible matching of viewport, geometry root and camera
makes the render statement very general. Side-by-side
viewports in a single window with slightly disparate views can be used
to produce stereo viewing. A multiple window setup can provide
different views on the same world. This, for example, could be used in
the implementation of a driving simulator, with separate camera specifications
and viewports corresponding to windshield, rearview mirror and sideview
mirror views.
A render statement causes the image of some part of the group
hierarchy to be rendered into a viewport on a display window.
The viewport_id defines the viewport into which the image
is drawn. Recall that a viewport has an associated window and
therefore the render statement also specifies the particular window on
the screen into which to render.
camera_idpath in the render statement identifies
a global camera or an instance of a camera within a scene hierarchy.
The node_id defines the root of the portion of the hierarchy
to be rendered. The only geometric entities that exist in the context
of this render statement are those that are contained in
this hierarchy.
The render statement has an lod_flag that
limits the LOD of the root node just as if it were a parent of that
node in the scene hierarchy.
The tcltag statement defines a string, id, that will
be used to identify all TCL variables associated with the
render. The global variables SLF_MOUSE_X
will be replaced by separate variables for
each tagged render statement with
The current viewport width and height,
will be reset after any resize event.
If more than one render statement use the same id, the values will be for the
last viewport to receive a resize event.
Other variables may be defined from a C++ viewer.
For example, the viewer program can define the crystal ball manipulation variables,
, and
which can be used in an instance statement to define the crystal ball
group icosa_ball
instance icosa
rotate ( {$SLF_foo_AXIS_X} {$SLF_foo_AXIS_Y} {$SLF_foo_AXIS_Z} ) ( {$SLF_foo_ANGLE} )
scale ( {$SLF_foo_SCALE} {$SLF_foo_SCALE} {$SLF_foo_SCALE} )
render bigvp globalcam icosa_ball
tcltag foo
The camera_idpath is the identifier pathname of the specific camera
that produces the image. If this is a single identifier, then the top-level
camera with this identifier is used to produce the image.
The [world-camera] transformation will be the inverse of the transformation
that places the camera in the group identified by node_path.
This root group for the camera path does not have to be the same as
the render root for the scene.
For example, in this scene I have a fishtank containing two fish, each
of which has two eyes. I want to render the scene from the right eye
of the second fish. Therefore, I have to give the second fish
instance an id so that I can refer to it in the render statement.
group fishtank
instance fish
instance fish
id fish2
group fish
instance fishcam
id right_eye
instance fishcam
id left_eye
instance fishgeom
camera fishcam
frustum (-3 -3 -100) (3 3 -0.01)
render VIEWPORT fishtank.fish2.right_eye.fishcam fishtank
light myspotlight SLF_ON
[an error occurred while processing this directive]