CS 301 -- GSI Practicum
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Monday August 29, 2005, 10:30pm-12noon,
in 380 Soda Hall.
Introductions, Organization, Briefing for your first session.
Purpose of CS 301:
- Help you to become the best TA you can be
- A resource where you learn time-tested techniques
- An inspiration to try to explore new approaches
- A moral support group for difficult moments
- Prepare you to become a self-reliant teacher (professor) some day
- Teaching is important at U.C. Berkeley !
Getting to know each other -- Round-robin introductions
- Names (Prepare name cards, games)
- Your GSI assignments this semester
- Previous teaching experiences
(Fill out questionaires, get your photo taken)
What does a GSI do?
-- make a list ___
- a GSI is not just a lecturer!
(We will have discussions later about most of these topics).
-- You cannot possibly take care of all these things !
-- Negotiate with your professor who does what, and which are most important for this class.
- Remember to sign up for CS 399 credits;
- 20hrs GSI's get 2 units;
- 10hrs GSI's get 1 unit of credit.
Key goals for your first discussion session
-- what do YOU think is most important?
-- make a list ___
How can you achieve this?
What are you most anxious about?
-- make a list ___
- I am afraid to stand in front of a crowd
-- discuss these issues -- and some remedies
- That will quickly disappear. Most of the students are intimidated by you too!
What techniques can help you become a better GSI / Teacher?
- Reflecting about your teaching will improve your teaching ! ==> WRITE A "JOURNAL/DIARY"
- Critically observing other GSI's in action
- Keeping a journal of your ideas / concerns / experiences
- CS 301 (this course)
- CS 302 -- How to design a lecture course. Better to take this at a later time.
- CS 399 -- As GSI sign up for one or two "free" units to reduce the pressures in your schedule.
- Consultation with your professor (crucial!) -- (go see your
professor at least once a week; try to establish a fixed meeting time
- Consultation with other GSIs
- Teaching workshops
- (Peer) review of your discussion sessions
- Videotaping of one of your sessions
- Issuing feedback questionaires
Coming Attractions
- Meet outstanding teachers of the CS Division
- Meet experienced GSI's
- How to be an effective teacher and discussion leader
- Finding your own optimal style
- Ethics issues; how to handle difficult students
Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin