CS 301 -- GSI Practicum
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Friday, September 2, 2005, 2:10pm-3:30pm,
in 320 Soda Hall.
Informal Discussion: How did it go this week?
Report from the front lines.
Round-Robin Re-Introductions
Your previous teaching experiences.
Get your photo taken -- if you have not already done so.
Today's Discussion is about:
How to Have a Good Discussion
Let's start by having a discussion, -- then reflect on what we did.
Example topic: RECURSION
Write down a few words or phrases that you associate with recursion.
Work in pairs: How would you explain recursion to a 10-year old or to
your grandparents ?
Examples of recursion (outside of computer programs)
What is recursion good for ? (motivation through relevance)
What is the dumbest thing you might possibly hear about recursion ?
(ice-breaker question)
Key Elements of a Good Discussion:
... make a list ___
How to Prepare to Lead a Discussion:
... make a list ___
Make sure you are on top of the topic material
Prepare some key questions
Think of sub-topics for group activities
Be clear what are the key concepts that you want to get across
Prepare a summary of the key ideas that student should remember
See also: Ch.8, "Leading a Discussion" by Barbara Gross Davis
in particular pages 63-66.
Keep in mind, that the discussions relating to technical computer
science material
will typically be less controversial than the kind of discussions alluded
to in the textbook.
On the other hand, these technical concepts might be more difficult
to understand
and thus need to be elucidated with many different types of examples
and explanations.
How to Get All Students Involved in the Discussion:
... make a list ___
See also: Ch.9, "Encouraging Student Participation in Discussion" by
Barbara Gross Davis
in particular pages 75-78
How to Keep Control of the Discussion:
If the discussion drifts away from the main topic,
you may say:
"This is an interesting question, which we may discuss at a later time;
but for now I would like to stay focussed on ...
"This question goes beyond what we have planned to cover in this class;
but I would like to discuss this topic with you after class or in
office hours ..."
How to handle answers that are "way-off":
For instance: in reponse to: "What is Recursion?"
"Recursion is when you run a process from back to front."
-- you have just defined the term "reversion", but I was asking
about the term "recursion".
"Recursion is when the same thing occurs repeatedly."
-- good try, but in computer science we have a more specific meaning
associated with this term.
"Re-cursion is what you hear when your dad hits his thumb for the second
while trying to hammer in a big nail."
-- LAUGHTER -- very creative! -- but may not get you the maximal number
of points on the final exam.
See also: Ch.8, Section: "Guiding the Discussion" by Barbara Gross Davis
in particular pages 69-72.
I received some good, informative, insightful paragraphs.
Two options:
- via e-mail to ppj@eecs and sequin@cs for more personal notes
- sent to a newsgroup for points that you would not mind seeing discussed (on-line or in class).
A Reminder:
As a GSI you must complete the online “Professional Standards and Ethics” course at
Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin