Lecture #8 -- Friday 10/16, 1998.

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Lecture Topics

Your Current Designs

  • Commenst on your final Maze Designs.

    Hints for Generating One of the Surfaces Below

  • Issues with parametrization
  • testing your designs

    Specific List of Topological Surfaces for Design #3

    1. Figure-8 Immersion of Torus
    2. Elliptical Torus of Revolution
    3. Standard Model of Klein Bottle
    4. Figure-8 Model of the Klein Bottle
    5. The Crosscap
    6. The Roman Surface
    7. Boy's Surface
    8. Hunt's Surface

    The Schwarz Surface

    Victor Donnay: Surfaces with Chaotic Geodesic Flow

    The symmetries of the Schwarz surface

    New Homework Assignment:
    DUE: FRIDAY 10/23/98, 9:45am.

    An STL description of your assigned surface from the above list.

    Hand in: a hardcopy of a good view of your generated polyhedral approaximation to your surface.

    Your plan to make the surface thick and "transparent."

    Put your name on your hand-ins.

    Next Reading Assignment:

    Any information associated with the surface you are designing.

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    Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin