Lecture #9 -- Friday 10/23, 1998.

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Lecture Topics

Injection Molded Parts

  • A brief preview
  • Example: ZOOB parts

    Progress on your Surface Designs

  • The surface shapes
  • Using Symmetry - - Example: Schwarz surface
    - - Yan's renderings
  • Making the surfaces thick
  • Making them transparent
  • Minimal data structures for above processing

    Viewing and Testing Your Designs

  • Usability of the Viewer
  • Usability of the Analyzer Tools

    Issues with Parametrization

  • Some intrinsic limitations
  • Making penetrating surfaces that do not touch
  • Level of detail parameter with procedural adjustment

    New Homework Assignment:
    DUE: FRIDAY 10/30/98, 9:45am.

    An STL description of a low-resolution, thick, transparent, nicely parameterized version of your surface.

    Hand in:

    Put your name on your hand-ins.

    Next Reading Assignment:

    Any information associated with the surface you are designing.

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    Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin