CS 284 
-- Splines, Sweeps, Subdivision, Smooth Surfaces --
General Home Page and Index, Fall 2012
1. Catalog Entry and Schedule
FULL COURSE TITLE: Computer-Aided Geometric Design and Modeling
UNIT VALUE: 3 units
SEMESTER: Fall 2012
CLASS TIME: Tue, Thu: 2:30pm-4:00pm; LOCATION: 606 Soda Hall
INSTRUCTOR: Carlo H. Séquin
OFFICE HOURS: see my homepage; -- LOCATION: 639 Soda Hall
CS 184 or equivalent recommended, -- but not strictly necessary.
- Just come to the first class on Thursday, August 23 -- and you will be admitted !
2. Course Description
The course is an application-oriented introduction to splines, sweeps, subdivision surfaces,
modeling of geometrical objects, surface texturing and optimization, as well as
interactive techniques of designing geometrical parts.
It is aimed at students interested in computer graphics, HCI, vision, robotics,
as well as students in Mechanical and Civil Engineering, or in Architecture.
(Several recent PhD theses in ME have made good use of this course material).
This course is typically taught only every 2nd or 3rd year.
The course starts with an easy, intuitive introduction to splines
and subdivision schemes,
establishing a solid foundation for the more advanced material,
and then gradually adds more math and details about algorithms,
data structures, and applications.
It then progresses to the study of classical papers as well as recent research.
In addition to the core constructs, in Fall 2012 we will also specifically talk about:
Remeshing, Texturing, Implicit Surfaces, Distance Fields, Point Clouds;
Reverse Engineering, Inverse 3D Modeling, Surface Optimization.
"Interactive Curves and Surfaces," (with Multimedia Tutorial on CAGD),
A. Rockwood and P. Chambers, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Inc.
-- for first part of the course; a good easy introduction if you are
new to the field of splines.
-- this book is not required if you are already familiar with
An on-line version of this book is available at: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~sequin/CS284/CAGD_LAB/
A reader, mostly from recent SIGGRAPH papers, will be put together
for the second part of the course
to cover subdivision surfaces and
more recend developments that cannot yet be found in textbooks.
Other books you may want to consult to deepen your knowledge on splines and subdivision surfaces:
"Curves and Surfaces for CAGD," Gerald Farin, 5th Edition, 2002, Morgan Kaufman Publishers.
"Subdivision Methods for Geometric Design," J. Warren and H. Weimer, 2002, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
GRADING is based on:
- Active participation in class.
Effort put into homework assignments.
A presentation about a technical paper.
Quality of final course project and presentations about it.
- Perhaps a quiz or two.
- There will be NO final exam.
Last update of this page: 2012/8/18
Page Editor: Carlo H. Séquin