Global Optimization (approximation)
- - Define a cost function:
- - E.g., Strain Energy = arc-length integral of square of curvature.
New Homework Assignment:
In this first programming assignment you will be introduced (gently) to SLIDE
and to the Tcl language.
Your actual programming will be less than ten lines of code
(most of the expressions you will need have already been provided),
but it encourages experimentation and thinking.
The goal is to learn how to stitch cubic Bezier segments together
to make a smooth, pleasing-looking, interpolating curve
that behaves well even for rather ragged control polygons with
irregularly spaced control points (like the example we did in class by hand).
Your assignment is to find a robust expression for the placement for the
inner control points of each Bezier segment,
involving only information from the nearest neighbor points,
and which guarantees a G1-continuous overall curve.
DUE: WED 9/13/00, 9:10am.
Hand in:
Window snapshot showing your best solution;
The formula you used to place the inner control points;
A one paragraph discussion of your approach, and what you learned from it;
any other comments you would like to make.
On line:
Put your SLIDE file in the proper place
{see instructional page};
Set the initial values for the sliders to the preferred value,
so that when we execute your program, your best solution,
the one that you handed in, will show up.
The code that you should modify and execute,
as well as additional instructions on how to run SLIDE can be found in
Next Reading Assignment:
Rockwood: pp 59-73 (Lagrange Interpolation)
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Page Editor:
Carlo H. Séquin