Linear Precision
- - What happens when all control points fall on a straight line ?
New Homework Assignment:
Use Rockwood's Interactive Curve Editor (available from the desktop
on the PC's in 349 as "Gacd-lab"). Open the applet
shown on page 52 of the book, labelled "Higher Degree Bezier Curves"
for the following tasks:
Using a heptic Bezier curve {this is degree 7, order 8; using 8 ctrl pts == different ways of saying the same thing},
model G-1 continuous {continuous tangent directions} loops
of as many different turning numbers {the # of times the tangent vector sweep around 360 degrees} as possible
-- at least for turning numbers 0, 1, 2.
What order Bezier curve is needed to make a (G1-smooth) loop of turning number 3 ?
Using the minimum number of control points (=minimum order Bezier),
make a G1-continuous "figure-8" Bezier curve with C2-point-symmetry
{== 2-fold rotational symmetry around a point
that will bring the figure back onto itself
after a 180-degree rotation around this point}.
DUE: WED 9/6/00, 9:10am.
Hand in: window snapshots showing your solutions;
label your figures with their turning numbers;
put your name on your hand-ins
add explanatory comments as necessary.
On the PCs you can hit Alt+PrnScrn to capture the current active window
to the clipboard.
You can then paste the clipboard into a program such as "paint"
and form there readily send it to the printer.
Next Reading Assignment:
Rockwood: pp 42-58.
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Carlo H. Séquin