Forward and Inverse Dynamics

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If we also take into account the forces that produce the observed motions,
and also observe the laws of physics (more or less accurately), then we are talking about dynamics.

(see also lecture notes on the  Simulation of Spring-Mass Systems ).

As with kinematics, we can distinguish forward and inverse dynamics:

In forward dynamics, the forces are given and we calculate the resulting motions.
In inverse dynamics, we are trying to determine the forces that will result in the desired behavior of a given system.

A classical paper is the the one by Witkin and Kass, 1988,
which  made Luxo_Junior jump in a precise, predefined manner.

To learn more:

Play with the IK solver demo applet:

Wilhelms, Jane, 1988. ``Dynamics for Computer Graphics,"
Journal of Computing Systems, Vol. 1, Num. 1, Winter 1988, pp. 63--93;
also as ``Dynamics for Everyone," Boston Usenix Graphics Conference Proceedings, October 1987;
and in Siggraph Tutorial Notes for Course ``Motion Control for Computer Animation," July 1987
and Course ``Human Figure Animation," August 1990.

Witkin, A. and Kass, M. 1988. "Spacetime constraints."
In Proceedings of the 15th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and interactive Techniques
R. J. Beach, Ed. SIGGRAPH '88. ACM, New York, NY, 159-168.

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