Summary of Features and Comments

This page gives a summary of the features of Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (henceforth known as AIMA). Besides the comments here, you can also see the full list of comments and the features mentioned in the preface.


Outstanding ... Its descriptions are extremely clear and readable; its organization is excellent; its examples are motivating; and its coverage is scholarly and thorough! ... will deservedly dominate the field for some time. - Prof. Nils Nilsson (Stanford) in AI Journal

Q. What is a good textbook on AI?
A. Try Artificial Intelligence by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Prentice Hall. - Prof. John McCarthy (Stanford)

[T]here can be no doubt that this is the best general AI textbook available today. ... The book is a highly valuable source of information, not just for newcomers. ... there is a pretty good chance that this will become the AI bible of the next decade. - Prof. Gerd Brewka (Vienna) in Knowledge Engineering Review

It's a great book, with incredible breadth and depth, and very well-written. Everyone I know who has used it in their class has loved it. I think there's a good chance the book will take over the AI textbook market. - Prof. Haym Hirsh (Rutgers)

I am deeply impressed by its unprecedented quality in presenting a coherent, balanced, broad and deep, enjoyable picture of the field of AI. It will become the standard text for the years to come. - Prof. Wolfgang Bibel (Darmstadt)

a damn good book - Prof. Pat Hayes (Western Florida)

It's simply the best - Prof. Curry Guinn (Duke)


The book is the most comprehensive and most insightful introduction to artificial intelligence that I have seen. It provides a unified view of the field organized around the rational decision making paradigm. - Prof. Elisha Sacks (Princeton and Purdue)

... easily the most comprehensive textbook on Artificial Intelligence that I've seen. The presentation is clear and very well-written, and my students had very positive comments. - Dr. Steve Minton (NASA Ames and Stanford)

A remarkably comprehensive and incisive treatment of the field. ... A masterful pedagogic achievement. - Prof. Mike Wellman (Michigan)

... the most comprehensive AI book ever written - Dragomir R. Radev (Columbia)

(See also the list of over a thousand defined terms from the index; over a cthousand bibliography entries; and over 700 Common Lisp code examples available online.)


... the writing is clear and engaging ... I've found it a pleasure to teach from this book - Prof. Martha Pollack (Pittsburgh)

I am using your excellent book and the students are as delighted as I am. - Prof. Christoph Herrman (Darmstadt)

Your book is excellent. It's very well written and reads better than any other book I've seen on the subject. - Student (Berkeley)

... the students loved it. - Prof. Sal Stolfo (Columbia)

the best Comp Sci book I've bought - Student (Columbia)

The authors show a great ability to invent illustrating and entertaining examples - often reappearing in several chapters - and their style of writing is amusing. It's just fun to read this book. - Prof. Gerd Brewka (Vienna) in Knowledge Engineering Review

(In student surveys; readability was 8/10.)

Intelligent Agent Design

It is an impressive book, which begins just the way I want to teach, with a discussion of agents, and ties all the topics together in a beautiful way. - Prof. George Bekey (USC)

The second chapter on agents is brilliant; it puts the entire history of work in AI in perspective and explains why people built the algorithms that were built. - Prof. Devika Subramanian (Cornell)

The way the chapters relate to each other and the theme of intelligent agents develops from one chapter to another makes the book flow well and makes the entire field seem more organized than I had ever imagined. ... excellent. - Student (Columbia)

Understanding Through Implementation

Russell and Norvig's text fills a huge gap. Not only does it manage a balanced coverage of modern topics, it provides elegant pseudocode for a huge range of important algorithms. - Prof. Daniel Weld (Washington)

The book combines solid theoretical analysis with practical examples that together tackle and illuminate the core issues. It brims with confidence, optimism and contagious excitement about the frontiers of AI without compromising any of the complexity and depth of the field. This book will be welcomed and enjoyed by students and professors alike. - Prof. Shlomo Zilberstein (Massachusetts)

Russell and Norvig's book is terrific: well-written and well-organized, with comprehensive coverage of the material that every AI student should know. It includes psuedo-code versions of all the major AI algorithms, presented in a clear, uniform fashion. The authors have done an excellent job of relating work in AI to work in other fields, both in and out of computer science. - Prof. Martha Pollack (Pittsburgh)

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