Defined Terms from the Index

This page lists all 1056 defined terms in AIMA; the bold face terms that appear in the left margin of pages and in the index. The list serves two purposes: (1) it gives you an idea of the breadth of coverage of the book. (2) It helps instructors who like to give questions of the "define this term in your own words" type. Note that these are only the defined terms; the complete index lists 9831 references to 3729 terms of all kinds.

To find the term you are interested in, remember that most Web browsers have a "find" command (often ctrl-F).

Sorted Alphabetically
abstract solution 376
abstraction 62
achievement (in planning) 349
acoustic model 760
action description 344
action model 510
action monitoring 401
action potential 564
action, sensing 392
action-utility table 485
action-value function 599
activation function 567
activation level 567
active learning 599
actuator 777
adaptive control theory 601
adjunct 671
agent 7
agent, action-value 210
agent, goal-based 201
agent, ideal rational 33
agent, model-based 201
agent, planning 337
agent, problem-solving 55
agent, program 35
agent, rational 31
agent, situated planning 403
agent, software 36
aggregation (in planning) 409
agreement (in a sentence) 668
algorithm 11
alpha-beta pruning 130
ambiguity 658
analysis of algorithms 851
anaphora 679
And-Elimination 172
And-Introduction 172
anytime algorithm 844
aphasia 565
applicable operator 344
apposition 707
approximation hierarchy 380
arc consistency 84
architecture 35
architecture, cognitive 316
article 664
artificial intelligence 3
artificial intelligence, real-time 843
artificial intelligence, strong 29, 818
artificial intelligence, weak 29, 818
assertion (logical) 201
associative memory 571
assumption 326
asymptotic analysis 852
atomic event 425
attention 719
augmentation 669
augmented transition network 686
automatic programming 400
autonomy 35
axiom 198
axiom, domain closure 254
axiom, effect 205
axiom, frame 206
axiom, independent 198
axiom, successor-state 206
axon 564
back-propagation 578
backjumping 309
backtracking 84
backtracking, chronological 309
backtracking, dependency-directed 309
Backus-Naur form 854
backward chaining 272
bandit problem 610
bang-bang control 618
baseline 739
Bayes' rule 426
Bayesian updating 428
behaviorism 13
belief function 462
belief network 436
belief network, dynamic 514
benchmarking 851
best-first search 92
bias 529
bias, declarative 636
bigram model 760
binding list 201
biological naturalism 819
blackboard architecture 770
blind search 73
blocking (in belief networks) 444
body (of a clause) 305
Boltzmann machine 571
boundary set 549
bounded optimality 845
bounded optimality, asymptotic (ABO) 846
brain, in a vat 821
branching factor 74
branching factor, effective 102
breadth-first search 74
bunch 234
candidate definition 544
candidate elimination 549
canonical distribution 443
canonical form 270
cart-pole problem 617
case (of nouns) 668
category 229
causal link 347
causal rules 209
causal support 448
cell decomposition 796
certainty equivalent 478
certainty factor 461
chance node (decision network) 484
chance node (game tree) 133
chart 697
chi-squared pruning 543
choice point 306
circuit verification 226
circumscription 459
class probability 561
classification (in description logic) 323
classification (of examples) 534
closed class 664
clustering 453
coarticulation 762
coercion 409
cognitive architecture 316
cognitive psychology 13
cognitive science 6
coherence relation 717
competitive ratio 808
complement (of a verb) 670
completeness, of a proof procedure 160
completeness, of a search algorithm 73
completeness, theorem 277
completer 698
complexity analysis 852
complexity, sample 554
complexity, space 73
complexity, time 73
compliant motion 784
composition (of substitutions) 273
compositionality 163
compounding 703
computational learning theory 553
conclusion (of an implication) 167
conditional independence 429
conditional link 396
conditional probability table 438
conditional step 396
conditioning (in belief networks) 453
conditioning (in planning) 398
conditioning case 438
configuration space 791
configuration space, generalized 792
confirmation theory 10
confrontation 382
conjunction (natural language) 664
conjunction 166
conjunctive normal form 278
connective, Boolean 165
constant symbol 186
constraint 83
constraint propagation 84
constraint satisfaction problem 83
context (in planning) 395
contingency 392
continuation 307
continuity (of preferences) 474
contour (of a state space) 98
control theory, adaptive 601
convolution 731
correspondence theory 821
count noun 242
crack 746
critic (in learning) 526
critic (in planning) 379
criticality level 380
cross-correlation 735
cross-indexing 302
cross-over 620
cross-validation 543
current-best-hypothesis 546
cutset 455
cutset conditioning 454
cutset conditioning, bounded 455
d-separation 444
data fusion 512
data-driven inference 274
decision analysis 491
decision analyst 491
decision cycle 508
decision list 555
decision maker 491
decision network 484
decision network, dynamic 516
decision node 485
decision theory 12
decision theory 419
decision tree 531
decision tree, pruning 542
decision, one-shot 472
decision, sequential 498
declarativism 153
decomposability (of lotteries) 474
deduction 163
deep structure 686
default value 319
definition (logical) 198
degree of belief 417
degrees of freedom 777
demodulation 284
demotion 353
dendrite 564
depth (of a node) 72
depth of field 727
depth-first search 77
depth-limited search 78
descriptive theory 479
detachment 460
determination 633
determiner 708
deterministic node 443
diachronic 203
diagnostic rules 209
diameter (of a state space) 78
dictionary 704
disambiguation 658
discount factor 507
discounting 507
discourse 715
disjoint sets 231
disjunction 166
disparity 737
distributed encoding 577
domain (in a CSP) 83
domain (in knowledge representation) 197
domain (of a random variable) 420
domain constraint 785
dominance, stochastic 481
dominance, strict 481
domination (of heuristics) 102
Double-Negation Elimination 172
downward solution 376
dropping conditions 548
dualism 9
dynamic programming 503
dynamic programming, adaptive 603
edge (in a chart) 697
edge (in an image) 730
effect 344
effect, conditional 381
effect, disjunctive 383
effect, universally quantified 383
effector 777
egomotion 736
eight-puzzle 63
emergent property 833
empiricism 9
encoded message model 659
end effector 777
entailment 158
entailment constraint 626
environment class 49
environment, accessible 46
environment, continuous 46
environment, deterministic 46
environment, discrete 46
environment, dynamic 46
environment, episodic 46
environment, inaccessible 46
environment, nondeterministic 46
environment, nonepisodic 46
environment, semidynamic 46
environment, static 46
epiphenomenalism 836
epipolar line 740
epistemological commitment 165
epistemological level 153
epoch 576
equality symbol 193
equivalence (logical) 167
error (of a hypothesis) 553
error recovery (in tokenization) 704
error surface 580
estimation phase 509
evaluation function 92
event 235
event calculus 235
event, discrete 237
event, liquid 237
evidence 417
evidential support 448
evolution, machine 21
evolutionary programming 620
example 529
excitatory synapse 564
execution 57
execution monitoring 392
exhaustive decomposition 231
Existential Elimination 266
existential graph 316
Existential Introduction 266
expansion (of states) 70
expected monetary value 476
expected value (in a game tree) 133
expectimax value 133
expectimin value 135
expert system, HPP project 22
explaining away 447
explanation 326
explanation-based learning 627
explicit representation 615
exploration function 612
extension (of a causal link) 405
extension (of a concept) 545
extrinsic property 243
factoring (in resolution) 280
false negative 545
false positive 546
feature (of a state) 104
feature (speech) 758
feature detector 586
filler 710
fitness function 619
fixation 739
floor-planning 91
fluent 241
focus of expansion 736
foliation 793
forward chaining 272
forward checking 84
frame (representation) 23
frame (speech) 758
frame problem 207
frame problem, inferential 207
frame problem, representational 207
frame system 298
frequentism 430
fringe 72
frontier 72
function 185
function symbol 188
functional dependency 633
functional programming 329
functionalism 819
G-set 550
gain ratio 544
game, theory 847
gap 710
gene 619
generalization 546
generalization hierarchy 552
generalized cylinder 752
generation (of states) 70
goal (inferential) 201
goal 42
goal predicate 531
goal, formulation 56
goal, maintenance 400
goal, test 60
graceful degradation 566
gradient descent 111
grammar, attribute 685
grammar, context-free 656
grammar, context-free, probabilistic 683
grammar, context-sensitive 656
grammar, definite clause (DCG) 667
grammar, semantic 687
grammar, transformational 686
ground resolution theorem 289
ground term 190
grounding 821
halting problem 824
hand-eye machine 810
head (of a clause) 305
Herbrand base 287
Herbrand universe 286
Herbrand's theorem 287
heuristic repair 114
heuristic, admissible 97
heuristic, function 93
heuristic, least-constraining-value 105
heuristic, Manhattan 102
heuristic, min-conflicts 114
heuristic, most-constrained-variable 105
heuristic, most-constraining-variable 105
hidden Markov model 762
hidden unit 571
hill-climbing 111
hill-climbing, random-restart 112
homophone 757
homunculus 819
Hopfield network 571
horizon problem 129
Horn sentence 174, 270
hypothesis 529
hypothesis, null 542
hypothesis, space 544
ideal mapping 34
ideal rational agent 33
identification in the limit 557
identity relation 194
ignorance, practical 417
ignorance, theoretical 416
image 725
implementation level 153
implication 167
implicative normal form 278
implicit representation 615
incorporation 658
incremental learning 529
indeterminacy, bounded 401
indeterminacy, unbounded 402
index function 755
indexical 679
indexing, combined 301
indexing, tree-based 301
individuation 242
induction 9
induction, constructive 638
inductive inference, pure 529
inference 152
inference rule 171
inference, causal 447
inference, diagnostic 447
inference, intercausal 447
inference, logical 163
inference, mixed 447
infinite regress 819
information (theory) 540
information gain 541
information value theory 487
informed search 73
inheritance 230
inheritance, multiple 320
inhibitory synapse 564
initial state 60
initializer 698
input function (of a neuron) 567
input generalization 615
input resolution 285
input unit 571
insurance premium 478
integrability 745
intention (discourse) 657
intentional stance 820
intentional state 820
interleaving 59
intermediate form 676
internal model 203
internal state 42
interpretation 161
interpretation, pragmatic 658
interpretation, semantic 658
interval 235
intractability 11
intrinsic property 243
invariant, geometric 754
inverted pendulum 617
iterative improvement 111
joint (of a robot) 777
joint probability distribution 425
Kalman filtering 510
kinematics 781
knowledge base 151
knowledge effect 247
knowledge engineering 217
knowledge level 153
knowledge precondition 247
knowledge representation 5, 157
knowledge representation, language 152
knowledge, acquisition 217
knowledge, background 152
Kolmogorov complexity 559
Lambertian surface 729
landmark 805
language 651
language, analysis 658
language, formal 654
language, model 760
language, natural 654
language, perception 657
language, situated 659
laser range finder 785
laziness 416
leak node 443
learning, active 599
learning, Bayesian 588
learning, curve 538
learning, element 525
learning, incremental 529
learning, inductive, knowledge-based 628
learning, passive 599
learning, rate 576
learning, speedup 527
least commitment 346
left-corner parser 699
lens 727
lexicon 664
lifting lemma 289
likelihood weighting 456
likelihood, relative 427
limb (in a scene) 745
limited rationality 8
line labelling 745
linear resolution 285
linear separability 574
linearization 346
link (in a neural network) 567
link (of a robot) 777
linking curve 800
Lisp 18
literal (sentence) 167
local encoding 577
locality 174, 460
locally finite graph 100
locally structured system 441
locking 312
locomotion 777
logic 7, 151
logic programming, constraint 308
logic programming, inductive (ILP) 628
logic programming, language 297
logic sampling 455
logic, default 459
logic, description 298
logic, first-order 185
logic, fuzzy 166
logic, higher-order 195
logic, inductive 432
logic, modal 260
logic, nonmonotonic 459
logic, propositional 165
logic, temporal 165, 258
logic, terminological 298
logical level 153
logical omniscience 246
logical positivism 10
logicism 7
long-distance dependency 710
lottery 473
lottery, standard 478
machine evolution 21
machine learning 5
macro-operator 787
macrop 389
majority function 533
manipulation 725, 777
manipulator 780
map-coloring problem 91
mapping 34
mapping, ideal 34
Markov chain 514
Markov decision problem 500
Markov decision problem, partially observable 500
Markov model 762
Markov property 500
mass noun 242
material value 127
materialism 9, 819
materialism, eliminative 840
maximum a posteriori 588
maximum expected utility 472
maximum likelihood 589
means-ends analysis 10
measure 231
measure fluent 386
meganode 453
memoization 629
metamer 730
metaphor 715
metareasoning 140, 309
metareasoning, decision-theoretic 844
metonymy 714
micromort 480
microworld 19
minimax decision 124
minimization (logical) 236
minimum description length 560
missing attribute values 543
mobot 775
model, (in logic) 170
model, trees 616
model-based reasoning 209
modification operator 346
Modus Ponens 172
Modus Ponens, Generalized 269
monotonicity (of a heuristic) 97
monotonicity (of a logic) 173, 459
monotonicity (of preferences) 474
morphology, analysis 703
morphology, derivational 703
morphology, inflectional 703
multiattribute utility theory 480
multiply connected network 453
mutation 620
mutual preferential independence 483
mutually utility-independent 484
myopic policy 490
n-armed 611
narrow content 821
natural kind 232
navigation 725
negation 167
negation as failure 304
NERF 572
neural network 563
neural network, feed-forward 570
neural network, multilayer 571
neural network, recurrent 570
neuron 564
node, search 71
noise 535
noisy-OR 443
nondeterministic algorithm 855
nonmonotonicity 321, 459
nonterminal symbol 655
normalization 428
normative theory 479
noun phrase 655
NP-completeness 12, 853
object 185
object recognition 725
object, composite 234
objectivism 430
Ockham algorithm 560
Ockham's razor 534
octant 747
odometry 783
omniscience 32
online algorithm 806
ontological commitment 165
ontological engineering 217
ontology 222
opacity 244
open class 664
open-coding 306
operationality 632
operator 60
operator schema 344
operator, abstract 372
operator, primitive 372
optical flow 735
optimality (of a search algorithm) 73
optimally efficient algorithm 99
Or-Introduction 172
oracle 856
orderability 474
output unit 571
overfitting 542
overgeneration 668
packed forest 697
parallel search 117
parallelism, AND- 308
parallelism, OR- 308
paramodulation 284
parent node 72
parity function 533
parse forest 664
parse tree 658
parsing 658
partition 231
passive learning 599
path 60
path cost 60
pathmax 98
payoff function 124
percept sequence 33
perceptron 571
perceptron, learning rule 576
performance element 525
performance measure 32
perspective projection 726
phenomenology 828
phone (speech) 757
phrase structure 655
physicalism 819
pinhole camera 725
pixel 727
place 236
plan 347
plan recognition 654
plan, complete 349
plan, consistent 349
plan, fully instantiated 346
plan, linear 363
plan, noninterleaved 363
plan, nonlinear 363
plan, parameterized 398
plan, partial 345
planning 342
planning 42
planning, assembly 792
planning, conditional 392
planning, deferred 393
planning, fine-motion 802
planning, partial-order 346
planning, progression 345
planning, reactive 411
planning, regression 345
planning, situation space 345
planning, total order 346
plasticity 564
ply 124
policy 500
policy iteration 505
policy loss 505
polytree 448
pose 734
positivism, logical 10
possibility theory 466
possible threat 357
possible world 260
precondition 344
precondition, disjunctive 383
precondition, universally quantified 383
predecessor 80
predicate symbol 187
prediction phase 509
predictor 698
preference 418
preference independence 483
preference, lexicographic 496
preference, monotonic 476
premise 167
preposition 664
prior knowledge 625
prioritized sweeping 607
prismatic motion 781
Prisoner's Dilemma 847
probabilistic network, adaptive 590
probability, conditional 421
probability, distribution 421
probability, prior 420
probability, theory 417
probably approximately correct 553
problem 60
problem formulation 56
problem generator 526
problem, contingency 59
problem, exploration 59
problem, map-coloring 91
problem, multiple-state 58
problem, real-world 63
problem, relaxed 103
problem, toy 63
procedural attachment 323
process 237
product rule 421
production system 297
projection, probabilistic 514
Prolog 304
promotion 353
proof 160
proof, checker 312
proof, theory 160
property 185
propositional attitude 244
protected link 353
pruning 130
psychological reasoning 261
Q-learning 599
QALY 480
qualia 821
qualification problem 207
qualitative physics 260
qualitative probabilistic network 465
quantified term 676
quantifier 189
quantization factor 758
quasi-logical form 676
query (logical) 201
queue 72
quiescence 129
ramification problem 207
random variable 420
rationality 4
rationality, calculative 845
rationality, limited 8
rationality, perfect 845
recognizable set 795
reduction 12
redundant step 405
reference class 430
referential transparency 244
refinement operator 345
reflectance map 745
refutation 280
refutation completeness 286
regression, nonlinear 572
regret 479
reification 230
reinforcement 528
reinforcement learning 528
relation 185
relevance 628
relevance-based learning 628
renaming 273
repeatability 783
replanning 392
representation theorem 480
resolution 172
resolution closure 287
resolution, algorithm 277
resolution, generalized 278
resolution, input 285
resolution, inverse 639
resolution, linear 285
resolvent 279
rete 314
reward 598
reward function 503
reward-to-go 601
rewrite rule 655
risk aversion 478
risk neutrality 478
risk seeking 478
roadmap 800
robot 773
robot, autonomous 773
robot, holonomic 778
robot, nonholonomic 778
robotics 6
robotics, behavior-based 789
rollup (of a DBN) 515
root mean square error 505
rotary motion 781
rule schema 671
rule, condition-action 40
runtime variable 400
S-set 550
sampling rate 758
satisfiability 164
saturation 287
scaled orthographic projection 726
scanner (in chart parsing) 698
scene 725
schema 234
script 234
search 42, 56
search cost 61
search strategy 70
search tree 71
search, backtracking 84
search, blind 73
search, greedy 93
search, heuristic 73
search, informed 73
search, iterative deepening 79
search, quiescence 129
search, uninformed 73
segment (of discourse) 717
segmentation (of an image) 734
segmentation (of speech) 757
semantic network 298
semantic network, partitioned 323
semantics 157
semantics, causal 821
semantics, compositional 672
semidecidability 277
sensitivity analysis 447
sensor 724
sensor fusion 512
sensor model 510
sensor model, stationary 510
sensor, abstract 795
sensor, cross-beam 785
sensor, force 784
sensor, parallel-beam 785
sensor, structured light 785
sensor, tactile 784
sentence, atomic 167
sentence, complex 167
sentence, in a KB 151
sentence, in a language 655
set of support 285
shape 734
silhouette curve 800
silhouette method 800
similarity network 457
simulated annealing 111
singly connected network 447
situated automaton 788
situation calculus 204
skeleton 798
skeletonization 798
Skolem function 282
skolemization 281
slant 734
sliding-block puzzle 63
SMA* 107
smoothing 730
Socratic reasoning 312
softbot 36
software agent 36
solution 56, 60
solution, in planning 349
soma 564
sound (inference) 159
sparse system 441
spatial reasoning 260
specialization 546
specificity preference 459
speech act 652
speech act, indirect 652
speech recognition 757
speedup learning 527
stability, dynamic 778
stability, static 778
standardizing apart 271
start symbol 854
state (process) 237
state evolution model 514
state set space 60
state space 60
state variable 508
stationarity (for rewards) 507
stationarity (in PAC learning) 553
stochastic simulation 453
straight-line distance 93
strategy (in a game) 124
string (in a language) 655
string (in logic) 245
strong AI 29
structure (composite object) 234
stuff 242
subcategorization 670
subcategorization, list 670
subevent 235
subject-aux inversion 711
subjectivism 430
substance, spatial 242
substance, temporal 242
substitutability (of lotteries) 474
substitution 201
subsumption (in description logic) 323
subsumption (in resolution) 286
successor function 60
sum of squared differences 735
supervised learning 528
surface structure 686
Sussman anomaly 365
syllogism 6, 291
synapse 564
synchronic 209
syntactic sugar 200
syntactic theory (of knowledge) 245
syntax, logical 157
synthesis 313
synthesis, deductive 313
system gain 507
tabu search 117
taxonomy 230
telepathic communication 660
temporal-difference equation 604
term (in logic) 186
terminal state 598
terminal symbol 655
terminal test 124
test set 538
texel 743
text 715
text interpretation 694
texture 742
texture gradient 743
theorem 198
theorem prover 297
threat 353
tilt 734
time slice 515
tokenization 703
total cost 61
trail 306
training, curve 580
training, sequence 600
training, set 534
transfer path 793
transit path 793
transition model 499
transitivity (of preferences) 474
travelling salesperson problem 69
tree model 132
triangle table 401
trigram 761
trihedral solid 746
truth maintenance 326
truth maintenance system 326
truth maintenance system, assumption-based 327
truth maintenance system, justification-based 326
truth table 168
truth-functionality 460
truth-preserving (inference) 159
tuple 187
Turing Test 5
Turing Test, total 6
type predicate 308
uncertainty 415
understanding problem 654
unification 270
unifier 270
unifier, most general (MGU) 271
uniform convergence theory 560
uniform cost search 75
uninformed search 73
unique main subaction 378
unit (of a neural network) 567
unit clause 285
Unit Resolution 172
units function 231
Universal Elimination 266
unsatisfiability 164
unsupervised learning 528
upward solution 376
utilitarianism, act 847
utilitarianism, rule 847
utility 44
utility function, additive 502
utility function, multiplicative 484
utility function, separable 502
utility, expected 472
utility, independence 484
utility, node 485
utility, normalized 478
utility, ordinal 476
utility, theory 418
vagueness 681
validity 163
value determination 505
value function 476
value function, additive 483
value iteration 502
value of perfect information 488
vanishing point 726
variable (in a CSP) 83
variable (logical) 190
vector quantization 759
vector-space model 695
verb phrase 655
verification 313
version space 549
vertex (of a chart) 697
visibility graph 799
vision 6
Viterbi algorithm 765
Voronoi diagram 800
weak AI 29
weak method 22
weight (in a neural network) 567
well-formed formula 193
wide content 821
wumpus world 153

Sorted by Page
3 artificial intelligence
4 rationality
5, 157 knowledge representation
5 machine learning
5 Turing Test
6, 291 syllogism
6 cognitive science
6 robotics
6 Turing Test, total
6 vision
7, 151 logic
7 agent
7 logicism
8 limited rationality
8 rationality, limited
9, 819 materialism
9 dualism
9 empiricism
9 induction
10 confirmation theory
10 logical positivism
10 means-ends analysis
10 positivism, logical
11 algorithm
11 intractability
12, 853 NP-completeness
12 decision theory
12 reduction
13 behaviorism
13 cognitive psychology
18 Lisp
19 microworld
21 evolution, machine
21 machine evolution
22 expert system, HPP project
22 weak method
23 frame (representation)
29, 818 artificial intelligence, strong
29, 818 artificial intelligence, weak
29 strong AI
29 weak AI
31 agent, rational
32 omniscience
32 performance measure
33 agent, ideal rational
33 ideal rational agent
33 percept sequence
34 ideal mapping
34 mapping
34 mapping, ideal
35 agent, program
35 architecture
35 autonomy
36 agent, software
36 softbot
36 software agent
40 rule, condition-action
42, 56 search
42 goal
42 internal state
42 planning
44 utility
46 environment, accessible
46 environment, continuous
46 environment, deterministic
46 environment, discrete
46 environment, dynamic
46 environment, episodic
46 environment, inaccessible
46 environment, nondeterministic
46 environment, nonepisodic
46 environment, semidynamic
46 environment, static
49 environment class
55 agent, problem-solving
56, 60 solution
56 goal, formulation
56 problem formulation
57 execution
58 problem, multiple-state
59 interleaving
59 problem, contingency
59 problem, exploration
60 goal, test
60 initial state
60 operator
60 path
60 path cost
60 problem
60 state set space
60 state space
60 successor function
61 search cost
61 total cost
62 abstraction
63 eight-puzzle
63 problem, real-world
63 problem, toy
63 sliding-block puzzle
69 travelling salesperson problem
70 expansion (of states)
70 generation (of states)
70 search strategy
71 node, search
71 search tree
72 depth (of a node)
72 fringe
72 frontier
72 parent node
72 queue
73 blind search
73 completeness, of a search algorithm
73 complexity, space
73 complexity, time
73 informed search
73 optimality (of a search algorithm)
73 search, blind
73 search, heuristic
73 search, informed
73 search, uninformed
73 uninformed search
74 branching factor
74 breadth-first search
75 uniform cost search
77 depth-first search
78 depth-limited search
78 diameter (of a state space)
79 search, iterative deepening
80 predecessor
83 constraint
83 constraint satisfaction problem
83 domain (in a CSP)
83 variable (in a CSP)
84 arc consistency
84 backtracking
84 constraint propagation
84 forward checking
84 search, backtracking
91 floor-planning
91 map-coloring problem
91 problem, map-coloring
92 best-first search
92 evaluation function
93 heuristic, function
93 search, greedy
93 straight-line distance
97 heuristic, admissible
97 monotonicity (of a heuristic)
98 contour (of a state space)
98 pathmax
99 optimally efficient algorithm
100 locally finite graph
102 branching factor, effective
102 domination (of heuristics)
102 heuristic, Manhattan
103 problem, relaxed
104 feature (of a state)
105 heuristic, least-constraining-value
105 heuristic, most-constrained-variable
105 heuristic, most-constraining-variable
107 SMA*
111 gradient descent
111 hill-climbing
111 iterative improvement
111 simulated annealing
112 hill-climbing, random-restart
114 heuristic, min-conflicts
114 heuristic repair
117 parallel search
117 tabu search
124 minimax decision
124 payoff function
124 ply
124 strategy (in a game)
124 terminal test
127 material value
129 horizon problem
129 quiescence
129 search, quiescence
130 alpha-beta pruning
130 pruning
132 tree model
133 chance node (game tree)
133 expected value (in a game tree)
133 expectimax value
135 expectimin value
140, 309 metareasoning
151 knowledge base
151 sentence, in a KB
152 inference
152 knowledge, background
152 knowledge representation, language
153 declarativism
153 epistemological level
153 implementation level
153 knowledge level
153 logical level
153 wumpus world
157 semantics
157 syntax, logical
158 entailment
159 sound (inference)
159 truth-preserving (inference)
160 completeness, of a proof procedure
160 proof
160 proof, theory
161 interpretation
163 compositionality
163 deduction
163 inference, logical
163 validity
164 satisfiability
164 unsatisfiability
165, 258 logic, temporal
165 connective, Boolean
165 epistemological commitment
165 logic, propositional
165 ontological commitment
166 conjunction
166 disjunction
166 logic, fuzzy
167 conclusion (of an implication)
167 equivalence (logical)
167 implication
167 literal (sentence)
167 negation
167 premise
167 sentence, atomic
167 sentence, complex
168 truth table
170 model, (in logic)
171 inference rule
172 And-Elimination
172 And-Introduction
172 Double-Negation Elimination
172 Modus Ponens
172 Or-Introduction
172 resolution
172 Unit Resolution
173, 459 monotonicity (of a logic)
174, 270 Horn sentence
174, 460 locality
185 function
185 logic, first-order
185 object
185 property
185 relation
186 constant symbol
186 term (in logic)
187 predicate symbol
187 tuple
188 function symbol
189 quantifier
190 ground term
190 variable (logical)
193 equality symbol
193 well-formed formula
194 identity relation
195 logic, higher-order
197 domain (in knowledge representation)
198 axiom
198 axiom, independent
198 definition (logical)
198 theorem
200 syntactic sugar
201 agent, goal-based
201 agent, model-based
201 assertion (logical)
201 binding list
201 goal (inferential)
201 query (logical)
201 substitution
203 diachronic
203 internal model
204 situation calculus
205 axiom, effect
206 axiom, frame
206 axiom, successor-state
207 frame problem
207 frame problem, inferential
207 frame problem, representational
207 qualification problem
207 ramification problem
209 causal rules
209 diagnostic rules
209 model-based reasoning
209 synchronic
210 agent, action-value
217 knowledge, acquisition
217 knowledge engineering
217 ontological engineering
222 ontology
226 circuit verification
229 category
230 inheritance
230 reification
230 taxonomy
231 disjoint sets
231 exhaustive decomposition
231 measure
231 partition
231 units function
232 natural kind
234 bunch
234 object, composite
234 schema
234 script
234 structure (composite object)
235 event
235 event calculus
235 interval
235 subevent
236 minimization (logical)
236 place
237 event, discrete
237 event, liquid
237 process
237 state (process)
241 fluent
242 count noun
242 individuation
242 mass noun
242 stuff
242 substance, spatial
242 substance, temporal
243 extrinsic property
243 intrinsic property
244 opacity
244 propositional attitude
244 referential transparency
245 string (in logic)
245 syntactic theory (of knowledge)
246 logical omniscience
247 knowledge effect
247 knowledge precondition
254 axiom, domain closure
260 logic, modal
260 possible world
260 qualitative physics
260 spatial reasoning
261 psychological reasoning
266 Existential Elimination
266 Existential Introduction
266 Universal Elimination
269 Modus Ponens, Generalized
270 canonical form
270 unification
270 unifier
271 standardizing apart
271 unifier, most general (MGU)
272 backward chaining
272 forward chaining
273 composition (of substitutions)
273 renaming
274 data-driven inference
277 completeness, theorem
277 resolution, algorithm
277 semidecidability
278 conjunctive normal form
278 implicative normal form
278 resolution, generalized
279 resolvent
280 factoring (in resolution)
280 refutation
281 skolemization
282 Skolem function
284 demodulation
284 paramodulation
285 input resolution
285 linear resolution
285 resolution, input
285 resolution, linear
285 set of support
285 unit clause
286 Herbrand universe
286 refutation completeness
286 subsumption (in resolution)
287 Herbrand base
287 Herbrand's theorem
287 resolution closure
287 saturation
289 ground resolution theorem
289 lifting lemma
297 logic programming, language
297 production system
297 theorem prover
298 frame system
298 logic, description
298 logic, terminological
298 semantic network
301 indexing, combined
301 indexing, tree-based
302 cross-indexing
304 negation as failure
304 Prolog
305 body (of a clause)
305 head (of a clause)
306 choice point
306 open-coding
306 trail
307 continuation
308 logic programming, constraint
308 parallelism, AND-
308 parallelism, OR-
308 type predicate
309 backjumping
309 backtracking, chronological
309 backtracking, dependency-directed
312 locking
312 proof, checker
312 Socratic reasoning
313 synthesis
313 synthesis, deductive
313 verification
314 rete
316 architecture, cognitive
316 cognitive architecture
316 existential graph
319 default value
320 inheritance, multiple
321, 459 nonmonotonicity
323 classification (in description logic)
323 procedural attachment
323 semantic network, partitioned
323 subsumption (in description logic)
326 assumption
326 explanation
326 truth maintenance
326 truth maintenance system
326 truth maintenance system, justification-based
327 truth maintenance system, assumption-based
329 functional programming
337 agent, planning
342 planning
344 action description
344 applicable operator
344 effect
344 operator schema
344 precondition
345 planning, progression
345 planning, regression
345 planning, situation space
345 plan, partial
345 refinement operator
346 least commitment
346 linearization
346 modification operator
346 plan, fully instantiated
346 planning, partial-order
346 planning, total order
347 causal link
347 plan
349 achievement (in planning)
349 plan, complete
349 plan, consistent
349 solution, in planning
353 demotion
353 promotion
353 protected link
353 threat
357 possible threat
363 plan, linear
363 plan, noninterleaved
363 plan, nonlinear
365 Sussman anomaly
372 operator, abstract
372 operator, primitive
376 abstract solution
376 downward solution
376 upward solution
378 unique main subaction
379 critic (in planning)
380 approximation hierarchy
380 criticality level
381 effect, conditional
382 confrontation
383 effect, disjunctive
383 effect, universally quantified
383 precondition, disjunctive
383 precondition, universally quantified
386 measure fluent
389 macrop
392 action, sensing
392 contingency
392 execution monitoring
392 planning, conditional
392 replanning
393 planning, deferred
395 context (in planning)
396 conditional link
396 conditional step
398 conditioning (in planning)
398 plan, parameterized
400 automatic programming
400 goal, maintenance
400 runtime variable
401 action monitoring
401 indeterminacy, bounded
401 triangle table
402 indeterminacy, unbounded
403 agent, situated planning
405 extension (of a causal link)
405 redundant step
409 aggregation (in planning)
409 coercion
411 planning, reactive
415 uncertainty
416 ignorance, theoretical
416 laziness
417 degree of belief
417 evidence
417 ignorance, practical
417 probability, theory
418 preference
418 utility, theory
419 decision theory
420 domain (of a random variable)
420 probability, prior
420 random variable
421 probability, conditional
421 probability, distribution
421 product rule
425 atomic event
425 joint probability distribution
426 Bayes' rule
427 likelihood, relative
428 Bayesian updating
428 normalization
429 conditional independence
430 frequentism
430 objectivism
430 reference class
430 subjectivism
432 logic, inductive
436 belief network
438 conditional probability table
438 conditioning case
441 locally structured system
441 sparse system
443 canonical distribution
443 deterministic node
443 leak node
443 noisy-OR
444 blocking (in belief networks)
444 d-separation
447 explaining away
447 inference, causal
447 inference, diagnostic
447 inference, intercausal
447 inference, mixed
447 sensitivity analysis
447 singly connected network
448 causal support
448 evidential support
448 polytree
453 clustering
453 conditioning (in belief networks)
453 meganode
453 multiply connected network
453 stochastic simulation
454 cutset conditioning
455 cutset
455 cutset conditioning, bounded
455 logic sampling
456 likelihood weighting
457 similarity network
459 circumscription
459 logic, default
459 logic, nonmonotonic
459 specificity preference
460 detachment
460 truth-functionality
461 certainty factor
462 belief function
465 qualitative probabilistic network
466 possibility theory
472 decision, one-shot
472 maximum expected utility
472 utility, expected
473 lottery
474 continuity (of preferences)
474 decomposability (of lotteries)
474 monotonicity (of preferences)
474 orderability
474 substitutability (of lotteries)
474 transitivity (of preferences)
476 expected monetary value
476 preference, monotonic
476 utility, ordinal
476 value function
478 certainty equivalent
478 insurance premium
478 lottery, standard
478 risk aversion
478 risk neutrality
478 risk seeking
478 utility, normalized
479 descriptive theory
479 normative theory
479 regret
480 micromort
480 multiattribute utility theory
480 QALY
480 representation theorem
481 dominance, stochastic
481 dominance, strict
483 mutual preferential independence
483 preference independence
483 value function, additive
484 chance node (decision network)
484 decision network
484 mutually utility-independent
484 utility function, multiplicative
484 utility, independence
485 action-utility table
485 decision node
485 utility, node
487 information value theory
488 value of perfect information
490 myopic policy
491 decision analysis
491 decision analyst
491 decision maker
496 preference, lexicographic
498 decision, sequential
499 transition model
500 Markov decision problem
500 Markov decision problem, partially observable
500 Markov property
500 policy
502 utility function, additive
502 utility function, separable
502 value iteration
503 dynamic programming
503 reward function
505 policy iteration
505 policy loss
505 root mean square error
505 value determination
507 discount factor
507 discounting
507 stationarity (for rewards)
507 system gain
508 decision cycle
508 state variable
509 estimation phase
509 prediction phase
510 action model
510 Kalman filtering
510 sensor model
510 sensor model, stationary
512 data fusion
512 sensor fusion
514 belief network, dynamic
514 Markov chain
514 projection, probabilistic
514 state evolution model
515 rollup (of a DBN)
515 time slice
516 decision network, dynamic
525 learning, element
525 performance element
526 critic (in learning)
526 problem generator
527 learning, speedup
527 speedup learning
528 reinforcement
528 reinforcement learning
528 supervised learning
528 unsupervised learning
529 bias
529 example
529 hypothesis
529 incremental learning
529 inductive inference, pure
529 learning, incremental
531 decision tree
531 goal predicate
533 majority function
533 parity function
534 classification (of examples)
534 Ockham's razor
534 training, set
535 noise
538 learning, curve
538 test set
540 information (theory)
541 information gain
542 decision tree, pruning
542 hypothesis, null
542 overfitting
543 chi-squared pruning
543 cross-validation
543 missing attribute values
544 candidate definition
544 gain ratio
544 hypothesis, space
545 extension (of a concept)
545 false negative
546 current-best-hypothesis
546 false positive
546 generalization
546 specialization
548 dropping conditions
549 boundary set
549 candidate elimination
549 version space
550 G-set
550 S-set
552 generalization hierarchy
553 computational learning theory
553 error (of a hypothesis)
553 probably approximately correct
553 stationarity (in PAC learning)
554 complexity, sample
555 decision list
557 identification in the limit
559 Kolmogorov complexity
560 minimum description length
560 Ockham algorithm
560 uniform convergence theory
561 class probability
563 neural network
564 action potential
564 axon
564 dendrite
564 excitatory synapse
564 inhibitory synapse
564 neuron
564 plasticity
564 soma
564 synapse
565 aphasia
566 graceful degradation
567 activation function
567 activation level
567 input function (of a neuron)
567 link (in a neural network)
567 unit (of a neural network)
567 weight (in a neural network)
570 neural network, feed-forward
570 neural network, recurrent
571 associative memory
571 Boltzmann machine
571 hidden unit
571 Hopfield network
571 input unit
571 neural network, multilayer
571 output unit
571 perceptron
572 NERF
572 regression, nonlinear
574 linear separability
576 epoch
576 learning, rate
576 perceptron, learning rule
577 distributed encoding
577 local encoding
578 back-propagation
580 error surface
580 training, curve
586 feature detector
588 learning, Bayesian
588 maximum a posteriori
589 maximum likelihood
590 probabilistic network, adaptive
598 reward
598 terminal state
599 action-value function
599 active learning
599 learning, active
599 learning, passive
599 passive learning
599 Q-learning
600 training, sequence
601 adaptive control theory
601 control theory, adaptive
601 reward-to-go
603 dynamic programming, adaptive
604 temporal-difference equation
607 prioritized sweeping
610 bandit problem
611 n-armed
612 exploration function
615 explicit representation
615 implicit representation
615 input generalization
616 model, trees
617 cart-pole problem
617 inverted pendulum
618 bang-bang control
619 fitness function
619 gene
620 cross-over
620 evolutionary programming
620 mutation
625 prior knowledge
626 entailment constraint
627 explanation-based learning
628 learning, inductive, knowledge-based
628 logic programming, inductive (ILP)
628 relevance
628 relevance-based learning
629 memoization
632 operationality
633 determination
633 functional dependency
636 bias, declarative
638 induction, constructive
639 resolution, inverse
651 language
652 speech act
652 speech act, indirect
654 language, formal
654 language, natural
654 plan recognition
654 understanding problem
655 nonterminal symbol
655 noun phrase
655 phrase structure
655 rewrite rule
655 sentence, in a language
655 string (in a language)
655 terminal symbol
655 verb phrase
656 grammar, context-free
656 grammar, context-sensitive
657 intention (discourse)
657 language, perception
658 ambiguity
658 disambiguation
658 incorporation
658 interpretation, pragmatic
658 interpretation, semantic
658 language, analysis
658 parse tree
658 parsing
659 encoded message model
659 language, situated
660 telepathic communication
664 article
664 closed class
664 conjunction (natural language)
664 lexicon
664 open class
664 parse forest
664 preposition
667 grammar, definite clause (DCG)
668 agreement (in a sentence)
668 case (of nouns)
668 overgeneration
669 augmentation
670 complement (of a verb)
670 subcategorization
670 subcategorization, list
671 adjunct
671 rule schema
672 semantics, compositional
676 intermediate form
676 quantified term
676 quasi-logical form
679 anaphora
679 indexical
681 vagueness
683 grammar, context-free, probabilistic
685 grammar, attribute
686 augmented transition network
686 deep structure
686 grammar, transformational
686 surface structure
687 grammar, semantic
694 text interpretation
695 vector-space model
697 chart
697 edge (in a chart)
697 packed forest
697 vertex (of a chart)
698 completer
698 initializer
698 predictor
698 scanner (in chart parsing)
699 left-corner parser
703 compounding
703 morphology, analysis
703 morphology, derivational
703 morphology, inflectional
703 tokenization
704 dictionary
704 error recovery (in tokenization)
707 apposition
708 determiner
710 filler
710 gap
710 long-distance dependency
711 subject-aux inversion
714 metonymy
715 discourse
715 metaphor
715 text
717 coherence relation
717 segment (of discourse)
719 attention
724 sensor
725, 777 manipulation
725 image
725 navigation
725 object recognition
725 pinhole camera
725 scene
726 perspective projection
726 scaled orthographic projection
726 vanishing point
727 depth of field
727 lens
727 pixel
729 Lambertian surface
730 edge (in an image)
730 metamer
730 smoothing
731 convolution
734 pose
734 segmentation (of an image)
734 shape
734 slant
734 tilt
735 cross-correlation
735 optical flow
735 sum of squared differences
736 egomotion
736 focus of expansion
737 disparity
739 baseline
739 fixation
740 epipolar line
742 texture
743 texel
743 texture gradient
745 integrability
745 limb (in a scene)
745 line labelling
745 reflectance map
746 crack
746 trihedral solid
747 octant
752 generalized cylinder
754 invariant, geometric
755 index function
757 homophone
757 phone (speech)
757 segmentation (of speech)
757 speech recognition
758 feature (speech)
758 frame (speech)
758 quantization factor
758 sampling rate
759 vector quantization
760 acoustic model
760 bigram model
760 language, model
761 trigram
762 coarticulation
762 hidden Markov model
762 Markov model
765 Viterbi algorithm
770 blackboard architecture
773 robot
773 robot, autonomous
775 mobot
777 actuator
777 degrees of freedom
777 effector
777 end effector
777 joint (of a robot)
777 link (of a robot)
777 locomotion
778 robot, holonomic
778 robot, nonholonomic
778 stability, dynamic
778 stability, static
780 manipulator
781 kinematics
781 prismatic motion
781 rotary motion
783 odometry
783 repeatability
784 compliant motion
784 sensor, force
784 sensor, tactile
785 domain constraint
785 laser range finder
785 sensor, cross-beam
785 sensor, parallel-beam
785 sensor, structured light
787 macro-operator
788 situated automaton
789 robotics, behavior-based
791 configuration space
792 configuration space, generalized
792 planning, assembly
793 foliation
793 transfer path
793 transit path
795 recognizable set
795 sensor, abstract
796 cell decomposition
798 skeleton
798 skeletonization
799 visibility graph
800 linking curve
800 roadmap
800 silhouette curve
800 silhouette method
800 Voronoi diagram
802 planning, fine-motion
805 landmark
806 online algorithm
808 competitive ratio
810 hand-eye machine
819 biological naturalism
819 functionalism
819 homunculus
819 infinite regress
819 physicalism
820 intentional stance
820 intentional state
821 brain, in a vat
821 correspondence theory
821 grounding
821 narrow content
821 qualia
821 semantics, causal
821 wide content
824 halting problem
828 phenomenology
833 emergent property
836 epiphenomenalism
840 materialism, eliminative
843 artificial intelligence, real-time
844 anytime algorithm
844 metareasoning, decision-theoretic
845 bounded optimality
845 rationality, calculative
845 rationality, perfect
846 bounded optimality, asymptotic (ABO)
847 game, theory
847 Prisoner's Dilemma
847 utilitarianism, act
847 utilitarianism, rule
851 analysis of algorithms
851 benchmarking
852 asymptotic analysis
852 complexity analysis
854 Backus-Naur form
854 start symbol
855 nondeterministic algorithm
856 oracle

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