Index for AI: A Modern Approach

This is an approximation to the index of AI: A Modern Approach. It lists 9831 references to 3729 terms. It is not as pretty as the index in the book (particularly bothersome is the lack of math symbols; some of them are replaced by a ? below), but it is easier to search online. You can also see a list of just the defined terms.

Symbols A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


. (in parsing), 697
SicSj (achieves), 347
? (before), 347
R (link), 319
{x/C} (substitution), 265
? (gap), 711
alpha (learning rate), 576
gamma (discount factor), 507
epsilon-admissible, 106
epsilon-ball, 553
iota (uniqueness operator), 196
lambda (functional abstraction), 195
lambda -expression, 195
chi2 (chi squared), 543
? (implies), 167
? (and), 166
= (equivalent), 167
? (not), 167
? (or), 166
? (uncertain rule), 461
? (determination), 633
?, 238
? p (always), 258
? p (eventually), 258
? (entailment), 158
? (derives), 159
? (exists a unique), 196
? (there exists), 191
? (for all), 190
? (Intersection), 200
U (Union), 200
? (Member), 200
? (subset), 200
[p,A; q,B] (lottery), 473
? (indifferent), 473
? (preferred), 473
Ubest (best prize), 478
Uworst (worst catastrophe), 478


ai (activation value), 568
A*-Search, 97
A* search, 115
AAAI (American Association for AI), 28
Aarup, M., 390, 859
ABC computer, 14
Abeille, A., 687, 894
Abelson, R., 23, 894
ABO, see bounded optimality, asymptotic 846
Absolver, 103
abstraction, 62, 409, 410, 794
abstraction hierarchy, 380
abstraction planning, 389
abstract operator, 376
abstract solution, 376
Abstrips, 389
Abu-Mostafa, Y., 595, 859
accelerometer, 783
accessible, see environment, accessible 46
accusative case, see objective case 668
Acharya, A., 117, 316, 859, 864
achievement (in planning), 349, 357
acknowledgment, 684
acoustic model, 760, 762-764
... in disambiguation, 682
Acronym, 769
ACT*, 645
Action, 48
action, 31, 39
... conditional, 411
... cooperative, 180
... intelligent, 5
... intermediate-level (ILA), 787
... low-level, 787
... partially instantiated, 346
... rational, 10, 27, 50
... sensing, 392, 394, 411, 487
... simultaneous, 216
action-utility table, 485
action-value, see agent, action-value 210
action-value function, 599
action description, 344
action model, 510
action monitoring, 401
action potential, 564
activation function, 567
activation level, 567
Active-ADP-Agent, 608, 608
active learning, 599
active vision, 830
act phase, 314
actuator, 777
adaline, 19, 594
Adams, J., 240
adaptive control theory, 601
adaptive dynamic programming, 603, 623
adaptive network, see neural network 563
adaptive planning, 389
Add-Edge, 702, 703
additivity (of utility function), 601
add list (in Strips), 344
Adelson-Velsky, G., 144
adjective phrase, 707
adjoin (to a set), 199
adjunct, 671
ADL (planning formalism), 390
admissible heuristic, see heuristic, admissible 97
Adorf, H.-M., 390, 878
ADP, see dynamic programming, adaptive 603
ADP-Update, 623
Advice Taker, 18, 22, 179
agent, 7, 26, 31, 49
... action-value, 210
... active, 607
... architecture, 26, 842
... autonomous, 153, 625
... communicating, 683
... decision-making, 773
... decision-theoretic, 471, 508-513
... design, 786
... forward-chaining, 314
... function, 500
... goal-based, 43, 49, 201
... greedy, 609
... ideal, 49
... ideal rational, 33
... immortal, 507
... intelligent, 27, 842, 848
... knowledge-based, 13, 151, 185, 201, 265, 842
... learning, 525
... limited rational, 246
... logical, 213
... model-based, 201
... naive, 658
... omniscient, 182
... passive, 600
... passive ADP, 623
... passive learning, 623
... planning, 337, 337-341, 773
... problem-solving, 55
... program, 35, 37, 49
... propositional logic, 174
... rational, 7, 31, 50, 493, 607
... reflex, 40, 49, 201, 202, 216, 500, 529, 587, 828
... reinforcement learning, 624
... replanning, 410
... situated planning, 403
... software, 36
... taxi-driving, 39, 507, 526, 843
... tropistic, 201
... uncooperative, 658
... utility-based, 44, 49, 508
... vacuum, 32, 51-52, 58
... wacky, 609
... wumpus world, 174-177, 201-203, 662
agent-based software engineering, 219
agent function, 411
aggregation (in planning), 409
Agmon, S., 594, 859, 887
agrammatical strings, 712
Agre, P. E., 411, 859
agreement (in a sentence), 668
Aho, A. V., 853, 859
AI, see artificial intelligence 3
Aiken, H., 14
aircraft carrier scheduling, 371, 390
airport, driving to, 415
airport siting, 480, 484
AISB, 28
Ait-Kaci, H., 328, 329, 859
AI Winter, 25
al-Khowarazmi, 11
Alami, R., 788, 873
Alberti, 726, 768
Albrecht, B., 778, 896
alchemy, 4
algorithm, 11
algorithmic complexity, see Kolmogorov complexity 559
Alhazen, 768
Aliens (movie), 777
Align, 754, 754
alignment method, 752
Alive, 36
All-Related-To?, 322, 322
All-Rels-In, 321
All-Rels-Out, 321, 322
Allais, M., 479, 859
Allen, B., 390, 871
Allen, J., 28, 259, 364, 688, 859
Allen, R., 595, 859
Allen, W., 94, 760
Almanac Game, 495
Almuallim, H., 646, 859
Almulla, M., 117, 889
Aloimonos, J., 770, 859
alpha-beta, see search, alpha-beta 143
alpha-beta pruning, 130, 146, 844
Alshawi, H., 685, 686, 859
Alspector, J., 595, 859
Alterman, R., 389, 859
altruism, 419
Alvey report, 24
Alvinn, 586, 587
AM, 646, 647
Amarel, S., 67, 86, 859
ambiguity, 658, 680-682, 712-715
Ambros-Ingerson, J., 411, 860
Amit, D., 595, 860
Ammon, K., 826, 860
Amord, 330
analogical reasoning, 646
Analogy, 19, 29
analysis of algorithms, 851
Analytical Engine, 15, 142, 823
Anantharaman, T. S., 144, 876
anaphora, 679
And-Elimination, 172
And-Introduction, 172
Andersen, S., 465, 860
Anderson, A. R., 839, 840, 860
Anderson, J., 13, 28, 162, 316, 595, 645, 860, 875
annealing, see search, simulated annealing 113 , 113
antecedent, 167
antelope, 658
anytime algorithm, 844
aphasia, 565
APN, see probabilistic network, adaptive 590
apparent motion, 735
Appelt, D., 258, 694, 720, 874, 876
Append, 395, 402
applicable operator, 344
Apply, 126
apposition, 707
approximation hierarchy, 380, 390
Apte, C., 325, 884
Arbuckle, T., 862
arc consistency, 84
architecture, 35, 786
... agent, 26, 842
... blackboard, 770
... cognitive, 316
... for speech recognition, 25
... hybrid, 137
... open planning, 369
... parallel, 117
... real-time, 329
... robot, 786-790
... rule-based, 316
... subsumption, 411
... types, 50
Arentoft, M., 390, 859
Args, 299, 303
argument from disability, 823
argument from informality, 826
Aristotle, 6, 9, 179, 212, 257, 564, 838
Arlabosse, F., 27, 879
Arlazarov, V., 144, 859
Armstrong, D., 839, 860
Arnauld, A., 10, 471, 493, 860
article, 664
artificial insemination, 834
artificial intelligence, 3, 17
... applications, 26
... conferences, 28
... definition, 4, 29
... foundations, 615
... history of, 8-26, 28
... industry, 24, 28
... journals, 28
... programming language, 18
... as rational agent design, 7
... real-time, 843
... societies, 28
... strong, 29, 818
... subfields, 4
... weak, 29, 818
artificial sweeteners, 834
artificial urea, 834
asbestos removal, 480
Ashby, W. R., 594, 860
Asimov, I., 814, 848, 860
Ask, 152, 153, 201, 211, 214, 298, 299, 323, 325, 342, 629, 660, 721
assertion (logical), 201
assignment (in an ATN), 686
associative memory, 571
assumption, 326
Astrom, K., 520, 860
astronomer, 468
asymptotic analysis, 852
Atanasoff, J., 14
Atkeson, C., 623, 886
Atkin, L. R., 87, 897
ATMS, see truth maintenance system, assumption-based 327
ATN, see augmented transition network 686
atom, 667
atomic event, 425
atomic sentence, see sentence, atomic 167
attention, 719
augmentation, 667, 669, 677, 684
augmented transition network, 686
Aura, 297, 313, 330
Austin, J., 685, 860
Autoclass, 647
autoepistemic logic, 466
auto insurance, 469
automata, 838, 849
automated debugging, 646
automated reasoners, see theorem provers 310
automatic pilot, 329
automatic programming, 400, 400
automotive industry, 774
autonomous vehicle, 26, 517, 587, 775
... underwater (AUV), 775
autonomy, 35, 39, 49, 773
avoiding obstacles, 725
axiom, 198, 222
... domain closure, 254
... effect, 205
... frame, 206
... independent, 198
... successor-state, 206
... usable (in Otter), 310
axon, 564


b* (branching factor), 102
B* search, 143
b-tree, 704
Babbage, C., 15, 823
Bacchus, F., 432, 519, 860
Bach, E., 259, 860
bachelor, 231
Bachmann, P., 853, 860
Back-Chain, 275, 275, 305, 306
Back-Chain-List, 275, 275
Back-Prop-Update, 581
back-propagation, 21, 24, 578, 578-583, 593, 595
backed-up value, 108
backgammon, 133-135, 139, 144, 615
background, 828, 830
background assumptions, 735
background knowledge, 282, 626
backjumping, 309
backprojection, 806
backtracking, 84, 771
... chronological, 309
... dependency-directed, 309
Backus-Naur form, 186, 655, 667, 854
backward chaining, 272, 275, 305, 313, 447
Bacon, F., 9
Bain, M., 466, 860
Bajcsy, R., 769, 770, 860
Baker, C. L., 28, 685, 860
Baker, J., 770, 860
Ballard, B., 144, 325, 860, 868
bandit problem, 610
Bandyopadhyay, A., 770, 859
Banerji, R., 552, 559, 886
bang-bang control, 618
Bar-Hillel, Y., 685, 720, 860
Bar-Shalom, Y., 520, 860, 872
bar codes, 805
Barr, A., 28, 861
Barrett, A., 390, 861
Barrett, R., 330, 861
Barstow, D. R., 330, 861
Barto, A., 623, 861
Barwise, J., 181, 213, 861
Base, 672
baseline, 739
Bates, M., 16, 142, 899
Battell, J. S., 141, 874
Baum, L., 770, 861
Baum-Welch algorithm, 766
Bayes' rule, 426, 426-427, 431, 434, 436, 449, 760
Bayes, T., 426, 431, 861
Bayesian learning, see learning, Bayesian 588
Bayesian network, see belief network 436
Bayesian updating, 428, 431, 434, 435, 510
Beal, D., 143, 861
Beck, H., 325, 861
bee, 651
beer factory scheduling, 371
beetle, see dung beetle 35
behavior, see action 5
behavior-based robotics, see robotics 789
behavioral module, 789
behaviorism, 13, 15, 50
Bel (belief about state), 509
Bel (prediction), 509
Belhumeur, P., 740, 861
belief, 157, 243, 820
... degree of, 424
Belief-Net-Ask, 446, 447, 452
Belief-Net-Tell, 446
belief function, 462
belief network, 25, 436, 464, 498, 712, 720
... dynamic, 514, 519
... vs.~neural network, 592
... sigmoid, 596
belief network approximation, 453
belief network construction, 440
belief network inference, 445-456
... complexity, 453
belief network learning, 531
Bell, C., 390, 861
Bell, J., 213, 861
Belle (chess computer), 137
Bellman, R. E., 5, 86, 503, 504, 520, 861
Belsky, M. S., 862
benchmarking, 851
Bendix, P., 293, 879
Bennett, J., 313, 330, 874
Berlekamp, E., 143, 861
Berliner, H. J., 26, 117, 137, 143-145, 861 862
Bernoulli, D., 494, 862
Bernoulli, J., 12, 432, 476
Bernstein, A., 143, 862
Berry, C., 14
Berry, D. A., 623, 862
Bertsekas, D. P., 520, 862
Berwick, R., 690
Best-First-Search, 92, 93, 93, 97
best-first search, 92, 115
best possible prize, 478
Beth, E. W., 292, 862
betting game, 424
Bezzel, M., 86
bias, 529
... declarative, 636
Bibel, W., 293, 390, 862
Bickford, M., 313, 897
biconditional, 167
bidirectional search, 85, 89
bigram model, 760, 765
Binder, J., 596, 893
binding list, 201, 265
Bindings, 347, 372, 374
binocular stereopsis, 737-742, 750, 768
binomial nomenclature, 258
biological naturalism, 819, 834
Birnbaum, L., 687, 862
Biro, J., 840, 862
Birtwistle, G., 331, 862
bit (of information), 540
Bitman, A., 144, 859
Bitner, J., 116, 862
BKG, 139, 144
Black, E., 687, 862
black-box, 625
blackboard architecture, 770
Blenko, T., 258, 876
blind search, 73
Block, N., 839, 840, 862
blocking (in belief networks), 444
blocks world, 19, 23, 260, 359, 382, 383, 404, 827
Bloom, P., 687, 862
Blum, A., 595, 862
Blumberg, B., 36, 883
Blumer, A., 560, 862
BMTP, 826
BNF, see Backus-Naur form 655
BO, see bounded optimality 845
Board, R., 560, 862
Bobrow, D., 19, 646, 862 863
Boddy, M., 844, 868
Boden, M. A., 840, 863
body (of a clause), 305
Boltzmann machine, 571, 595
Boole, G., 11, 179, 212, 291, 863
Boolean connective, see connective, Boolean 165
Boolean function, 570
Boolean logic, 179
Boolos, G. S., 293, 825, 863
Booth, A. D., 720, 882
Booth, T., 687, 871
Borgida, A., 324, 332, 863
Boser, B., 586, 595, 881
Bottom-Up-Parse, 666, 666, 697
boundary set, 549
bounded cutset conditioning, 465
bounded optimality, 845
... asymptotic (ABO), 846
Bowden, B., 16, 142, 899
Boxes, 618
Boyer, R. S., 293, 313, 328, 330, 826, 863
Boyer-Moore theorem prover, 313, 330
Boyle, J., 294, 902
BP (British Petroleum), 539
Brachman, R., 261, 324, 325, 331, 332, 863, 868, 882
Bradshaw, G. L., 881
Bradtke, S., 623, 861
Brady, D., 595, 877
Brady, J., 888
brain, 3, 9, 16, 563
... aphasia, 565
... computational power, 566
... cortex, 565
... damage, optimal, 572
... prosthesis, 835, 841
... as recurrent network, 570
... states, 819
... super, 4, 12
... in a vat, 821
... vs. computer, 565-566
brains cause minds, 565, 819
branch and bound, 116
branching factor, 74, 632
... effective, 102, 131
Bransford, J., 722, 863
Bratko, I., 330, 644, 863
Bratley, P., 686, 899
Bratman, M. E., 839, 863
Breadth-First-Search, 74
breadth-first search, 74, 85
Breese, J., 50, 495, 876
Brelaz, D., 116, 863
Bresnan, J., 687, 863
bridge (card game), 29
bridges, 800
Briggs, R., 256, 863
brightness, 729
Brill, E., 903
Broca, P., 565
Brooks, R., 411, 769, 789, 812, 863
Brouwer, P., 623, 861
Brown, A., 363
Brown, J. S., 260, 647, 868, 882
Brudno, A., 143
Brudno, A. L., 863
Brunelleschi, 768
Bryson, A., 21, 578, 595, 863
Buchanan, B., 22, 94, 257, 466, 552, 559, 863 864 , 870, 882
Buchler, J., 864
buffalo, 690
Build, 260, 330
bunch, 234
Bundy, A., 330, 331, 645, 864, 899
Bunt, H. C., 258, 864
Buntine, W., 646, 887
burglar alarm, 437-438
Burstall, R., 258, 330, 864
Bylander, T., 363, 864


C (configuration space), 791
C-Buridan, 411
C4.5, 559
Caianello, E., 594, 864
Call, 307
Cambefort, Y., 50, 874
Camembert cheese, 221
Cameron-Jones, R., 644, 891
Campbell, M. S., 144, 876
Campbell, P. K., 832, 864
candidate definition, 544
candidate elimination, 549
can machines think, 822, 831
Canny, J., 733, 796, 811, 864
canonical distribution, 443
canonical form, 270
Cantor, 826
Cao, F., 646, 887
Capek, J., 810
Capek, K., 809
Carbonell, J., 560, 646, 864, 885, 900
Cardano, G., 12, 431
Carnap, R., 424, 430, 432, 864
Carnegie Mellon University, 17, 138, 586, 707
Carson, D., 293, 902
cart-pole problem, 617
case (of nouns), 668
case-based planning, 389
Casimir, A., 901
Cassandra, A., 520, 864
Category, 666
category, 228, 229, 317, 323
category theory (not), 228
Caterpillar English, 692
causal influence, 441
causal link, 347, 350, 368, 375
causal network, see belief network 436
causal rules, 209
causal support, 448
causal theory, 254
causation, 169, 209, 429
caveman, 626
CCD, see charge-coupled device 727
cell decomposition, 796, 809, 812
... exact, 797
cell layout, 69
Census Bureau, 301
cerebral cortex, see brain 564
certainty equivalent, 478
certainty factor, 23, 461, 466
CFG, see grammar, context-free 656
chaining, 280
chain problem, 89
Chakrabarti, P., 117, 864
Chambers, R., 618, 622, 885
chance node (decision network), 484
chance node (game tree), 133
chance of winning, 127
Chang, C.-L., 294, 864
Chang, K., 465, 871
change, 203, 234
... continuous, 237
... dealing with, 177
channel routing, 69
Chapman, D., 25, 363, 390, 411, 859, 864
Chapuis, A., 810, 864
charge-coupled device, 727, 772
Charniak, E., 5, 23, 328, 331, 688, 720, 864 865 , 873
chart, 697
Chart-Parse, 702
Chat, 693, 694, 720
Chateau Latour, 834
Chatila, R., 788, 873
checkers, 18, 138, 142, 148, 559, 823
cheese factory (Camembert), 221
Cheeseman, P., 25, 467, 865
Chellas, B. F., 261, 865
chemical transmitter, 564
chemistry, 22
Chen, K., 145, 879
Cherniak, C., 50, 865
Chernobyl, 775
Chervonenkis, A., 560, 899
chess, 15, 20, 26, 122, 137-138, 412, 820
... automaton, 141
... program, 16
... ratings, 137
CHESS 4.5, 87
Chi2 pruning, 543
Chickering, M., 596, 875
Chierchia, G., 28, 685, 865
Children, 666
chimpanzees, 651
Chinese room, 831-834, 840
Chinook, 138, 148
Chitrao, M., 688, 865
choice point, 306, 309
Chomsky, N., 15, 653, 656, 685, 686, 865
choose, 355, 855
Choose-Attribute, 537, 540, 541
Choose-Best-Action, 38
Choose-Best-Continuation, 402
Choose-Decomposition, 374, 379
Choose-Literal, 642-644
Choose-Operator, 356, 356, 357, 358, 374, 379, 382, 384, 385, 385
Christmas, 831
chronological backtracking, 326
cHUGIN, 465
Chung, K. L., 433, 865
Church, A., 11, 292, 329, 865
Church, K., 688, 702, 720, 865
Churchland, P. M., 839, 840, 865
Churchland, P. S., 836, 839, 840, 865
Cigol, 646
circuit verification, 226
circumscription, 459, 466
city block distance, 102
clarification, 680
Clark, K., 329, 466, 865
Clark, R., 687, 865
Clarke, A., 465
Clarke, M., 144, 865
class, see category 228
Classic, 298, 325
classification (in description logic), 323
classification (of examples), 534
class probability, 561
clause, 182
Clint, 646
Clinton, H., 308
Clips, 298
clobbering, 353
clock, 33
Clocksin, W., 330, 865
Close-Enough, 504
closed class, 664
Clowes, M. B., 746, 769, 865
CLP, see logic programming, constraint 308
CLP(R), 329
clustering, 453, 465
CMU, see Carnegie Mellon University 138
CNF, see conjunctive normal form 278
CNLP, 411
coarticulation, 762, 765
Cobham, A., 11, 865, 869
coercion, 409, 410, 411
cognitive architecture, 316
cognitive psychology, 13
cognitive robotics, 259
cognitive science, 6, 13, 17, 28
Cohen, J., 328, 810, 865 866
Cohen, P., 720, 866
coherence relation, 717
coin flip, 383, 461, 462, 476, 540
collection, see category 228
collective computation, see neural network 563
Collins, A., 646, 864
Colmerauer, A., 328, 329, 685, 866
Colomb, R., 328, 866
Colossus, 14
command, 683
... epistemological, 165
... ontological, 165, 185, 417, 459
... premature, 381
common ground, 661
Common Lisp, see Lisp 329
common sense, 458
commonsense ontology, 317
commonsense summer, 258
communication, 161, 254, 651-685
competitive ratio, 808
compilation, 307, 379, 788
compilation time, 309
complement (of a verb), 670, 710
Complete?, 702
... of a plan, 349
... of a proof procedure, 160, 178, 277
... of resolution, 286-290
... of a search algorithm, 73, 85
... theorem, 277
complete plan, see plan, complete 349
complete proof procedure, 277
Completer, 698-701, 702, 702, 703
completer, 698
... sample, 554
... space, 73, 85
... time, 73, 85
complexity analysis, 74, 852
complex sentence, see sentence, complex 167
complex term, 211
compliant motion, 784, 795
Compose, 273, 303
composite decision process, 116
composite object, see object, composite 234 , 251
composition (of substitutions), 273
compositionality, 163, 672
Compound, 299
Compound-Action, 663
Compound?, 303
compounding, 703
compression, 615
computability, 11
computational learning theory, 553, 557, 560, 595
computer, 4, 14-15
... vs. brain, 565-566
Computers in Biomedicine, 23
computer vision, see vision 6
concept, see category 228
Conceptual Graphs, 298
concerto, 830
conclusion (of an implication), 167
condition-action rule, see rule 40
Condition-Part, 395
Conditional-Planning-Agent, 395
Conditional?, 395
conditional effect, see effect, conditional 381
conditional independence, 429, 431, 434, 449, 464, 509
conditional link, 396
conditional planner, see planning, conditional 392
conditional probability, see probability, conditional 421
conditional probability table, 438
conditional step, 396
conditioning (in belief networks), 453
conditioning (in planning), 398
conditioning case, 438
Condon, E., 142, 866
Condon, J., 137, 144, 866
configuration space, 791, 790-796, 809
... generalized, 792
configuration space obstacle, 791
confirmation theory, 10, 432
conflict resolution, 298, 314, 315
confrontation, 382
conjunct, 166
conjunction, 166
conjunction (natural language), 664
conjunctive normal form, 182, 278, 282, 290, 292
conjunctive queries, 309
connectionism, see neural network 563
connection method, 293
... Boolean, 165
... logical, 16, 165, 189
Conniver, 330
consciousness, 9, 29, 564, 823, 831-836
consequent, 167
consistency, 116, 277, 545
Consistent, 356, 358, 382, 385
Consistent-Det?, 635, 635
consistent decomposition, 373
consistent plan, see plan, consistent 349
conspiracy number, 143
constant symbol, 186, 188, 211
constraint, 83
... binary, 83
... temporal, 370
... time, 368
... unary, 83
constraint logic programming, see logic programming 308
constraint propagation, 84
constraint satisfaction, 19, 65, 83-84, 91, 328, 388
constraint satisfaction problem, 83
... heuristics for, 104
construction industry, 775
constructive induction, see induction, constructive 638
Contents, 663
context (in planning), 395
context-free grammar, see grammar, context-free 656
context-sensitive grammar, see grammar, context-sensitive 656
contingency, 392
contingency problem, see problem, contingency 59
continuation, 307
continuity (of preferences), 474
continuous, see environment, continuous 46
contour, 117, 735, 745-749
contour (of a state space), 98
contradiction, 639
contrapositive, 312
... lateral, 749
... longitudinal, 750
control systems, 463
control theory, 364, 498, 510, 539, 594, 617, 780
... adaptive, 601, 622
control uncertainty, 803
conventional signs, 651
conversion to normal form, 281-282
Convince, 465
convolution, 731, 771
Conway, J., 143, 861
Cook, S., 12, 173, 853, 866
Cooper, G., 465, 596, 866, 876, 896
coordinate frame, 734
Copeland, J., 258, 840, 866
Core Language Engine, 685
Cormen, T. H., 853, 866
corpus, 704
correspondence theory, 821
count noun, 242
Covington, M. A., 688, 866
Cowan, J., 19, 596, 866, 902
Cowell, R., 596, 897
Cox, R., 424, 432, 866
CPOP, 394, 395, 398, 399, 401, 406, 411
CPSC, 444, 456
CPT, see conditional probability table 438
crack, 746
Cragg, B., 594, 866
Craik, K. J., 13, 180, 866
Cray Blitz, 144
creativity, 15, 817, 823
Cresswell, M., 261, 877
Crevier, D., 28, 866
crisis management, 775
critic (in learning), 526, 562
critic (in planning), 379
criticality level, 380
critical point, 798, 801
Crocker, S., 143, 873
Crockett, L., 207, 866
Croft, B., 258, 876
Croft, W., 685, 876
cross-correlation, 735, 740
cross-indexing, 302
cross-over, 620
cross-validation, 543, 573, 597
cross ratio, 754
crossword puzzle, 118
cryptarithmetic problem, 65, 91
CSP, see constraint satisfaction problem 83
Culberson, J., 142, 894
Cullingford, R., 23, 866
cult of computationalism, 818
cumulative learning, 638, 644
curiosity, 612
current-best-hypothesis, 546, 559, 576
Current-Best-Learning, 547, 547, 548, 555
Currie, K., 369, 390, 866, 871
Curry, H. B., 329, 867, 894
Cutoff-Test, 126, 132
cutset, 455
cutset conditioning, 454
... bounded, 455
Cybenko, G., 595, 867
CYC, 258, 317, 828, 844


D'Ambrosio, B., 465, 895
d-separation, 444, 449
DAG, see directed acyclic graph 437
Dagum, P., 465, 867
Dahl, O.-J., 331, 862, 867
Dalton, 647
Daniels, C., 117, 883
Dante-II, 776
Dantzig, G., 12, 867
Darlington, J., 330, 864
Darrell, T., 36, 883
Dartmouth workshop, 17
Darwiche, A., 465, 867
Darwin, C., 619
data-directed inference, 274
data-driven inference, 274
database, 328, 693-694
data extraction, 696
data fusion, 512
dative case, 668
Davidson, D., 259, 867
Davies, T., 633, 646, 685, 867, 876
Davies, T. R., 646
Da Vinci, L., 768
Davis, E., 182, 258, 260, 261, 825, 867
Davis, M., 286, 292, 867
Davis, R., 330, 646, 867
Dawid, P., 596, 897
Dayan, P., 604, 867
DBN, see belief network, dynamic 514
DCG, see grammar, definite clause 667
DDN, see decision network, dynamic 516
deadlines, 368
Dean, M., 313, 888
Dean, T., 364, 389, 520, 844, 868
Debreu, G., 483, 868
debugging, 222
Dechter, R., 99, 868
... one-shot, 472
... problem, 11
... rational, 416, 471, 491
... sequential, 472, 487, 498, 510, 603
... under uncertainty, 418
Decision-List-Learning, 556, 556, 557
Decision-Theoretic-Agent, 508, 511
Decision-Tree-Learning, 535, 537, 537, 538, 542, 543, 545, 557, 561, 562, 635, 636, 638
decision analysis, 491
decision analyst, 491
decision cycle, 508
decision list, 555
decision maker, 491
decision network, 436, 465, 471, 484, 484-486, 493, 494
... dynamic, 516, 519
...... evaluation, 517
... evaluation, 486
decision node, 485
decision theory, 12, 25, 419, 493
decision tree, 494, 531, 531
... expressiveness, 532
... learning, 530, 559
... pruning, 542
declarative approach, 304
declarative bias, see bias, declarative 636
declarativism, 153, 219
decomposability (of lotteries), 474
decomposition, 390
de Dombal, F. T., 432, 433, 867
deduction, 163
Deep Blue, 138
deep structure, 686
Deep Thought, 138, 144
default logic, see logic, default 459
default reasoning, see reasoning, default 466
default value, 229, 319
deferring, see planning, deferred 393
de Finetti, B., 423, 432, 435, 867
definite clause grammar, see grammar, definite clause 667
definition (logical), 198
definitions, 323
degree of belief, 417
... interval-valued, 459
degrees of freedom, 777, 778, 781, 791
de Groot, A., 142, 867
DeGroot, M. H., 433, 868
DeJong, G., 645, 868
de Kleer, J., 260, 328, 330, 332, 867 868 , 871, 901
delete list (in Strips), 344
Del Favero, B., 465, 895
deliberate ambiguity, 682
deliberation, 403, 843
demodulation, 284, 284, 293
demodulator, 310, 333
De Morgan, A., 212, 868
De Morgan rules, 193
demotion, 353
Dempster's rule, 462
Dempster, A., 462, 466, 596, 868
Dempster-Shafer theory, 457, 459, 462, 466
Den (denotation), 245
Dendral, 22-23, 257
dendrite, 564
Denker, A., 26, 138
Denker, J., 585, 586, 595, 621, 881
Dennett, D. C., 50, 817, 820, 834, 840, 847, 868
Deo, N., 87, 868
Depth, 72, 75
depth (of a node), 72
Depth-First-Search, 78, 91
depth-first search, 77, 85, 305
Depth-Limited-Search, 79
depth-limited search, 78, 85
depth limit, 129
depth of field, 727
De Raedt, L., 868
derived sentences, 160
Derr, W., 142, 866
de Sarkar, S., 117, 864
Descartes, R., 9, 10, 768, 838
Descotte, Y., 390, 868
description logic, see logic, description 298 , 331
descriptive theory, 479
desire, 820
detachment, 460, 460
determination, 633, 647
... minimal, 635
determinations, 646
determiner, 708, 708
deterministic, see environment, deterministic 46
deterministic node, 443
Devanbu, P., 325, 868
Deviser, 387, 389
Devol, G., 774, 810
Dewar, H., 686, 899
Dewey Decimal system, 230
DFS-Contour, 106, 107, 107
diachronic, 203
diagnosis, 416
... dental, 416
... medical, 209, 443, 461, 487, 848
diagnostic inference, see inference, diagnostic 447
diagnostic rules, 209
diameter (of a state space), 78
Dickmanns, E., 587, 750, 770, 869
dictionary, 21, 251, 704
Dietterich, T., 560, 859, 869, 896
differentiation, 629
diffusely reflected light, 729
Digital Equipment Corporation, 24, 316
Dijkstra, E. W., 87, 869
Dill, D., 313, 888
Dincbas, M., 330, 869
Dingwell, W. O., 653, 869
directed acyclic graph, 437, 465, 570
disabilities, 840
Disambiguate, 662, 663
disambiguation, 658, 673, 678, 680-682, 685, 712
discontinuities, 730
discontinuous function, 571
discount factor, 507, 624
discounting, 507, 519, 520
discourse, 715
... coherent, 717-720
... understanding, 715-719
Discourse-Understanding, 715
discrete, see environment, discrete 46
discrete event, see event, discrete 237
discretization, 544
discrimination net, 559
dish, 250
disjoint sets, 231
disjunct, 166
disjunction, 166
disjunctive effects, 409
disjunctive normal form, 292
disparity, 737, 738
distributed encoding, 577
divide-and-conquer, 341, 379, 407
Dixon, J. K., 143, 897
DNA, 619
Do, 663
dolphins, 651
domain (in a CSP), 83
domain (in knowledge representation), 197
domain (of a random variable), 420
domain constraint, 785
... stochastic, 481
... strict, 481
domination (of heuristics), 102
Donskoy, M., 144, 859
Doran, J., 86, 115, 117, 869
Double-Negation Elimination, 172
Dow, R. J. F., 595, 896
Dow Jones, 696
downward solution, 376, 389, 391
Dowty, D., 685, 869
Doyle, J., 50, 330, 332, 459, 494, 868 869 , 885, 901
Drabble, B., 390, 869
Draper, D., 411, 869 870
Dreussi, J., 389, 896
Dreyfus, H. L., 9, 817, 818, 827, 828, 869
Dreyfus, S. E., 86, 87, 504, 520, 827, 828, 861, 869
drilling rights, 487
... automated, 29, 586
dropping conditions, 548
Droz, E., 810, 864
DT-Agent, 419
dualism, 9, 838
Dubois, D., 466, 869
duck, mechanical, 810
Duda, R., 23, 466, 869
dung beetle, 35, 50, 203
Dunham, B., 21, 871
du Pont, 24
Durer, A., 768
Durrant-Whyte, H., 520, 882
Dyer, M., 23, 869
Dylan, 329
dynamic, see environment, dynamic 46
dynamical systems, 520
dynamic belief network, see belief network, dynamic 514
dynamic belief networks, 520
dynamic decision network, see decision network, dynamic 516
dynamic logic, 261
dynamic programming, 87, 116, 503, 520, 603, 623, 697, 742, 765
... adaptive, 603, 623
dynamic weighting, 116
Dzeroski, S., 869, 879
Dzeroski, S., 646


E(cat,i) (event), 236
E0 (English subset), 662
E1 (English subset), 670
E2 (English subset), 680
Earley, J., 720, 869
earthquake, 437
Eastlake, D., 143, 873
Ebeling, C., 137, 144, 862, 869
EBL, see explanation-based learning 627
Eckert, J., 14
economics, 50, 476, 507, 847
edge (in a chart), 697
edge (in an image), 730
edge (in a scene), 745
edge detection, 730, 733
Edinburgh, 646, 810
Edmonds, D., 16
Edmonds, J., 11-12, 869
Edwards, D., 143, 685, 874, 876
Edwards, P., 840, 870
Edwards, W., 493, 900
Effect, 358, 381, 382, 385
effect, 344
... conditional, 381, 389
... disjunctive, 383
... knowledge, 395
... universally quantified, 383, 389
effect axiom, see axiom, effect 205
effective branching factor, 116
effector, 31, 777
Effects, 349, 408
egomotion, 736
Ehrenfeucht, A., 862
8-puzzle, 63, 101, 103, 115
8-queens problem, 64, 83, 86, 89
Einstein, A., 3
electrocutaneous feedback, 777
electronic circuits domain, 223-226
Elements, 321
Eliza, 20, 849
Elkan, C., 213, 463, 870
Elliot, G., 116, 874
Else-Part, 395
emergent property, 833
empiricism, 9
Empson, W., 687, 870
Empty?, 72
EMV, see expected monetary value 476
encoded message model, 659, 684
end effector, 777, 781
Enderton, H. B., 213, 292, 870
Engelberger, G., 810
Engelberger, J. F., 810, 870
English, 19, 21, 29
... subset, 662
Enqueue-At-End, 74
Enqueue-At-Front, 78
entailment, 158, 163, 170, 277
entailment constraint, 626, 637, 644
Entscheidungsproblem, 11
environment, 31, 40, 790
... accessible, 46, 122, 500
... artificial, 36
... continuous, 46, 774
... deterministic, 46
... discrete, 46
... dynamic, 46, 774
... episodic, 46
... game-playing, 147, 624
... inaccessible, 46, 500, 773
... nondeterministic, 46, 773
... nonepisodic, 46, 773
... properties, 46
... properties of, 773
... semidynamic, 46
... static, 46
... taxi, 39
... vacuum, 65
environment class, 49
environment history, 499
environment simulator, 47
EPAM (Elementary Perceiver And Memorizer), 559
epiphenomenalism, 836
epipolar line, 740
episodic, see environment, episodic 46
epistemological commitment, 165
epistemological level, 153
epoch, 576, 600
equality (logical), 193-194
equality substitution, 291
equality symbol, 193
equilibrium, 604
equivalence (logical), 167
Erman, L. D., 770, 870
Ernst, G., 115, 888
Ernst, H. A., 810, 870
Erol, K., 389, 870
error (of a hypothesis), 553
error recovery (in tokenization), 704
error surface, 580
ERS-1, 370
Eskimos, 162
Essig, A., 432, 873
estimation phase, 509
Etchemendy, J., 181, 861
Etzioni, O., 411, 814, 846, 848, 870, 901
EU, see utility, expected 476
Euclid, 767
Eureka, 94
Eurisko, 647
European Space Agency, 367
Euthyphro, 9
Eval, 126, 132
Eval-Fn, 93
Eval-Truth, 182
evaluation function, 92, 115, 123, 126-128
... accuracy, 127
... linear, 128
Evans, T. G., 19, 29, 870
event, 235
... discrete, 237
... liquid, 237
Event-Var, 677, 680
event calculus, 235, 234-236, 259, 675
event category, 262
evidence, 417
... incorporating, 428
Evidence-Except, 451, 452, 452, 452
Evidence?, 452
evidence variable, 445
evidential support, 448
evolution, 30, 162, 619
... machine, 21
evolutionary programming, 620
example, 529, 534
exceptions, 229, 319
excitatory synapse, 564
exclusive or, 168, 596
execution, 57
execution monitoring, 392, 401, 402, 410, 411, 788
exhaustive decomposition, 231
Existential Elimination, 266
existential graph, 316, 323
Existential Introduction, 266
Expand, 72, 73
Expansion, 385
expansion (of states), 70
expected monetary value, 476
expected utility, see utility, expected 472
expected value (in a game tree), 133
expectimax, 144
expectimax value, 133
expectiminimax, 135
... complexity, 135
Expectiminimax-Value, 135
expectimin value, 135
expert system, 257, 491, 539, 647, 827, 848
... commercial, 316
... first, 22
... first commercial, 24
... HPP project, 22
... logical, 458
... medical, 26, 466
... metalevel reasoning, 330
... Prolog-based, 304
... with uncertainty, 25
explaining away, 447, 461
explanation, 326, 630
... natural language, 721
explanation-based learning, 627, 644, 645
explicit representation, 615
exploration, 623
exploration function, 612, 613
exploration problem, see problem, exploration 59
expressiveness vs. efficiency, 531
Extender, 698
extension (of a causal link), 405
extension (of a concept), 545
extrinsic property, 243
eyes, 724, 727, 728, 768


F (free space), 791
f-Cost, 107
factoring (in resolution), 280
Fahlman, S. E., 19, 260, 330, 331, 870
fail, 355, 855
false negative, 545
false positive, 546
family tree, 637
Farhat, N., 595, 870
Faugeras, O., 769, 770, 870
fault tolerance, 566
fax, 664
feature (of a state), 104
feature (speech), 758
feature detector, 586
feed-forward network, see neural network, feed-forward 570
feedback loop, 461
feedforward circuit, 789
Feigenbaum, E. A., 22, 28, 94, 257, 329, 559, 828, 861, 864, 870, 882
Feldman, J., 28, 494, 495, 870
Feldman, R., 646, 898
Fermat, P., 12, 431
Fetch, 299-302, 334
field of influence, 805
Fifth Generation project, 24, 308, 329
figure of speech, 714, 715
Fikes, R., 330, 332, 363, 411, 645, 863, 870, 894
filler, 710
Filter, 311
Find-And-Infer, 273, 273, 273
Find-Transform, 753, 753, 754, 772
Findlay, J., 258, 871
Finish, 406, 408
finite-state machine, 656, 788
Firby, J., 389, 868
First, 273, 275, 303, 338, 395, 402
first-order logic, see logic, first-order 185
first-order probabilistic logic, 843
Fischer, M., 259, 871
Fisher, R., 432, 871
Fitness-Fn, 620
fitness function, 619, 619
fixation, 739
Flakey, 789
flat tire, 393, 412
floor-planning, 91
Flores, F., 827, 902
Floyd, R., 87, 871
fluent, 241, 679
fly eyes, 737, 749
FMP, see planning, fine-motion 802
Focus, 646
focus, 727
focus of expansion, 736
Fodor, J. A., 653, 832, 839, 871
Foil, 642, 643, 643, 644, 646, 648
FOL, see logic, first-order 185
foliation, 793
folk psychology, 13, 261, 840
FOPC, see predicate calculus 185
Forbin, 389, 390
Forbus, K. D., 260, 328, 332, 871
force sensor, see sensor, force 784
foreshortening, 743
forgotten node, 108
formal language, see language, formal 654
formulate, search, execute, 57
Formulate-Goal, 57
Formulate-Problem, 57
Forsyth, D., 769, 871, 893
Fortmann, T. E., 520, 860, 872
Fortran, 623
forward-backward algorithm, 766
Forward-Chain, 273, 273, 274, 294
forward chaining, 272, 273, 298, 313
forward checking, 84
Fox, M., 369, 390, 871
Fraenkel, 826
Frail, 298
frame (representation), 23
frame (speech), 758
frame axiom, see axiom, frame 206
frame problem, 207, 213
... inferential, 207
... representational, 207
frames paper, 331
frame system, 298, 316
Frean, M., 595, 871
Freddy, 70, 810
Fredkin, E., 849
Fredkin Prize, 144
Freedman, P., 788, 873
free space, 791
freeways, 800
free will, 9
Frege, G., 11, 179, 212, 291, 825, 871
frequentism, 430
Friedberg, R., 21, 623, 829, 871
fringe, 72
Fristedt, B., 623, 862
frontier, 72
Fu, K, 687, 871
Fuchs, J., 390, 871
function, 185
... learning a, 529, 558
functional decomposition, 249
functional dependency, 633, 646
functionalism, 50, 819, 835, 839
functionalist, 836
functional programming, 329, 329
function symbol, 188, 188, 211
Fung, R., 465, 871
Furukawa, K., 329, 871
Furuta, K., 618, 871
fuzzy logic, see logic, fuzzy 166
fuzzy set, 466
fuzzy set theory, 463


G_sigma (x) (Gaussian), 733
g (activation function), 568
G-set, 550
Gabbay, D., 180, 871
Gabor, Z., 495
gain ratio, 544, 562
Gala, S., 325, 861
Galileo, G., 3, 526, 641
Gallaire, H., 328, 872
Gallier, J. H., 213, 292, 872
Gamba, A., 594, 872
Gamberini, L., 594, 872
gambling, 12, 474
game, see also backgammon, bridge, checkers, chess, Go, Othello 148
... perfect information, 122
... playing, 122-141
... theory, 122, 847
... three-player, 147
... zero-sum, 148
game show, 476
gap, 710
Garding, J., 743, 769, 872
Gardner, M., 292, 872
Garey, M. R., 853, 872
Gari, 390
Garside, R., 688, 872
Gaschnig, J., 23, 116, 466, 869, 872
Gasoil, 539
Gasquet, A., 390, 871
gates, 223
gathering, 253-254
Gauss, C., 872
Gauss, C. F., 86
Gauss, K. F., 520
Gaussian elimination, 506
gaussian function, 733
Gawron, J. M., 770, 878
Gazdar, G., 686, 872
Geffner, H., 466, 872
Geiger, D., 596, 875
Gelatt, C., 117, 879
Gelb, A., 520
Gelernter, H., 18, 329, 872
Gelfond, M., 466, 872
gene, 619
General-Search, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 92, 93, 115
General Electric, 776
generalization, 546, 547, 584
generalization hierarchy, 552
generalized cylinder, 752, 769
general ontology, 226-247
General Problem Solver, 6, 363
general search, 85
Generate-Description, 662, 663
generation (of language), see natural language, generation 657
generation (of states), 70
generative capacity, 656, 671
Genesereth, M. R., 153, 180, 213, 219, 286, 293, 295, 309, 313, 330, 363, 811, 872, 892, 897
Genetic-Algorithm, 620
genetic algorithm, 21, 572, 595, 611, 619-621, 623
genetic engineering, 838
Gentner, D., 646, 872
Gentzen, G., 179, 291, 872
Geometry Theorem Prover, 18
Georgeff, M. P., 364, 872
Gerberich, C., 329, 872
Gestalt school, 768
GHC, 329
Ghose, S., 117, 864
Gibson, J., 769, 872
Gift of the Magi, 378
Gilmore, P., 292, 872
Gini, M., 411, 888
Ginsberg, M. L., 29, 295, 411, 465, 466, 872 873 , 897
Ginsberg, M.L., 867
Giralt, G., 788, 873
gist, 162
Givan, R., 884
Glanc, A., 810, 873
Glass, J., 903
Glauber, 647
Gleitman, L., 687, 900
Global-Trail-Pointer, 307
Glover, F., 117, 873
Glymour, C., 596, 897
Go, 122, 139
goal, 42, 55, 56, 211
... concept, see goal predicate 531
... formulation, 56
... maintenance, 400
... predicate, 531
... representation, 339
... test, 60, 85
goal (inferential), 201
Goal-Test, 60, 73, 107, 110
goal predicate, 531
God, existence of, 432
Goddeau, D., 26, 903
Godel, K., 11, 265, 277, 292, 824, 873
Goetsch, G., 117, 862
GOFAI, see good old-fashioned AI 827
gold, 153
Gold, E. M., 559, 687, 873
Goldbach's conjecture, 647
Goldberg, D. E., 619, 873
Golden, K., 390, 861
Goldman, R., 688, 720, 864, 873
Goldszmidt, M., 467, 873
Golea, M., 595, 883
Golem, 641, 646
Golux, 330
Gomard, C. K., 645, 878
Good, I. J., 142, 465, 873
good and evil, 471
Goodman, N., 258, 645, 873, 882
good old-fashioned AI, 827, 839
good style, 217
gorillas, 653
Gorry, G., 432, 873
Gould, S. J., 458, 873
Gower, A., 144, 877
GPS, 6, 10, 17
GPSG, 686
graceful degradation, 518, 566
gradient descent, 111, 577, 580, 616
Graham, S. L., 720, 873
grammar, 854
... attribute, 685
... categorial, 687
... context-free, 656, 684, 685
...... probabilistic, 683, 687
... context-sensitive, 656
... definite clause, 697
... definite clause (DCG), 667, 685
... dependency, 687
... formal, 662
... generalized phrase structure (GPSG), 686
... head-driven phrase structure (HPSG), 686
... lexical-functional (LFG), 687
... multistratal, 686
... phrase structure, 684
... recursively enumerable, 656
... regular, 656
... semantic, 687
... transformational, 686, 686
... tree-adjoining (TAG), 687
grammatical formalisms, 656, 686
Grand Canyon, 682
Grand Prix, 141
granularity, 380
grasping, 725
gravity, 826
Grayson, C. J., 477, 873
greedy, see search, greedy 93
Greedy-Search, 93
Green, C., 19, 212, 313, 330, 363, 873
Greenbaum, S., 685, 891
Greenblatt, R., 143, 144, 873, 887
Gregory, S., 329, 865
Greiner, R., 646, 873
Grice, H. P., 685, 873
Griesmer, J., 325, 884
Grimes, J., 720, 873
Grishman, R., 688, 865
Grosof, B., 646, 893
Grosz, B., 688, 694, 719, 720, 874
ground clause, 289
grounding, 821
ground literal, 300
ground resolution theorem, 289
ground term, 190
Grove, A., 432, 519, 860
Gsat, 114, 116, 182, 183, 183, 184
Gu, J., 116, 874
Guard, J., 313, 330, 874
Guha, A., 595, 874
Guha, R., 242, 258, 828, 844, 882
Gupta, A., 316, 859
Gutfreund, H., 595, 860
Guy, R., 143, 861


Hmap (MAP hypothesis), 588
Hml (ML hypothesis), 589
Haas, A., 260, 874
Hacker, 330, 363
Hacking, I., 433, 874
Hager, G., 258, 876
HAL computer, 465
Hald, A., 433, 874
Halpern, J., 260, 432, 519, 860, 874
halting problem, 277, 824, 824
hamburger, 821
Hamming, R. W., 433, 874
Hammond, K., 389, 874
ham sandwich, 715
hand-eye machine, 810
Hanks, S., 411, 843, 869 870 , 874
Hanna, F. K., 647, 892
Hansen, J., 329, 872
Hanski, I., 50, 874
Hansson, O., 116, 874
happy graph, 538
Haralick, R., 116, 874
Harel, D., 261, 874
Harkness, K., 141, 874
Harman, G. H., 839, 874
Harp, S. A., 595, 874
Harpy, 770
Harris, L. R., 720, 874
Harrison, M. A., 720, 873
Hart, P., 23, 115, 116, 411, 466, 645, 869 870 , 874
Hart, T., 143, 874
Hartman, E., 595
Harvard, 14, 479
hash table, 300, 704
Haugeland, J., 5, 28, 827, 840, 874
Haussler, D., 560, 646, 862, 874
Hawkins, J., 594, 874
Hayes, J. E., 144, 875
Hayes, P. J., 50, 213, 258-260, 330, 331, 820, 875, 884
Hayes-Roth, F., 770, 870
Hazan, M., 250, 875
HD-POP, 374, 374, 389
head (of a clause), 305
hearer, 652
Hearsay-II, 770
Heath Robinson, 14
Hebb, D. O., 16, 19, 594, 622, 875
Heckerman, D., 25, 27, 457, 461, 462, 465, 466, 495, 596, 875 876
Hegde, S. U., 595, 886
Held, M., 116, 875
Helman, D. H., 720, 875
Helmholtz, H., 12
Hendler, J., 364, 389, 859, 870
Hendrix, G., 323, 875
Henglein, F., 330, 889
Henrion, M., 50, 444, 456, 465, 495, 875 876 , 890
Henry, O., 378
Hephaistos, 810
Heppenheimer, T., 810, 875
Herbrand's theorem, 287
Herbrand, J., 287, 292, 328, 875
Herbrand base, 287
Herbrand universe, 286, 292, 293
hermeneutic, 94
Herskovits, E., 596, 866
Hertz, J., 595, 875
heuristic, 94, 115, 118
... admissible, 97
... composite, 104
... function, 93, 101
... least-constraining-value, 105, 116
... Manhattan, 102, 106, 118
... min-conflicts, 114
... monotonic, 97
... most-constrained-variable, 105, 116
... most-constraining-variable, 105
... most-constraining conjunct, 309
... search, see search, heuristic 73
... straight-line, 93
Heuristic Programming Project, 22, 94
heuristic repair, 114
Hewitt, C., 330, 875
hidden Markov model, 25, 712, 762, 770
hidden unit, 571
hierarchical abstraction, 654
hierarchical decomposition, see planning, hierarchical 372
hierarchical task network, see planning, hierarchical 372
higher-order logic, see logic, higher-order 195
Hilare II, 788
Hilbert, D., 11
Hill-Climbing, 112
hill-climbing, 111, 119, 572, 590
... random-restart, 112
Hintikka, J., 260, 875
Hinton, G., 24, 595, 875, 893
Hirsh, H., 645, 875
Hirst, G., 688, 875
Hitachi, 369
Hitech, 26, 137, 144
HMM, see hidden Markov model 762
Ho, Y., 21, 578, 595, 863
Hobbs, J. R., 258, 261, 685, 687, 718, 720, 876
Hoff, M., 19, 594, 601, 622, 901
Hogg, D., 29, 895
holistic context, 828
Holland, J. H., 623, 876
Holloway, J., 144, 887
holonomic, see robot, holonomic 778
Holy Grail, 159
homeostatic, 594
hominids, 653
homophone, 757, 772
homo sapiens, 3
homunculus, 819
Hopcroft, J. E., 853, 859
Hopfield, J., 24, 595, 876
Hopfield network, 571
Hopkins Beast, 810
Horch, K. W., 832, 864
horizon, 726
horizon problem, 129
Horn, A., 174, 292, 876
Horn, B., 769, 770, 863, 876
Horn clause, 174, 310, 640, 642, 667
... guarded, 329
Horn Normal Form, 270, 290
Horn sentence, 174, 270
Horowitz, M., 313, 888
Horvitz, E., 25, 50, 465, 495, 876
house building, 372, 384
Howard, R., 484, 493, 494, 520, 876, 886
HPP, see Heuristic Programming Project 94
HPSG, 686
HST, see Hubble space telescope 370
Hsu, F.-H., 144, 876
Hsu, K., 595, 877
Hu, V., 595, 859
Huang, T., 27, 520, 877, 880
Hubble space telescope, 114, 370, 390
Hubel, D. H., 770, 877
Huber, R. J., 832, 864
Hucka, M., 788, 881
Huddleston, R. D., 685, 877
Huffman, D., 19, 746, 769, 877
Hughes, G., 261, 877
Hugin, 465, 520
human judgment, 446, 458, 466, 479
human performance, 4
human preference, 507
Hume, D., 9, 430, 877
Hunt, E., 559, 877
Hunter, G., 293, 877
Hunter, L., 877
Hurst, S., 539, 894
Hutchinson, C., 29, 895
Huttenlocher, D., 753, 769, 877
Huygens, C., 431, 877
Hwang, C. H., 258, 686, 877
Hyatt, R., 144, 877
hypothesis, 529
... approximately correct, 553
... consistent, 529
... null, 542
... space, 544, 545


IBM, 14, 138
IBM 701 computer, 14
IBM 704 computer, 138
ice cream, 418
Ichiyoshi, N., 329, 888
Icon, 856
ID3, 559
IDA*, 117
IDA*, 107
Ideal-Planner, 337, 338
ideal mapping, 34
ideal rational agent, 33
identification in the limit, 557
identity relation, 194
IDS, 103
ignorance, 459, 462
... practical, 417
... theoretical, 416
IJCAI (International Joint Conference on AI), 28
ILA, see action, intermediate-level 787
ILP, see logic programming, inductive 628
image, 725
image formation, 725-731, 767
image processing, 767
image reconstruction
... Bayesian, 370
implementation level, 153
implication, 167
Implication-Elimination, 172
implicative normal form, 278, 282, 290, 292
implicit representation, 615
ini (sum of inputs), 568
inaccessible, see environment, inaccessible 46
incomplete information, 392
incompleteness, 277
... theorem, 11, 288, 824
incorporation, 658, 716
incremental learning, 529, 549
... conditional, 444
... bounded, 401
... unbounded, 402
index function, 755
indexical, 679
... clever, 302
... combined, 301
... table-based, 300-301
... tree-based, 301, 301-302
indifference, 432
individuation, 242
Induce, 529, 530
induction, 9, 529
... constructive, 638
... mathematical, 11
inductive inference
... pure, 529
inductive learning, see learning 558
inductive logic programming (ILP), 646
INF, see implicative normal form 278
Infer, 311, 311
inference, 152, 163-165, 265
... causal, 447
... data-driven, 274
... diagnostic, 447
... intercausal, 447
... logical, 163
... mixed, 447
... probabilistic, 436
inference procedure, 223
inference rule, 171, 171
inferential frame problem, 213
infinite horizon problems, 520
infinite loop, 203
infinite regress, 819
influence diagram, see decision network 436 , 877
information (theory), 540
Information-Gathering-Agent, 490
information gain, 541, 542
information highway, 848
information retrieval, 694-695
information theory, 540-543, 559
information value theory, 487
informed search, 73, 92
infrared, 512
Ingerman, P., 685, 877
inheritance, 230, 230, 317, 328, 332
... multiple, 320
... with exceptions, 319-320
inhibitory synapse, 564
Initial-State, 60, 73, 107, 110, 112, 113
Initializer, 699, 700
initializer, 698
initial state, 60, 85, 123
input function (of a neuron), 567
input generalization, 615
input resolution, 285
input unit, 571
insurance premium, 478
Integer, 856, 856
integrability, 745
Intellect, 720
intelligence test, 90
intention (discourse), 657
intentionality, 831, 839, 840
intentional stance, 50, 820, 840
intentional state, 820
intercausal inference, see inference 447
intercausal reasoning, see reasoning 461
interleaving, 59
intermediate form, 676
internal model, 203
internal state, 42
Interplan, 363
Interpret-Input, 41
interpretation, 161, 165, 187
... logical, 178
... pragmatic, 658, 678-680, 684, 685
... semantic, 658
interreflections, 745
interval, 235
intractability, 11, 21, 29
intrinsic property, 243
introspection, 6, 13, 459
... geometric, 754
... projective, 754
invariant shape representation, 755
inverse method, 293
inverse resolution, see resolution, inverse 639
inverted pendulum, 617
Ipem, 411
IPL, 17
IQ test, 19, 29
IR, see information retrieval 694
irrational behavior, 473, 824
irrationality, 4
ISA links, 331
Isis, 369, 390
ITEP, 144
Iterative-Deepening-Search, 79, 79, 103, 106
iterative deepening, see search, iterative deepening 79
iterative improvement, 111, 115
Itou, 646


Jackel, L., 586, 595, 881
Jackson, P., 29, 877
Jacobs, P., 696, 877
Jacquard, J., 15
Jacquard loom, 15, 774
Jaffar, J., 329, 877
Jaguar, 369
James, H., 13
James, W., 13
Japanese, 703
Jaskowski, S., 291, 877
Jefferson, Prof., 830
Jeffrey, R. C., 293, 432, 493, 494, 863, 877
Jelinek, F., 687, 759, 770, 862, 877
Jensen, F., 465, 860
Jensen, F. V., 465, 860, 877
Jerison, H. J., 653, 877
Jessell, T. M., 595, 878
Jevons, W., 292
Jochem, T., 587, 877
Johnes, K. E., 832, 864
Johnson, C., 559, 864
Johnson, D. S., 853, 872
Johnson, M., 720, 722, 863, 881
Johnson, W., 86, 878
Johnson-Laird, P., 28, 878
Johnston, M., 116, 390, 878, 886
joint, see joint probability distribution 425
joint (of a robot), 777, 809
joint encoder, 782
joint probability distribution, 425, 431, 436, 439
jokes, 682
Jones, N. D., 645, 878
Joshi, A., 687, 720, 878, 894
Joskowicz, L., 260, 894
Joule, J., 641
JTMS, see truth maintenance system, justification-based 326
Juang, B.-H., 770, 891
Judd, J., 595, 878
judgment, see human judgment 446
juggling, 599
Julesz, B., 768, 878
junction type, 748


kdl (decision list), 555
kdt (decision tree), 555
Kaelbling, L. P., 180, 520, 623, 788, 864, 868, 878
Kahan, W., 466
Kahneman, D., 4, 443, 479, 878, 899
Kaindl, H., 117, 143, 878
Kalman, R., 510, 520, 878
Kalman filtering, 510, 520, 587
Kambhampati, S., 390, 878
Kanade, T., 737, 899
Kanal, L. N., 116-117, 467, 878, 880 881 , 887
Kanazawa, K., 520, 868
Kandel, E. R., 595, 878
Kanoui, H., 328, 866
Kaplan, D., 259, 878
Kaplan, R., 720, 884
Karger, D., 87, 878
Karp, R. M., 12, 69, 116, 853, 875, 878
Kasami, T., 720, 878
Kasparov, G., 137, 144
Kassirer, J., 432, 873
Kastner, J., 325, 884
Kautz, H. A., 258, 466, 876, 878
Kay, M., 692, 770, 878
KB, see knowledge base 151
KB-Agent, 152, 202
KBIL, see inductive learning, knowledge-based 628
Kearns, M. J., 560, 878
Kedar-Cabelli, S., 645, 886
Kedzier, D., 539, 894
Keeler, J., 595, 890
Keeney, R. L., 479, 484, 494, 878 879
Keller, R., 645, 886
Kelly, J., 865
Kemp, M., 768, 879
Kenley, C., 465, 895
Kent, C., 244
Kepler, J., 768
Ketchpel, S., 219, 872
Keynes, J. M., 432, 879
Khorsand, A., 117, 878
Kids, 330
Kierulf, A., 145, 879
Kietz, J.-U., 646, 879
Kilimanjaro, 651
Kim, J. H., 465, 879
kind, see category 228
kinematics, 781
King, C., 447
King, R., 641, 879, 887
King, S., 27, 879
kinship, 197
Kirkpatrick, S., 117, 879
Kirman, J., 520, 868
Kirousis, L., 749, 879
Kister, J., 143, 879
Kjaerulff, U., 520, 879
KL-One, 298, 332
KL1, 329
Klein, E., 686, 872
Knight, B., 142, 894
Knight, K., 5, 328, 879, 892
Knoblock, C., 86, 879
knowing what, 246
knowing whether, 246
... acquisition, 23, 217
... and action, 10, 247
... background, 152
... built-in, 35
... commonsense, 18
... diagnostic, 427
... model-based, 427
knowledge-based approach, 827
knowledge-based system, 22-24, 615
knowledge base, 151, 178, 213
... large, 844
... properties, 218
knowledge effect, 247
knowledge engineer, 440
knowledge engineering, 217, 221, 368
... for decision-theoretic systems, 492
... for planning, 359
... vs. programming, 219
... with uncertainty, 456
knowledge level, 153, 179
knowledge map, see belief network 436
knowledge precondition, 247
knowledge representation, 5, 15, 18, 23, 157, 257
... analogical, 213
... language, 152, 178
knowledge source (KS), 770
knows that, 246
Knuth, D., 132, 143, 293, 685, 853, 879
Knuth-Bendix algorithm, 293
Kodiak, 298
Koenderink, J., 769, 879
Kohn, W., 329, 879
Kohonen, T., 595, 880
Koko, 653
Koller, D., 27, 87, 432, 519, 520, 596, 860, 877 878 , 880, 893
Kolmogorov, A. N., 431, 432, 520, 559, 880
Kolmogorov complexity, 559
Kolodner, J., 23, 646, 880
Konolige, K., 260, 880
Koopmans, T., 520, 880
Korf, R. E., 87, 117, 880
Kotok, A., 143, 880
Kowalski, R., 213, 259, 292, 304, 328, 330, 880
Koza, J. R., 623, 880
Kripke, S. A., 260, 880
Krogh, A., 595, 875
Krotkov, E., 778, 896
Kruppa, E., 768, 880
Krypton, 332
Kube, P., 258, 876
Kuehner, D., 293, 880
Kukich, K., 720, 880
Kulikowski, C. A., 560, 901
Kumar, V., 116, 117, 878, 880 881 , 887
Kurzweil, R., 5, 28, 881
Kyburg, H. E., 432, 881


Ladkin, P., 259, 881
Ladner, R., 259, 871
Lafferty, J., 687, 862
Laird, J., 26, 316, 645, 788, 843, 881, 887
Laird, P., 116, 886
Lakoff, G., 258, 720, 881
lambda calculus, 329
Lambertian surface, 729, 743, 771
La Mettrie, J. O. de, 838, 849, 881
landmark, 805, 809
Langley, P., 881
Langlotz, C., 25, 876
language, 651
... as action, 685
... analysis, 658
... formal, 654
... interfaces, 23, 693
... model, 760
...... in disambiguation, 682
... module, 653
... natural, 7, 161, 654
... origin, 653
... perception, 657
... problem-solving, 329
... processing, 16
... situated, 659, 659, 684
... and thought, 162, 653
... translation, 21, 632, 691-693, 720
... understanding, 19, 23
Lansky, A. L., 364, 872
Laplace, P., 12, 430, 432, 458
Larson, G., 626
laser range finder, 785
Lassez, J.-L., 328, 329, 877, 881
Latin, 668
Latombe, J.-C., 390, 811, 868, 881
lattice theory, 313
Lauritzen, S., 465, 596, 877, 881, 897
Lawaly, 389
Lawler, E., 116, 881
Laws, K. I., 685, 876
laziness, 416, 558
leak node, 443
leaping to conclusions, 626
learning, 153, 525, 823, 830
... action-value, 599
... active, 599
... architecture, 844
... assessing performance, 538
... Bayesian, 588, 588-589, 593
... belief network, 531, 588-592
... blocks-world, 19
... cart-pole problem, 617
... checkers, 18
... curve, 538
... decision lists, 555-556
... decision trees, 531-536, 641
... determinations, 634
... driving, 586-587
... element, 525, 558
... explanation-based, 788
... and failure, 403
... to fly, 539
... game-playing, 617
... handwriting recognition, 586
... human, 624
... incremental, 529, 549, 626
... inductive, 558, 566, 829
...... knowledge-based, 628, 637, 645
... knowledge in, 625-628
... linearly separable functions, 575-577
... new predicates, 638, 640
... PAC, 553, 560, 632
... passive, 599
... pronunciation, 585-586
... Q, 613
... rate, 576, 579, 604, 613
... restaurant problem, 531, 620
... speedup, 527
... top-down, 641-644
... utility function, 599
least-commitment, 549
least-constraining-value, see heuristic 105
least commitment, 271, 346, 374
least mean squares, 601
Le Cun, Y., 586, 595, 881
Lederberg, J., 22, 94, 257, 870, 882
Lee, K.-F., 623, 770, 881, 900
Lee, R., 294, 864
Leech, F., 688, 872
Leech, G., 685, 891
Lefkovitz, D., 145, 882
left-corner parser, 699
legal reasoning, 29
Leibniz, W., 9, 15, 179, 432, 827
Leiserson, C. E., 853, 866
Lemmer, J. F., 467, 878
Lenat, D. B., 242, 258, 263, 646, 647, 828, 844, 867, 882
Length, 666, 702, 851
lens, 727
Leo n, M., 692, 900
Leonard, H. S., 258, 882
Leonard, J., 520, 882
LePape, J.-P., 330, 869
Lesh, N., 411, 870
Les niewski, S., 258, 882
Lesser, V. R., 770, 870
levels of description, 152
Levesque, H., 184, 259, 261, 331, 332, 863, 882, 894 895
Levy, D. N., 144, 875
Lewis, D. K., 50, 685, 839, 882
Lewis, R., 641, 879
Lex, 552, 559
lexicon, 664, 686, 698, 703-704
LFG, see grammar, lexical-functional 687
Li, M., 560, 882
liability, 848
Lieberman, L., 769, 860
Life, 297, 329
life insurance, 479
Lifschitz, V., 363, 390, 466, 872, 882
lifting lemma, 286, 289
light-beam sensors, 785
Lighthill, J., 21, 882
Lighthill report, 21, 24
likelihood, relative, 427
likelihood weighting, 456, 465
limb (in a scene), 745
limited rationality, 8
Lin, S., 115
Linden, T. A., 411, 882
Lindsay, R. K., 257, 720, 882
linear input resolution, 312
linearization, 346, 347
linear plan, see plan, linear 363
linear resolution, 285
linear separability, 574, 593
line labelling, 745
linguistics, 15-16, 28
... computational, 16
Linguistic String Project, 685
link (in a neural network), 567
link (of a robot), 777, 809
linked list, 329
linking curve, 800
Links, 347, 372, 375
Linnaeus, 258
Lipkis, T., 332, 894
LIPS, see logical inferences per second 307
liquid event, see event, liquid 237
liquids, 260
Lisp, 18, 197, 329, 654
... Common, viii, 329, 330, 855
lists, 200
literal (sentence), 167, 182
Littman, M., 520, 864
lizard toasting, 627
LLA, see action, low-level 787
Lloyd, J., 328, 882
LMS, see least mean squares 601
LMS-Update, 602, 602, 623
LMT (Lozano-Perez, Mason, and Taylor), 795
local encoding, 577
locality, 174, 460
locally finite graph, 100
locally structured system, 441
Locke, J., 9
Locke, W. N., 720, 882
locking, 312
locomotion, 777, 778
Lodge, D., 848
logic, 7, 11, 151, 158
... autoepistemic, 466
... combinatory, 329
... default, 459
... description, 298
... dynamic, 259
... first-order, 185, 211
...... semantics, 186
...... syntax, 186
... first-order probabilistic, 843
... fuzzy, 166, 417, 459, 463-466
... higher-order, 195
... inductive, 432, 432
... modal, 245, 258, 260
... nonmonotonic, 321, 459
... notation, 7
... propositional, 151, 165
...... limitations, 176
...... semantics, 168
...... syntax, 166
... temporal, 165, 258, 259
... terminological, 298
logical connective, 16, 165, 189
logical inferences per second, 307
logical level, 153
logical omniscience, 246
logical piano, 292
logical positivism, 10
logicism, 7, 16
logic programming, 293, 304-310, 328, 343
... constraint, 308, 328
... inductive (ILP), 628, 636-645
... language, 297
logic sampling, 455, 465, 515
Logic Theorist, 292
Logic Theorist (LT), 17
logic variables, 306, 308
Login, 328, 329
long-distance dependency, 710
long-term memory, 316
Longuet-Higgins, H., 769, 882
Lookup, 38, 321
lookup table, 38, 572
Loom, 298
lottery, 473
... standard, 478
love, 823
Lovejoy, W., 520, 883
Lovelace, A., 15, 823
Loveland, D., 293, 294, 883
Lowe, D., 769, 883
Lowenheim, L., 212, 883
Lowerre, B., 770, 883
Lowrance, J., 466, 893
Lowry, M. R., 330, 883
Loyd, S., 86, 883
Lozano-Pe rez, T., 795, 883
LT, 17
LT (Logic Theorist), 17
Luby, M., 465, 867
Lucas, J., 824, 883
Luger, G. F., 5, 883
Lunar, 23, 693, 720
Lunokhod robots, 775
Lusk, E., 294, 902


Mija (model), 499
M (model), 605
MacHack 6, 143
machine evolution, 21
machine learning, 5, 7, 463, 687, 829
machine translation, see language, translation 21
Machover, M., 213, 861
Mackworth, A., 749, 769, 883
Macpherson, P., 466, 899
macro-operator, 787
macrop, 389
Maes, P., 36, 883
Magerman, D., 687, 862, 883
Mahajan, S., 623, 881
Mahanti, A., 117, 883
Mahaviracarya, 431
Maher, M., 328, 881
Majority-Value, 537
majority function, 533, 573
Make-Action-Query, 152, 177, 202, 663
Make-Action-Sentence, 152, 202, 338, 395, 408
Make-Goal-Query, 337, 338, 408
Make-Minimal-Plan, 356
Make-Node, 73, 107, 110, 112, 113, 666
Make-Percept-Sentence, 152, 177, 202, 338, 395, 402, 408, 663
Make-Plan, 399, 408
Make-Queue, 72, 73, 110
Malik, J., 27, 520, 737, 743, 749, 769, 877, 880, 883
Manhattan, see heuristic, Manhattan 102
Maniac, 587
Manin, Y., 293, 883
manipulation, 254, 725, 777
manipulator, 780
Mann, W. C., 719, 720, 883
Manna, Z., 213, 293, 330, 883
manufacturing, 390
MAP, see maximum a posteriori 588
map-coloring problem, 91, 105
mapping, 34
... ideal, 34
Marchand, M., 595, 883
Marin, J., 559, 877
Mark I/II/III, 14
Markov, A. A., 500, 770, 883
Markov blanket, 465
Markov chain, 514
Markov decision problem, 411, 500
... partially observable, 500
Markov decision problems, 520
Markov model, 762
Markov property, 500, 509, 762, 765
Marr, D., 769, 883
Marriott, K., 328, 881
Marsland, A. T., 144, 884
Martelli, A., 116, 143, 328, 884
Martin, C., 28, 884
Martin, J., 720, 884
Martin, P., 258, 694, 720, 874, 876
Marvel, 26
Maslov, S., 293, 884
Mason, M., 411, 795, 883 884
mass noun, 242
mass spectrometer, 22
Match, 666
match phase, 314
material advantage, 127
material handling, 774
materialism, 9, 819
... eliminative, 840
material value, 127
Mates, B., 179, 884
mathematical induction schema, 288
mathematical objection, 824, 826
mathematics, 11-12
Matheson, J., 484, 494, 876, 886
Mauchly, J., 14
MAUT, see multiattribute utility theory 480
Max, 110, 132
Max-Value, 130-132, 132
maximum a posteriori, 588
maximum expected utility, 472, 493, 502
maximum likelihood, 589
Maxwell, J., 458, 720, 884
Mayer, A., 116, 874
Mays, E., 325, 884
McAllester, D., 143, 312, 330, 332, 364, 884
MCC, 24
McCarthy, J., 17, 18, 50, 179, 212, 213, 230, 257, 259, 329, 459, 820, 832, 884
McCartney, R. D., 330, 883
McCawley, J. D., 685, 885
McClelland, J. L., 24, 893
McConnell-Ginet, S., 28, 685, 865
McCorduck, P., 810, 885
McCulloch, W. S., 16, 19, 563, 570, 594, 885
McCune, W., 310, 330, 885
McDermott, D., 5, 213, 317, 328, 330, 331, 390, 411, 459, 865, 885, 896, 898
McDermott, J., 24, 316, 885
McDonald, D., 707
McDonald, R., 185
McGuinness, D., 324, 332, 863
MDL, see minimum description length 560
MDP, see Markov decision problem 500
Mead, C., 595, 885
meal, 251
meaning, 161
means-ends analysis, 10, 10
mean square error, 623
measure, 231, 386
measure fluent, 386
medical diagnosis, 22, 23, 27, 465
Meehan, J., 328, 865
Meet, 239
meganode, 453
Megarian school, 179, 258, 291
Megiddo, N., 847, 885
Melcuk, I., 687, 885
Mellish, C., 330, 865
Member, 307, 307, 322
Member?, 322
Memberships, 321, 322
memoization, 87, 452, 629
memory requirements, 75, 77, 79
meningitis, 426-427, 434, 435
mental model, in disambiguation, 682
mental objects, 243-247
mental states, 819
Mercer, R., 687, 862
mereology, 258
Merkhofer, M., 494, 886
Merlin, 331
Mero, L., 116, 885
meta-comment, 718
Meta-Dendral, 552, 559, 641
Metalog, 330
metamer, 730
metaphor, 715, 720, 822
metaphysics, 10
metareasoning, 140, 309, 364
... decision-theoretic, 844
metonymy, 714, 720
Metropolis, N., 117, 885
Metropolis algorithm, 117
MEU, see maximum expected utility 419
Me zard, M., 573, 595, 885
MGSS*, 143
MGU, see unifier, most general 271
Michalski, R. S., 560, 885
Michaylov, S., 329, 877
Michie, D., 28, 70, 86, 115, 117, 144, 221, 539, 560, 618, 622, 810, 869, 885, 894
Micro-Planner, 330
microelectronics industry, 774
micromort, 480, 494, 497
microworld, 19, 19, 21, 827
Middleton, B., 444, 456, 890
Miles, F., 596, 885
Mill, J. S., 10, 546, 885 886
Miller, A., 494, 886
Miller, D., 389, 868
Miller, G., 595, 704, 886
Milne, A. A., 218, 886
Min, 107, 132
min-conflicts, see heuristic, min-conflicts 114 , 116
Min-Value, 130, 132, 132
mind, 5, 817, 838
... conscious, 818
... dualistic view, 838
... and mysticism, 565
... philosophy of, 817, 838, 840
... as physical system, 8, 9
... and symbolism, 180
... theory of, 6
Minimal-Consistent-Det, 635, 635
minimax, see search, minimax 124
Minimax-Decision, 126, 147
Minimax-Value, 126, 126, 135, 147
minimax decision, 124
minimization (logical), 236
minimum description length, 560
minimum spanning tree, 116, 119
Minker, J., 328, 872, 886
Minsky, M. L., 16, 18, 21, 23, 24, 28, 331, 465, 577, 578, 594, 595, 827, 886
Minton, S., 116, 645, 886
missing attribute values, 543
missionaries and cannibals, 67, 86, 88
MIT, 17, 18, 781, 810
Mitchell, D., 184, 895
Mitchell, T., 552, 559, 560, 645, 788, 812, 843, 863 864 , 885 886
Mitchell, T. M., 645
MITI, 777
ML, see maximum likelihood 589
ML (programming language), 329
mobile robots, 520
mobot, 775
modal logic, see logic, modal 260
... causal, 443
... (in logic), 170
... (in representation), 13
... theory, 212
... trees, 616
model-based reasoning, 209
model-based recognition, 785
modification operator, 346
modularity, 210
Modus Ponens, 172, 245, 285, 290, 291, 294, 819
... Generalized, 269, 269-270
Molgen, 390
monkey and bananas, 366
monotonicity (of a heuristic), 97, 116
monotonicity (of a logic), 173, 321, 459
monotonicity (of preferences), 474
Montague, R., 258, 259, 685, 878, 886, 899
Montanari, U., 116, 143, 328, 884
Monty Python, 159
Mooney, R., 645, 868
Moore, A., 623, 886
Moore, J., 331, 886
Moore, J. S., 293, 313, 328, 330, 826, 863
Moore, R., 132, 143, 260, 261, 466, 876, 879, 887
morality, 817
Moravec, H., 835, 849, 887
More, T., 17
Morgan, J., 720, 866
Morgenstern, L., 260, 887
Morgenstern, O., 12, 142, 493, 847, 900
... analysis, 695, 703
... derivational, 703
... inflectional, 703
Morris, P., 467, 873
Morrison, E., 142, 887
Morrison, P., 142, 887
Mosher, R., 776
most-constrained-variable, see heuristic 105
most-constraining-variable, see heuristic 105
most general unifier, see unifier, most general 271
Mostow, J., 116, 118, 887
Motet, S., 27, 879
motion, 735-737
... compliant, 803
... guarded, 803
motion parallax, 737, 768
motion planning, 796-808, 811
... complexity, 811
motor subsystem, 410
Motzkin, T., 594, 859, 887
Mourelatos, A. P., 259, 887
Moussouris, J., 144, 887
MPI, see mutual preferential independence 483
MRS, 297, 309, 313, 330, 457
MST (minimum spanning tree), 119
Muggleton, S., 466, 641, 646, 860, 879, 887
multiagent domain, 244
multiattribute utility theory, 480, 480, 494
multilayer network, see neural network, multilayer 571
multiple-state problem, see problem 58
multiple inheritance, 320
multiply connected network, 453
Mundy, J., 769, 887, 893
Munin, 465
Murphy's Law, 59, 87
music, 15
mutation, 21, 619, 620
mutually utility-independent, 484
mutual preferential independence, 483
Mycin, 23-24, 461, 466
myopic policy, 490
Myrhaug, B., 331, 862, 867
mysticism, 565


n-armed bandit, 611
Nadal, J.-P., 573, 595, 885
Nagel, T., 839, 887
Nalwa, V. S., 13, 770, 887
Name, 321
naming policy, 660
narrow content, 821
NASA, 390, 693, 776
Nasl, 411
Nasr, R., 328, 859
natural deduction, 291
natural kind, 232, 319
natural language, see language, natural 654
Natural Language Inc., 694
natural language processing (NLP), see language 5
natural science, 654
natural stupidity, 317
Nau, D., 870
Nau, D. S., 116, 143, 389, 390, 878, 887
Naur, P., 685, 887
Navathe, S., 325, 861
navigation, 252-253, 725, 796-808
... landmark-based, 796
NavLab, 586
NavTo, 787
Neal, R., 596, 887
Neapolitan, R. E., 467, 887
neat, 25
needle in a haystack, 160
negated literals, 312
negation, 167
negation as failure, 304, 343
negative example, 534
negligence, 848
Neisser, U., 594, 895
Nelson, H., 144, 877
NERF, 572
Netl, 298, 331
NETtalk, 585
Netto, E., 86, 887
Neural-Network-Learning, 576, 577, 580
Neural-Network-Output, 577, 597
neural computation, see neural network 563
neural network, 16, 19, 24, 128, 139, 530, 563, 563, 593, 829
... vs.~belief network, 592
... efficiency, 583
... expressiveness, 16, 583
... feed-forward, 570, 593
... hardware, 16
... learning, 16
... multilayer, 21, 571, 593
... and noise, 584
... nonlinearity in, 567
... recurrent, 570
... second best, 585
neurobiology, 565, 769
Neurogammon, 617
neuron, 16, 452, 563, 564, 819, 833, 835
New-Clause, 643
New-Literals, 642-644
New-Variable, 307
Newborn, M., 117, 889
Newell, A., 6, 10, 17, 26, 86, 94, 115, 143, 179, 292, 316, 329, 331, 645, 843, 881, 886-888 , 896, 898
Newton, I., 3, 509
Next-Successor, 110
Neyman, A., 847, 888
Nicholson, A., 520, 868, 888
Nicholson, A. E., 520
Nievergelt, J., 145, 879
Nilsson, N. J., 28, 87, 115, 116, 118, 143, 144, 213, 286, 293, 363, 411, 594, 645, 810, 811, 870, 872, 874, 888, 900
Nim, 142
Nitta, K., 329, 888
Nixon, R., 320, 682, 714
Nixon diamond, 320
NL-Menu, 720
NLP, see natural language processing 661
Noah, 330, 363, 411
Nobel prize, 50
node, search, 71
noise, 535, 542-543, 552, 563, 584, 588, 636, 731, 795
noisy-OR, 443
nominal compounds, 706, 721
nominalist, 258
nominative case, see subjective 668
noncomputability, 11
nondeterminism, 855-856
nondeterministic, see environment, nondeterministic 46
Nondeterministic-Chart-Parse, 699
nondeterministic algorithm, 855
nonepisodic, see environment, nonepisodic 46
nonholonomic, see robot, nonholonomic 778
Nonlin, 363
Nonlin+, 389, 390
nonlinear plan, see plan, nonlinear 363
nonmonotonicity, 321, 459
nonmonotonic logic, see logic, nonmonotonic 459
Nono, 267
nonterminal symbol, 655, 656, 854
normalization, 428
normalizing constant, 451
Normann, R. A., 832, 864
normative theory, 479
North, O., 267
North, T., 21, 871
Norvig, P., 328, 330, 688, 770, 878, 888
... arithmetic, 7
... logical, 7
notational variations for FOL, 196
noun phrase, 655, 709
Nowatzyk, A., 144, 876
Nowick, S., 313, 888
NP, see noun phrase 655
NP-completeness, 12, 21, 852, 853
nuclear power, 468, 838
Number-Of-Subkinds, 322
number theory, 647
Nunberg, G., 720, 888
Nussbaum, M. C., 888
Nygaard, K., 331, 862, 867


O() notation, 852
O (configuration space obstacle), 791
O'Brien, S., 720, 891
O'Keefe, R., 330, 888
O-Plan, 369-371, 387, 390
object, 165, 185, 188
... composite, 234
object-oriented programming, 15
object creation, 384
objective case, 668
objectivism, 430
object recognition, 725, 751-755
observation sentences, 10
obstacle avoidance, 808
Occur-Check, 303
occur-check, 303, 305
Ochiai, T., 618, 871
Ockham's razor, 534, 558, 559, 589, 626, 644
Ockham, W., 534, 559
Ockham algorithm, 560
octant, 747
odometry, 783
Oetzel, R. M., 596, 900
offline cost, 61
Ogasawara, G., 27, 520, 877, 880
Oglesby, F., 313, 330, 874
Olalainty, B., 390, 871
Olawsky, D., 411, 888
Olesen, K., 465, 860, 877, 888
Oliver, R., 494, 888
Olson, C., 754, 888
Olum, P., 769, 872
omniscience, 32, 558
... logical, 246
one-shot decision, see decision, one-shot 472
online algorithm, 796, 806, 806-809
online cost, 61
online navigation, 813
Ono, N., 618, 871
Ontic, 312, 330
ontological commitment, 165, 185, 417, 459
ontological engineering, 217, 222
ontological promiscuity, 258
ontology, 222, 257
Op (Strips Operator), 344
Op, 299, 303
opacity, 244
open-coding, 306
open class, 664
operationality, 632
operationality and generality, 632
operations research, 86, 87, 116, 117, 367, 498, 500
Operator, 72
operator, 60, 85, 123
... abstract, 372
... primitive, 372
operator expansion, see planning, hierarchical 372
operator reduction, see planning, hierarchical 372
Operators, 60, 73, 126
operator schema, 344
Ops-5, 298, 314, 316
optical character recognition, 657
optical flow, 735, 750, 769
optimality (of a search algorithm), 73, 85
optimally efficient algorithm, 99
optimal solution, 76
optimistic prior, 610
optimization problem, 619
optimizer, peephole, 379
Optimum-AIV, 367, 369, 390
Opus, 320
OR, see operations research 367
Or-Introduction, 172
oracle, 856
orderability, 474
ordering constraints, 350
Orderings, 347, 372, 374
ordinal utility, see utility, ordinal 476
Organon, 179, 257
Ortony, A., 720, 888
Osherson, D. N., 559, 889
Othello, 138, 623
Otter, 297, 310, 311, 311, 313, 330, 333
outcome of a lottery, 473
output unit, 571
Overbeek, R., 294, 902
overfitting, 542, 542-543, 572, 588
overgeneration, 668
overshooting, 577
Owl, 298


P (probability), 420
P (probability vector), 421
PAC, see probably approximately correct 553
packed forest, 697, 703
packed tree, 723
Paek, E., 595, 870
PAGE description, 36, 37, 248
Paige, R., 330, 889
Palay, A. J., 143, 889
Palmer, R. G., 595, 875
Palmieri, G., 594, 872, 889
Pandemonium, 594
Pang, C., 87, 868
Panini, 15, 685
Pao, C., 26, 903
Papadimitriou, C., 749, 847, 879, 889
Papert, S., 21, 24, 577, 578, 594, 595, 886
Paradise, 140
paradoxes, 259
parallel distributed processing, see neural network 563
Parallel Inference Machine, 308
parallelism, 566
... AND-, 308
... OR-, 308
parallel lines, 726
parallel search, 117, 117
paramodulation, 284, 293
Parent-Node, 72
parent node, 72
parity function, 533
Parker, D., 595, 889
Parlog, 329
Parrod, Y., 390, 859
Parse, 662, 663
parse forest, 664
parse tree, 658, 664, 701
parsing, 658, 658, 664
... chart, 697
partial derivative, 580
partial order, see planning, partial-order 346
partial plan, see plan, partial 345
partition, 231, 795
part of, 233
part of speech, 658
Partridge, D., 29, 889
parts, 252
Pascal's wager, 432, 493
Pascal, B., 12, 14, 431
Pascaline, 15
Pasero, R., 328, 866
Passive-RL-Agent, 602, 605, 607
passive learning, 599
passives, 687
Paterson, M., 889
path, 60, 85
Path-Cost, 72
Path-Cost-Function, 60
path cost, 60, 61, 85
Pathfinder, 457, 458, 465
pathmax, 98
Patil, R., 332, 702, 720, 865, 869
Patrick, B., 117, 889
pattern matching, 330
Paul, R. P., 811, 889
paying, 255
payoff function, 124, 418
PCFG, see grammar, context-free 683
PDP, see parallel distributed processing 595
Peano, G., 212, 316, 889
Pearl, J., 25, 97, 99, 116-117, 143, 435, 437, 465, 467, 497, 596, 868, 873, 879, 889, 895
Pedestal, 390
Pednault, E. P., 390, 889
Pegasus, 26
Peirce, C. S., 212, 316, 323, 685, 889
pen, 713
Penberthy, J., 390, 861, 889
Peng, J., 623, 889
Pengi, 411
Penrose, R., 825, 889
Pentland, A., 36, 883
Peot, M., 411, 465, 889, 895
Percept, 48
percept, 39
perception, 30
perceptron, 19, 571, 573, 593, 594
... convergence theorem, 20
... learning rule, 576, 593
... representational power, 21, 596
percept sequence, 33
Pereira, F., 304, 306, 685, 688, 693, 694, 720, 874, 889 890 , 900
Pereira, L., 306, 900
Performance-Element, 608, 609
Performance-Fn, 48
performance element, 525, 526, 558, 562, 766
performance measure, 32, 40, 47, 50, 416, 472
Perrault, C., 720, 866
perspective, 767
perspective projection, 726, 735
pert, 367-369
Peters, S., 685, 869
Peterson, C., 595, 890
Petrie, T., 770, 861
phenomenology, 828
Philips, A., 116, 886
Phillips, M., 26, 903
Phillips, S., 87, 878
Philo, 179
philosophy, 3, 8-10, 817-841
... European, 8
phone (speech), 757
phoneme, 585
phone number, 246
phonetic alphabet, 758
photogrammetry, 768
photometry, 729
photosensitive spot, 749
phrase, 655
phrase structure, 655, 685
physicalism, 819, 839
Picasso, P., 834
pick (choice point), 856
Pickwick, Mr., 831
piecewise continuity, 740
pigeons, 13
Pillsbury, 696
PIM, see Parallel Inference Machine 308
ping-pong, 29, 598
pinhole camera, 725
Pinker, S., 687, 890
Pisa, tower of, 526
pit, bottomless, 153
Pitt, L., 560, 862
Pitts, W., 16, 19, 563, 570, 594, 885
pixel, 727
place, 236
Place, U., 839, 890
plan, 347
... canned, 407
... complete, 349
... conditional, 410, 806
... consistent, 349, 349
... fully instantiated, 346
... initial, 347
... linear, 363
... noninterleaved, 363
... nonlinear, 363
... parameterized, 398
... partial, 345
... representation, 346
Plan-ERS1, 390
Planex, 411, 787
Plankalkul, 14
Planner, 23, 330, 402
planning, 42, 140, 211, 342, 539
... abstraction, 389
... adaptive, 389
... ADL formalism, 390
... assembly, 792
... blocks world, 19
... bounded-error, 796
... case-based, 389
... conditional, 392, 393-398, 407, 412, 415, 500
... contingency, 392
... and DDNs, 519
... deferred, 393
... and execution, 403-406
... fine-motion, 802, 809
... formalization, 25
... hierarchical, 371-380, 389
... hierarchical decomposition, 374
... history, 363
... as logical inference, 341
... menu, 249-252
... multi-agent, 390
... partial-order, 337, 346, 355-356, 390, 407
... progression, 345, 365
... reactive, 411, 411
... regression, 345, 356, 363
... route, 18
... and scheduling, 369
... search spaces, 345-346
... situation calculus, 341-342
... situation space, 345
... speech acts, 654
... symbolic, 788
... total order, 346
... under uncertainty, 795, 843
planning agent, see agent, planning 337
planning variable, 400
plan recognition, 654, 718
plasticity, 564
Plato, 8, 178, 827, 838
Plotkin, G. D., 646, 890
ply, 124
Pnueli, A., 259, 890
Podelski, A., 329, 859
poetry, 4, 682
Pohl, I., 87, 116, 890
poker hands, 433
Poland, 240
Polguere, A., 687, 885
policy, 411, 498, 500, 517, 519, 806
... optimal, 500
Policy-Iteration, 506, 608
policy iteration, 505, 505-506, 520, 603, 843
policy loss, 505
Polifroni, J., 26, 903
Pollack, M., 720, 866
Pollard, C., 686, 890
Po lya, G., 94, 890
polytree, 448, 464
POMDP, see Markov decision problem 500
Pomerleau, D. A., 26, 586, 587, 750, 877, 890
POMPD (partially observable Markov decision problem), 520
Pooh, Winnie the, 218
POP, 355, 356, 356, 357, 358, 362, 364-367, 369, 374, 384, 391, 398, 404, 406, 412
POP-DUNC, 381, 384, 385, 390, 401
Poplog, 330
Popper, K. R., 432, 559, 836, 890
Port-Royal Logic, 471, 493
Portuguese, 627
pose, 734, 752
positive example, 534
positivism, logical, 10
possibility theory, 466, 466
possible threat, 354, 357, 357
possible world, 260, 795
Post, E. L., 179, 890
posterior probability, see probability, conditional 421
postscript, 706, 707
Prade, H., 466, 869
Pradhan, M., 444, 456, 890
pragmatic interpretation, see interpretation, pragmatic 658
pragmatics, 658
Prata, A., 595, 870
Pratt, V. R., 259, 890
Prawitz, D., 291, 293, 890
pre-editing, 692
precompilation, 270
precondition, 344
... disjunctive, 383
... universally quantified, 383
Preconditions, 402
predecessor, 80
predicate, 165, 674
predicate calculus, see logic, first-order 185
predicate symbol, 187, 211
Predict, 723
predicting the future, 531, 553
prediction-estimation process, 515
prediction phase, 509
Predictor, 698-700, 702, 702
predictor, 698
preference, 418, 473, 474, 483
... lexicographic, 496
... monotonic, 476
preference independence, 483
preferentially independent, 496
premise, 167
prenex form, 292
preposition, 664
president, 240
Presley, E., 240
Press, 330, 331
Price Waterhouse, 369
Prieditis, A., 103, 116, 118, 887, 890
primary colors, 730
Princeton, 17, 704
Principia Mathematica, 17
Print, 856
Prinz, D., 142, 890
Prior, A. N., 258, 890
prioritized sweeping, 607, 623
priority queue, 623
prior knowledge, 625, 627, 636, 645
prior probability, see probability, prior 420
prismatic motion, 781
Prisoner's Dilemma, 847
prisoners, three, 435
probabilistic model, 425
probabilistic network, see belief network 436
... adaptive, 590
probabilistic projection, 515
probabilistic sensor models, 520
probability, 12, 23, 25, 127
... alternatives to, 458
... assessment, 430
... axioms of, 422-423
... conditional, 418, 421, 421-422, 431, 440
... conjunctive, 440
... distribution, 139, 421, 445
... history, 433
... judgments, 443
... of sun rising, 430
... prior, 420, 420-421, 431
... theory, 417, 493
probably approximately correct, 553, 556, 560
Problem, 60
problem, 60, 85
... airport-siting, 496
... assembly sequencing, 70
... bandit, 623
... contingency, 59, 123
... cryptarithmetic, 65, 91
... datatype, 60
... 8-queens, 64, 83
... 8-puzzle, 101, 103, 115
... 8-queens, 86, 89
... exploration, 59
... halting, 277, 824
... inherently hard, 852-853
... intrinsically difficult, 106
... map-coloring, 91, 105
... missionaries and cannibals, 67
... monkey and bananas, 366
... multiple-state, 58, 66
... real-world, 63
... relaxed, 103
... robot navigation, 69
... route-finding, 93
... shoes-and-sock, 347
... shopping, 340
... single-state, 58, 60
... toy, 63
... travelling salesperson, 69
... VLSI layout, 69, 114
problem-solving agent, see agent, problem-solving 55
problem formulation, 56, 57
problem generator, 526, 562
problem solving, 22
... complexity, 342
... vs. planning, 338
procedural attachment, 323
Process, 311, 311
process, 237
production, 40, 854
production system, 297, 314
product rule, 421
Program, 48
programming language, 14, 160
program synthesis, 411
progression planner, see planning 365
projection, probabilistic, 514
Prolog, 197, 297, 304, 328, 363, 644, 688
... Concurrent, 329
... parallel, 308
Prolog Technology Theorem Prover, 311, 330
promotion, 353
pronunciation, 585, 762
proof, 160, 173, 266
... as search, 268
... by contradiction, 280
... checker, 312
... procedure, 11
... theory, 160, 165
property, 185
Propositional-KB-Agent, 177
propositional attitude, 244
propositional logic, see logic, propositional 165
proprioception, 782
Prospector, 23, 466
prosthetic limbs, 777
Protagoras, 685
protected link, 353
protection, 350
protection interval, 347
protein structure, 641
Provan, G. M., 444, 456, 890
pruning, 123, 130, 346, 542
... in contingency problems, 136
... in EBL, 631
Psaltis, D., 595, 859, 870, 877
pseudo-code, 855
pseudo-experience, 607, 616
PSPACE, 811, 853
psychological models, 566
psychological reasoning, 261
psychology, 3, 12-14
... experimental, 6, 13
... information-processing, 13
psychophysics, 769
public key encryption, 313
Puget, J.-F., 646, 893
Pullum, G. K., 162, 656, 686, 872, 890
Puma, 781, 782
punishment, 528
Purdom, P., 116, 891
Putnam, H., 50, 286, 292, 432, 839, 867, 891
Pylyshyn, Z. W., 839, 891


Q(a,i) (value of action in state), 612
Q-learning, 599, 623, 624
Q-Learning-Agent, 614
Q-value, 612
QA3, 212, 363
QALY, 480, 494
QLisp, 330
qualia, 821, 836, 840
qualification problem, 207, 213, 415, 830
qualitative physics, 233, 260
qualitative probabilistic network, 465, 482
quantified term, 676, 677
quantifier, 165, 189
... existential, 191-192
... nested, 192-193
... scope, 673, 686
... universal, 189-191
quantization factor, 758
quantum theory, 826
quasi-logical form, 676, 686
query (logical), 201
query variable, 445
question, 711
queue, 72
Queuing-Fn, 72, 73
Quevedo, T., 142, 810
quiescence, 129, 142
Quillian, M. R., 257, 331, 891
Quine, W., 179, 213, 232, 258, 891
Quinlan, E., 720, 891
Quinlan, J., 540, 559, 561, 616, 642, 644, 646, 891
Quirk, R., 685, 891


R(i) (Reward), 603
R1, 24, 316
Rabiner, L. R., 688, 766, 770, 891
racing cars, 846
Raibert, M. H., 778, 891
Raiffa, H., 479, 484, 494, 879
ramification problem, 207
Ramsay, A., 330, 861
Ramsey, F. P., 432, 493, 891
randomization, 34
random restart, 119
random variable, 420, 441
... Boolean, 420
Rao, B., 27, 520, 877, 880
Raphael, B., 19, 115, 116, 646, 810, 863, 874, 891
rapid prototyping, 304
Rapts, 330
rational action, 518
rational agent, see agent, rational 7
rationalism, 827
rationality, 4, 847
... calculative, 845
... limited, 8
... perfect, 8, 845
rational speaker, 716
Ratner, D., 87, 891
rats, 13
Rau, L., 696, 877
Rayner, M., 632, 894
ray tracing, 729
RBDTL, 635, 636, 646
RBL, see relevance-based learning 628
reactive planner, see planning, reactive 411
reading signs, 254
Reagan, R., 706
real-time AI, see artificial intelligence, real-time 843
real-world problems, see problem, real-world 63
reasoning, 18, 163
... about location, 206
... default, 326, 458-460, 466
... goal-directed, 140
... intercausal, 461
... metalevel, 330
... uncertain, 25, 658, 682
... with uncertainty, 760
Reboh, R., 330, 894
recognition hypothesis, 755
recognizable set, 795, 795
Recommendation, 57
record player, 812
recurrent, see neural network, recurrent 570
recursive definitions, 643
Reddy, R., 770, 870, 883
Redfield, S., 595, 890
reductio ad absurdum, 280
reduction, 12, 184, 853
redundancy, 791
redundant step, 405
reference class, 430, 432
referential opacity, 260
referential transparency, 244
refinement operator, 345
reflectance, 729, 743
reflectance map, 745
Reflex-Agent-With-State, 43, 49
Reflex-Learning-Element, 529, 530
Reflex-Performance-Element, 529, 530, 530
refutation, 280, 283, 293, 311
refutation completeness, 286
regression, nonlinear, 572
regression planner, see planning 345
regret, 479
Reichardt, J., 810, 891
Reichenbach, H., 432, 892
Reif, J., 796, 811, 864, 892
reification, 230, 230, 319, 435
reinforcement, 528, 528, 598
reinforcement learning, 528, 598, 829
Reingold, E., 116, 862
Reiter, R., 213, 259, 459, 466, 892
Reitman, W., 145, 892
Related-To?, 322
relation, 185
relative clause, 710
relaxed problem, see problem 103
relevance, 169, 628, 646
relevance-based learning, 628, 634, 645
Rels-In, 321
Rels-Out, 321, 322
Remainder, 57
removal from a KB, 298
Remove-Front, 72, 73
Remus, H., 145, 882, 892
renaming, 273
Re nyi, A., 892
Re nyi, A., 431
repeatability, 783
repeated states, 82
replanning, 367, 371, 392, 401-403, 407, 412
Replanning-Agent, 402, 402
representation, see knowledge representation 5
representation languages, 157
representation theorem, 480
Reproduction, 620
Request, 490
Rescher, N., 261, 892
Reset-Trail, 307
Resnik, P., 688, 892
resolution, 18, 21, 172, 172, 265, 277, 290, 297, 648
... algorithm, 277
... completeness proof, 286
... generalized, 278
... input, 285
... inverse, 639, 639-641, 646
... linear, 285
... strategies, 284-286
resolution closure, 287
Resolve-Threat, 382
Resolve-Threats, 356, 356, 357, 358, 374, 375, 382, 382, 384, 385, 385
resolvent, 279, 639
resource (in planning), 386-389, 391
response, 13
Rest, 273, 275, 303, 338, 395, 402
restaurant, see learning, restaurant problem 620
restrictive language (in planning), 342
Result (situation calculus), 342
rete, 314
retina, 724
Retract, 321, 325, 326, 412
retraction, 325
Reward, 601
reward, 528, 598, 603
reward-to-go, 601
reward function, 503
rewrite rule, 310, 333, 655, 854
Rewrites-For, 699, 702
Rice, T., 494, 886
Rich, E., 5, 892
Rieger, C., 23, 892
Riesbeck, C. K., 23, 328, 865, 894
right thing, doing the, 4, 8
Ringle, M., 840, 892
risk aversion, 478
risk neutrality, 478
risk seeking, 478
Rissanen, J., 560, 892
Ristad, E., 690
Ritchie, G. D., 647, 892
Rivest, R., 560, 595, 853, 862, 866, 892
RMS, see root mean square 505
Roach, J., 329, 892
roadmap, 800
Roberts, D. D., 331, 892
Roberts, L., 769, 892
Roberts, M., 143, 862
Robin, C., 218
Robinson, A., 292
Robinson, G., 293, 902
Robinson, J., 18, 277, 286, 293, 328, 892
Robo-Soar , 788
robot, 773, 773, 809
... architecture, 786-790
... autonomous, 773
... cleaning, 812
... holonomic, 778
... mobile, 775, 812
... navigation, 69
... nonholonomic, 778
robot game, 811
robotics, 6, 363, 512
... behavior-based, 789
... father of, 810
... laws of, 814
Robot Institute of America, 773
robot reply, 832
Rochester, N., 14, 17, 18
Rock, I., 770, 892
rollup (of a DBN), 515
Romania, 56
root mean square error, 505
Rorty, R., 840, 892
Rosenberg, C., 585, 895
Rosenblatt, F., 19, 576, 594, 769, 872, 892
Rosenblitt, D., 364, 884
Rosenbloom, P., 26, 316, 645, 843, 881, 887, 898
Rosenbluth, A., 117, 885
Rosenbluth, M., 117, 885
Rosenfeld, E., 28, 860
Rosenholtz, R., 743, 769, 883
Rosenschein, J., 180, 892
Rosenschein, S. J., 180, 788, 878, 892
Rosenthal, D. M., 840, 892
Ross, K., 720, 899
Ross, S. M., 433, 892
rotary motion, 781
rotation, 734
Rothwell, C., 769, 893
Roukos, S., 687, 862
Roussel, P., 328, 866, 893
route finding, 68
Rouveirol, C., 646, 893
Rowe, N. C., 29, 893
RSA (Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman), 313
Rubik's cube, 86, 103, 735
Ruja n, P., 595, 883
... causal, 212
... condition-action, 40, 145, 612
... diagnostic, 212
... dotted, 697
... if-then, 40, 167
... implication, 167
... of thumb, 94
... situation-action, 40, 498
... uncertain, 461
Rule-Action, 41, 43
rule-based systems, 458
... with uncertainty, 460-462
Rule-LHS, 666
Rule-Match, 41, 43
Rule-RHS, 666
rule memory, 314
Rules, 666, 699
rule schema, 671
Rumelhart, D. E., 24, 595, 893
Run-Environment, 47, 48
Run-Eval-Environment, 47, 48, 48
Run-Network, 581
Running-Average, 602, 605
runtime variable, 400
Ruspini, E., 466, 893
Russell, B., 10, 16, 17, 291, 292, 825, 901
Russell, J., 494, 893
Russell, S. J., 27, 50, 117, 143, 309, 330, 520, 596, 646, 843, 844, 846, 867, 874, 877, 880, 893, 898
Russian, 21
Ruzzo, W. L., 720, 873
Ryder, J. L., 145, 893


S-set, 550
sabotage, 661
Sacerdoti, E. D., 330, 363, 389, 893 894
Sachs, J., 162, 894
Sacks, E., 260, 894
Saenz, R., 720, 899
safety clearance, 797
Sag, I., 686, 720, 872, 878, 890
Sagalowicz, D., 330, 894
Sager, N., 685, 894
Saint, 19
St. Petersburg paradox, 476, 494
Salton, G., 688, 894
Sam, 297, 313, 330
Samad, T., 595, 874
Sammut, C., 539, 894
sample complexity, see complexity, sample 554
sampling rate, 758
Sampson, G., 688, 872
Samuel, A., 17, 18, 138, 143, 559, 600, 617, 622, 823, 829, 894
Samuelsson, C., 632, 894
Sanna, R., 594, 872, 889
Sanskrit, 256, 331, 685
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 162
Saraswat, V. A., 329, 894
SAT, see satisfiability problem 182
satisfiability, 164
satisfiability problem, 182
saturation, 287
Satyanarayana, S., 595, 859
Savage, L. J., 12, 424, 432, 493, 894
sawing-the-lady-in-half trick, 817
Say, 663
Sayre, K., 818, 894
scaled orthographic projection, 726
Scanner, 699, 700, 702, 702
scanner (in chart parsing), 698
scene, 725
scent marking, 653
Schabes, Y., 687, 894
Schaeffer, J., 138, 142, 144, 884, 894
Schalkoff, R. J., 5, 894
Schank, R. C., 23, 894
scheduling, 367, 369
... job shop, 369
... space missions, 369
Scheines, R., 596, 897
schema, 234
Scheme, 329, 856
Scherl, R., 259, 894
Schmolze, J., 332, 894
Schoenberg, I., 594, 859, 887
Schoenfinkel, M., 329, 894
Schofield, P., 86, 894
Schoppers, M. J., 411, 894
Schroder, E., 292, 894
Schubert, L., 258, 686, 877
Schwartz, J. H., 595, 878
Schwartz, W., 432, 873
Schweikard, A., 794, 901
Schwuttke, U., 26, 894
scientific discovery, 559
Scisor, 696
script, 234
Scriven, M., 839, 895
scruffy, 25
Sean, 330
Search, 57
search, 22, 42, 56, 85
... A*, 96-101
...... completeness, 100
...... complexity, 100
...... optimality, 99
... alpha-beta, 129-133, 141, 143, 844
... B*, 143
... backtracking, 84, 309, 771
... bidirectional, 80
... blind, 73
... constraint satisfaction, 83-84
... current-best-hypothesis, 546
... cutting off, 129
... general, 85
... greedy, 93, 115, 118
... heuristic, 73, 115
... hill-climbing, 111, 595
... IDA*, 106
... informed, 73, 92
... iterative deepening, 79, 85, 87, 129, 312
... iterative deepening A*, 106
... iterative improvement, 115
... minimax, 124-126, 130, 139, 141
... quiescence, 129
... random-restart, 595
... simulated annealing, 113
... SMA*, 107
... uninformed, 73
search cost, 61
search node, see node, search 71
search strategy, 70, 73
search tree, 71
Searle, J. R., 565, 685, 819, 831-835, 837, 839, 840, 895
segment (of discourse), 717
segmentation (of an image), 734
segmentation (of speech), 757
Sejnowski, T., 585, 594, 595, 617, 875, 895, 899
Select-Nonprimitive, 374
Select-Sub-Goal, 374, 382-384, 385, 391
Select-Subgoal, 355, 356, 356
Selection, 620
Self, M., 865
Selfridge, M., 687, 862
Selfridge, O. G., 17, 594, 895
Selfridge, P., 325, 868
Sells, P., 686, 895
Selman, B., 117, 184, 331, 466, 878 879 , 895
Sem-Net-Node, 321
semantic interpretation, 672-678, 685, 689, 720
semantic network, 298, 316
... partitioned, 323
Semantics, 662, 663
semantics, 28, 157, 165, 672
... causal, 821
... compositional, 672
... intersective, 708
... logical, 178
... preference, 688
semidecidability, 277
semidynamic, see environment, semidynamic 46
Seneff, S., 26, 903
sensing action, see action, sensing 392
sensitivity analysis, 447, 492
sensor, 31, 724
... abstract, 795
... cross-beam, 785
... depth, 785
... force, 784
... lane position, 513
... parallel-beam, 785
... structured light, 785
... tactile, 724, 784
sensor failure, 512
sensor fusion, 512
sensor model, 510, 510-513
... stationary, 510
sensory stimuli, 724
... analytic, 164
... atomic, 167, 189, 193, 211, 279
... complex, 167, 211
... in a KB, 151, 178
... in a language, 655
... logical, 186
... necessarily true, 163
... as physical configuration, 158
... quantified, 211
... valid, 163
separability, see utility function, separable 502
sequence prediction, 90
sequent, 291
sequential decision, see decision, sequential 498
sequential decision problems, 520
Sergot, M., 259, 880
Sestoft, P., 645, 878
set of support, 285, 310
sets, 199
Settle, L., 313, 330, 874
Shachter, R., 465, 480, 494, 520, 895, 898
shading, 735, 743-745
Shafer, G., 466, 467, 895
Shahan, R. W., 840, 862
Shakey, 19, 360, 363, 365, 411, 787, 810
Shalla, L., 293, 902
Shankar, N., 313, 826, 895
Shannon, C., 16, 17, 122, 142, 540, 559, 895
shape, 734
shape from shading, 769
shape from texture, 769
Shapiro, E., 329, 330, 646, 895, 897
Shapiro, S. C., 28, 94, 323
Sharp, D., 596, 866
Sharples, M., 29, 895
Shavlik, J., 560, 869, 896
Shaw, J., 94, 143, 292, 329, 888
sheep shearing, 775
Shenoy, P., 466, 896
Shepard, E. H., 886
Shieber, S. M., 328, 686, 688, 890, 896
shipping lanes, 793
Shirayanagi, K., 145, 896
shoes and socks, 364
Shoham, Y., 213, 258, 259, 466, 876, 896
shopping, 227, 247-255, 371, 392
shopping list, 249
short-term memory, 316, 570
shortest path, 87, 119
Shortliffe, E. H., 22, 466, 864, 896
Shrdlu, 23, 330
Shrobe, H., 329, 870
Shunyata, 826
Shwe, M., 465, 896
Sidner, C., 719, 720, 874
Siekmann, J., 294, 896
Sietsma, J., 595, 896
sigmoid function, 569, 580, 583
signal processing, 758-759
sign function, 569
Siklossy, L., 389, 896
silhouette curve, 800, 800
silhouette method, 800
similarity network, 457
Simmons, R., 778, 896
Simon, H. A., 6, 10, 17, 28, 50, 86, 94, 137, 143, 292, 313, 330, 881, 888, 896
Simple-Communicating-Agent, 663
Simple-Planning-Agent, 338
Simple-Policy-Agent, 501, 521
Simple-Problem-Solving-Agent, 57
Simple-Reflex-Agent, 41
Simplify, 311
Simulated-Annealing, 113
simulated annealing, 111, 113, 117, 119
simulation of intelligence, 834
simulation of world, 821
simultaneity, 227
Singh, S., 623, 861
single-state problem, see problem, single-state 58
singly connected network, 447
sins, seven deadly, 95
Sipe, 371, 387, 389, 390
SIR, 19
Siskind, J. M., 687, 896
Situated-Planning-Agent, 408
situated agents, 830
situated automaton, 788
situated language, see language, situated 659
situatedness, 26, 403
situation, 204, 472
situation-action mapping, 828
situation calculus, 204, 212, 213, 216, 227, 234, 259, 361, 363, 368, 390, 400, 659
skeleton, 798
Skeleton-Agent, 38
skeletonization, 796, 798, 809
Skinner, B. F., 15, 50, 896
Skolem, T., 212, 292, 896
Skolem constant, 292, 679
Skolem function, 282, 292, 400
skolemization, 281, 292
Slagle, J. R., 19, 142-144, 896 897
slant, 734
Slate, D. J., 87, 897
Slater, E., 142, 897
sliding-block puzzle, 63
Sloman, A., 330, 839, 861, 897
Slovic, P., 4, 878
SMA*, 107
Smallwood, R., 520, 897
Smith, D. E., 295, 309, 330, 411, 872, 889, 897
Smith, D. R., 330, 897
Smith, J., 494, 888
Smith, R., 559, 864
Smith, S., 369, 871
smoothing, 730
Snarc, 16
SNePS, 298, 323
SNLP, 364
snow, 162
Soar, 298, 645, 788, 790, 843, 844
Socie te de Linguistique, 653
Socrates, 6, 8, 9
Socratic reasoning, 312
Soderland, S., 364, 897
softbot, 36, 412, 773
software agent, 36
Solomonoff, R., 17, 559, 897
solution, 56, 60, 85, 349, 358
... in planning, 342, 349
Solution?, 356, 358, 374
soma, 564
Sompolinsky, H., 595, 860
sonar, 501, 512, 784
Sondik, E., 520, 897
sonnet, 830
soul, 838
sound (inference), 159, 178
sour grapes, 32, 526
space complexity, see complexity 73
spacecraft assembly, 390
Spanam, 692
Sparck Jones, K., 688, 874
sparse system, 441
spatial reasoning, 260
spatial substance, see substance 242
speaker, 652
speaker identification, 759
specialization, 546, 547
specificity preference, 459
spectrophotometry, 730
specularly reflected light, 729
Speech-Part, 663
speech act, 652, 652-654, 684, 720
... indirect, 652
... interpretation, 663
speech recognition, 25, 26, 657, 757, 757-767
speech synthesis, 657
speech understanding, 757
speedup learning, 527
spelling correction, 704, 720, 722
Spiegelhalter, D. J., 465, 560, 596, 881, 885, 897
spies, 163
Spike, 370, 390
spin glass, 595
Spirtes, P., 596, 897
Sproull, R. F., x, 495, 870
SPSS, 370
sqrt, 34
square root, 34
SRI, 19, 343, 360, 363, 494, 810
Srivas, M., 313, 897
SSD, see sum of squared differences 735
... dynamic, 778
... static, 778
Stader, J., 390, 859
staged search, 117
Stahl, 647
Stamper, R., 466, 899
standardizing apart, 271, 294
Stanford University, 17, 22, 457
Stanhope Demonstrator, 292
stapler, 728
Start, 405-408, 666
start symbol, 854
State, 72, 601
... representation, 339
state (in a chart), 697
state (in the world), 56
state (process), 237
State-Description, 337, 338, 395, 402, 408
state evolution model, 514
States, D., 877
state set space, 60
state space, 60, 85, 790
state variable, 508
static, see environment, static 46
static (variable), 856
static universe, 383
stationarity (for rewards), 507
stationarity (in PAC learning), 553
statistical mechanics, 24, 595
Statlog, 560
Steel, S., 411, 860
Steele, G. L., 329, 330, 868, 897
steering vehicles, 780
Stefik, M. J., 390, 897
Stein, P., 143, 879
step function, 569
stepper motor, 783
Steps, 372, 374
stereogram, random dot, 768
stereopsis, binocular, 735
Sterling, L., 330, 897
Sternberg, M., 641, 879, 887
Stevens, K., 769, 897
Stickel, M. E., 258, 293, 311, 330, 720, 876, 897
stimulus, 13
Stob, M., 559, 889
stochastic dominance, see dominance, stochastic 481 , 493
stochastic simulation, 453, 455, 464, 515
Stockman, G., 143, 897
Stoic school, 179, 258, 291
Stokes, I., 390, 859
Stolcke, A., 687, 897
Stone, H., 116, 897
Stone, J., 116, 897
Stone, P., 559, 877
Stonebraker, M., 219, 897
Store, 299, 300, 302, 334
Story, W., 86, 878
stotting, 659
Strachey, C. S., 16, 142, 897, 899
straight-line distance, 93
Strat, T., 466, 893
strategy (in a game), 124
strawberries, enjoy, 823
string (in a language), 655
string (in logic), 245
Strips, 343, 360, 363, 365, 389, 390, 400, 401, 411, 412, 645, 787
Strips language, 343-345, 367
Strohm, G., 390, 871
strong AI, 29, 831-834, 839
structure (composite object), 234
Stubblefield, W. A., 5, 883
Stuckey, P., 329, 877
Student, 19
stuff, 242
Stutz, J., 865
subcat, see subcategorization list 670
subcategorization, 670, 669-671
... list, 670
subevent, 235
subject-aux inversion, 711
subjective case, 668
subjectivism, 13, 430
... interaction between, 341
Subramanian, D., 646, 846, 893, 898
Subs, 321, 322
Subsequence, 666
Subset?, 322, 322
Subst, 265, 273
substance, 228, 241-243
... spatial, 242
... temporal, 242
substitutability (of lotteries), 474
substitution, 201, 265, 270
subsumption (in description logic), 323
subsumption (in resolution), 286
subsumption architecture, 411
Successor, 76
successor-state axiom, see axiom, successor-state 206
successor function, 60
Successors, 107, 110, 132
Suermondt, H. J., 465, 876
Sugihara, K., 749, 769, 898
Summation, 851, 852
summer's day, 831
sum of squared differences, 735
Sundararajan, R., 329, 892
Sun Microsystems, x
sun rising, 430
Superman, 161, 244
Supers, 321, 322
supervised learning, 528, 829
Support-Except, 451, 452, 452
sure thing, 478
surface patches, 746
surface structure, 686
Sussman, G. J., 330, 363, 868, 898
Sussman anomaly, 365
Sutherland, G., 22, 864
Sutton, R., 603, 623, 861, 898
Svartvik, J., 685, 891
Swade, D. D., 15, 898
Swedish, 29
syllogism, 6, 291
Symantec, 694
... dynamic, 660
... static, 660
symbolic differentiation, 333
symbolic integration, 552
synapse, 564
synchronic, 209
syntactic ambiguity, 720
syntactic sugar, 200
syntactic theory (of knowledge), 245
syntax, 23, 165
syntax, logical, 157, 178
synthesis, 313
... deductive, 313
synthesis of algorithms, 313
system gain, 507, 519
systems reply, 832
Systran, 692
Szeliski, R., 736


T(cat,i) (liquid event), 237
T-Sched, 390
Table-Driven-Agent, 38, 39
table tennis, see ping-pong 29
tabu search, 117
Tacitus, 258
tactile sensor, see sensor, tactile 784
Tadepalli, P., 646, 898
TAG (Tree-Adjoining Grammar), 687
Tait, P., 86, 898
Taki, K., 329, 888, 898
Talos, 810
Tambe, M., 316, 645, 859, 898
Tanimoto, S., 29, 898
Tarjan, R. E., 853, 898
Tarski's world, 213
Tarski, A., 11, 212, 685, 898
Tarzan, 68, 707
Tash, J. K., 520, 898
taskability, 790
task network, 363
Tate, A., 25, 363, 364, 369, 389, 390, 859, 861, 866
Tatman, J., 520, 898
Taum-Meteo, 692, 720
tautology, 164
Tawney, G., 142, 866
... in Athens, 435
... automated, 526
... environment, 39
taxonomic hierarchy, 23, 228, 230
taxonomic information, 252
taxonomy, 230, 257
Taylor, C., 560, 885
Taylor, R., 795, 810, 883, 898
TD, see temporal-difference 604
TD-Update, 604, 605
teacher, 528, 598
Team, 694, 720
Teiresias, 330
telepathic communication, 660
telephone number, 87, 246
telepresence, 776
television, 652
Tell, 152, 153, 214, 245, 273, 298, 299, 320, 323, 660
Teller, A., 117, 885
Teller, E., 117, 885
Temperley, H., 594, 866
temporal-difference equation, 604
temporal constraints, 388
temporal differencing, 622
temporal logic, see logic, temporal 165
temporal substance, see substance 242
Tenenberg, J., 391, 899
Tennant, H., 720, 899
term (in IR), 695
term (in logic), 186, 188
Terminal-Test, 126
Terminal?, 601-602, 605, 608, 614
terminal state, 124, 598
terminal symbol, 655, 854
terminal test, 124
termination condition, 803
terminological logic, see logic, terminological 298
term rewriting, 293
Tesauro, G., 139, 615, 617, 899
Tesla, N., 810
test set, 538, 538
texel, 743
text, 715
text categorization, 695-696
text interpretation, 694
texture, 735, 742, 742-743
texture gradient, 743, 769
Thag, 626
thee and thou, 664
Then-Part, 395
Theo, 788, 790, 843, 844
theorem, 198
theorem prover, 5, 297, 310-313
... as assistants, 312
theorem proving, 363, 411
... mathematical, 20, 29
theory of information value, 609, 830, 844
theory resolution, 293
thermostat, 820
Theseus, 559
thingification, 230
Thomason, R., 685, 899
Thome re , J., 27, 879
Thompson, C., 720, 899
Thompson, K., 137, 144, 866
Thompson, S., 719, 720, 883
Thorndike, E. L., 13
Thorne, J., 686, 899
Thorpe, C., 587, 877
thought, see reasoning 7
... laws of, 7
threat, 353
threat resolution, 353, 382
3-CNF, 182
3-D information, 734
3SAT, 84, 182
Tic-Tac-Toe, 123, 124, 145, 147
tiling algorithm, 573
tilt, 734
Timberline workshop, 364
time, 258
time complexity, see complexity 73
time expressions, 722
time interval, 238, 259, 262
time machine, 365
time slice, 515
Tinsley, M., 138
TMS, see truth maintenance system 326
Todd, B., 466, 899
Todd, P. M., 595, 886
tokenization, 703
Tomasi, C., 737, 899
tomato, 762
tongue, 762
Torrance, S., 29, 895
Tosca, 369
total cost, 61
total order, see planning, total order 346
touch, see sensor, tactile 784
Touretzky, D. S., 331, 596, 899
towers of Hanoi, 793
toy problem, see problem, toy 63
trace, see gap 710
tractability of inference, 324
trading, 263
trail, 306
... curve, 580
... sequence, 600
... set, 534, 538
... on test set, 538
transfer motion, 793
transfer path, 793
transition function, 606
transition model, 499, 502
transitivity (of preferences), 473, 474
transitivity of implication, 278
transit motion, 793
transit path, 793
translation, 29
travelling salesperson problem, 69, 69, 116, 119
tree model, 132
Treloar, N., 142, 894
triangle table, 401
trie, 704
trigram, 761
trihedral solid, 746
tropism, 201
truth, 163, 178, 189
truth-functionality, 460, 464
truth-preserving (inference), 159
truth maintenance, 326
truth maintenance system, 326, 332, 460, 839
... assumption-based, 327, 332
... justification-based, 326
truth table, 168, 179, 180
TSP, see travelling salesperson problem 69
Tuck, M., 788, 881
tuple, 187
Turing, A., 5, 11, 14, 16, 28, 122, 142, 292, 465, 691, 823, 824, 826, 827, 831, 836, 839, 840, 899
Turing award, 466, 853
Turing machine, 11, 560, 827
Turing Test, 5, 7, 28, 37, 652, 823, 825, 830
... total, 6
Turk, 141
turning radius, 780
Tversky, A., 4, 443, 479, 878, 899
Tweak, 363
Tweety, 320
2001: A Space Odyssey, 465
Type, 663
type, see category 228
type (in planning), 383
type predicate, 308
typical instance, 232


U (utility), 472
Ucpop, 390
Ueda, K., 329, 899
Ulam, S., 143, 879
Ullman, J. D., 328, 853, 859, 899
Ullman, S., 753, 769, 877, 899
uncertainty, 23, 25, 66, 229, 415, 462, 830, 843
... in games, 123
... model, 805
... reasoning with, see reasoning 658
... rule-based approach to, 458
... summarizing, 417
unconditional probability, see probability, prior 420
unconsciousness, 564
undecidability, 11, 29
understanding, 716
understanding problem, 654
ungrammatical sentences, 669
unicorn, 181
unification, 270, 270-271, 290, 314, 328, 383
... algorithm, 302-303
... in a DCG, 686
... and equality, 284
unifier, 270
... most general (MGU), 271, 294
uniform-cost search, 85
uniform convergence theory, 560
uniform cost search, 75
uniform prior, 589
Unify, 270, 271, 273, 275, 284, 303, 303, 307, 358, 385
Unify-Lists, 303, 303, 303
Unify-Var, 303, 303, 306
Unimation, 810
uninformed search, 73
unique main subaction, 378, 389
unit (of a neural network), 567
unit clause, 285
unit preference, 285
Unit Resolution, 172
units function, 231
Universal Elimination, 266
universal field, AI as a, 4
universal plan, 411
UNIX, 706
unsatisfiability, 164
unsupervised learning, 528
Uosat-II, 370, 390
Update, 601, 602
Update-Active-Model, 608
Update-Fn, 48
Update-Memory, 38
Update-State, 42, 43, 57
upward solution, 376, 389, 391
URP, 494
Urquhart, A., 261, 892
Uskov, A., 144, 859
Utgoff, P. E., 552, 559, 886
utilitarianism, 10
... act, 847
... rule, 847
Utility, 126
utility, 23, 44, 123, 418
... expected, 50, 135, 419, 471, 472, 476, 516
... independence, 484
... maximum expected, 419
... of money, 476-478
... node, 485
... normalized, 478
... ordinal, 476
... theory, 418, 473-475, 493
...... multiattribute, 493
utility function, 45, 50, 124, 471, 474, 499, 615
... additive, 502
... multiplicative, 484
... separable, 502
utility scale, 478-480
utterance, 652
UWL, 411


vacuum, see agent, vacuum 58
vacuum tube, 14, 16
vacuum world, 32, 51, 87, 90, 412, 624
vagueness, 459, 681
Valiant, L., 560, 899
valid conclusions, 165
Validity, 182
validity, 163, 178
valid sentences, 169
Value, 111-113, 126
value, backed-up, 124
Value-Determination, 506
Value-Iteration, 503, 504, 504, 506, 608
value determination, 505, 603, 624
value function, 476
... additive, 483
value iteration, 502, 502-505, 520
value node, see utility node 485
value of computation, 844
value of information, 487-490, 493, 497, 502
value of perfect information, 488
van Benthem, J., 261, 899
van Doorn, A., 769, 879
van Harmelen, F., 645, 899
van Heijenoort, J., 293, 899
vanishing point, 726
VanLehn, K., 686, 899
van Roy, P., 304, 307, 329, 899
Vapnik, V., 560, 899
variabilization (in EBL), 630
variable (in a CSP), 83
variable (in a grammar rule), 668
variable (logical), 190
Variable?, 303
variable binding, 357, 374
Vasconcellos, M., 692, 900
Vaucanson, J., 810
Vecchi, M., 117, 879
vector-space model, 695
vector quantization, 759, 762, 763
Veloso, M., 646, 900
Vendler, Z., 259, 900
Venn diagram, 422
verb phrase, 655
Vere, S. A., 389, 900
verification, 313
... hardware, 226
Version-Space-Learning, 549, 552
Version-Space-Update, 549, 549, 550
version-space learning, 530
version space, 549, 550
version space collapse, 551
vertex (of a chart), 697
vertex (polyhedron), 746
vervet monkeys, 651
very long names, 218
virtual reality, 776
visibility graph, 799
vision, 6, 7, 12, 19, 725-767
Vitanyi, P. M. B., 560, 882
Viterbi algorithm, 765, 772
VLSI layout, 69, 114
vocabulary words, 664
vocal tract, 762
von Linne, C., 258
von Mises, R., 432, 900
Von Neumann, J., 12, 14, 16, 142, 493, 594, 847, 900
von Winterfeldt, D., 493, 900
Voorhees, E., 720, 900
Voronoi diagram, 800
Voyager, 26, 370
VP, see verb phrase 655
VPI, see value of perfect information 488


wji (weight on a link), 568
Waibel, A., 770, 900
Walden, W., 143, 879
Waldinger, R., 213, 293, 330, 363, 894, 900
Wall, R., 685, 869
Wall Street Journal, 696
Walter, G., 810
Waltz, D., 19, 749, 900
WAM, see Warren Abstract Machine 306
Wand, M., 146, 900
Wang, E., 260, 898
Wang, H., 6, 179, 900
Wanner, E., 162, 687, 900
war games, 849
Warmuth, M., 560, 862, 891
Warplan, 363, 411
Warplan-C, 411
Warren, D. H. D., 304, 306, 328, 363, 411, 685, 890, 900
Warren Abstract Machine, 306, 328
washing clothes, 722
Washington, G., 240
Wasserman, P. D., 596, 900
Watkins, C., 623, 900
Watson, C., 832, 900
Watson, J., 13
Watson, L., 329, 892
wavelength, 730
weak AI, 29, 839
weak method, 22
weather reports, 692
Weaver, S., 777
Weaver, W., 540, 559, 895
Webber, B. L., 28, 688, 720, 874, 878, 900
Weber, J., 27, 520, 737, 877, 880
Wefald, E. H., 50, 143, 844, 893
Wegman, M., 328, 889
weight (in a neural network), 567
weighted linear function, 127
Weinstein, S., 559, 889
Weiss, I., 770, 859
Weiss, S. M., 560, 901
Weizenbaum, J., 20, 839, 849, 901
Weld, D., 260, 364, 390, 411, 814, 848, 861, 869 870 , 889, 897, 901
well-formed formula, 193, 193
Wellman, M. P., 364, 465, 494, 520, 843, 868, 874, 901
Wells, M., 143, 879
Werbos, P., 595, 889, 901
Wermuth, N., 465, 881
West, Col., 267
Westinghouse, 369, 390
wff, see well-formed formula 193
Wheatstone, C., 768, 901
White, T., 594
Whitehead, A. N., 8, 16, 291, 292, 629, 901
Whiter, A., 389, 898
Whittaker, W., 778, 896
Whorf, B., 162, 901
Why, 721
wide content, 821
Widrow, B., 19, 594, 601, 622, 901
Wiener, N., 142, 520, 594, 901
Wigderson, A., 847, 885
Wilber, B., 894
Wilcox, B., 145, 892
Wilensky, R., x, 23, 720, 826, 832, 901
Wilkins, D. E., 140, 389, 901
Wilks, Y., 688, 901
Williams, R., 496, 595, 623, 889, 893
Williamson, M., 411, 870
Wilson, R. H., 794, 901
Winker, S., 313, 330, 902
Winograd, S., 19, 902
Winograd, T., 19, 23, 330, 827, 898, 902
Winston, P. H., 5, 19, 548, 559, 902
Wittgenstein, L., 158, 179, 232, 685, 822, 902
Woehr, J., 466, 902
Wo hler, F., 834
Wojciechowski, W., 313, 902
Wojcik, A., 313, 902
Wood, D., 116, 881
Woods, W. A., x, 23, 331, 686, 693, 720, 902
word, 652
Wordnet, 704, 720
working memory, 314, 645
world model, in disambiguation, 682
world state, 56
worst possible catastrophe, 478
Wos, L., 293, 294, 313, 330, 902
Wright, S., 464, 902
Wrightson, G., 294, 896
Wu, D., 688, 720, 902
wumpus world, 153, 206, 216, 227, 412, 652
Wundt, W., 12


Xcon, 316
Xerox, 692
xor, see exclusive or 168


Yager, E., 788, 881
Yakimovsky, Y., 494, 870
Yang, Q., 389, 903
Yannakakis, M., 847, 889
Yap, R., 329, 877
Yarowsky, D., 688, 903
yield (in parsing), 658
Yip, K., 260, 903
Yoshikawa, T., 811, 903
Young, D., 29, 895
Younger, D., 720, 903


Z-3, 14
Zadeh, L. A., 466, 903
Zapp, A., 587, 750, 770, 869
Zermelo, E., 142, 826, 903
ZFC, 826
Zhivotovsky, A., 144, 859
Zilberstein, S., 844, 903
Zimmermann, H.-J., 466, 903
zip code, 572, 586
Zisserman, A., 769, 871, 887, 893
Zobrist, A., 145, 903
Zue, V., 26, 903
Zuse, K., 14, 142, 903
Zytkow, J. M., 881

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