
  • Goals & deliverables

  • Topics & teams

  • Logistics

  • Timeline

  • Types of projects

Goal & deliverables

The deliverables consists in a single .zip file posted on bspace containing:

  • A 10-15 page project report detailing the case study. The report should be written preferably with LaTeX.

  • All the figures (in .pdf format) and matlab files needed to reproduce the results.

  • A README file detailing

    • The names and SID's of the students involved.

    • The contents of the .zip file (names and short description of each file).

  • The name of the .zip file should be of the form <XXX>, where XXX is a tag for the project. Example:


  • Each project involves a team of 3-4 students.

  • Groups and topics should be decided no later than March 15.

  • There will be a single project grade for each group.


  • By Feb. 16: teams are formed.

  • By March 15: topics are chosen.

  • By May 10: final reports due, 11-12, in 421 SDH.

Types of projects

Projects can have the following different formats:

  • Literature review: The project describes in detail a set of 4-5 papers. This should include reproducing experiments. Example: learning sparse graphical models.

  • Design methodology: the project describes a (possibly new) methodology for addressing a particular design problem. Here the focus is not on algorithms or past work. Example: geometric programming for water distribution networks.

  • Theory: the project examines a theoretical issue related to convex optimization. Example: quality of SDP relaxation for sparse PCA.

  • Algorithms: the project tests various algorithms for solving a particular type of problem. Example: Stochastic vs. accelerated gradient for large-scale logistic regression.

Project examples