Math 128a - Numerical Analysis - Spring 2002
Announcements and Handouts
Announcements will be made here and on the
Class newsgroup
Review session for Final Exam will be Friday, 5/17, 4-6pm in 51 Evans.
Final exam will be May 21, 8-11 am
Midterm exam will be March 21, in class
Course outline (postscript)
Course outline (pdf)
Student Survey - please fill this in and any give it to either the TA or
the faculty member, on paper or by email. It will help us teach the course
more effectively to you.
Student survey (postscript)
Student survey (pdf)
Matlab documentation
Matlab primer for version 4.0/4.1
(gzipped postscript)
Matlab primer for version 4.0/4.1
(postscript) (same as above version, just uncompressed)
Matlab primer for version 4.0/4.1
Programming Standards
for programming assignments
Bug fixed in plotting code in Program 2, 4/15, 10am
First assignment posted, due Feb 7.
Errata in Assignment 1
Comment on Assignment 2
Examples of Computational Science and Engineering
NERSC (National Energy Research
Scientific Computing Center) at LBL
NPACI (National Partnership
for Advanced Computational Infrastructure)
CAD (Computer Aided Design) at Berkeley
SUGAR (Computer Aided Design of
MEMS = MicroElectroMechanicalSystems)
Other Online Software and Documentation
Matlab primer for version 4.0/4.1
(gzipped postscript)
Matlab primer for version 4.0/4.1
(postscript) (same as above version, just uncompressed)
Netlib, a repository of numerical software and
related documentation
Netlib Search Facility,
a way to search for the software on Netlib that you need
GAMS - Guide to Available Math Software, another search facility to find numerical
Resources for Zero-finding and Optimization
Tools for automatically computing derivatives of a function f(x)
Guide to available
optimization software, advice on choosing an algorithm
On-line optimization server
LAPACK, state-of-the-art software for dense numerical linear algebra on
workstations and shared-memory parallel computers. Written in Fortran.
CLAPACK, a C version of LAPACK.
(For a partial C++ version, see
ScaLAPACK, a partial version of LAPACK for
distributed-memory parallel computers.
ScaLAPACK manual
EISPACK are precursors of
LAPACK, dealing with linear systems and eigenvalue problems, respectively.
Templates for the solution of linear systems,
a collection of iterative methods for solving linear systems of equations,
with advice on which ones to use.
Templates for the Solution of Algebraic Eigenvalue Problems:
A Practical Guide,
a collection of iterative methods for computing eigenvalues and
eigenvectors, with advice on which ones to use.
PETSc: Portable, Extensible, Toolkit for Scientific Computation
NHSE - National High Performance Computing and Communications Software Exchange,
pointers to related work across the country.
Notes on IEEE Floating Point Arithmetic, by Prof. W. Kahan
Other notes on arithmetic, error analysis, etc. by Prof. W. Kahan
Report on arithmetic error that caused the
Ariane 5 Rocket Crash
Java and numerical analysis
Related Courses
Computational Engineering Science is a new major in
the Collage of Engineering at Berkeley.
Numerical Linear Algebra. This course is offered yearly at UC Berkeley,
and covers methods for solving systems of linear equations, solving
least squares problems, and eigenvalue problems.
version above
is by Jim Demmel,
but it was most recently taught by
Ming Gu
Fall 2001.
Applications of Parallel Computers. This course is offered yearly
at UC Berkeley. It includes discussions of parallel numerical linear
version above
is by Jim Demmel,
but it was most recently taught by
Kathy Yelick
Fall 2001.