Index of Matlab Programs for Ma 128a - Numerical Analysis

  • Example of how symbolic integration can fail. badintegral.m
  • Bisection to find a zero of a function
  • Simple routine. Can pass in function name as argument. bisect.m
  • Simple routine. Always calls func() as function to find zeros. bisect1.m
  • Animation routine, graphs progress of bisection algorithm. Always calls func() as function to find zeros. bisect_anim.m
  • Sample function, called by bisect1. func.m
  • Evaluating Polynomials, with error bounds
  • Input polynomial coefficients, argument (array), return polynomial values and error bounds polyvalbnd.m
  • Input polynomial roots, argument array, return polynomial values and error bounds, plot true error and error bounds polyplot.m
  • Input polynomial roots, amount to perturb coefficients, number of random perturbed polynomials to compute, and plot perturbed polynomial roots. polyperturb.m
  • Approximating Functions by Polynomials, with error bounds
  • Input function to be interpolated by polynomial and interpolation points (knots); return coefficients of Newton interpolation polynomial, error estimate, divided difference table (see page 355 of text), and graphs of function, interpolating polynomial, and error. NewtonInterp.m
  • Input function to be interpolated by polynomial and interpolation points (knots); return coefficients of Newton interpolation polynomial, error estimate, divided difference table (see page 355 of text), and detailed graphs of function, interpolating polynomial, and different sources of error (roundoff, interpolation, etc.) NewtonInterpEbnd.m
  • Input Newton interpolation polynomial coefficients and knots, and points at which to evaluate it; return values of polynomial, round off error bound when evaluating it, graphs. NewtonEval.m
  • Input function to be interpolated by polynomial and knots; return coefficients of Hermite interpolation polynomial, error estimate, divided difference table (see page 367 of text), and graphs of function, interpolating polynomial, and error. HermiteInterp.m
  • Input function to be interpolated by cubic spline and knots; return value of spline at many points, error estimate, graphs of function, spline, and error. SplineFit.m
  • Input function to be interpolated by Newton, Hermite, Cubic Spline, compute and plot errors for varying number of interpolation points. CompareInterp.m