Math 16a - Analytic Geometry and Calculus - Fall 2008
Time and Location
Enrollment Issues
Announcements, Handouts, interesting Websites
Course text, syllabus, and tentative schedule
Math 32 or three years of high school mathematics including
trigonometry. If you are not sure whether this is the right course
for you, please try this anonymous
diagnostic exam.
Math 16A and 16B are intended for students who do not intend to take
further mathematics courses. If your intended major lies in the sciences,
or if you have some previous experience with calculus, you might consider
taking Math 1A and 1B instead, even if your department does not require it.
There will be weekly assignments posted here, due at the beginning
of section each Tuesday. You are encouraged to discuss questions with
each other or to come to office hours for help. After discussion with
others, write-ups must be done separately. In practice, this means
that you should not be looking at other students' solutions
as you write your own. Use examples in the book as a model for the
level of detail expected.
You are allowed to go to all GSIs' review sessions, not just
your own GSI's, although if there is a shortage of space or desks,
the particular GSI's students will get priority.
Danielle Champney's review sessions and office hours will be as follows:
Review session: Dec 11: 12:30-2:30 in 3 Evans
Review session: Dec 15: 11-1 in 2 Evans
Office Hours: Dec 11: 2:30-4:30 in 868 Evans
Office Hours: Dec 18: 2-5 in 868 Evans
Jay-young Park's review sessions will be as follows:
Review session: Dec 15: 2-4, in 2 Evans
Review session: Dec 17: 2-4, in 2 Evans
John Zhu's review session will be as follows:
Review session: Dec 16: 3:30-5:30, in 5 Evans
Ian Herbert's review session will be as follows:
Review session: Dec 17: 3-6, in 289 Cory
Midterm 1 will be in class on Thursday, Sept 25,
with a review in lecture on Tuesday, Sept 23.
Midterm 2 will be in class on Thursday, Nov 6,
with a review in lecture on Tuesday, Nov 4.
The final will be Friday, Dec 19, 12:30-3:30pm
Review sessions for the final will be announced later.
The final exam will be in Hertz Hall, which has theater style seats,
without an attached writing surface. We will supply an 8 1/2" x 14"
lapboard for each student to write on.
Practice exams will be posted here later in the semester.
The same rules will apply for all exams: closed book, closed notes,
closed calculator, closed phone, closed computer, closed network,
open brain. You must bring a picture ID to the exam.
For more detailed rules, click on
There will be no makeup midterms; if for any reason you cannot
take a midterm, we will substitute your grade from the final
(appropriately normalized).
There will be no makeup final; if for some unavoidable reason
(eg illness, with a doctor's excuse) you cannot attend the final,
and otherwise have a passing grade, you will get an incomplete
and be required to take the final during the next offering of the
Quizzes will administered on a regular basis by your TA during
Grading Policy
1/6 of your grade will depend on performance in section
(homework and quizzes), 1/6 will depend on midterm 1,
1/6 on midterm 2, and 1/2 on the final.
The following is our planned grading scale:
85% or higher will result in at least an A- .
70% or higher will result in at least a B- .
55% or higher will result in at least a C- .
45% or higher will result in at least a D .
Cheating Policy
Don't cheat. We treat all incidents of academic dishonesty
seriously and will initiate disciplinary procedures should
such a case arise. Cheating includes copying homework,
looking at other students' exams and quizzes,
using notes or electronic aids during exams,
modifying exams and turning them in for regrading, etc.
Student Learning Center
Other important things
It is your responsibility to inform me and your TA as far in advance as
possible in case of an unavoidable conflict with an exam, in case of an
extended absence, or in case you find yourself struggling with the course
for any reason. If you need disability-related accommodations in the class,
if you have emergency medical information that you wish to share with me,
or if you need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated,
please inform me as soon as possible: feel free to talk to me privately
after class or in my office.