Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // The Funnelsort Project - Cache oblivious sorting algorithm implementation
2 // Copyright (C) 2005 Kristoffer Vinther
3 //
4 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 // (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU General Public License for more details.
13 //
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
19 #include <cassert>
20 #include <algorithm>
21 #include <utility>
22 #include <memory>
23 #include <iterator>
24 #include <stdexcept>
26 namespace iosort
27 {
29 namespace base_
30 {
34 template<class It, class Pred>
35 inline void insertion_sort(It begin, It end, Pred comp)
36 {
37  for( It j=begin+1; j<end; j++ )
38  {
39  typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type e = *j;
40  for( It i=j; begin<i; *i=e )
41  if( comp(e,*(i-1)) )
42  *i = *(i-1), --i;
43  else
44  break;
45  }
46 }
48 template<typename T, class Pred>
49 inline T median(const T& a, const T& b, const T& c, Pred comp)
50 {
51  if( comp(a,b) )
52  if( comp(b,c) )
53  return b;
54  else if( comp(a,c) )
55  return c;
56  else
57  return a;
58  else
59  if( comp(a,c) )
60  return a;
61  else if( comp(b,c) )
62  return c;
63  else
64  return b;
65 }
67 template<class BidIt, class T, class Pred>
68 inline BidIt partition(BidIt begin, BidIt end, T pivot, Pred comp)
69 {
70  for( ;; )
71  {
72  for( ; comp(*begin,pivot); ++begin );
73  for( --end; comp(pivot,*end); --end );
74  if( !(begin<end) )
75  return begin;
76  std::iter_swap(begin, end);
77  ++begin;
78  }
79 }
81 template<class RanIt, class Pred>
82 inline void quicksort(RanIt First, RanIt Last, Pred comp)
83 {
84  typename std::iterator_traits<RanIt>::difference_type Count = Last-First;
85  while( RECURSELIMIT < Count )
86  {
87  RanIt part = partition(First, Last, median(*First,*(First+(Last-First)/2),*(Last-1),comp),comp);
88  if( part-First < Last-part ) // loop on larger half
89  quicksort(First, part, comp), First = part;
90  else
91  quicksort(part, Last, comp), Last = part;
92  Count = Last-First;
93  }
94  if( Count > 1 )
95  insertion_sort(First, Last, comp);
96 }
98 template<class Int>
99 inline Int logc(Int k)
100 {
101  height_t h = 0;
102  for( order_t i=k-1; i; h++, i/=2 );
103  return h;
104 }
106 template<class RanIt, class Pred>
107 void batcher_sort(RanIt begin, RanIt end, Pred comp)
108 {
109  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RanIt>::difference_type ItDiff;
110  ItDiff t = logc(end-begin)-1;
111  ItDiff p = 1<<t;
112  for( ; p!=1; p=p/2 )
113  {
114  RanIt i, j;
115  for( i=begin; i<end-p-p; i+=p )
116  {
117  j = i+p;
118  for( ; i<j; i++ )
119  if( comp(*(i+p),*i) )
120  std::iter_swap(i+p, i);
121  }
122  for( ; i<end-p; i++ )
123  if( comp(*(i+p),*i) )
124  std::iter_swap(i+p, i);
125  ItDiff q = 1<<t;
126  while( q != p )
127  {
128  ItDiff d=q-p;
129  q = q/2;
130  for( i=begin+p; i<end-d-p; i+=p )
131  {
132  j = i+p;
133  for( ; i<j; i++ )
134  if( comp(*(i+d),*i) )
135  std::iter_swap(i+d, i);
136  }
137  for( ; i<end-d; i++ )
138  if( comp(*(i+d),*i) )
139  std::iter_swap(i+d, i);
140  }
141  }
142  if( p )
143  {
144  for( RanIt i=begin; i<end-1; i+=2 )
145  if( comp(*(i+1),*i) )
146  std::iter_swap(i+1, i);
147  ItDiff q = 1<<t;
148  while( q != 1 )
149  {
150  ItDiff d=q-1;
151  q = q/2;
152  for( RanIt i=begin+1; i<end-d; i+=2 )
153  if( comp(*(i+d),*i) )
154  std::iter_swap(i+d, i);
155  }
156  }
157 }
159 template<class RanIt, class Pred>
160 void inplace_base_sort(RanIt begin, RanIt end, Pred comp)
161 {
162 #ifdef __ia64__
163  batcher_sort(begin, end, comp);
164 #else // __ia64__
165  quicksort(begin, end, comp);
166 #endif // __ia64__
167 }
169 } // namespace base_
171 template<class RanIt, class Splitter>
173 {
174  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RanIt>::difference_type diff;
175 public:
176  class iterator : public std::iterator<std::bidirectional_iterator_tag, std::pair<RanIt,RanIt>, diff>
177  {
178  friend class stream_slices;
179  public:
181  {
182  begin = end;
183  end = end+run_size;
184  if( --big_runs == 0 )
185  --run_size;
186  return *this;
187  }
189  {
190  end = begin;
191  begin = end-run_size;
192  if( ++big_runs == 0 )
193  ++run_size;
194  return *this;
195  }
196  std::pair<RanIt,RanIt> operator*()
197  { return make_pair(begin,end); }
198  bool operator==(const iterator& rhs)
199  { return begin == rhs.begin; }
200  private:
201  inline iterator(RanIt begin, diff run_size, size_t big_runs) : begin(begin), run_size(run_size), big_runs(big_runs)
202  {
203  if( big_runs )
204  ++run_size;
205  end = begin+run_size;
206  }
207  RanIt begin, end;
208  diff run_size;
209  size_t big_runs;
210  };
211  stream_slices(RanIt begin, RanIt end) : b(begin), e(end), order_(Splitter::prefered_order_output(end-begin))
212  {
213  if( order_ < 2 )
214  throw std::logic_error("Splitter::prefered_order_output returned less than two");
215  run_size = (end-begin)/order_;
216  size_t rem = static_cast<size_t>((end-begin) % order_);
217  run_size += rem/order_;
218  big_runs = rem % order_;
219  }
220  inline diff order() const
221  { return order_; }
222  inline iterator begin()
223  { return iterator(b, run_size, big_runs); }
224  inline iterator end()
225  { return iterator(e, run_size, big_runs); }
226 private:
227  RanIt b, e;
228  diff run_size;
229  size_t order_, big_runs;
230 };
232 template<class Splitter, class Diff>
233 inline Diff run_size_(Diff d)
234 {
235  size_t order = Splitter::prefered_order_output(d);
236  Diff run_size = d/order;
237  size_t rem = static_cast<size_t>(d % order);
238  run_size += rem/order;
239  size_t big_runs = rem % order;
240  if( big_runs )
241  run_size++;
242  return run_size;
243 }
245 template<class Merger, class Splitter, class Diff, class MAlloc, class TAlloc>
246 inline std::pair<Merger*,Merger*> build_cache_(Diff run_size, MAlloc& malloc, TAlloc& talloc)
247 {
248  Merger *begin_cache, *end_cache;
249  int rec_calls = 0;
250  for( Diff d=run_size; d>static_cast<Diff>(Splitter::switch_to_cache_aware()); d=run_size_<Splitter>(d), ++rec_calls );
251  begin_cache = end_cache = malloc.allocate(rec_calls);
252  for( Diff d=run_size; d>static_cast<Diff>(Splitter::switch_to_cache_aware()); d=run_size_<Splitter>(d), ++end_cache )
253  new(end_cache) Merger(Splitter::prefered_order_output(d), talloc);
254  return make_pair(begin_cache,end_cache);
255 }
257 template<class Merger, class Splitter, class It, class OutIt, class Alloc>
258 void merge_sort_(It begin, It end, OutIt dest, Merger* cache, Alloc alloc);
260 template<class Merger, class Splitter, class MPtr, class It, class Alloc>
261 inline void sort_streams_(MPtr cache, It begin, size_t order, size_t run_size, size_t big_runs, Alloc alloc)
262 {
263  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type T;
264  typename Alloc::template rebind<T>::other talloc(alloc);
265  typedef typename Alloc::template rebind<T>::other::pointer TPtr;
266  TPtr tmp = talloc.allocate((size_t)(run_size));
267  It last = begin;
268  size_t i;
269  if( big_runs )
270  {
271  merge_sort_<Merger,Splitter>(last, last+run_size, std::raw_storage_iterator<TPtr,T>(tmp), cache, alloc);
272  for( i=1, last+=run_size; i!=big_runs; i++, last+=run_size )
273  merge_sort_<Merger,Splitter>(last, last+run_size, last-run_size, cache, alloc);
274  run_size--;
275  for( ; i!=order; i++, last+=run_size )
276  merge_sort_<Merger,Splitter>(last, last+run_size, last-run_size-1, cache, alloc);
277  run_size++;
278  }
279  else
280  {
281  merge_sort_<Merger,Splitter>(last, last+run_size, tmp, cache, alloc);
282  for( --order, last+=run_size; order; --order, last+=run_size )
283  merge_sort_<Merger,Splitter>(last, last+run_size, last-run_size, cache, alloc);
284  }
285  std::copy(tmp, tmp+run_size, last-run_size);
286  for( TPtr p=tmp+run_size-1; p>=tmp; --p )
287  talloc.destroy(p);
288  talloc.deallocate(tmp,static_cast<size_t>(run_size));
289 }
291 template<class MPtr, class It>
292 inline void add_sorted_streams_(MPtr merger, It end, size_t order, size_t run_size, size_t big_runs)
293 {
294  if( big_runs )
295  {
296  merger->add_stream(end-run_size, end);
297  end -= run_size;
298  --run_size, --big_runs;
299  for( --order; order!=big_runs; --order, end-=run_size )
300  merger->add_stream(end-run_size, end);
301  ++run_size;
302  for( ; order; --order, end-=run_size )
303  merger->add_stream(end-run_size, end);
304  }
305  else
306  for( ; order; --order, end-=run_size )
307  merger->add_stream(end-run_size, end);
308 }
310 template<class MPtr, class It, class Pred>
311 inline void add_streams_(MPtr merger, It begin, size_t order, size_t run_size, size_t big_runs, Pred comp)
312 {
313  size_t i;
314  for( i=0; i!=order-big_runs; ++i, begin+=run_size )
315  base_::inplace_base_sort(begin, begin+run_size, comp);
316  ++run_size;
317  for( ; i!=order; ++i, begin+=run_size )
318  base_::inplace_base_sort(begin, begin+run_size, comp);
320  for( ; i!=order-big_runs; --i, begin-=run_size )
321  merger->add_stream(begin-run_size, begin);
322  --run_size;
323  for( ; i; --i, begin-=run_size )
324  merger->add_stream(begin-run_size, begin);
325 }
327 template<class Merger, class Splitter, class It, class OutIt, class Alloc>
328 void merge_sort_(It begin, It end, OutIt dest, Merger* cache, Alloc alloc)
329 {
330  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It>::value_type T;
331  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It>::difference_type ItDiff;
332  typedef typename Merger::stream Stream;
334  order_t order = Splitter::prefered_order_output(end-begin);
335  if( order < 2 )
336  throw std::logic_error("Splitter::prefered_order_output returned less than two");
337  ItDiff run_size = (end-begin)/order;
338  size_t rem = (size_t)((end-begin) % order);
339  run_size += rem/order;
340  size_t big_runs = rem % order;
342  cache->reset();
343  if( run_size > static_cast<ItDiff>(Splitter::switch_to_cache_aware()) )
344  {
345  if( big_runs )
346  run_size++;
347  sort_streams_<Merger,Splitter>(cache+1,begin,order,run_size,big_runs,alloc);
348  add_sorted_streams_(cache,end,order,run_size,big_runs);
349  }
350  else
351  add_streams_(cache,begin,order,run_size,big_runs, typename Merger::predicate());
352  (*cache)(dest);
353 }
355 template<class Merger, class Splitter, class It, class OutIt>
356 inline void merge_sort(It begin, It end, OutIt dest, const typename Merger::allocator& alloc)
357 {
358  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<It>::difference_type ItDiff;
359  if( end-begin > static_cast<ItDiff>(Splitter::switch_to_cache_aware()) )
360  {
361  order_t order = Splitter::prefered_order_output(end-begin);
362  if( order < 2 )
363  throw std::logic_error("Splitter::prefered_order_output returned less than two");
364  ItDiff run_size = (end-begin)/order;
365  size_t rem = (size_t)((end-begin) % order);
366  run_size += rem/order;
367  size_t big_runs = rem % order;
368  if( run_size > static_cast<ItDiff>(Splitter::switch_to_cache_aware()) )
369  {
370  if( big_runs )
371  run_size++;
372  typename Merger::allocator::template rebind<Merger>::other malloc(alloc);
373  std::pair<Merger*,Merger*> cache = build_cache_<Merger,Splitter>(run_size, malloc, alloc);
374  sort_streams_<Merger,Splitter>(cache.first, begin, order, run_size, big_runs, alloc);
375  for( Merger *pm=cache.second-1; pm>=cache.first; --pm )
376  malloc.destroy(pm);
377  malloc.deallocate(cache.first, cache.second-cache.first);
378  }
379  Merger merger(order,alloc);
380  if( run_size > static_cast<ItDiff>(Splitter::switch_to_cache_aware()) )
381  add_sorted_streams_(&merger, end, order, run_size, big_runs);
382  else
383  add_streams_(&merger, begin, order, run_size, big_runs, typename Merger::predicate());
384 #ifdef _DEBUG
385  OutIt e = merger(dest, dest+(end-begin));
386  merger.empty(dest, dest+(end-begin));
387  size_t N = 0;
388  for( typename Merger::stream_iterator i=merger.begin(); i!=merger.end(); ++i )
389  N += (*i).end()-(*i).begin();
390  assert( e == dest+(end-begin) );
391 #else // _DEBUG
392  merger(dest);
393 #endif // _DEBUG
394  }
395  else
396  {
397  base_::inplace_base_sort(begin, end, typename Merger::predicate());
398  std::copy(begin, end, dest);
399  }
400 }
401 } // namespace iosort
Int logc(Int k)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:99
void merge_sort_(It begin, It end, OutIt dest, Merger *cache, Alloc alloc)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:328
void inplace_base_sort(RanIt begin, RanIt end, Pred comp)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:160
void add_sorted_streams_(MPtr merger, It end, size_t order, size_t run_size, size_t big_runs)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:292
T median(const T &a, const T &b, const T &c, Pred comp)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:49
void insertion_sort(It begin, It end, Pred comp)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:35
void batcher_sort(RanIt begin, RanIt end, Pred comp)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:107
Diff run_size_(Diff d)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:233
unsigned short height_t
Definition: funnel.h:32
unsigned int order_t
Definition: funnel.h:34
std::pair< RanIt, RanIt > operator*()
Definition: sort.timpl.h:196
void quicksort(RanIt First, RanIt Last, Pred comp)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:82
std::pair< Merger *, Merger * > build_cache_(Diff run_size, MAlloc &malloc, TAlloc &talloc)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:246
bool operator==(const iterator &rhs)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:198
stream_slices(RanIt begin, RanIt end)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:211
Definition: funnel.h:29
void sort_streams_(MPtr cache, It begin, size_t order, size_t run_size, size_t big_runs, Alloc alloc)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:261
diff order() const
Definition: sort.timpl.h:220
void merge_sort(It begin, It end, OutIt dest, const typename Merger::allocator &alloc)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:356
void add_streams_(MPtr merger, It begin, size_t order, size_t run_size, size_t big_runs, Pred comp)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:311
BidIt partition(BidIt begin, BidIt end, T pivot, Pred comp)
Definition: sort.timpl.h:68