Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // The Funnelsort Project - Cache oblivious sorting algorithm implementation
2 // Copyright (C) 2005 Kristoffer Vinther
3 //
4 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7 // (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU General Public License for more details.
13 //
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
18 #ifndef FUNNEL_H_INCLUDED__
19 #define FUNNEL_H_INCLUDED__
21 #include <cassert>
22 #include <memory>
23 #include <utility>
24 #include <iterator>
25 #include <functional>
26 #include <stdexcept>
27 #include <cmath>
29 namespace iosort
30 {
32 typedef unsigned short height_t;
33 typedef unsigned short basic_order_t;
34 typedef unsigned int order_t;
36 template<int order>
37 inline height_t logc(order_t k)
38 {
39  height_t h = 0;
40  for( order_t i=k-1; i; h++, i/=order );
41  return h;
42 }
43 /* Computes floor(log()), not ceil(log()) :( - Also beware of little- and bigendianness(?)
44 template<>
45 inline height_t logf<2>(order_t k)
46 {
47  float f = static_cast<float>(k);
48  return static_cast<height_t>(((*reinterpret_cast<int*>(&f)) >> 23) - 127);
49 }*/
50 template<int order>
51 inline order_t pow_of_order(height_t h)
52 {
53  order_t k = 1;
54  for( ; h; h--, k*=order );
55  return k;
56 }
57 template<>
58 inline order_t pow_of_order<2>(height_t h)
59  { return 1<<h; }
60 template<>
61 inline order_t pow_of_order<4>(height_t h)
62  { return 1<<(2*h); }
63 template<>
64 inline order_t pow_of_order<8>(height_t h)
65  { return 1<<(3*h); }
66 template<>
67 inline order_t pow_of_order<16>(height_t h)
68  { return 1<<(4*h); }
70 template<int order>
71 class bfs_index
72 {
73 public:
74  inline bfs_index() : i(1) { }
75  inline operator order_t() const
76  { return i; }
78  { i = rhs.i; return *this; }
79  inline bool operator==(const bfs_index<order>& rhs) const
80  { return i == rhs.i; }
81  inline bool operator!=(const bfs_index<order>& rhs) const
82  { return i != rhs.i; }
83  inline void child(basic_order_t ch)
84  { i = static_cast<order_t>(order*(i-1)+ch+2); }
85  inline void parent()
86  { /*assert( i>1 );*/ i = static_cast<order_t>((i-2)/order+1); }
87  inline basic_order_t child_index() const
88  { /*assert( i>1 );*/ return static_cast<basic_order_t>((i+order-2) % order); }
89 private:
90  order_t i;
91 };
93 template<int order=2>
95 {
96  static const int alpha = 16;
97 public:
98  template<class diff_type>
99  static inline order_t prefered_order_output(diff_type N)
100  { return static_cast<order_t>(std::sqrt(static_cast<double>(N)/alpha)); }
101  template<class diff_type>
102  static inline order_t prefered_order_input(diff_type N)
103  { assert( false ); return static_cast<order_t>(std::sqrt(static_cast<double>(N)/alpha)); }
104  static inline size_t switch_to_cache_aware()
105  { return static_cast<size_t>(alpha*(order+1)*(order+1)); }
106  static inline height_t split(height_t h)
107  { return h/2; }
108  static inline size_t out_buffer_size(order_t k)
109  { return static_cast<size_t>(alpha*k*k); }
110 };
112 template<class FwIt> struct nop_refill { template<class Merger> inline bool operator()(const Merger*, FwIt, FwIt)
113  { return false; } };
116 template<class,int,class,class,class,class>
117 class special_ { };
119 template<class RanIt, int Order=2, class Splitter = default_splitter<Order>, class Pred = std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<RanIt>::value_type>, class Refiller = nop_refill<RanIt>, class Alloc = std::allocator<typename std::iterator_traits<RanIt>::value_type> >
121 {
122  friend class special_<RanIt,Order,Splitter,Pred,Refiller,Alloc>;
123 public:
124  typedef unsigned int order_t;
125  enum order_tag_ { order = Order };
126  enum mmth_tag_ { MAX_MERGE_TREE_HEIGHT = 16 };
127  typedef Splitter splitter;
128  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RanIt>::value_type value_type;
129  typedef Alloc allocator;
130  typedef RanIt iterator;
131  typedef Pred predicate;
132  template<class NewRefiller>
134 private:
135  struct Node;
136  friend struct Node;
137  typedef typename allocator::pointer TPtr;
138  typedef typename allocator::size_type size_type;
139  typedef typename allocator::template rebind<Node>::other nallocator;
140  typedef typename nallocator::pointer NPtr;
141  struct Node
142  {
143  struct Edge
144  {
145  typedef typename allocator::pointer TPtr;
146  typedef typename allocator::template rebind<Node>::other nallocator;
147  typedef typename nallocator::pointer NPtr;
148  inline void construct(order_t k, height_t height, size_t *buf_size, allocator alloc, nallocator nalloc);
149  inline void destroy(allocator alloc, nallocator nalloc);
150  typename allocator::template rebind<Node>::other::pointer child;
151  typename allocator::pointer head, tail, begin, end;
152  private:
153  static inline void fill_dflt(TPtr b, TPtr e, allocator alloc);
154  } edges[order];
155  inline void construct(order_t k, height_t height, size_t *buf_size, allocator alloc, nallocator nalloc);
156  inline void destroy(allocator alloc, nallocator nalloc);
157  };
158  typedef std::pair<RanIt,RanIt> stream_t;
159  typedef typename allocator::template rebind<stream_t>::other sallocator;
160  typedef typename sallocator::pointer SPtr;
161 public:
162  inline merge_tree(order_t k) : k(k), cold(true)
163  { construct(k); }
164  inline merge_tree(order_t k, const allocator& alloc) : k(k), cold(true), alloc(alloc), salloc(alloc), nalloc(alloc)
165  { construct(k); }
166  ~merge_tree();
168  static inline order_t min_order()
169  { return order; }
171  class stream
172  {
173  private:
174  SPtr pair;
175  public:
176  stream(SPtr pair) : pair(pair) { }
177  inline RanIt& begin()
178  { return pair->first; }
179  inline RanIt& end()
180  { return pair->second; }
181  };
183  {
184  private:
185  SPtr ptr;
186  public:
187  stream_iterator(SPtr ptr) : ptr(ptr) { }
188  inline order_t operator-(const stream_iterator& rhs)
189  { return static_cast<order_t>(ptr-rhs.ptr); }
190  inline stream operator*()
191  { return stream(ptr); }
193  { ++ptr; return *this; }
195  {
196  stream_iterator ret = stream_iterator(ptr);
197  ++ptr;
198  return ret;
199  }
200  inline bool operator==(const stream_iterator& rhs)
201  { return ptr == rhs.ptr; }
202  inline bool operator!=(const stream_iterator& rhs)
203  { return ptr != rhs.ptr; }
204  };
206  inline void add_stream(RanIt begin, RanIt end)
207  { *last_stream++ = std::make_pair(begin,end); }
209  { return stream_iterator(input_streams); }
211  { return stream_iterator(last_stream); }
212  inline void reset();
214  inline void set_refiller(const Refiller& r)
215  { refiller = r; }
216  inline const Refiller& get_refiller() const
217  { return refiller; }
218  template<class FwIt>
219  inline FwIt empty(FwIt begin, FwIt end)
220  { return empty_buffers(root, begin, end); }
221  template<class OutIt>
222  inline OutIt empty(OutIt begin)
223  { return empty_buffers(root, begin); }
225  template<class It>
226  inline It operator()(It begin, It end);
227  template<class OutIt>
228  inline OutIt operator()(OutIt begin);
230 private:
231  template<class FwIt>
232  static inline FwIt empty_buffers(NPtr n, FwIt begin, FwIt end);
233  template<class OutIt>
234  static inline OutIt empty_buffers(NPtr n, OutIt begin);
236  static void compute_buffer_sizes(size_type *b, size_type *e);
237  void construct(order_t k);
239  inline void go_down(typename Node::Edge& e, bfs_index<order> index);
240  inline void go_down_cold(typename Node::Edge& e, bfs_index<order>& index);
242  void warmup(NPtr n, typename Node::Edge& output, bfs_index<order> index);
244  template<class FwIt>
245  inline FwIt copy_root(typename Node::Edge& de, bfs_index<order> index, FwIt begin, FwIt end, std::forward_iterator_tag);
246  template<class RIt>
247  inline RIt copy_root(typename Node::Edge& de, bfs_index<order> index, RIt begin, RIt end, std::random_access_iterator_tag);
248  template<class OutIt>
249  inline OutIt copy_root(typename Node::Edge& de, bfs_index<order> index, OutIt begin);
251  inline TPtr copy(typename Node::Edge& de, bfs_index<order> index, TPtr b, TPtr e);
253  template<class FwIt>
254  inline FwIt fill_root(FwIt begin, FwIt end)
256  template<class OutIt>
257  inline OutIt fill_root(OutIt begin)
259  void fill(NPtr n, typename Node::Edge& output, bfs_index<order> index)
261  void fill_leaf(typename Node::Edge& output, bfs_index<order> index)
264 private:
265  order_t k;
266  order_t leaf_index;
267  bool cold;
268  NPtr root;
269  SPtr input_streams, last_stream;
270  Pred comp;
271  allocator alloc;
272  sallocator salloc;
273  nallocator nalloc;
274  Refiller refiller;
275 };
279 /*****
280  * Alloc::pointer iterator template specialization
281  */
283 template<int Order, class Splitter, class Pred, class Refiller, class Alloc>
284 class merge_tree<typename Alloc::pointer, Order, Splitter, Pred, Refiller, Alloc>
285 {
286  typedef typename Alloc::pointer RanIt;
287  friend class special_<typename Alloc::pointer,Order,Splitter,Pred,Refiller,Alloc>;
288 public:
289  typedef unsigned int order_t;
290  enum order_tag_ { order = Order };
291  enum mmth_tag_ { MAX_MERGE_TREE_HEIGHT = 16 };
292  typedef Splitter splitter;
293  typedef typename std::iterator_traits<typename Alloc::pointer>::value_type value_type;
294  typedef Alloc allocator;
295  typedef typename Alloc::pointer iterator;
296  typedef Pred predicate;
297 // template<class NewRefiller>
298 // struct rebind { typedef merge_tree<typename Alloc::pointer, Order, Splitter, Pred, NewRefiller, Alloc> other; };
299 private:
300  struct Node;
301  friend struct Node;
302  typedef typename allocator::pointer TPtr;
303  typedef typename allocator::size_type size_type;
304  typedef typename allocator::template rebind<Node>::other nallocator;
305  typedef typename nallocator::pointer NPtr;
306  struct Node
307  {
308  struct Edge
309  {
310  typedef typename allocator::pointer TPtr;
311  typedef typename allocator::template rebind<Node>::other nallocator;
312  typedef typename nallocator::pointer NPtr;
313  inline Edge** construct(order_t k, height_t height, size_t *buf_size, Edge** edge_list, allocator alloc, nallocator nalloc);
314  inline void destroy(allocator alloc, nallocator nalloc);
315  typename nallocator::pointer child;
316  typename allocator::pointer head, tail, begin, end;
317  private:
318  static inline void fill_dflt(TPtr b, TPtr e, allocator alloc);
319  } edges[order];
320  inline Edge** construct(order_t k, height_t height, size_t *buf_size, Edge** edge_list, allocator alloc, nallocator nalloc);
321  inline void destroy(allocator alloc, nallocator nalloc);
322  };
323  typedef typename Node::Edge* stream_t;
324  typedef typename allocator::template rebind<stream_t>::other sallocator;
325  typedef typename sallocator::pointer SPtr;
326 public:
327  inline merge_tree(order_t k) : k(k), cold(true)
328  { construct(k); }
329  inline merge_tree(order_t k, const allocator& alloc) : k(k), cold(true), alloc(alloc), salloc(alloc), nalloc(alloc)
330  { construct(k); }
331  ~merge_tree();
333  static inline order_t min_order()
334  { return order; }
336  class stream
337  {
338  private:
339  stream_t edge;
340  public:
341  inline stream(stream_t edge) : edge(edge) { }
342  inline typename allocator::pointer& begin()
343  { return edge->head; }
344  inline typename allocator::pointer& end()
345  { return edge->tail; }
346  };
347  class stream_iterator
348  {
349  private:
350  SPtr ptr;
351  public:
352  inline stream_iterator(SPtr ptr) : ptr(ptr) { }
353  inline order_t operator-(const stream_iterator& rhs)
354  { return static_cast<order_t>(ptr-rhs.ptr); }
355  inline stream operator*()
356  { return stream(*ptr); }
357  inline stream_iterator& operator++()
358  { ++ptr; return *this; }
359  inline stream_iterator& operator++(int)
360  {
361  stream_iterator ret = stream_iterator(ptr);
362  ++ptr;
363  return ret;
364  }
365  inline bool operator==(const stream_iterator& rhs)
366  { return ptr == rhs.ptr; }
367  inline bool operator!=(const stream_iterator& rhs)
368  { return ptr != rhs.ptr; }
369  };
371  inline void add_stream(typename Alloc::pointer begin, typename Alloc::pointer end)
372  { (*last_stream)->head = begin, (*last_stream)->tail = end, ++last_stream; }
373  inline stream_iterator begin()
374  { return input_streams; }
375  inline stream_iterator end()
376  { return last_stream; }
377  inline void reset();
379  inline void set_refiller(const Refiller& r)
380  { refiller = r; }
381  inline const Refiller& get_refiller() const
382  { return refiller; }
383  template<class FwIt>
384  inline FwIt empty(FwIt begin, FwIt end)
385  { return empty_buffers(root, begin, end); }
386  template<class OutIt>
387  inline OutIt empty(OutIt begin)
388  { return empty_buffers(root, begin); }
390  template<class FwIt>
391  inline FwIt operator()(FwIt begin, FwIt end);
392  template<class OutIt>
393  inline OutIt operator()(OutIt begin);
394 private:
395  template<class FwIt>
396  static inline FwIt empty_buffers(NPtr n, FwIt begin, FwIt end);
397  template<class OutIt>
398  static inline OutIt empty_buffers(NPtr n, OutIt begin);
400  void construct(order_t k);
401  static void compute_buffer_sizes(size_type *b, size_type *e);
403  static inline void go_down(typename Node::Edge& e, Pred comp);
404  static inline void go_down_cold(typename Node::Edge& e, Pred comp);
406  static void warmup(NPtr n, typename Node::Edge& output, Pred comp);
408  template<class OutIt>
409  static inline OutIt copy(typename Node::Edge& de, OutIt begin, Pred comp);
410  template<class FwIt>
411  static inline FwIt copy(typename Node::Edge& de, FwIt begin, FwIt end, Pred comp, std::forward_iterator_tag);
412  template<class RIt>
413  static inline RIt copy(typename Node::Edge& de, RIt begin, RIt end, Pred comp, std::random_access_iterator_tag);
415  template<class OutIt>
416  static inline OutIt fill(NPtr n, OutIt begin, Pred comp)
418  template<class FwIt>
419  static inline FwIt fill(NPtr n, FwIt begin, FwIt end, Pred comp)
421 private:
422  order_t k;
423  order_t leaf_index;
424  bool cold;
425  NPtr root;
426  SPtr input_streams, last_stream;
427  Pred comp;
428  allocator alloc;
429  sallocator salloc;
430  nallocator nalloc;
431  Refiller refiller;
432 };
434 } // namespace iosort
436 #include "funnel.timpl.h"
437 #endif // FUNNEL_H_INCLUDED__
allocator::pointer tail
Definition: funnel.h:151
nallocator::pointer NPtr
Definition: funnel.h:147
bool operator==(const stream_iterator &rhs)
Definition: funnel.h:200
static height_t split(height_t h)
Definition: funnel.h:106
merge_tree(order_t k, const allocator &alloc)
Definition: funnel.h:164
order_t pow_of_order< 2 >(height_t h)
Definition: funnel.h:58
height_t logc(order_t k)
Definition: funnel.h:37
order_t pow_of_order< 8 >(height_t h)
Definition: funnel.h:64
bool operator==(const bfs_index< order > &rhs) const
Definition: funnel.h:79
static size_t switch_to_cache_aware()
Definition: funnel.h:104
order_t pow_of_order(height_t h)
Definition: funnel.h:51
static order_t prefered_order_output(diff_type N)
Definition: funnel.h:99
allocator::pointer TPtr
Definition: funnel.h:145
static order_t min_order()
Definition: funnel.h:168
void child(basic_order_t ch)
Definition: funnel.h:83
FwIt empty(FwIt begin, FwIt end)
Definition: funnel.h:219
std::iterator_traits< RanIt >::value_type value_type
Definition: funnel.h:128
unsigned short basic_order_t
Definition: funnel.h:33
unsigned short height_t
Definition: funnel.h:32
unsigned int order_t
Definition: funnel.h:34
bool operator()(const Merger *, FwIt, FwIt)
Definition: funnel.h:112
void add_stream(RanIt begin, RanIt end)
Definition: funnel.h:206
std::iterator_traits< typename Alloc::pointer >::value_type value_type
Definition: funnel.h:293
stream_iterator & operator++()
Definition: funnel.h:192
void set_refiller(const Refiller &r)
Definition: funnel.h:214
merge_tree(order_t k)
Definition: funnel.h:162
const Refiller & get_refiller() const
Definition: funnel.h:216
stream_iterator begin()
Definition: funnel.h:208
order_t operator-(const stream_iterator &rhs)
Definition: funnel.h:188
static order_t prefered_order_input(diff_type N)
Definition: funnel.h:102
bfs_index< order > operator=(const bfs_index< order > &rhs)
Definition: funnel.h:77
stream_iterator & operator++(int)
Definition: funnel.h:194
unsigned int order_t
Definition: funnel.h:124
allocator::template rebind< Node >::other::pointer child
Definition: funnel.h:150
allocator::template rebind< Node >::other nallocator
Definition: funnel.h:146
bool operator!=(const stream_iterator &rhs)
Definition: funnel.h:202
static size_t out_buffer_size(order_t k)
Definition: funnel.h:108
OutIt empty(OutIt begin)
Definition: funnel.h:222
void parent()
Definition: funnel.h:85
Definition: funnel.h:29
order_t pow_of_order< 4 >(height_t h)
Definition: funnel.h:61
Splitter splitter
Definition: funnel.h:127
basic_order_t child_index() const
Definition: funnel.h:87
order_t pow_of_order< 16 >(height_t h)
Definition: funnel.h:67
bool operator!=(const bfs_index< order > &rhs) const
Definition: funnel.h:81
merge_tree< iterator, order, splitter, predicate, NewRefiller, allocator > other
Definition: funnel.h:133
void add_stream(typename Alloc::pointer begin, typename Alloc::pointer end)
Definition: funnel.h:371
stream_iterator end()
Definition: funnel.h:210