Integrated person tracking using stereo, color, and pattern detection.
T. Darrell, G.
Gordon, M. Harville,
Interval Research Corp.
1801C Page Mill Road
Palo Alto CA 94304
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We present an approach to real-time person tracking in crowded and/or unknown
environments using multi-modal integration. We combine stereo, color, and
face detection modules into a single robust system, and show an initial
application in an interactive, face-responsive display. Dense, real-time
stereo processing is used to isolate users from other objects and people
in the background. Skin-hue classification identifies and tracks likely
body parts within the silhouette of a user. Face pattern detection discriminates
and localizes the face within the identified body parts. Faces and bodies
of users are tracked over several temporal scales: short-term (user stays
within the field of view), medium-term (user exits/reenters within minutes),
and long term (user returns after hours or days). Short-term tracking is
performed using simple region position and size correspondences, while
medium and long-term tracking are based on statistics of user appearance.
We discuss the failure modes of each individual module, describe our integration
method, and report results with the complete system in trials with thousands
of users.
A shorter version of this paper appears in Proceedings of the Conference
on Computer Vistion and Pattern Recognition, pp. 601-609, Santa Barbara,
June 1998
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Trevor Darrell