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Lecture #19 -- Mon 4/4/2011.

Warm-up Problem:

How many "Degrees of Freedom" (DoF)  are there for:
1.)  all cubic Bezier curves in the plane ?
2.)  all
circular disks in 3D space ?
3.)  all infinitely long straight lines in 3D space ?
4.)  the mechanical (2D) linkage shown at right ? 

Some Very Special As#8 Submissions:


The Classical Rendering Pipeline

For comparison: The 3 basic rendering models. 
The main transformation steps of the Classical Rendering Pipeline.

Scene Hierarchy --> Rendering Hierarchy
Put the Camera node "above" the World node.
Use inverse transformations whenever you need to move "upwards" in the scene tree.

Finding the proper sequence ...
We need to think about the exact order in which we want to do all the necessary operations:
-- culling, backface elimination, clipping, shading, rasterizing ...

General principles:
-- Do least expensive, most work-saving steps first.
-- Don't throw away information you may need later.

One Possible Practical 3D Rendering Pipeline

Some issues that need special consideration:

Viewing / Rendering

Rendering means to take a snapshot of a part of the World from the location of the eye or the camera.
I.e., we ask the question: "What does the world look like from the point of view of the camera?"
The key parameters of camera placement are its position (3 DOF) and orientation (3 DOF); ( These are the 6 DOF of a rigid body in 3D ).
This can be conveniently specified with a Look_at Transformation:
-- the position/origin of the new system (eye),
-- a  view reference point  that will lie on the -n-axis (vrp)
-- and an up vector that should project onto the v-axis in the uv-plane (up).

All this defines the View Reference Coordinate System (VRCS):
The VRCS has its origin at the camera lens,
its n-axis pointing through the lens straight into the camera,
its v-axis pointing (typically) upwards,
and its u-axis at right angle to both other axes, so as to form a right-handed coordinate system.

For the rendering process, we transform the parts of the world to be rendered into this new reference frame, and then project onto the image plane.

The desired transformation into the VRCS can most easily be computed by modifying the scene hierarchy so that the camera becomes its "root."
We then calculate the way the World lies in the camera system by inverting the compound matrix string that leads from the world to the camera.
Every instanced polygon in the scene can be described in the framework of the camera with a single compound matrix,
and we can easily determine whether it can be seen and how it would appear to the camera.

A technique similar to this Reverse Camera Path will be used when we will have to deal with the individual illuminations produced by one or more light sources:
We will make each one in turn temporarily the root of the hierarchy and determine how each polygon appears in that special reference coordinate system for a particular light, so that we can determine how much light from that source ends up on each polygon (and what might be shadowed).

Projections (~ "batch processing" of all the operations that were done with individual rays in ray casting).

In the simplest case we may use a Parallel-Projection Camera
In this case our 3D to 2D transformation is simply to ignore the z-coordinate values, once we have found the properly oriented VRCS.

But more often we will use a Perspective Projection
In this case, additional parameters to describe the camera are needed
"Focal length" --> determines the opening angle of viewing pyramid;
"Film or light sensor geometry" --> positioning and size of the imaging plane and the window of interest; also front and back clipping planes.
These camera parameters can be described with 6 numbers -- specifying a 3D "world window box" (left, right, bottom, top, far, near )
-- a rectangle in the plane z = -1, and 2 z-values for clipping planes (these will get normalized to the back and front faces of the canonical half-cube).
This leads to the

 "Unified" Camera Model

There are many different camera types and projection situations ...
How do you conveniently and unambiguously specify all required camera/viewing parameters ?

Qualitative Understanding of Perspective Projection

How does the final image change, as we change some of the parameters of the perspective projection ?
In the perspective case, the size of the image depends on the
distance between camera and original.
The key feature is that geometry further away gets reduced by the factor 1/distance.

The Complete (Perspective) Viewing Transformation

Rather than doing a real projection -- and thereby loosing the depth (ordering) information, we perform a 3D to 3D transformation
of the piece of the World that we are interested in into a canonical view volume where it is easy to do culling and clipping.

1.)  First we perform a shear operation (if necessary) to bring the center of the window n the n=-1 plane
      (which specifies the opening of the view frustum) onto the n-axis.

2.)  Then we perform a non-uniform scaling in all three axes so that the half-angles of the view frustum 
       in the x- and y-directions are set at 45 degrees, and so that the back clipping plane is brought to n=
3.)  This is all very similar to the case of parallel projection; but now comes the really nifty step:
The Perspective Transformation:
This is a clever 3D to 3D transformation (using homogeneous coordinates) that distorts the u and v dimensions in just the right way,
so as to achieve a proper perspective look, when we finally perform a parallel projection along the n-axis.
It also maintains all relative orderings in the n-direction, so that we can do hidden surface elimination later.

Furthermore, it keeps the back clipping plane (B) at the n=-1 plane, and it moves the front clipping plane (F) to the n=0 plane.
[ Shirley takes an intermediate step and keeps (B) and (F) in the same place; this yields a simpler "perspective matrix" Mp ]
Now we have the whole view volume mapped into the same canonical half-brick as in the case of a parallel projection.
In general, it maps the point {x, y, z, 1} into {x, y, (z
- zmin)/(1 + zmin), -z} .
It also maps the eye to infinity.
Furthermore, rays through the eye become parallel; and parallel lines converge in a point called the Vanishing Point.

Finally: The Actual Projection to 2D:
Once we have everything of interest within the canonical half-cube, doing the projection to 2D is trivial:
Just set the z-coordinate to zero !

Reading Assignments:

Shirley: [ 2nd Ed: Ch.7, Ch.12
Shirley: { 3rd Ed: Ch.7, Ch.8   }

Programming Assignment #9:
May be done in pairs;
due (electronically submitted) before Friday April 8, 11:00pm

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