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Lecture #18 -- Wed 3/30/2011.

Warm-up Problem:

Write out the Jacobian
for the 3-link spider leg
with repect to height H
of its end effector above
the ground plane.

Theta1 = Theta2 = 90 degrees.


Some useful high-school geometry  (for forward and for inverse kinematics):

Joints, Articulated Skeletons, Forward and Inverse Kinematics (cont.)

Solutions for Inverse Kinematics, Finite Differencing, CCD

Compound Rotations, Angle Interpolation in Animation, Quaternions

Skinning;  Deformations Near Moving Joints

More information in the specifications of Assignment#9 and in the Discussion Sessions

Discussion of Midterm Exam (cont.: pages 5 and 6)

If you find any grading problems, please describe the problem on the back of the exam, or on a separate sheet of paper,
and hand the exam back to me;  I will then take a second look at that problem.

Comments on last question. Review of reflection, refraction, raytracing. Nice demo of Snell's law.

Recap on:  Surface Decoration

Reading Assignments:

Notes on Forward and Inverse Kinematics
Shirley: [ 2nd Ed: Ch 16.2.2  and  16.4.0
Shirley: { 3rd Ed: Ch 17.2.2  and   17.4.0 }

Programming Assignment #9:
May be done in pairs;
due (electronically submitted) before Friday April 8, 11:00pm

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