1996 AIMA Full Log Information

Here is a table of the number of accesses (or "hits") to individual AIMA web pages, by month, for January and February 1996. Unfortunately, as of March 1996, Berkeley changed the format of their log files, so we no longer have information on all hits. The name listed under "URL" is the part of the URL that comes after "http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~russell/" (except of course for "TOTALS" and "ALL OTHERS"). JAN FEB | Total | URL 9922 9402 | 19324 | TOTALS 1238 1127 | 2365 | aima.html 1144 1089 | 2233 | aima-cover.gif 458 386 | 844 | index.html 436 372 | 808 | sr.gif 330 369 | 699 | code.html 321 376 | 697 | prog.html 319 303 | 622 | code 284 237 | 521 | instructors.html 222 172 | 394 | courses.html 169 166 | 335 | competing.html 161 167 | 328 | norvig.html 149 177 | 326 | ai.html 176 145 | 321 | paip.html 183 127 | 310 | paip-cover.gif 134 129 | 263 | summary.html 135 103 | 238 | adoptions.html 123 83 | 206 | new.html 119 82 | 201 | contents2.html 105 88 | 193 | rugs.html 120 69 | 189 | figures 106 70 | 176 | figures.html 88 87 | 175 | code/code.tar.Z 118 54 | 172 | aima-bib.html 84 87 | 171 | errata.html 106 49 | 155 | code/index.txt 42 107 | 149 | code/search 17 125 | 142 | classes/cs188/guide.html 71 68 | 139 | comments.html 56 76 | 132 | holder/code 68 64 | 132 | clarify.html 59 65 | 124 | code/agents 59 39 | 98 | code/aima.lisp 38 56 | 94 | code/README 21 72 | 93 | code/search/algorithms 49 42 | 91 | contact.html 52 33 | 85 | holder 31 45 | 76 | code/utilities 27 46 | 73 | holder/code/holder 48 24 | 72 | s96.html 40 31 | 71 | defs.html 41 29 | 70 | surveys.html 39 30 | 69 | phai.html 33 34 | 67 | holder/code/russell-norvig 10 52 | 62 | code/search/domains 14 48 | 62 | code/planning 29 32 | 61 | aima-index.html 35 26 | 61 | papers/hpc-ml.ps 38 22 | 60 | aima-big-cover.gif 46 13 | 59 | papers/ijcai95-apn.ps 33 26 | 59 | impressions.html 26 33 | 59 | code/logic 34 24 | 58 | preface.html 32 25 | 57 | code/language 38 14 | 52 | papers/mini94f-education.ps 26 26 | 52 | paip-preface.html 24 25 | 49 | questionnaire.html 25 23 | 48 | code/learning 24 21 | 45 | code/agents/basic-env.lisp 8 36 | 44 | code/search/problems.lisp 26 18 | 44 | paip-comments.html 9 35 | 44 | code/planning/snlp 19 25 | 44 | code/TAGS 25 18 | 43 | ph-logo.gif 15 28 | 43 | code/uncertainty 21 22 | 43 | holder/code/bratko 24 18 | 42 | ai-logo.gif 28 14 | 42 | holder/lectures 29 13 | 42 | form.html 27 14 | 41 | njit-schedule.html 15 23 | 38 | code/agents/vacuum.lisp 21 15 | 36 | aima-bib.bib 18 17 | 35 | classes/cs289/cs289.html 4 31 | 35 | holder/code/holder/wumpus2.pl 6 28 | 34 | code/search/agents.lisp 9 25 | 34 | code/search/games.lisp 16 17 | 33 | contents1.html 18 15 | 33 | paip-courses.html 10 23 | 33 | code/utilities/utilities.lisp 16 16 | 32 | luv-slides.ps 9 23 | 32 | code/search/algorithms/simple.lisp 15 17 | 32 | holder/code/learning 18 11 | 29 | holder/hws 16 13 | 29 | full-log.html 14 14 | 28 | code/agents/test.lisp 14 14 | 28 | code/agents/grid-env.lisp 8 20 | 28 | code/search/algorithms/minimax.lisp 13 15 | 28 | code/agents/wumpus.lisp 8 19 | 27 | papers/ijcai95-cnt.ps 10 16 | 26 | code/search/algorithms/csp.lisp 24 2 | 26 | figures/fig01.01.ps 5 21 | 26 | code/search/test.lisp 15 10 | 25 | holder/exams 8 17 | 25 | code/utilities/queue.lisp 11 12 | 23 | holder/lectures/rn2 6 16 | 22 | code/search/algorithms/iterative.lisp 4 18 | 22 | code/planning/snlp/snlp.lisp 6 16 | 22 | code/utilities/binary-tree.lisp 10 11 | 21 | topics.html 10 11 | 21 | papers/ijcai95-bat.ps 6 15 | 21 | code/search/algorithms/repeated.lisp 12 9 | 21 | belief-root.ps 3 18 | 21 | code/planning/snlp/plan-utils.lisp 4 17 | 21 | code/planning/snlp/domains.lisp 12 8 | 20 | holder/docs 6 14 | 20 | code/utilities/test.lisp 5 14 | 19 | code/search/algorithms/ida.lisp 16 3 | 19 | papers/jair-bo.ps 10 9 | 19 | pages2 8 10 | 18 | code/uncertainty/algorithms 14 4 | 18 | figures.tar.gz 3 15 | 18 | code/planning/snlp/variable.lisp 5 13 | 18 | code/planning/snlp/snlp.system 9 9 | 18 | code/learning/algorithms 13 4 | 17 | holder/lectures/b1 4 12 | 16 | code/search/domains/route-finding.lisp 3 13 | 16 | code/search/algorithms/sma.lisp 8 8 | 16 | holder/exams/outline1 8 8 | 16 | logs.html 11 5 | 16 | holder/exams/e1.tex 12 4 | 16 | papers/aaai94-tracking.ps 11 5 | 16 | papers/aij-anytime.ps 2 13 | 15 | code/search/domains/ttt.lisp 4 11 | 15 | code/search/domains/nqueens.lisp 3 12 | 15 | code/search/domains/cannibals.lisp 9 6 | 15 | classes/cs188/cs188.html 1 14 | 15 | paip-errata.txt 9 6 | 15 | code/learning/agents 5 10 | 15 | code/utilities/cltl2.lisp 6 8 | 14 | papers/tr94-apn.ps 3 11 | 14 | code/search/domains/tsp.lisp 2 12 | 14 | code/search/domains/path-planning.lisp 9 5 | 14 | njit-outline.ps 6 8 | 14 | holder/code/holder/wumpus1.pl 6 7 | 13 | holder/exams/exam1.soln 2 11 | 13 | code/search/domains/vacuum.lisp 3 10 | 13 | code/search/domains/puzzle8.lisp 11 2 | 13 | figures/fig03.01.ps 7 6 | 13 | alt-competing.html 6 7 | 13 | code/learning/domains 6 6 | 12 | node1.html 5 7 | 12 | code/uncertainty/agents 9 3 | 12 | holder/lectures/rn3 1 11 | 12 | figures/fig06.15.ps 6 6 | 12 | holder/code/holder/agents.pl 10 2 | 12 | figures/fig02.01.ps 3 8 | 11 | holder/lectures/concls 8 3 | 11 | holder/lectures/rn11 6 5 | 11 | code/logic/shopping.lisp 3 8 | 11 | holder/code/holder/utils.pl 7 4 | 11 | figures/fig04.16.ps 3 7 | 10 | holder/exams/exam2.soln 1 9 | 10 | code/search/domains/cognac.lisp 6 4 | 10 | code/language/problem.lisp 5 5 | 10 | code/uncertainty/domains 5 5 | 10 | code/uncertainty/algorithms/dp.lisp 5 5 | 10 | papers/ijcai95-cnt-talk-bandw.ps 7 3 | 10 | figures.tar.Z 6 4 | 10 | holder/lectures/b11 6 4 | 10 | ow.ps 4 6 | 10 | holder/code/learning/foil.readme 3 7 | 10 | holder/code/holder/math.pl 4 6 | 10 | holder/code/holder/grammar2.pl 9 1 | 10 | figures/fig02.03.ps 876 640 | 1516 | ALL OTHERS
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